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International Journal of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (IJNPC) Vol. 03, No.

01, March, 2021 | 25-27

International Journal of
Journal homepage: https://talenta.usu.ac.id/IJNPC

Carboplatin and Docetaxel Chemotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Case Report

Denny Satria Utama
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract Article Info

Introduction: Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) is a squamous cell malignant tumor that usually occurs Article history:
in the lateral wall of the nasopharynx near the area of the eustachian tube. NPC is often found in southern Received: 28th February 2021
Asia. In head and neck areas, NPC is one of the top five malignant which has the highest frequency Received in revised form: 14th March 2021
tumours in Indonesia. Accepted: 16th March 2021
Case report: We reported a case of a 57-year-old man with complaints of obstruction in both noses,
accompanied by headache. Based on medical history, physical and Radiology examination, we concluded Keywords:
that he was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma WHO II Stage III (T3N0M0). Histopathology Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, chemotherapy,
revealed a differentiated non keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma in the nasopharynx. Six cycles of carboplatin, docetaxel
carboplatin and docetaxel regimen as an induction chemotherapy were planned for this patient. The patient
*Corresponding author:
then performed a nasoendoscopy followed by nasopharyngeal CT scan evaluation and showed a good
response after Chemotherapy. Address: RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin,
Conclusion: Carboplatin and docetaxel chemotherapy management in this patient was given according Palembang, South Sumatra, 30126, Indonesia
to the management of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and has given a good response to the patient. e-mail: dennyutama77@gmail.com

1. CASE REPORT left sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses, the left sella dorsum and suspiciously
extends to the left cavernous sinus. Abdominal ultrasound examination
A 57-year-old man was referred to RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin showed no visible metastatic nodules. Based on medical history, physical
Palembang in September 2020. The patient presented with complaints of examination, and radiology imaging, nasopharyngeal carcinoma was
obstruction in both noses (especially in the left nose), headache, nosebleeds, obtained. Histopathology results showed a differentiated non keratinizing
headache, runny nose with yellowish white discharge, there is no decrease squamous cell carcinoma in the nasopharynx. Patient diagnosed with NPC
in smelling, and no lumps on both sides of the neck. The patient also WHO II stage III (T3N0M0) and planned 6 cycles of chemotherapy with
complained of reduced hearing in the left ear with no history of discharge carboplatin and docetaxel regimen every 3 weeks per cycles, chemotherapy
from the ear. The complaints have been felt since 5 months ago. He had a starts from October 2020 to February 2021. On February 13th, 2021, during
previous history of smoking and drinking alcohol. his last cycles, his blood result showed that he was anemic (Hb 8.6 gr/dl)
On physical examination, the general condition was good. Patient and leukopenia (WBC 2890 mcl). Patient administered to the hospital and
was full alert, blood pressure was normal at 120/80 mmHg, pulse was 82 we treated the patient with transfusion with 400 cc of PRC and filgrastim
x/minute, temperature and breathing within normal limits, and there is no injection. The patient showed response after the treatment and continued
sign of difficulty in breathing. Neck examination showed no lumps or with cycle 6th of chemotherapy. The patient showed good condition after
enlarged lymph nodes in both necks. No abnormalities were found on ears undergoing chemotherapy and was discharged and prescribed with oral
and throat examination. Furthermore, the patient underwent an anterior medicine for home treatment. The patient has been undergoing six cycle of
rhinoscopy, which showed a mass invading both of nasal cavity with lots of chemotherapy and showed good condition, despite experiences occasional
serous secretion. The mass looked brittle and bleeding easily. We performed nausea and malaise.
a tele nasoendoscopy examination, showing a mass in the nasopharynx that
extends into the right and left nasal cavity. We performed a biopsy in the

Picture 2. The axial and coronal plane nasopharyngeal CT scan on June

20th, 2020 (before chemotherapy).
Picture 1. Nasoendoscopy of the right and left nasopharynx on September
14th, 2020. After the patient had undergone 6 cycles of chemotherapy, the patient
then returned to the ENT outpatient clinic in Dr. Mohammad Hoesin
On June 20th, 2020, we performed a radiological CT scan of the Hospital in February 2021 for follow-up. Patient had no complaints of nasal
nasopharynx which showed masses in the right and left nasopharynx, obstruction and nasal bleeding. On physical examination, the patient had no
obstructing the rosenmuller fossa and pressing the tubarius torus, the mass mass in both nasal cavities, there also no lumps in both sides of neck. The
extending to the choana and left nasal cavity, posterolaterally infiltrating the result of nasoendoscopy showed serous secretions in the nasopharynx with
parapharyngeal space and left masticator space and destructing the left less masses in the left nasopharyngeal wall.
pterygoid plate. The mass also extends superiorly, destructs the walls of the

