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Language of architecture: Diagrams

Article · May 2018


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Pallavi Tiwari
School of Planning and Architecture


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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Language of architecture: Diagrams

Ar. Pallavi Tiwari

B.Arch, M.Plan with specialization in Urban planning

Abstract - Diagrams are a well-established tool in the field them. It is likely for an architect to consider a diagram he has
of architecture. The functionality of these diagrams is versatile made as more than it actually is. The rougher a diagram is,
from being used as instruments to communicate the design, to the more conscious of the fact that it is in need to be worked
a structured method of the design process itself. This paper out, the designer is. As more details are added to a diagram
reflects upon the importance of diagrams and the role they the closer we get to the final outcome, however it is very
play in architecture along with various stages of the same. important to know what amount of detail is to be added at
Several examples have been highlighted in the paper to which stage of decision making. Lots of such diagrams are
emphasize the use of diagrams and the function they have in found in the notebooks of various architects suggesting an
the field. inevitable relation of diagrams and design process.

Key Words: Diagrams, spatial arrangement, sketches,

communication, details, visual representation, graphics.


A poet expresses his feelings by carving words of his

choice in a rhyme. A musician conveys his thoughts by
making them flow with the melody which he creates.
Designers, however, choose a different form of art to reveal
the concepts and ideas blooming in their minds. Poetry and Figure 1 Le Corbusier, "Diagram of lines and forms as
music are although very definite and strong mediums, they affect the physiology of sensations," in Alrrzanach
sketches and diagrams represent and reflect what the d'aichitecture modern (Paris, 1925). 35
designer wants them to reflect. Unlike other forms of
representation of creativity where the actual concept can be
under looked or modified by the way a person perceives it,
diagrams made, either as a final spatial arrangement of
elements of a design, or just a way to refine those raw forms
during the design process, are apprehended the exact way the
designer wants them to be understood. For what might
appear to be a very complex procedure which is followed
before coming to an appropriate, reasonable and possibly the
best solution to a design problem, one can have various Figure 2 Designers used conventional symbols and
examples of how diagrams have been used by architects since configurations for architectural concepts in diagrams.
a very long time as a vehicle of communication with others
and also as way to see and understand the forms that they
2. Types of diagrams
work with.

As believed and experienced by architects like Louis I. In the overall process of design, diagrams are used as
Kahn, Le Corbusier or Peter Eisenman etc, Diagrams are not tools at various stages wherein different types of diagrams
just a way of visual representation but are also a way to solve are used to develop and process design elements.
problems. Through graphical symbols like dots, arrows etc,
and with analytical notes, diagramming plays a very 2.1 Conceptual Diagrams
important role in the whole design process. From simple
bubble diagrams which are made during the most initial These diagrams are drawn during the ideation phase of
phases, to various aesthetic aspects of design like what kind any design project. Through few basic shapes and their
of views are visible from a room; it is all done through a arrangement, the main idea is put forward. These diagrams
number of diagrams which an architect makes before are more for the designers own understanding of the whole
finalizing one. concept, and not for the communication to other. These
conceptual diagrams can be seen as the starting step which is
Although diagrams play a vital role in reaching a later manipulated, adjusted and modified till the actual
conclusion, it is very important to not get carried away with design emerges out of it.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 72
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

2.2 Bubble Diagrams

By definition, the bubble diagram is a freehand diagrammatic

drawing made by architects and interior designers to be used
for space planning and organization at the preliminary phase
of the design process. The bubble diagram is important
because later phases of the design process are based on them.
The various elements of the design are listed and then
arranged as per required proximity. It is an arrangement of
what comes where in a design. Just like conceptual diagrams
these bubble diagrams are also modified later on to develop
best suited arrangement of spaces. For example, in a
residential design project, a bubble diagram would look like

Figure 4 Typical Site analysis diagram

2.4 Structural Diagrams

These are the structural elements of a building illustrated in

relation to the overall form of the building. They relate to the
structural aspect of the design. Major structural elements are
included in this phase. These diagrams are generally made
towards the end of the design process or the final stages.

2.5 Presentation drawings

These drawings as the name suggests are for presentation

purpose. Once the design is finalized, these are graphical
illustrations which represents the design in 2 dimensions
Figure 3 Typical Bubble Diagram for a residential exactly the way it will be in 3 dimensions. They help people
project visualize the design without the technical aspect.

3. Role of diagrams in design

2.3 Circulation Diagrams
The diagrams of different stages of design help in shaping the
These diagrams are a representation of use or activity for design itself. It clears the ideas that the designers have and
which the design is being done. The sequence of movement is help in conceptualizing the thought process systematically in
illustrated with the help of lines and arrows. This helps order to refine the raw ideas. The responsibility of the
designers in understanding the different types of space communication of the ideas lies on these graphic illustrations.
requirement their interrelationship and their hierarchy. These are the instruments that the architects use to converse
These diagrams also help in establishing the nature of the the design. Producing detailed architectural drawings can
spaces and who would be using them, public spaces and allow us to identify and modify certain aspects of the design.
private spaces for examples are marked with different arrows Designers use graphic symbols and that the drawing marks
to show the access to different spaces, this division is an they make are linked to verbal protocols and design thinking
important part of ever design. (Gross, 2001).
2.4 Analytical Diagrams As an instrument of thought, sketches, diagrams and
drawings have an eminent influence on not only on the early
These are diagrams to analyze the context of design. Site for phases of the architect’s working process, but also on the next
instance is an important part which needs to be studied and phases concerning construction, and thus on the buildings
critically analyzed in order to utilize the full potential of the that are the final goal of architectural design. a form of
features on site. Thus, site analyses diagrams are created, dialogue as well as a visual guideline, the diagram serves as
these diagrams become crucial in design process as they help both the subject of conversation and the object of architect’s
in shaping the design, its placement and spatial arrangement. endeavor. (Vrachliotis, 2005)

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 73
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Diagrams facilitate conceptual exploration, which results in

an alignment of conceptual and spatial configurations (Fehmi
Dogan). As diagrams are used in various stages of design
process to arrive at best possible solutions, it is important to
understand the evolution of these series of diagrams that an
architect makes. With each subsequent modification or
alteration done in a diagram, enough of the original features
retains in each step, which ultimately leads to the final
outcome from the initial conceptual diagram.


It is evident that diagrams play a crucial role in not only

communicating the design to the clients, but also in the
overall design process. With increasing technological this
important stage of developing a design through series of
diagrams and drawings is getting highly dependent on the
computer aided designs. The well-established art form of
arriving at the design by such sketches, drawings and
diagrams is somewhere getting lost with stages being skipped
due to mere ease of drafting that the cad and alike software’s
provide. Diagrams have a role as discussed above thus it is
important to have the process remain the same in the field,
with new adaptations as required.


[1] Chaplin, A. (2014). The Architecture of Diagrams .

[2] Fehmi Dogan, N. J. (n.d.). Conceptual Diagrams in

Creative Architectural Practice. architecture research

[3] Garcia, M. (2010). The diagrams of architecture: AD


[4] Gross, E. Y.-L. (2001). Thinking with digrams in

architectural design. Artificial Intelligence Review.

[5] J., K. (n.d.). Diagrammatic Transformation of

Architectural Space. Knoespe.

[6] Vrachliotis, G. (2005). Articulating Space Through

Architectural Diagrams. Zurich: Faculty of Architecture,
ETH Zurich.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 74

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