Aps Ig R9 1 022013
Aps Ig R9 1 022013
Aps Ig R9 1 022013
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Publication Information
Release: Infor XA 9.1
Publication date: February 26, 2013
Page iii
To the reader
To the reader
This book contains the information you need to use APS Integration in conjunction with Release 6.1 of the Infor
Supply Chain Management (SCM) application, formerly known as Thru-Put Manfuacturing. SCM is
a stand-alone application to be installed on an NT server. The APS Integration provides a conduit for
transporting information to and from SCM, while SCM provides the engine and tools for developing
concurrent material and capacity plans. You will need to read the Supply Chain Management
Concepts Guide and Supply Chain Management User’s Guide to understand that application.
For a complete list of the books in the XA library, see the bibliography on the
documentation CD.
Summary of changes
The book has been reformatted from the APS Bridge User’s Guide to match the new design of APS
Page v
APS Integration includes the MRP application at no additional charge, and both
applications must be installed on the System i using the normal XA Cross
Application Support (CAS) process. XA CAS, IM, and either PDM or EPDM are
required. Either PCC or REP can provide the interface to the shop floor for plan
execution. And COM/CSM, EC, FCST, ISL/MISL, KBC, OBPM, and PUR/PM are all
supported as they interface to MRP.
APS Integration provides three basic connections between SCM and XA:
• The ERP information required for planning and scheduling is provided to SCM.
• The SCM planning and scheduling results are provided to ERP for
• In COM customer order entry, a capacity and material tested delivery date is
provided by SCM (using the Capable To Promise [CTP] function) for reliable order
promising to customers.
Page 1-2
Introducing APS Integration
Information Flow
We will discuss the planning cycle in these three phases:
1. Preparation for Planning: Most information used in planning is maintained in XA
Production facility information, product definition and item
planning parameters, forecasted and/or actual demand, and current inventory
balances and supply orders are all managed on the System i. Planning calendars
and most planning control parameters are maintained on the SCM PC.
APS Integration allows you to define and maintain on the System i some data used
in SCM not currently maintained in other ERP for System i applications. It allows
you to maintain forecasts and customer orders from a source outside ERP for System i,
for use in SCM planning. And it allows you to maintain APS Integration
control parameters on the SCM PC.
2. Planning: Information from the System i is downloaded to the SCM database, and
the plan is generated. The plan includes changes to the scheduled delivery of
customer orders, planned production and purchase orders for release, exceptions
for action for open orders, and operation schedules for all planned and open
production orders. The plan is uploaded to theSystem i, and the ERP database is
updated based on the APS Integration control parameters. In all cases, the plan
is loaded into the MRP planning files, so that you can use all the ERP for System i
functions that work with the MRP plan.
APS Integration manages the download and upload of information, and the
processing done on the System i after planning, based on the settings of the
integration control parameters.
3. Implementing the Plan: As the SCM plan is in the MRP files, you can use all the
functions on the MRP Order/Schedule Release and Review menu to implement
the plan. You can also use Order Based Production Management (OBPM),
specifically the MRP Recommendations object.
APS Integration uses the SCM operation schedules for planned manufacturing orders
to schedule operations as manufacturing orders are released in MRP or OBPM.
Customer order delivery dates are determined in SCM planning, typically done daily,
and in most cases overnight. But if you have to quote a realistic delivery date before
your customer will place an order, you can use the Capable To Promise (CTP)
function in COM order entry to get an achievable date from SCM based on the current
plan, and the required capacity and materials. If the SCM promised date is accepted,
an order is reserved in SCM, to ensure accurate responses to future CTP requests.
APS Integration manages the connection between COM and SCM, to make the CTP
request of SCM, return the date to COM, and to reserve the order in SCM.
As you release new manufacturing orders in MRP or OBPM, the SCM operation
schedules for planned manufacturing orders are used to schedule the operations.
This chapter covers how to install each product on the respective system, and the
unique steps on the SCM PC required to manage the integration between the two
systems, namely:
• Creating an ODBC data source
• Setting the integration control parameters in the iSeriesIntegration.ini file
• Enabling Capable To Promise (CTP), for customer order promising during order
Note: System i connection software required. The PC running SCM must be
connected to the System i running APS Integration by an Open Database Connection
(ODBC) data source.
Use Client Access Express, Version 5, Release 1 or later to create this ODBC
connection on the PC.
APS Integration requires MRP, and both applications must be installed on the System i
using the normal XA Cross Application Support (CAS) process. IM and either PDM or
EPDM are required for MRP. See the current XA CAS documentation.
options for download, upload, Capable To Promise (CTP), and debugging. The
parameters, and options available for each, are explained below.
Note: If you are not using the SCM web components, your installation is
complete, and you are ready to test, or plan, using your iSeries (System i) warehouse.
4. Create an Application Server if you want to run Capable to Promise, or use other
SCM web components.
See “Enabling Capable To Promise (CTP)” for additional information on enabling
Capable To Promise.
5. If required, set up SCM for multiple plants (SCM term)/warehouses (System i term),
as described in the SCM documentation. This will result in a separate folder with a
separate config.ini file, SCM database, and iSeriesIntegration.ini file for each
warehouse, allowing you to control and run the warehouses separately, and with
different options if required.
6. Other steps, as required, depending on what additional features or components of
SCM you are using.
Page 2-3
Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
To create the data source on the SCM PC, select Start > Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC), to display the following ODBC Data
Source Administrator window:
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
Select the System DSN tab, and click the Add button to display the Create New Data
Source window:
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
Select Client Access ODBC Driver, and click Finish, to display the Client Express
ODBC Setup window.
On the General tab, enter a Data source name, and select the appropriate system
from the available System i systems.
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
In the Default user ID section, select Use the user ID specified below, and type in the
ID, and click OK.
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
On the Server tab, select the System naming convention (*SYS), type AMALIBx in
SQL default library, where x is the first character of the ERP environment ID. Type
QGPL in Library list.
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
On the Translation tab, select Convert binary data (CCSID 65535) to text.
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
If you want to print a joblog of the System i download and upload jobs, on the
Diagnostic tab, select Print Joblog at disconnect.
Parameter Options
ISeriesDataSourceName Name of the ODBC data source to the iSeries (System i)
ISeriesUserId A valid XA user ID
ISeriesPassword The password for the user ID
ISeriesEnv The two-character XA environment ID
ISeriesWarehouse The three-character warehouse ID
The parameters in the [Download] section control, most importantly, whether APS /
SCM is active on the System i and planning the warehouse, and whether SCM runs
order board matching, and if not, what customer sales order date is downloaded to
planning. See The Planning Process in Chapter 3 for additional information on
activating APS Integration and downloading.
Parameter Options
APSActive 0 Default. APS Integration is not active in the warehouse.
1 Activate APS Integration in the warehouse (the next
2 Deactivate APS Integration in the warehouse (the next
DownloadMode 0 Default. Test: SCM can download and plan, but cannot
upload the plan to the System i. You can test download and
planning in this mode while planning the warehouse with
another technique.
1 Plan: Normal operation. APS must be active in the
LoadItemProcess 0 Default, and only option currently supported by the SCM
engine. If EPDM is active, download only the current
primary item process for an item.