Copyright © International Journal of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Published by Talenta Publisher, ISSN: 2656-9027 e-ISSN: 2656-9035 DOI: 10.32734/ijnpc.v3i01.5725 25
International Journal of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (IJNPC) Vol. 03, No. 01, March, 2021 | 25-27

histopathological type of NPC with percentage in endemic areas between

47% and 92% of all cases in endemic areas. In general, studies from non-
endemic areas have always shown that patients with keratinized carcinoma
have a worse prognosis than non-keratinized or undifferentiated carcinomas.
Keratinized squamous cell nasopharyngeal carcinoma has more aggressive
local tumor growth than non-keratinized and undifferentiated squamous cell
carcinoma, in which lymphatic and haematogenous spread of metastases is
more common in this type [9,10].
CT scan of the patient's nasopharynx showed expansion of the tumor
Picture 3. Nasoendoscopy of the right and left nasopharynx on February into the paranasal sinus and pharyngeal space, but no expansion to the
23rd, 2021 (post-chemotherapy) cranial or intracranial bases, thus including T3. The patient's lymph nodes
cervical examination did not find a lump so they were grouped into N0.
We compared the CT Scan with a contrast of the Nasopharynx result, Chest X-ray examination, abdominal ultrasound showed no sign of
performed on June 20th, 2020, to the CT result, performed on February 23rd, metastasis so that according to the 2018 AJCC classification the patient was
2021 the results showed a mass in the left nasopharynx extending into the
included in stage III (T3N0M0). The patient is able to do light daily work
left parapharyngeal space and erosion the left pterygoid plate. We compared
such as homework so that the patient's performance includes ECOG 1.
with the previous CT Scan, there is no longer any visible expansion of the
mass to the left nasal cavity, left masticator space, left sphenoidalis and left The 2021 NCCN guidelines for stage III nasopharyngeal carcinoma
ethmoidalis. suggest induction of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy or concurrent
chemotherapy with radiotherapy or radiotherapy not followed by
chemotherapy. For chemotherapy induction, the recommended regimens are
Gemcitabine or cisplatin, docetaxel or cisplatin or 5-FU. A study compared
chemoradiotherapy using cisplatin versus carboplatin and showed that the
3-year life expectancy was the same (78% versus 79%). There is no
consensus regarding the optimal fractionation of the radiation dose when
given with concurrent chemotherapy. This patient underwent concurrent
chemoradiation using carboplatin and docetaxel for 6 cycles [11].
After being diagnosed with NPC stage III (T3N0M0), the patient will
be planned for 6 cycles chemotherapy. This is in accordance with NCCN
2021 recommendations about NPC management. The induction
Picture 4. The axial and coronal plane nasopharyngeal CT scan on chemotherapy (ICT) preceded with concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT)
February 23rd, 2021 (after chemotherapy 6th cycles) is still controversial and the results are conflicting. Various trials have shown
that ICT followed by CCRT provides results with a manageable toxicity
profile and a positive impact on survival [12]. In case of locally advanced
2. DISCUSSION nasopharyngeal carcinoma (LA-NPC), ICT followed by CCRT can be
considered as one of the standard treatment options for LA-NPC. In some
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a head and neck malignant tumour parts of the world LA-NPC is a relatively common disease with a rather
that occurs from nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. In Indonesia, NPC ranks fifth poor prognosis due to its high metastatic potential. ICT has always been
of all malignancies and ranks first in Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck controversial. Mane et al found that ICT followed by CCRT compared with
Surgery malignancies. The incidence of NPC in Indonesia reaches 6.2 per CCRT alone in LA-NPC gives a clinical improvement that is significant in
100,000 population per year. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma can occur between both overall survival and progression‐free survival. A standard option for
the ages of 45-54 years. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma occurs more frequently in patients with LA-NPC should be considered and ICT was one of them [13].
men than women. The clinical symptoms of nasopharyngeal carcinoma are so Due to its effectiveness, CCRT followed by adjuvant chemotherapy
