Habor Precise Alarm Codes AB Type 2B Controller: Error Explanation

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Habor Precise Alarm Codes AB type 2B Controller

Error Explanation

Sn Sensor – Oil/Liquid; poor wiring connection or possible sensor

OL failure Location of Sensor: oil or water “liquid flow path” Follow
inlet plumbing connection to sensor wires
Sn Sensor – Room/Ambient; poor wiring connection or possible
RO sensor failure Location of sensor: ambient (shop air) sensor located
on the front control panel of the chiller If machine tool casting
temperature is measured follow the wiring back from the chiller

AH Liquid temperature is too high relative to differential setting

OL chosen at chiller’s keypad
AL Liquid temperature is too low relative to differential setting chosen
OL at chiller’s keypad

In REV Reversed polarity Indicator Lamp Incorrect hookup of 3 phase

-- power (R-S-T) with a new chiller; Failure of phase detection
circuit in older chiller

In O.P. Circulating Oil Pressure Indicator Lamp Test the pump, hoses,
intakes screens, and the balance of the oil circulating path. You
could have any one of a number of problems.
In PUMP Oil Circulating Pump Motor Push reset on starter-contactor block
-- overload. Use clamp on ammeter to compare against nameplate

In PRESS Refrigeration System Pressure Exceeded This alarm might go

-- away after the system has cooled. Clean the condenser coil fins or
check the fan blade / motor for inhibited air movement.
In COMP Refrigeration Compressor Motor Use a clamp on ammeter to
-- determine the RLA (run load ampere) or the LRA (locked rotor
ampere) Consult a refrigeration technician if these concepts are
foreign to you. Sometimes, compressors will not run because the
shop is too cold. Always check the overload reset button.
Habor Precise Alarm Codes - HB4 Controllers
Error Explanation

AH Ambient or Liquid temperature too High – high relative to

differential setting chosen on selection panel, or heaven forbid,
shop temperatures above 40 degrees C (104 degrees F)

AL Ambient or Liquid temperature too low – temperature controller

desires a warmer setting to prevent compressor damage, or the
shop environment isn’t heated. This is not unusual in structural
steel fabrication shops or machine shops along the US gulf coast.

Er Phase Reversal Wiring or Circuit Detection Failure – Incorrect R-

S-T Wiring or failure of reverse polarity circuit Look at the APR-2
or APR-3 board in the electrical cabinet. Jumper out if necessary

E1H Liquid Temperature Sensor Failure – possible sensor failure.

See E1L for poor wiring connection. A thermostat could also be
part of the makeup of this controller and chiller.

E1L Liquid Temperature Connection Failure – same as E1H

E2H Ambient / Base Sensor Failure – possible sensor failure. See E2L
for poor wiring connection. A thermostat could also be part of the
makeup of this controller and chiller.

E2L Ambient / Base Connection Failure – same as E2H

Habor Precise Alarm Codes OTC-05 / OTC-08 Controllers
Error Explanation

In PUMP Circulating Pump Motor Protection (starter-contactor-overload in

-- electrical cabinet)

In OP / FLOW Circulating oil / circulating water pressure – heat transfer from the
-- machine tool to the refrigeration section cannot occur without a
liquid pressure confirmation. Check all failure possibilities in the
trouble shooting section.

In COMP Compressor Motor Protection (starter-contactor-overload in

-- electrical cabinet)

In PRESSURE Refrigeration Circuit - Read the trouble shooting section for

-- details.

In REV Incorrect R-S-T Wiring or Failure of reverse polarity circuit

-- Look at the APR-2 or APR-3 board in the electrical cabinet.
Jumper out if necessary

Sn Sensor – poor wiring connection or possible sensor failure

OL Location of Sensor: oil or water “liquid flow path” Follow inlet
plumbing connection to sensor wires.

Sn Sensor – poor wiring connection or possible sensor failure

ro Location of sensor: ambient (shop air) sensor located on the front
control panel of the chiller If machine tool casting temperature is
measured follow the wiring back from the chiller.
AH Liquid temperature – too high relative to differential setting chosen
OL at chiller’s keypad; OR liquid temperature has exceeded the
temperature “software limits” of the controller. Also review
circulating pump conditions.