PrintAuditReport 1 Default. Print download errors only.
0 Print no download audit reports.
2 Print complete download audit reports.
LongOperMinHours 0000008 Default (all seven digits are required). The
minimum number of hours for a long running operation. In
progress operations with setup or run time per batch equal to
or greater than this value will have Jobs In Progress (“JIP”)
records downloaded for more accurate scheduling. See Jobs
In Progress in Appendix A for more details.
Page 2-11
Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
Parameter Options
OrderBoardMatch 1 Default. Yes, order board matching is done, to minimize
disruption between planning runs. See the SCM Concepts
book for additional information.
0 No, order board matching is not done.
IfNoMatchSendRequest If order board matching is not done, the date sent to SCM as
the customer order promise date. See Sales in Appendix A for
more details.
0 Default. No, send the date first promised by SCM:
For customer orders scheduled by SCM: original
manufacturing due date; For customer orders not yet
scheduled by SCM: (current request date minus ship lead
1 Yes, send the date requested for all customer orders:
(current request date minus ship lead time).
The parameters in the [CTP] section control how purchased components are used in
CTP processing. See “Customer order scheduling and CTP” for more information.
Parameter Options
SCMCheckPurchaseMaterials 1 Default. Use minimum MRP lead time for all purchased
materials. See Item in Appendix A for more details.
0 Ignore purchased materials.
2 Use typical MRP lead time for all purchased materials.
SCMPlantName The name you gave the plant when you created the
SCM Application Server
SCMDaysToExpire When a customer order is CTPd and entered with the
CTP date, APS Integration enters a reserved order into
SCM, to reserve capacity against future CTP requests.
In the next planning run, SCM replaces the reserved
order with the actual customer order. If the customer
order is canceled before the next planning run, the
reserved order will not be replaced, as no customer
order is present. This parameter ensures that obsolete
reserved orders get deleted when they are not replaced
with a customer order.
5 Default. Number of days in which the reserved
order expires.
SCMCharacterSetId The coded character set identifier (“CCSID”) of the SCM PC,
used for data conversion in System i run remote command
processing in CTP. The value here is sent by the System i as a
parameter on run remote commands.
*CALC Default. The PC determines the CCSID to use.
1-65535 A valid CCSID value.
Page 2-12
Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
The parameters in the [Upload] section control the processing done as the SCM plan
is uploaded to the System i.
Parameter Options
UpdateOpenWorkOrders 0 Default. No update of “work orders” (manufacturing orders
and REP schedules).
1 Update priorities and dates in open manufacturing orders
and REP schedules from the SCM schedule.
UpdateCOMCOPromiseDate 0 Default. No update of promise date in COM customer
1 Update the promise date only the first time it is planned by
2 Update the promise date every time it changes.
UpdateCOMCODueDate 0 Default. No update of manufacturing due date in COM
customer orders.
1 Update the manufacturing due date only the first time it
is planned by SCM.
2 Update the manufacturing due date every time it changes.
UpdateUserCODates 0 Default. No update of user customer orders.
1 Update dates in the user customer orders per the options
above for COM customer orders
AutoCreateWorkOrders SCM checks component availability for planned orders during
planning, and planned orders with all components available
have 1 / Yes in the “Components available (SCM)” field in the
OBPM MRP Recommendations object. This field is used with
the two options below (1 if the item … code is 1, and 2) that
create orders only if all components are available.
0 Default. Create no “work orders” (manufacturing orders
and REP schedules).
1 Create work orders flagged for release based on the item
warehouse manufacture auto release code. The code has
the following options:
0 No auto release
1 Auto release if all components are available
2 Auto release.
2 Create work orders flagged for release if all components
are available.
3 Create all work orders flagged for release.
AutoCreateWOShopPacket 0 Default. Print no shop packets.
1 Print shop packets when creating manufacturing orders.
AutoCreatePurchaseOrders 0 Default. Create no purchase orders and requisitions.
1 Create purchase orders and requisitions flagged for
release based on the item warehouse purchase auto
release code. The code has options 0 through 7, and
processing is described in the MRP User’s Guide, Chapter
6, Option 7 Auto-Release Purchase Orders.
AutoCreateIntersiteOrders 0 Default. Create no intersite orders.
1 Create intersite orders flagged for release if the item
purchase auto release code is 2 or greater, or the item
manufacture auto release code is 1 or greater.
2 Create all intersite orders flagged for release.
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
Parameter Options
AdjustOpStartForCurrentDate 1 Default. Ensure that no manufacturing operation start date
is before the MRP current date.
0 Use the SCM Don’t Do Before date as the manufacturing
operation start date.
AdjustOpStartForPrevOpStart 1 Default. Ensure that no manufacturing operation start date
is before the previous operation start date.
0 Use the SCM Don’t Do Before date as the manufacturing
operation start date.
AdjustOpComplForPrevOpCo 1 Default. Ensure that no manufacturing operation
mpl completion date is before the previous operation
completion date.
0 Use the SCM operation completion date as the
manufacturing operation completion date.
The parameters in the [Debug] section control whether data files are written on the
Parameter Options
CreateDataFiles 0 Default. Do not create data files on the SCM PC.
1 Write download and upload data in files on the SCM PC.
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
On the SCM PC, select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Double click on the Client Access Express Remote Command service, to see its
On the General tab, select Automatic for Startup type, click Start under Service status,
and click OK.
In order to make CTP requests while entering customer orders in COM, you must
• Set the the user data default “Automatic available to promise” in COM
• Create an SCM server for the plant
• Enter the plant name into the SCMPlantName parameter in the CTP section of
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
• Load, or start, the SCM plant, per the SCM documentation, to handle the
Note that unattached job AXATGU runs on the System i to create the reserved orders.
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Installing SCM 6.1 and APS Integration
Page 3-1
Managing APS Integration
Neither AVP nor SCM downloads calendars, so you must maintain calendar
information on the System i and the planning engine.
AVP and SCM define only the capacity/units for the facility, not for each shift, so
the largest capacity/units is used.
Queue times
SCM defines three queue times a facility can have. If it is a drum, it can have a
typical queue time and a minimum queue time. If it is not a drum, it can have a
forced queue time. The standard queue time is downloaded into the typical queue
time and the forced queue time, so it is available whether the facility is a drum or
not. The input buffer hours is downloaded into the minimum queue time. AVP
does not define drums, and uses typical queue and minimum queue times.
Item/product information
Item definition is used, including the lead time code (make or buy), bill of material and
routing if make, and purchase lead times if buy. Item warehouse codes let you control
whether certain kinds of item demand are used in planning: Plan customer orders
code, for customer orders from COM, CSM, COM_Net, and so forth, Plan expected
customer orders, for expected customer orders from EC, and Forecast code, for
forecasts from FCST. You can also propagate either forecasts or requirements using
the Master level forecast code and three associated fields. Order planning
parameters, including number of days supply, and order minimum, multiple and
maximum quantity modifiers are used in planning order quantities. Key differences
between MRP, AVP and APS/SCM are:
Page 3-2
Managing APS Integration
Combining requirements
AVP and SCM use the Combine customer orders option, specified for the
warehouse in MRP Planning Run Execution Options, but do not combine
requirements according to the item warehouse Combine requirements code.
