Mechanical Separations: Unit Operation
Mechanical Separations: Unit Operation
Mechanical Separations: Unit Operation
Mechanical separation of particles from a fluid uses forces
acting on these particles. So the separating action depends on
the character of the particle being separated and the forces on
the particle which cause the separation. Mechanical separations
can be divided into four groups;
liquid- liquid-
liquid liquid
liquid-gas liquid-gas
In setting and sedimentation the particle are separated from the
fluid by gravitational forces acting on the particles .
Free setting : when a particles is at a sufficient distance from the
walls of the container and from other particles so that its fall is
not affected by then .( The ratio of the particle dia. to the
container dia. is less than 1/200 or if the particle cen. is less than
0.2vol % in the solid ) .
Hindered setting : when the particles are crowded , the settle
alower rate . The separation of a dilute slurry or suspension by
gravity setting in a clear fluid and a slurry of higher solids
content is called sedimentation .
Gravitational sedimentation
Reminal falling ( setting ) velocity of a particle
Forces Balance :
Fb Fd
= + .
( − ) = .
( − ) = .
6 4 2
( )
= terminal falling ( setting )
: density of fluid ( kg / m3 )
CD : dreg coeff.
g : gravitational acc. ( m/ s2)
Where :
. =3
. . =3
= → = for (Re)p < 0.2
( )
( )
= ( for non-spherical particle )
: sphericity