AL Ambient temperature or Liquid temperature too low – refrigeration

OL systems using R-22, R-407C or R-410A have a specific
temperature range within which they are efficient or will no longer
transfer heat. Get some technical help with this alarm.

EC Liquid level switch – not all chillers have this switch. Some
chillers use a visual level check and it is doubtful this error will

Ed Dirty condenser fins; oil film, dust, or corroded fin surfaces;

possible broken fan blade; possible blocked refrigeration
expansion device; Access the system with a gage on the low side
or use an infrared measuring device on the high side Compare
against temperature-pressure charts to diagnose

EE Condenser fan motor overload (only if this motor is separate from

the oil circulating pump motor)

EF Surface temperature of compressor dome is high - Multiple

refrigeration circuit possibilities. See trouble shooting section.

EP Phase Missing or Detector Circuit Failed- see “In - - REV”

Habor Precise Alarm Codes P2 Controller
Error Explanation

--- Remote contactor fault (Not within the chiller circuitry Check the
machine tool)

E0 Liquid temperature sensor – poor connection or possible sensor

failure (Located in return liquid line often covered by black-soft
barrier wrap)

E1 Baseline temperature sensor – poor connection or possible sensor

failure (Located at control panel if ambient shop air sensor, but
machine tool casting if an “M” is in your Habor Precise model

E2 Temperature of liquid is too high – 45 deg C (113 deg F)

E3 Temperature of liquid is too low – 5 deg C (41 deg F)

E4 Software option: (not a factory standard value) temperature of

liquid is higher than a specific customer choice

E5 Software option: (not a factory standard value) temperature of

liquid is lower than a specific customer choice

E6 Refrigeration pressure fault (excess) Also see alarm “Ed”

E7 Circulating pump motor protection (starter-contactor-overload in

electrical cabinet)

E8 Compressor motor protection (starter-contactor-overload in

electrical cabinet)

E9 Circulating oil / circulating water pressure is too low (range /

differential scales pressure switch) – heat transfer from machine
tool cannot occur – low liquid level will not allow refrigeration
system to properly work Check pressure switch setting, plugged
intake protection screen, or pump failure

EA Reversed polarity of 3 phase wire hookup in a new chiller; Failure

phase detection circuit in older chiller Also see EU
EC Tank level switch (not all applications as some tanks are visual
level indicated) Low circulating oil / water level (tank switch) This
could cause circulating pump cavitation, however, more likely is
heat transfer from the machine tool to the chiller would be reduced
– a low liquid level will not allow this refrigeration system to
properly work

Ed Dirty condenser fins; oil film, dust, or corroded fin surfaces;

possible broken fan blade; possible blocked refrigeration
expansion device; Access the system with a gage on the low side
or use an infrared measuring device on the high side Compare
against temperature-pressure charts to diagnose Also see E6

EE Condenser fan motor failure (only if this motor is separate from the
oil circulating pump motor) Also see E7

EU Failure of reversed polarity circuit detection (not your incoming 3

phase wiring) Also see EA

-- Remote contactor fault (Not within the chiller) Check the machine
tool e-string logic Also see - - - error code

Sn Sensor – poor wiring connection or possible sensor failure

OL Location of Sensor: oil or water “liquid flow path” Follow inlet
plumbing connection to sensor wires Habor Precise utilizes
resistance based methods to compare / evaluate liquid temperatures

Sn Sensor – poor wiring connection or possible sensor failure

RO Location of sensor: ambient (shop air) sensor located on the front
control panel of the chiller If machine tool casting is measured
follow the wiring back from the chiller

AH Liquid temperature – too high relative to differential setting chosen

OL at chiller’s keypad Compare with E2 a software parameter versus
operator’s parameter

AL Liquid temperature – too low relative to differential setting chosen

OL at chiller’s keypad Compare with E3 a software parameter versus
operator’s parameter

uu Liquid temperature - a redundant alarm as E2/E4 provides the

OL information

nn Liquid temperature – a redundant alarm as E3/E5 provides the

OL information

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