Master level items:
Master level items
AVP and SCM honor the master level item code, but treat all non-blank master
level item codes as M (multiple source).
Order planning
SCM uses the same order planning parameters (days of supply, and order
minimum, multiple, and maximum quantity modifiers) as MRP does. As a result,
SCM plans order quantities almost exactly as MRP does for order policy codes A
– Discrete, D – Fixed quantity, G – Time periods of supply, and H – Discrete
above a minimum. Download sends the proper data in Aggregation period and
Minimum lot, based on the order policy code, to accomplish this.
The order maximum is used differently by SCM for manufactured and purchased
items. For manufactured items, if the quantity required exceeds the order
maximum, the order is planned for the order maximum, and order planning
restarts with the remaining quantity required. For purchased items, if the quantity
required exceeds the order maximum, the order is planned for the quantity
required, and an exception is issued.
Manufacturing order lead times
SCM does not use the item manufacturing lead time, but schedules work orders
dynamically, based on the quantity, resources and components required, and
whether any of the production resources is a drum. See the SCM documentation
for further information.
Purchase time fences
AVP and SCM do not use the Firm time fence or the Authorized time fence, but
flag purchase orders for release only if their start date is on or before the
(warehouse horizon) Release date.
Order rescheduling
SCM does not use the order, item or warehouse reschedule control information.
Work orders are scheduled when required, and appropriate exceptions are issued
for early or late purchase orders.
Schedule controlled (REP) items
SCM plans schedule controlled items using a single operation routing based on
the information in the item line (ITMLIN) record for the primary production line for
the item. The production line is the work center for the operation. So the schedule
is planned as one step. If an item has multiple item lines, and PDM is active, an
alternate routing operation is downloaded for each alternate item line. This helps
you see during planning when you can offload a planned REP schedule to
another production line. After planning, REP schedules can optionally be
automatically created (not released), and they can also be created and
maintained in Enter and Maintain Schedules, as they are with MRP.
KBC items
SCM identifies KBC-configured items using a unique item number composed of
the item number and a 7-digit sequence number for each configuration of the
item. Download uses this unique number to send all information for the
configuration: an item, bill and routing, the customer order line item, and, when
released, the open manufacturing order. Manufacturing orders for KBC items
must be released in Inventory Management Order Entry and Order Release, as
with MRP. The sequence number is visible only on the planning engine, not on the System i.
Page 3-3
Managing APS Integration
Forecast consumption
SCM consumes, or blends, forecast demand with customer sales demand, and plans
for the customer sales demand plus only the unconsumed forecast. It consumes
forecast on a monthly basis, and by smaller periods within a month if the forecast is in
smaller periods. Consider the example of a monthly forecast submitted as 25 per
week for four weeks. If a customer order is booked for 55 in the third week of the
month, SCM consumes the forecast of 25 for the third week, then goes toward the
beginning of the month, consuming the 25 for the second week, and finally consumes
5 of the 25 for the first week. As a result, it plans for 20 the first week, 55 on the date
of the customer order, and 25 the fourth week. If the order had been for 83, after the
entire forecast of 25 for the first week were consumed, SCM would then go towards
the end of the month to consume the remaining 8, and would plan for 83 for the
customer order and 17 the fourth week.
FCST stores forecasts by periods defined in the calendar for the warehouse, and
loads forecast to MRP (where they are used by APS Integration), on week-beginning
dates, either by week or by period, based on a FCST tailoring question. If your FCST
periods are not calendar months, the first week-beginning date in a FCST period may
not always be in a new calendar month. As SCM consumes forecast on a monthly
basis, if your FCST periods are not months, you should answer the FCST tailoring
question so that forecasts are converted to weekly forecasts at least through your
longest cumulative material lead time, and longer if desired, to ensure satisfactory
forecast consumption by month.
SCM can consume forecasts in three ways, and provides three additional item
attributes to control this. The three attributes are defined in the “Item (PPITEM)”.
If there are many finished products, made from relatively few components that must
be forecast, you can forecast only the components. Enter forecasts only for the
Page 3-4
Managing APS Integration
components, not finished products. Enter a Family ID (FMID in PPITEM) of FULL for
the components, to specify that the forecast for this item is to be consumed by any
customer order (CO) that requires that item, either directly or as a component. SCM
consumes a forecast by a CO only when there is a forecast, and the Family ID of the
forecast allows it. When a CO is entered for a parent item with no forecast, SCM
explodes the CO through the item BOM, until it finds an item with a forecast with a
Family ID that allows it, and the component quantity required consumes the
component forecast.
To enter and consume forecasts by product family, define a Planning bill item, a
special type of item that cannot be built, but can help you forecast components for a
family of products. Let’s say we define Planning bill item P, for family P of products.
Define a BOM for P, with the Components to be forecast, say items C, D and E with
the average quantity used in a Finished product in the P family, say items F, G and H.
Items F, G and H all are real items that are sold, built and shipped, and so have BOMs
and routings that use components C, D and/or E, in different quantities and
combinations. Note that the finished products F, G and H are not in the planning bill
for item P.
• For item P, type in 1 in Planning bill item (PLNB in PPITEM).
• For finished product items F, G and H, type in P in Forecast family ID (PRTF in
PPITEM: identify customer orders for this item with this forecast family, that is,
consume only forecasts for this family).
• Enter the forecast for item P, not for the specific products sold (F, G and H). As
item P is a planning bill item, its forecast, for Family P, is exploded through its
BOM until a (non-phantom) item (for example, C, D and E) is found, and a
forecast, for the exploded quantity, is entered for that item, and identified as for
Family P.
As customer orders are entered for products F, G or H, as they have no forecast,
SCM explodes the CO quantity, identified as Forecast family P, through the BOM,
and the component quantity required consumes the first forecast found for Family
P, in this case for components C, D and E.
Note that a second planning bill item, say item L, can be defined for a second
family L, say with finished products M, N and O, and those products could also
use components C, D or E.
- For item L, type in 1 in Planning bill item (PLNB in PPITEM).
- For finished product items M, N and O, type in L in Forecast family ID (PRTF
- Enter the forecast for item L, not for the specific products sold (M, N and O).
As item L is a planning bill item, its forecast, for Family L, is exploded through
its BOM until a non-phantom item (for example, C, D and E) is found, and a
forecast, for the exploded quantity, is entered for that item, and identified as
for Family L.
As customer orders are entered for products M, N or O, as they have no
forecast, SCM explodes the CO quantity, identified as Forecast family L,
through the BOM, and the component quantity required consumes the first
forecast found for Family L, in this case for components C, D and E – not the
forecast for those parts for Family P, which is only consumed by sales of
products in Family P.
Page 3-5
Managing APS Integration
Forecast demand
APS Integration downloads two types of demand to SCM as both forecast demand
and customer demand. No forecast from the preceding sources is consumed by this
• Intersite orders, both planned and open. InterSite Logistics (ISL/MISL) records
intersite shipments as inventory transfers, not sales. Intersite demand is not
included in forecast (based on sales), so you must plan it in addition to forecast.
