Qualitycert 000000000000211898 7305526
Qualitycert 000000000000211898 7305526
Qualitycert 000000000000211898 7305526
Animal source Country of Tissue Category
Bovine New Zealand IV IV MLK
Porcine Canada IV IV IB
Porcine USA IV IV IB
The Batch Number on this certificate is synonymous with the Lot Number
shown on the product label.
BD Diagnostics - Diagnostic Systems products are manufactured in ISO
9001:2008 Registered facilities. In addition, BD Diagnostics -
Diagnostic Systems facilities are registered with the United States
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are regulated by the FDA's Quality
System Regulations (QSRs), and are also ISO 13485:2003 Registered.
This product met BDDS stringent quality standards at time of batch/lot
release. Any test results reported on this certificate were obtained
at time of release. This material is not for human or animal
BD Diagnostics - Diagnostic Systems' Certificates of Analysis (COA)
typically contain animal origin information when products are
manufactured using materials of animal origin. This information may
be contained in the animal source table and/or in one or more of the
additional paragraphs found on the COA. Following Quality Control
release, the COA is created and published at http://www.bd.com/regdocs.
For each batch of finished product that contains animal origin raw
materials, the COA shows the animal origin data from the individual
lots of animal origin raw materials used, as provided by the raw
material suppliers.
At times, suppliers notify BD Diagnostics - Diagnostic Systems of new
and/or additional information they have received from their raw
Charlotte Dannenfelser
BD Life Sciences - Diagnostic Systems
Quality Director, Microbiology
Signature Date:2017/12/06