Saint Mary's, Saint Michael's and Ss John & Ailbe: 29 August 2021 Trinity 13 (Proper 17)
Saint Mary's, Saint Michael's and Ss John & Ailbe: 29 August 2021 Trinity 13 (Proper 17)
Saint Mary's, Saint Michael's and Ss John & Ailbe: 29 August 2021 Trinity 13 (Proper 17)
Saint Mary’s, Saint Michael’s and Ss John & Ailbe: 29th August 2021 ~ Trinity 13 (Proper 17)
Date Time Venue Service
Sunday 29 10.00 Saint Michael’s Holy Communion
Trinity 13 11.00 Ss John & Ailbe, Abington Morning Prayer
11.15 Saint Mary’s Cathedral Holy Communion
Sunday 5th 10.00 Saint Michael’s Morning Prayer
Trinity 14 Ss John & Ailbe, Abington No Service
11.15 Saint Mary’s Cathedral Holy Communion
Post Communion Prayer: God our creator, you feed your children with the true manna,
the living bread from heaven. Let this holy food sustain us through our earthly pilgrimage
until we come to that place where hunger and thirst are no more; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Service Notes
- Services will be recorded and may be viewed online on: and the Cathedral
website ( within the 90 days following the service. After that time
recordings will be destroyed however exceptions may apply and recordings could last longer if the
Cathedral required it. Occasional services may be recorded and will be advertised on both
websites and and/or other communication
channels of the Cathedral). If you would like further information on a particular event, please
contact the Cathedral office.
- The New Revised Standard Version (Anglicized Edition), copyright 1989, 1995 by the Division of
Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of
- Material in this service is reproduced from The Book of Common Prayer under licence, copyright
© RCB 2004
- One License Number: A-738650
Upcoming events: Some dates for your diary
Sunday 5th September at 5pm in the Cathedral: Patronal Festival Choral Evensong with members
of the Mothers’ Union. All welcome!
Saturday 11th September at 3pm in the Cathedral: Ordination to the Priesthood of the Rev’d Dr
Leonard Madden. Booking necessary.
Sunday 19th September at 3pm in Abington: Harvest Thanksgiving Service.
Saturday 25th September: Diocesan Synod
Sunday 10th October at 10am in Saint Michael’s: Harvest Thanksgiving Service.
Sunday 10th October at 11.15am in the Cathedral: Harvest Thanksgiving Service.
Sunday 31st October at 4pm in the Cathedral: Farewell service for the Bishop. Booking necessary.
Evensong: Will be held in the Cathedral next Sunday 5th September at 5pm. The guest
preacher will be Ms June Butler, All Ireland President of the Mothers’ Union. The Bishop will
preside at the service. Everyone is welcome to attend the service. Those attending are
warmly welcome to refreshments beforehand in the Hunt Museum Café (from 4pm).
Haiti Earthquake Appeal: Parishioners who would like to make a contribution towards
this (through the Bishops Appeal) may do so through the following link:
Sympathy: We extend our sympathy to TJ & Julia Myers on the death of his mother Pat
Myers. We hold them and the family in our thoughts and prayers.
New Term: Our thoughts and prayers are with all those about to begin the new
school/college/university term.
Cleaners wanted! We hope to clean the brass candelabras in the Cathedral on Saturday
4th September from 10am. All helpers welcome!
Intercessors & Readers: Anyone interested in reading in church and/or leading prayers is
invited to speak with a member of the clergy team.
- A new microwave for use in the Cathedral. Please contact the Dean for more information
- Small black presentation box (10cmx10cmx5cm) with spring or clasp close. Please
contact the Dean.
Accommodation sought (1)
Myself, my husband and our two daughters 14yrs & 7yrs are currently looking for a house to
rent. We have been renting our current house for the past 8yrs and due to our landlord
moving his family in, we have been given our notice. We both work and our daughters
attend Villiers and Saint Michael’s National School, so we ideally need something central to
these schools. If you know of anywhere or hear of anywhere that is available right now or
will be coming available could you please contact myself (Julie Cade) on 0833638026.
Accommodation sought (2)
Student seeking accommodation – Student coming to UL on an Erasmus year and is looking
for somewhere for a year. Please contact Peter Barley for more information.
• The Very Rev’d Niall J. Sloane (Dean): The Deanery, 7 Kilbane, Castletroy
Email: ; Tel: 061-338697. Day off: Friday
• The Rev’d Bernie Daly (Dean’s Vicar): The Vicarage, 50 Ballinvoher, Fr Russell Road, Limerick
Email: ; Tel: 061-302038. Day off: Monday
• Clergy Emergency Number: Tel: 087-3524046. (Strictly Emergency Calls Only).
• The Parish Office: Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Bridge Street, Limerick, V94 E068.
Email: ; Tel: 061-310293.
Deadline for notices 12 noon every Wednesday.
To be added to the email circulation list: Please email