• User master level item requirements entered in MRP Maintain Master Level Item
Schedules or propagated from fields in the Item Warehouse object and Item
Balance file. You can enter special demand of any type and have it directly affect
the plan in addition to forecast, as requirements do in MRP.
SCM also plans safety stock in addition to any other forecast or customer demand,
just as it plans the preceding two types of demand.
Unconsumed forecast
APS Integration shows the total forecast in Forecast Demand, and after planning, it
shows only the unconsumed forecast in Requirements (identified as Forecast
Requirements – FCR or FCST REQ). Only the unconsumed forecast is used in
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Managing APS Integration
The download and upload processes manage the MRP requirements (REQMTS) file,
so the MRP displays and reports show only unconsumed forecast as forecast
requirements. Download deletes all types of forecast requirements records:
• Source (RQSOR) is 6 or 7
• Origination (RQORG) is 1, 6, or 20 or greater
• Customer order ID (RQCID) is blank.
Although APS Integration uses MRP to view forecasts, APS Integration handles
forecasts differently than MRP does. FCST loads the same forecasts to MRP files in
the FCST Forecast Load to Master Schedule, based on the frozen, firm, and free
period days you specified in FCST Forecast Control. APS integration treats the FCST
data differently in two ways:
• APS Integration uses the forecasts, not the forecast requirements. Download
deletes all forecast requirements and upload rebuilds them with only the
unconsumed forecast.
• APS Integration does not delete forecasts as they become past due, that is, prior
to the MRP Current Date. Forecasts are retained for the entire month, and used in
SCM forecast consumption.
As SCM consumes forecast on a monthly basis, forecast and customer sales data is
downloaded for the entire current month, even the part of the month that is past. So
the forecast for the entire month is always downloaded, as are customer orders
already shipped that were promised for delivery this month, along with all unshipped
customer orders and future forecasts.
APS Integration shows forecast similarly to the way MRP shows it. The total forecast
from all sources appears in Forecast Demand. Only the forecast used in planning
appears in Requirements. The difference is that SCM consumes forecast to
determine the forecast used in planning and APS Integration updates the MRP
requirements file with the results.
Supply information
APS Integration downloads the following data for the three types of supply accepted
by SCM:
• Inventory: On hand quantity for the warehouse and associated demand
warehouses, excluding inventory identified as non-nettable
• Workorders: Open manufacturing orders, and released and unreleased REP
schedules, with component and operation requirements and status
• Purchase orders: Open purchase order line items, line item blanket releases,
purchase requisitions, and intersite orders.
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Managing APS Integration
The following MRP warehouse planning parameters are used just as they are in MRP:
• Planning Horizon Dates, to set the planning “base date” (Current Date), to
determine planning exceptions, and to define the supply order review horizon:
- Start Date
- Current Date
- Release Date
- Review Date.
• Planning Run Execution Options, to control combining of COM customer orders,
clearing of quantity sold, source of demand tracking, rescheduling of canceled
orders, contracts in purchase auto release, and safety stock timing:
- Combine customer backlog orders
- Clear quantity sold with extract
- Maximum demand sources to track
- Track demand sources for on hand quantity
- Cancel exception code
- Contract required for auto release
- Safety stock lead time.
Note: SCM plans as of the MRP Current Date, as the Planning Horizons, listed
above, are all based on that date. This allows you to build a plan today for tomorrow,
or the next working day if a weekend. Note, however, that the MRP Current Date
should be set to only the current date or the next working day, as the SCM assumes
that it is scheduling as of today.
SCM planning does not interface to MPSP, always plans all (planned) items in a
warehouse, extracts independent demand if COM is interfacing to MRP, always
extracts all requisitions, always reschedules open production orders as required by
demand, and never reschedules open purchase orders, so a number of MRP
planning parameters are not used:
• Planning Run Execution Options:
- Level to plan master level items
- Warehouse, item, and order reschedule codes
- Minimum days to reschedule orders
- Rescheduling frozen zone
- Due date in past automatic rescheduling options (3)
- Extract requisitions.
SCM does not combine requirements while planning, so the item warehouse combine
requirements code is not used. Requirements can be summarized for printing using
the MRP Period Intervals.
Page 3-9
Managing APS Integration
SCM always plans all allocations to manufacturing orders and REP schedules as time
phased, based on the operation where used, and the planned production schedule for
that operation. The Time-phased allocations option in Planning Run Execution
Options, and the Allocation days in Maintain Horizon Values control whether
allocations are stored as requirements in the MRP REQMTS file (scheduled as they
are in MRP), and therefore how they appear on MRP displays and reports, and are
treated in component availability checking during manufacturing order release in MRP
and OBPM.
You control auto release of manufacturing, purchase and intersite orders after
planning via Upload options in the iSeriesIntegration.ini file on the SCM PC. See
“Implementing the plan”.
You activate (and deactivate) both AVP and APS in a warehouse the same way:
1. Setting an option in a control file on the planning engine (for AVP, the
APDataLink.ini file; for APS, the iSeriesIntegration.ini file; see Chapter 2)
2. Planning the warehouse, to set on (or off) a flag in the AVP/APS control file on the
iSeries (System i), to establish that application as planning the warehouse.
Deactivating APS Integration in a warehouse (set APS Active to 2 and plan in test
• If AVP was not previously active in the warehouse, restores the MPSP item
codes, and sets off the flag in the APS control file, to permit MRP and APS Bridge
to plan the warehouse
• If AVP was previously active in the warehouse, “Re-Activates” AVP, permitting it to
plan the warehouse.
Note that forecast and forecast requirements are handled differently in MRP, AVP and
APS, so if you change from one to the other – or back – you should run FCST Load to
Master Schedule to refresh the MRP REQMTS file for the new application.
Ideally you should test APS/SCM in a separate environment before you activate it in
your operational environment, so you can activate it and save and upload the plan
and work with it in MRP or OBPM as you will in operation, before you go live.
Downloading to SCM
Planning must first download the information required from the System i. When you run
SCM DBUtil with System i Integration activated in SCM, it performs the following steps:
1. Opens an ODBC to the System i.
2. Runs a System i procedure to extract demand data into MRP work files, and
extract all the System i data required for SCM planning into ERP work files (see
Appendix A)
3. Loads the planning data to the SCM database.
The download parameters are defined in “Download” in Chapter 2 and are discussed
When APS Integration is active, and you run with DownloadMode set to 1-Plan, APS
Integration establishes job conflicts with the following ERP jobs from download start
until upload completion:
• MRP Maintain forecast
• MRP Maintain MLI requirements
• MRP Maintain horizon values
Page 3-11
Managing APS Integration
The PrintAuditReport parameter allows you to see reports of errors that prevent data
from being downloaded to planning. See Appendix C for the possible error messages.
See “Customer order scheduling and CTP” to see how the download
OrderBoardMatch and IfNoMatchSendRequest parameters fit into SCM customer
order scheduling.
