Multi-Objective Optimization

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Multi-objective Optimization


Multi-objective optimization is an integral part of optimization activities and has a

tremendous practical importance, since almost all real-world optimization problems are
ideally suited to be modeled using multiple conflicting objectives. The classical means of
solving such problems were primarily focused on scalarizing multiple objectives into a single
objective, whereas the evolutionary means have been to solve a multi-objective
optimization problem as it is. In this chapter, we discuss the fundamental principles of multi-
objective optimization, the differences between multi-objective optimization and single-
objective optimization, and describe a few well-known classical and evolutionary algorithms
for multi-objective optimization. Two application case studies reveal the importance of
multi-objective optimization in practice. A number of research challenges are then
highlighted. The chapter concludes by suggesting a few tricks of the trade and mentioning
some key resources to the field of multi-objective optimization.


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