5725-Article Text-20053-1-10-20210320
5725-Article Text-20053-1-10-20210320
5725-Article Text-20053-1-10-20210320
International Journal of
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1. CASE REPORT left sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses, the left sella dorsum and suspiciously
extends to the left cavernous sinus. Abdominal ultrasound examination
A 57-year-old man was referred to RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin showed no visible metastatic nodules. Based on medical history, physical
Palembang in September 2020. The patient presented with complaints of examination, and radiology imaging, nasopharyngeal carcinoma was
obstruction in both noses (especially in the left nose), headache, nosebleeds, obtained. Histopathology results showed a differentiated non keratinizing
headache, runny nose with yellowish white discharge, there is no decrease squamous cell carcinoma in the nasopharynx. Patient diagnosed with NPC
in smelling, and no lumps on both sides of the neck. The patient also WHO II stage III (T3N0M0) and planned 6 cycles of chemotherapy with
complained of reduced hearing in the left ear with no history of discharge carboplatin and docetaxel regimen every 3 weeks per cycles, chemotherapy
from the ear. The complaints have been felt since 5 months ago. He had a starts from October 2020 to February 2021. On February 13th, 2021, during
previous history of smoking and drinking alcohol. his last cycles, his blood result showed that he was anemic (Hb 8.6 gr/dl)
On physical examination, the general condition was good. Patient and leukopenia (WBC 2890 mcl). Patient administered to the hospital and
was full alert, blood pressure was normal at 120/80 mmHg, pulse was 82 we treated the patient with transfusion with 400 cc of PRC and filgrastim
x/minute, temperature and breathing within normal limits, and there is no injection. The patient showed response after the treatment and continued
sign of difficulty in breathing. Neck examination showed no lumps or with cycle 6th of chemotherapy. The patient showed good condition after
enlarged lymph nodes in both necks. No abnormalities were found on ears undergoing chemotherapy and was discharged and prescribed with oral
and throat examination. Furthermore, the patient underwent an anterior medicine for home treatment. The patient has been undergoing six cycle of
rhinoscopy, which showed a mass invading both of nasal cavity with lots of chemotherapy and showed good condition, despite experiences occasional
serous secretion. The mass looked brittle and bleeding easily. We performed nausea and malaise.
a tele nasoendoscopy examination, showing a mass in the nasopharynx that
extends into the right and left nasal cavity. We performed a biopsy in the
Copyright © International Journal of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Published by Talenta Publisher, ISSN: 2656-9027 e-ISSN: 2656-9035 DOI: 10.32734/ijnpc.v3i01.5725 25
International Journal of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (IJNPC) Vol. 03, No. 01, March, 2021 | 25-27
International Journal of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (IJNPC) Vol. 03, No. 01, March, 2021 | 25-27
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3. CONCLUSION 3-weekly cisplatin versus 3-weekly carboplatin in patients with
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Chemotherapy management in this patient is similar to the
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management of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and has given a good response
to the patient. One of the standard treatment options for LA-NPC is to add
IC to CCRT for NPC therapy. Carboplatin and docetaxel could be used as
an alternative regimen and showed a similar efficacy with other
chemotherapy regimens and have a better tolerability.