User exit
APS Integration provides a user exit UXADNL01, called if present on the System i,
in download after the PPI* files are built on the System i and before they are loaded
by DBUtil to the SCM database.
Once DBUtil has loaded the System i planning data to the SCM database, the SCM
synch engine, using the functions selected, loads the data into memory, consumes
forecast with customer orders, and builds the detailed plan and schedule to satisfy the
demand. When the plan is complete, and Write schedule pass is performed, it writes
the plan/schedule to the SCM database, and uploads the information required to
implement that plan to the System i.
Uploading to ERP
As the information is uploaded to the iSeries (System i), APS Integration:
1. Loads the planning results into the MRP planning work files, and runs the last
steps in MRP planning to:
• Load the MRP files from the work files
• Create the Order Review file for use in MRP/OBPM review and release of all
needed supply orders
• Print MRP reports as specified in the MRP Planning Run Report options.
2. If the iSeriesIntegration.ini upload parameter UpdateOpenWorkOrders is 1 -
Update, updates open manufacturing orders and REP schedules with scheduled
dates, priorities, and offloaded facilities for unstarted operations, from the SCM
3. Updates COM and user customer orders as specified in the iSeriesIntegration.ini
upload parameters UpdateCOMCOPromiseDate, UpdateCOMCODueDate and
UpdateUserCODates. See “Customer order scheduling and CTP” for details.
Page 3-12
Managing APS Integration
See the “Integration Control – iSeriesIntegration.ini” for all the parameters and
See Appendix B for the details of the iSeries (System i) information updated from planning.
User exits
APS Integration provides two user exits in upload:
• UXAUPL02, called if present on the System i, after data is sent from SCM to
the System i and processed.
You can use either MRP or Order Based Production Management (OBPM) to review
and create required manufacturing, purchase and intersite orders that were not
automatically created in upload.
You can use either MRP or OBPM to check component availability for manufacturing
orders being released. As discussed in the previous section, SCM performs a
component availability check during planning, and the Components available (SCM)
field in the MRP Recommendations object in OBPM shows the results, and is
available to you while creating manufacturing orders in OBPM.
You can use either MRP or OBPM to create, expedite, or defer purchase and intersite
orders as required.
You can enter and maintain REP schedules as you do with MRP.
You can define and send purchase planning schedules to suppliers, either printed,
faxed, or via EDI if you have Electronic Commerce (EC).
1. SCM does not support firm planned orders, so firming a planned order in MRP
or OBPM has no effect, as firm planned orders are discarded during the next
planning run.
2. SCM schedules the operations for all open and planned manufacturing orders,
and for planned orders, APS Integration updates the manufacturing orders with
that schedule data as the order is released. So if you change the quantity, date, or
if EPDM is active the item process as you release the manufacturing order, the
order is updated with SCM data previously determined in planning, so can be
incorrect until the next plan. The order will be rescheduled as required in the next
SCM plan, and updated along with other open orders from that plan.
If an order is entered interactively in COM, and you use Capable to Promise (CTP)
against the current memory-resident SCM plan, you can have SCM determine the
Page 3-14
Managing APS Integration
earliest ship date, as above, while you are entering the order. In fact, when you make
the CTP request, APS Integration adds the order shipment lead time to the SCM
scheduled build date, and displays the promised delivery date. If the order is entered
with the CTP date, the SCM scheduled build date is loaded into both the original and
the current manufacturing due date, and the scheduled delivery date is loaded into
both the original and the current promise date in the order line item release record,
and a Promised using CTP with APS flag is set in the record (as is the Scheduled by
APS flag). A reserved order is also entered into the SCM plan to prevent double
booking of forecast or capacity by future CTP requests.
If the ordering customer does not need the item until a specific date, that date can be
entered into the CTP request, and SCM will determine the earliest date it can build the
item on or after the requested date.
CTP requests will be rejected if the order has a COM hold code that is filtered from
planning using the MRP Maintain Customer Order Filters function.
For orders entered without using CTP, APS Integration always downloads (latest
requested date minus ship lead time) as the order date, so that SCM can match the
order if it was previously planned.
When an order is entered in COM with the CTP date, the Promised using CTP flag is
set in the order, and a reserved order is created in SCM. In this case, APS Integration
Page 3-15
Managing APS Integration
downloads the original manufacturing due date for the order, which matches the date
in the reserved order. If the customer changes his requested date, or increases the
order quantity, COM/CSM sets off the CTP flag, and APS Integration downloads
(latest requested date minus ship lead time) as the order date, to have SCM
reschedule the changed order.
For a variety of reasons, you can have SCM reschedule all orders by not using order
board matching. You select whether to use order board matching by setting the
download OrderBoardMatch parameter (1 = Yes [default], 0 = No). Depending on the
reasons for this, you may want SCM to schedule using:
• The SCM previously scheduled dates
• The current requested dates.
Whenever SCM plans a date that does not match the currently scheduled date in the
order, APS Integration writes a record in the Customer order upload file (see
Appendix B).
You can also have APS Integration upload the revised dates directly back into the
customer order records after SCM planning, by setting two parameters in
• UpdateCOMCOPromiseDate: controls whether the current promise (delivery)
date is updated from planning;
0 (default) No update
1 Updates the date only the first time SCM plans the order
2 Updates the date every time the SCM plan date changes
• UpdateCOMCODueDate: controls whether the current manufacturing due (ship)
date is updated from planning;
0 (default) No update
1 Updates the date only the first time SCM plans the order
2 Updates the date every time the SCM plan date changes.
Page 3-16
Managing APS Integration
User customer orders, that you maintain (see Appendix D), are planned by SCM just
like orders in the COM files. APS Integration tracks whether the user order was
scheduled, and you control whether promise dates or manufacturing due dates are
updated from planning by the UpdateUserCODates parameter in
0 (default) No update
1 Update user customer order dates using the two parameters for COM
Page A-1
Data downloaded to SCM
SCM plans an item only if the item has an MRP order policy (not B or C) and is not a
kit, miscellaneous or service item, or an APC/Cameleon item. If KBC is installed,
download creates a unique item number for each KBC configuration on a customer
order and each component in a KBC bill that also has a KBC bill of material. It does
this by appending a sequence number to the item number in order to create a unique
item number for the item and its associated data. These items, bills, and routings are
extracted from the KBC configuration files.
Routing (PPIRTG)
If PDM is active, the routing for each manufactured item is sent from ROUTNG. If
EPDM is active, the routing is sent from RTGOPR for each item process sent. No
routing is sent for a phantom item. For REP items, a one-step (0001) routing is sent
using data from the item line (ITMLIN) records for the item. With PDM active, the item
line for the primary production line in the item balance is used, and if an item has
additional item line records, they are used to send alternate operations. With EPDM
active, the item line for the current primary item process is used. If there are multiple
item lines for the item process, and one is the primary production line in the item
balance, that item line is used for the routing. If none of the lines is the primary
production line, the first item line found is used for the routing.
Workcenter (PPIWKC)
If PDM is active, the facilities are sent from the WRKCTR file. If EPDM is active, the
facilities are sent from FACMST.