varied that an incorrect diagnosis is often made. The most common symptoms (AC) has been recommended by the National Comprehensive Cancer
are abnormalities of the neck, ears, nose, and cranial nerves [1-3]. Network (NCCN) as a clinical standard treatment for LA-NPC [11].
From research data conducted by Masafumi in Japan, for 10 years, NPC However, Chen et al. reported a clinical trial that the additional AC induced
was found in as many as 620 patients with the most at the age of 60-71 years gastrointestinal toxicities and low patient compliance (63%). ICT is used
and occurs more frequently in men than women with a ratio of 4.3:1. In a before radiotherapy, it's less toxic, improves tumour shrinkage, and leads to
study conducted by Kevin, of 101 patients diagnosed with nasopharyngeal early eradication of micrometastases[14]. The 2021 NCCN guidelines
carcinoma, it was found that there were more men than women with a recommends ICT+CCRT from category III to IIA as one of the most
percentage of 70%. Abdul and Salma analyzed some cases of appropriate treatments for LA-NPC superior than CCRT (IIB) and
nasopharyngeal carcinoma at the Al Nahdha hospital, NPC were found in equivalent to CCRT+AC (IIA) [11].
men and women with a ratio of 1.4:1 with a percentage of 21% at the age of In this patient, we selected carboplatin and docetaxel as the
20-30 years old and 25% at the age of 50-60 years old. At the ENT clinic of chemotherapy regimens. Research conducted by Liao et al. (2019) states
Mohammad Hoesin Hospital in Palembang from 2017-2018, NPC was that CCRT with low-dose docetaxel is an effective therapy for locally
diagnosed and found in 194 new patients [2, 4-6]. advanced NPC. For patients with low pretreatment EBV DNA levels,
The patient was suspected of having nasopharyngeal carcinoma because docetaxel improves a survival benefit mainly by control of regional lymph
the main complaint was nasal obstruction accompanied by nosebleeds. node metastases [15].
Physical examination found a mass in the nasopharynx. Computed Even though cisplatin has a side effect that can make patients feel
tomography with contrast revealed a suspicious impression of nausea, vomiting, gives ototoxicity, neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity,
nasopharyngeal carcinoma with extension to the nasal cavity and paranasal cisplatin is still an accepted regimen and there is only 63% and 55% of
sinuses. The clinical symptoms of nasopharyngeal carcinoma can be divided patients completed concurrent and adjuvant chemotherapy. Carboplatin has
into several groups, namely the nasopharynx itself, ear symptoms, eye and become an interest due to its lower side effects, especially gastrointestinal
nerve symptoms, and metastases or symptoms in the neck. Nasopharyngeal and nephrogenic side effects. Because of the tolerable toxicity of
symptoms can include mild epistaxis or nasal obstruction. Ear disorders are carboplatin, patient can be treated as an outpatient. administration, thus
an early symptom that arises because the origin of the tumor is close to the reducing hospitalization, make it less cost for the treatment and less
mouth of the eustachian tube (fossa of rosenmuller). Disorders can include workload for medical personnel. Eisenberger implied that when given
tinnitus, fullness and pain in the ear. Endoscopic examination can provide concurrently with radiation in locally advanced head and neck cancers, 100
information about the location of the tumor on the mucosa but cannot mg/m2/week of carboplatin was well tolerated [16].
determine the internal extent so that in this patient a computed tomography Chitaparanux et al. found that carboplatin based regimen is better in
scan (CT scan) is performed [2, 7, 8]. tolerability compared to the cisplatin regimen. Moreover, the treatment
The patient's nasopharyngeal biopsy revealed undifferentiated efficacy of carboplatin is not different from the standard regimen in the
nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Undifferentiated carcinoma is the most common

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locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma receiving concurrent
Chemotherapy management in this patient is similar to the
chemoradiotherapy: A multicentre analysis. DOI:
management of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and has given a good response
to the patient. One of the standard treatment options for LA-NPC is to add
IC to CCRT for NPC therapy. Carboplatin and docetaxel could be used as
an alternative regimen and showed a similar efficacy with other
chemotherapy regimens and have a better tolerability.


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