Title: Deepsan Barla

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Deepsan Barla

A study in the perspective of postmodern relativism
Different views on reality.
The Jaina’s in the theory of knowledge give the view that the reality has different views, they
explain it through theory of standpoints and dialectic predications. There no reality is absolute
and the reality is manifoldness. In the western philosophy the postmodern philosophers say that
the reality is relative, relativism has been there as long as humans are there as humans. The
relativism has gained much more relevance since the advent of postmodern philosophy.
Statement of the thesis: The Jaina’s understanding of reality in the perspective of postmodern
Explanation of the thesis
In the world there exists different forms of reality and the one sided view of the reality is not
absolute.by the Jainism point of view the reality is many sided to be grasped at and make
knowledge. In the postmodernist view, the reality has different perspective to explain and make
The methodology of doing this research is phenomenological, which includes analytic,
comparative study approach towards the subject matter. The researcher’s primary aim is to be
clear about the philosophical understanding of reality.

Significance of the study

The study of Anekantavada in Indian philosophy and the postmodern relativism in western
philosophy will give an understanding of reality and that leads us to knowledge making of
reality. It will clarify the doubts of people; the individualistic view of the reality is right or does
the reality has absolute truth which makes complete cognition.
The thesis is divided into 4 chapters:
The first chapter will explain the jaina philosophy. it will completely deal with the
background and development of jaina philosophy.
The second chapter will be discussing about the epistemology of anekantavada and its 2
types.as a theory of reality the anekantavada can be studied through the standpoint of
view(Nayavada) and dialectical predications (Syadvada). Here attempt is made to bring out how
the two theories bring out and sustain the relativistic character of reality.
The third chapter will be discussing on the topic postmodern philosophy and
postmodernists view on relativism of reality. How the reality is being explained through different
forms relativistic view and process of knowledge making.
The fourth chapter will be discussing on the comparative study on the theory of reality.
The Jainism views on reality with metaphysical understanding and the concept of reality from
the postmodern perspective. It also deals with the relevance of anekantavada and relativism in
the postmodern philosophy.

Table of content
Chapter 1
1. History of Jaina philosophy
1.1. the background of Jainism
1.2. the development of Jaina philosophy
1.3. Jain doctrines
1.3.1. Anekantavada
1.3.2. Loka
1.3.3. Jiva
1.3.4. Karma
1.3.5. Moksha
Chapter 2
1. Anekantavada
1.1 Nayavada
1.1.1 Naigamanaya
1.1.2 Sangrahanaya
1.1.3 Vyvaharanaya
1.1.4 Rjusutra
1.1.5 Sabdanaya
1.1.6 Samadhinaya
1.1.7 Evambhutanaya
1.2 Syadvada
Chapter 3
1. Post Modernism
2. Relativism
3. Different forms of Relativism
4. Postmodern Philosophers’ views on Relativism
Chapter 4
1. Theory of reality
2. The nature of reality according to Jainism
2.1 Metaphysical side of anekantavada
2.2.1 Realistic pluralism
2.2.2 Relativist pluralism
3. The concept of reality from postmodern perspective
3.1 Scientific explanation of reality
3.2 Socially constructed reality
4. Philosophy of anekantavada and relativism
5. Relevance of anekantavada and relativism
Padmarajiah Y.J, The Jaina Theories of Reality and Knowledge, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,
Jha V.N, Jaina, Logic and Epistemology, Sri Satguru Publication, Delhi.
Singh, Raghwendra, Pratap, Philosophy Modern and Postmodern, intellectual publishing
Hollingdale R.J, Nietzsche, Cox and Wyman ltd. London, 1973.
Butler, Christopher, Postmodernism a Very Short Introduction, oxford university press, 2006.
Gutting, Gary, The Cambridge Companion to Foucault, sec. edition, Cambridge university press,
Schacht, Richard, Nietzsche, Routledge & Kegan Paul ltd. London, 1983.
Gopalan, S. Outlines of Jainism, Wiley eastern ltd. New Delhi, 1975.

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