Forecast (PPIFCS)
Forecasts are sent for the following types of records in the requirements file. Most
forecast records are retained until the end of a month, for use by SCM forecast
consumption, which works by calendar month. The last four types of records,
however, have corresponding sales records, as they represent demand to be planned
“in addition to normal consumption of forecast by sales”. These records – and the
matching sales records – are dropped from the requirements file following normal
MRP rules.
Sales (PPICOM)
Sales are sent for the following types of records in the requirements file. Customer
orders from COM, etc. are planned only if they are not “held” using a COM hold code
filtered from planning in MRP.
Sales are also sent for shipped customer orders promised in the current month, from
the COM history files and the user customer order file, for use by SCM forecast
consumption, which works by calendar month. At the beginning of a month, sales are
also sent for customer orders shipped on or after 4 days before the last download, to
ensure accurate SCM drum scheduling in resynch and performance analysis. These
sales records are sent directly from these files, and ERP source is not given for these.
Inventory (PPIINV)
On-hand inventory is sent from ITEMBL. If the non-nettable enhancement (SH61773)
is active, non-nettable inventory is excluded. On-hand inventory is sent for items other
than KBC configurations. Once a KBC configuration is built, it should be received and
shipped, as the configuration cannot be identified in stock. The customer order shows
a demand for the item number including the 7-position sequence number and the on-
hand (supply) shows the base item number without the sequence number.
In either case, “work” may be proceeding, but “quantity complete” is not increasing, so
the engine would, without this data, schedule more time than is required to complete
the operation. JIP data is in addition to the basic data sent for all order operations in
the Workorder Routing.
The user specifies a Long Operation Minimum Hours (default = 8) option in download
to define operations eligible for JIP processing. A JIP record is sent only if the
operation is in progress, has a positive quantity remaining, and the setup time or run
time per batch is equal to or greater than the Minimum Hours specified.
For time basis codes except C, setup and runtime remaining are calculated based on
hours reported to date. This assumes the job is performing according to standards,
adjusted for standard efficiency.
For time basis code C, setup and runtime remaining are calculated based on the time
elapsed since the previous operation completion (or the job start date, if this is the first
operation). This assumes the job is progressing as scheduled. No reporting is
expected until the job is received back from the vendor.
Purchase (PPIPUR)
All open purchase order line items (POITEM and POBLKT), purchase requisitions
(REQHDF), and open intersite orders (XFRORD) are sent.
MOROUT and MODATA records for REP schedules are updated using existing REP
function, based on the schedule date. Updates for MOROUT and MODATA records
for manufacturing orders are shown in the next tables.
• Bills of materials
number Error text Comments
AMM0111 (E) Calculated quantity per must be This component record is
greater than zero. not downloaded.
AMM0112 (W) Calculated quantity per was sent
with a loss of data.
AMM0113 (E) Operation sequence contains non- The Planning Engine only
numeric characters. works with numeric
operation sequence
numbers as noted below
in Routings.
AMM0114 (W) Operation where used is not found
in the routing file.
AMM0115 (E) Component bill of material is not Refers to KBC items.
referenced in a parent bill of material.
• Routings
number Error text Comments
AMM0116 (E) Production facility is not found.
AMM0113 (E) Operation sequence contains non- The Planning Engine only
numeric characters. works with numeric
operation sequence
numbers. This operation
was not downloaded.
AMM0117 (E) Routing parent number is not found Refers to KBC items.
in the bill of material.
AMM0121 (E) No routing was sent for item With PDM active, an item
******************** because no item line line is required to send a
exists for primary production line *****. routing.
AMM0122 (E) A primary item process for item With EPDM active, an
******************** was not sent item line is required to
because no item line record exists for send an item process.
Page C-2
Download error messages
• Production Facilities
number Error text Comments
AMM0100 (I) Maximum capacity is zero. Maximum utilization was set to
AMM0101 (W) Overtime rate was sent with a
loss of data
AMM0102 (I) Maximum capacity exceeds Maximum utilization was set to
100%. 100%.
• Inventories
• Manufacturing orders
number Error text Comments
AMM0113 (E) Operation sequence contains The Planning Engine only
non-numeric characters. works with numeric operation
sequence numbers. This
operation was not
AMM0123 (E) Component has the same item The component was not
number as the parent in MOMAST. downloaded.
• REP schedules
number Error text Comments
AMM0110 (E) Item line record does not exist. The unreleased REP
schedule was not
AMM0120 (W) Item line record needs review. The unreleased REP
schedule was downloaded,
but the item line must be
valid before the schedule
can be released.
AMM0123 (E) Component has the same item The component was not
number as the parent in MOMAST. downloaded.
Page D-1
Additional SCM Data
You can maintain the first two files from transactions you supply in a file.
You can maintain the other three files any way you want, as APS Integration does not
provide any user interface to these files.
The following section describes how you maintain these files. In all cases, you are
responsible for the accuracy of the information in these files. APS Integration
performs basic edits on the transactions used to maintain the first two files, as
discussed below, but you must keep the files accurate, especially the user customer
orders, which must be updated in synch with inventory, to keep planning in synch.
User Customer Orders and Forecasts..................................................................... D-1
User-controlled files................................................................................................. D-5
Field Dec.
Field description Field name type From To pos.
Transaction type
[1=Add, 2=Change, 3=Delete] BOTRTP A 1 1
Company number BOCONO S 2 3
Customer order BOCORD A 4 10
Item sequence number BOITSQ S 11 17
Warehouse BOHOUS A 18 20
Item number BOITNB A 21 35
Unshipped Order Quantity BOBQTY S 36 45 3
Shipped Quantity BOSQTY S 46 55 3
Request Date BOBDAT S 56 61
Promise Date BOPRMD S 62 67
Selling price BOSLPR P 68 87 8
Customer number BOCUSN S 88 95
You must maintain the unshipped quantity in this file in synch with inventory shipped
for the order, otherwise planning will replan the demand in error.
SCM requires shipped customer orders to be downloaded at least once after they are
shipped, for accurate drum schedules and performance analysis, so you should for at
least one planning cycle, leave the record in the file with the quantity shipped.
If you are consuming forecast in SCM, both shipped customer orders and forecasts
for the entire month should be downloaded throughout the month for best results.
Page D-3
Additional SCM Data
User Forecasts
APS Integration uses the User Forecast file only if XA FCST is not installed and
interfacing to MRP. If XA FCST is interfacing to MRP, and you have user forecasts,
you must load those directly into the MRP REQMTS file, either interactively using
MRP Maintain Forecast (Menu AMMM10, Option 1), or by a user program (See
Chapter 3, “Managing APS Integration“).
Field Dec.
Field description Field name type From To pos.
Transaction type OFTRTP A 1 1
[1=Add, 2=Change, 3=Delete]
Warehouse OFHOUS A 2 4
Item number OFITNB A 5 19
Period Beginning Date OFPRBD S 20 25 0
Forecast Quantity OFFQTY S 26 32 0
If you are consuming forecast in SCM, both shipped customer orders and forecasts
for the entire month should be downloaded throughout the month for best results.
APS Integration during planning deletes records in this file for months earlier than the
current month, as they are not used by SCM.
Page D-4
Additional SCM Data
What to do
Type in the information required and press Enter. Either error messages appear, or
the requested action is performed and you are returned to the command line.
Function keys
Select one of the following. Type a number that indicates the type of maintenance
you want to perform.
1 Edit only
2 Edit and update.
Offline file name. Type the name of the file that has the offline load transactions.
Offline file library name. Type the library name in which the offline file resides.
Page D-5
Additional SCM Data
Select option for update. Type a number that indicates how you want to handle the
records after the file is processed.
0 Retain all offline records
1 Retain only error records
2 Delete offline file
User-controlled files
You maintain these three files in any way you choose. For example, you can:
• Use the System i Data File Utility (DFU)
• Use the XA DSPFILE tool
• Use the XA Integrator
• Write a user program.
This file provides three additional item attributes used in SCM forecast consumption.
Download generates a record in this file for each item planned. You enter / maintain
the attributes where required.
Field Explanation
Warehouse (WHID) (Key)
Item number (ITNB) (Key)
Family ID (FMID) Applies to forecasts for an item:
Blank (default) Consume forecast only by customer orders
directly for this item
FULL Consume forecast by any customer order
that uses the item, either parent or component
FamilyName Consume forecast by any customer order for
an item in this forecast family.
Field Explanation
Item number (ITNB) (Key)
Operation sequence number (Key)
Batch size, 3 decimals (BTSZ) The number of units run at once. Used only for operations
with time basis code of C or H
Routing family ID (RTGF) Major setup family
Minor family ID (MINF) Minor setup family
Minor setup time in minutes, 2 Setup time if the operation follows an operation in the
decimals (MINS) same major setup family but a different minor setup family
Cleanup time in minutes, 2 Time, after running the operation, required for the facility to
decimals (CLTM) be ready for the next operation (setup or run).
Purchased items are now planned on the engine in stocking unit of measure (as they
are in MRP). For purchased items, purchase unit of measure and purchase
conversion factor are not sent to the engine, and item minimum and multiple are sent
in stocking unit of measure.
APS Bridge Putback transaction tailoring is not used. The item warehouse
manufacture and purchase auto release codes can control by item, whether
manufacturing, purchase and intersite orders flagged for release during planning are
created automatically after planning. See “Uploading to ERP”.
Load/download and Putback/upload are not initiated from the System i, but from the
synch engine planning process. Intermediate download and upload datafiles on the
PC are now optional. SQL is used to transfer data between systems; FTP is not
All integration controls for a warehouse are in the iSeriesIntegration.ini file on the
SCM PC. APS Bridge Interface Control file and the APSCTL Data Area are not used.
See “Integration Control – iSeriesIntegration.ini”.
Page E-2
If APS Bridge is Running
Set the MRP planning horizons (Menu AMMM20, Option 1), to control the planning
date, and release and review horizons for working with the plan output (replaces the
APS Bridge Interface Control Release horizon parameter).
Set the MRP safety stock lead time option as desired (Menu AMMM20, option 4), to
select the value sent in item Planning fence, used in SCM safety stock processing
(replaces item Days per forecast period sent by the APS Bridge).
Set most other integration control parameters (now in interface control and the
APSCTL Data Area) for the warehouse in the iSeriesIntegration.ini file on the synch
engine PC. See “Integration Control – iSeriesIntegration.ini”.
Before you plan a warehouse using APS Integration, activate the FCST to MRP
interface and run FCST Load to Master Schedule to load the forecast to the MRP
REQMTS file.
In both APS Bridge and APS Integration, if you do not use FCST, you can supply user
forecasts in the Period forecast file. With APS Bridge, those forecasts can be:
Consume forecast: Yes Consumed by customer orders and only unconsumed
forecast planned
Consume forecast: No Planned regardless of, or in addition to, customer orders.
In APS Integration, forecasts are always consumed by customer orders. If you have
demand you want planned in addition to customer orders, you can enter requirements
in MRP. You can also supply that demand as user customer orders. See “User
customer orders, supplied from an external source”.
If you currently supply forecasts that you want consumed, you can:
1. Still use the offline load from the APS Bridge. In APS Integration, you can run the
forecast offline load using command MNTAPSUFC. The same option screen is
presented as in the APS Bridge. See Appendix D, “Additional SCM Data”. See
Footnote a.
2. Still do this if you have a user program that loads the Period forecast file
(OLPFCS) directly, as that file is still used in APS Integration.
3. If you have a user program, change your program to load user forecast records
directly into the MRP requirements file (REQMTS), as APS Integration loads all
forecast and unshipped customer order demand into that file. If you change your
user program, when you have loaded your forecast into the MRP REQMTS file,
delete the forecast records in the Period forecast file to avoid duplicate forecasts.
In both APS Bridge and APS Integration, regardless of whether you use COM, CSM,
etc. to enter and manage customer orders, you can supply user customer orders in
the Customer order backlog file. If you currently do this, you can:
1. Still use the offline load from the APS Bridge. In APS Integration, you can run the
customer order offline load using command MNTAPSUCO. The same option
screen is presented as in the APS Bridge. See Appendix D, “Additional SCM
Page E-5
If APS Bridge is Running
2. Still do this if you have a user program that loads the Customer order backlog file
(OLCSBL) directly, as that file is still used in APS Integration.
3. If you supply only unshipped quantities in the user customer orders, and you have
a user program, change your program to load user customer order records
directly into the MRP requirements file (REQMTS), as APS Integration loads all
forecast and unshipped customer order demand into that file. If you change your
user program, when you have loaded your customer orders into the MRP
REQMTS file, delete the customer orders in the Customer order backlog file, to
avoid duplicate orders.
If you filter customer orders with specified COM hold codes from planning, before you
plan using APS Integration, you must enter the COM hold codes to be filtered using
MRP menu AMMM10, option 8, as the APS Bridge file is not used in APS Integration.
The user-controlled TP* files providing additional SCM data have been replaced by
PP* files:
• TPPLAN and TPFCST are replaced by a single PPITEM file, with only the
required fields, and family Ids expanded from 13 to 15 characters
• TPROUT is replaced by PPROUT, with family Ids expanded from 13 to 15
characters, and minor setup time and cleanup time stored in minutes, not
• TPSEQS is replaced by PPSEQS, with family Ids expanded from 13 to 15
characters, and minor setup time stored in minutes, not seconds.
To copy and convert the data from the APS Bridge files into the APS Integration files,
three commands are provided:
CPYAPSITM “WHS”, where “WHS” is the warehouse, for the PPITEM file
These commands clear the data in the PP* file (for PPITEM, just for the one
warehouse), then copy the data from the TP* file(s) into the PP* file. You should copy
the files before your first APS Integration test, and again if you make changes to the
file/s in the APS Bridge. This lets you maintain the data in the APS Bridge while you
are using it, and copy the files changed to APS Integration as required.
APS Bridge allows you to call Load and Putback from a user program, and provides
user exits in each:
AXAEXT0C: initiates extract/load, can be called from a user program
UXAEXT01: user exit in load after TPI* files are built on System i and before they
are sent to the SCM engine as described in “Planning and scheduling”
UXAEXT02: user exit in load after files are sent to the SCM engine and DbUtil is
Page E-6
If APS Bridge is Running
UXAPBK01: user exit in putback when System i connects to the SCM engine and
before any processing
UXAPBK02: user exit in putback after data is sent from the SCM database to the System i
and processed.
APS Integration initiates download and upload from the SCM engine, so you must set
up/customize your process on the engine, as described in “Planning and scheduling”,
including any changes you require to the format files on the SCM engine.
UXAUPL01: exit in upload when the SCM engine connects to the System i and
before any processing
UXAUPL02: exit in upload after data is sent from the SCM database to the System i
and processed.
As SCM 6.1 and APS Integration provide significant new function and usability, you
should test APS/SCM in a separate environment before running it in your operational
environment, to ensure all the new capabilities are in place and understood, and
working as desired.
This glossary defines terms that are important for this application. It does not include
all XA terms nor all terms established for your system. If you do not find
the term you are looking for, refer to the Index in this book or to glossaries in other XA
client. On a local area network or the Internet, a computer that accesses shared
network resources provided by another computer (called a server). See also client/
server architecture, server.
download The transfer of planning input from the System i database to the planning
engine database.
FTP. Acronym for File Transfer Protocol, the protocol used for copying files to and
from remote computer systems on a network using TCP/IP, such as the Internet.
This protocol also allows users to use FTP commands to work with files, such as
listing files and directories on the remote system.
horizon. A span of time from the current or system date to some future point in time.
upload The transfer of planning results from the planning engine to the System i
database, and associated processing as specified in ISeriesIntegration.ini.
Page IN-1
Actions you must take E-3
Activating APS integration 3-9
Additional SCM Data D-1
Automating and customizing E-5
Bill of Material (PPIBOM) A-5
Bill of Material (PPIBOM) file A-5, C-1
Both forecast and customer sales demand 3-6
Capable To Promise (CTP) for Customer Orders 1-4
COM customer order line item release (MBADREP) B-3
Connecting SCM and XA 2-10
Considerations for maintaining this file for use with SCM D-2
Creating an ODBC data source 2-3
CTP 2-11
CTP for KBC items 3-14
Customer order scheduling and CTP 3-13
Customer order update (PPCOWK) B-2
Customer sales demand 3-5
Bill of Material (PPIBOM) A-5
Forecast (PPIFCS) A-10
Inventory (PPIINV) A-13
Item (PPIPRT) A-2
Item Process (PPIPRC) A-4
Jobs in Progress (PPIJIP) A-18
Purchase (PPIPUR) A-20
Routing (PPIRTG) A-6
Sales (PPICOM) A-11
Warehouse Control (PPIPLN) A-21
Workcenter (PPIWKC) A-8
Allocation (PPIMOD) A-15
Heading (PPIMOM) A-14
Routing (PPIMOR) A-16
Data downloaded to SCM A-1
Data uploaded to ERP B-1
Debug 2-13
Demand and forecast consumption 3-3
Differences between APS Bridge and APS Integration E-1
Download 2-10
data files
Inventory (PPIINV) A-13
Jobs in Progress (PPIJIP) A-18
Purchase (PPIPUR) A-20
Warehouse Control (PPIPLN) A-21
Page IN-2
Enabling Capable To Promise (CTP) 2-14
error messages C-1
bills of materials C-1
inventories C-2
items C-1
manufacturing orders C-2
production facilities C-2
routings C-1
facilities, production C-2
Fields D-4
Bill of Material (PPIBOM) A-5
Forecast (PPIFCS) A-10
Inventory (PPINV) A-13
Item (PPIPRT) A-2
Item Process (PPIPRC) A-4
Purchase (PPIPUR) A-20
Routing (PPIRTG) A-6
Sales (PPICOM) A-11
Warehouse Control (PPIPLN) A-21
Workcenter (PPIWKC) A-8
Workorder Allocation (PPIMOD) A-15
Workorder Heading (PPIMOM) A-14
Workorder Routing (PPIMOR) A-16
Forecast (PPIFCS) A-10
Forecast (PPIFCS) file A-10
Forecast consumption 3-3
Forecast demand 3-5
Forecasts from Forecasting (FCST) E-4
Function keys D-4
Handling purchased items in CTP 3-14
If APS Bridge is Running E-1
Implementing the Plan 1-4
Implementing the plan 3-13
Information Flow 1-2
Information provided on the SCM PC 1-3
Information used In SCM planning 3-1
Information used in SCM planning 1-2
Page IN-3
Jobs in Progress (PPIJIJP) file A-18
Jobs in Progress (PPIJIP) A-18
Managing APS Integration 3-1
Manufacturing Order / REP Schedule Master (MOMAST) B-4
Manufacturing Order Component (MODATA) B-5
Manufacturing Order Routing (MOROUT) B-4
manufacturing orders C-2
materials, bills of C-1
error C-1
bills of materials C-1
inventories C-2
items C-1
manufacturing orders C-2
production facilities C-2
routings C-1
MRP Demand reference (DMDREF) B-1
MRP Planned orders (PLNORD) B-1
MRP planning parameters 3-8
MRP Requirements (REQMTS) B-1
MRP Reschedule activity work (RACWRK) B-2
Offline file library name D-4
Offline file name D-4
Order board matching 3-14
Order board matching = no 3-15
orders, manufacturing C-2
Planning and scheduling 3-11
PPIBOM file A-5
PPICOM file A-11
PPIFCS file A-10
PPIINV file A-13
PPIJIP file A-18
PPIMOD file A-15
PPIMOM file A-14
PPIMOR file A-16
Page IN-4
Routing (PPIRTG) A-6
Routing (PPIRTG) file A-6
Routing operation (PPROUT) D-6
routings C-1
Sales (PPICOM) A-11
Sales (PPICOM) file A-11
Select one of the following D-4
Select option for update D-5
Setup Sequence (PPISEQ) A-9
Setup sequence (PPSEQS) D-6
Supply information 3-7
The planning process 1-4, 3-9
Unconsumed forecast 3-6
Updating customer orders from SCM planning 3-15
Upload 2-12
Uploading to ERP 3-11
User customer order (OLCSBL) B-3
User Customer Orders D-2
User customer orders 3-16
User Customer Orders and Forecasts D-1
User customer orders, supplied from an external source E-4
User Forecasts D-3
User forecasts, supplied from an external source, and consuming forecasts E-4
User Interface Differences E-2
User-controlled files D-5
User-controlled TP* files (See Appendix D) E-5
Warehouse Control (PPIPLN) A-21
Warehouse Control (PPIPLN) file A-21
What APS Integration does 1-1
What Supply Chain Management (SCM) does 1-1
What reports are printed D-5
What to do D-4
Workcenter (PPIWKC) A-8
Workcenter (PPIWKC) file A-8
Page IN-5
Allocation (PPIMOD) file A-15
Heading (PPIMOM) file A-14
Routing (PPIMOR) file A-16
Workorder Allocation (PPIMOD) A-15
Workorder Heading (PPIMOM) A-14
Workorder Routing (PPIMOR) A-16
Page IN-6