Ceralastic: Elastomeric Waterproof Coating

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Elastomeric waterproof coating

An ISO 9001:2008 Company

CERALASTIC is a hydrate-type flexible waterproofing material based on special synthetic resin
dispersion and a blend of selected cements mixed with well-graded aggregates and high performance
acrylic co-polymers.


• Excellent resistance to water

• Excellent adhesion to porous and non porous surface concrete /masonry etc
• Resistance to freezing and thawing
• Protects the concrete from water, carbonation and de-ionizing salts
• Resistant to abrasion
• Considerably flexibility and elongation can accommodate linear thermal expansion of
• Non toxic, suitable for potable water applications
• Enhances bridging effect against post construction hairline cracks
• Ideal water proofing system for new building as well as repair of old structures
Ceralastic can be used to waterproof
FUNCTION: tanks, containers and water reservoirs,
basements, bathrooms, roofs etc.
Ceralastic is a proven and fool-proof
waterproofing system wherein the ingress of RECOMMENDED METHOD OF
moisture into the structural member is APPLICATION:
prevented by flexible membrane formed as a Surface Preparation: The surface must
result of resin modified cement hydration and be clean and sound and free of dust, loose
polymer film formation. The highly elastic particles, cement laitance, grease, rust and
nature of the membranes takes care of the other contaminants. Insufficiently covered
stresses set up by temperature and resists crack reinforcement has to be treated with a
formation. The high content of the dispersed corrosion protectant Cera Zinc-ZR.
synthetic resin particles results in unheard of Rough areas and honeycombs must be
flexibility for a cement-based material and the leveled with polymer-modified mortar
ability to over bridge hairline cracks up to Cera Polymortar.
0.3mm. Absorbant surfaces (concrete, renderings,
plaster) have to be pre-wetted with clean
USES: water. During application, the surface has
Ceralastic can be used for coating of floors to be moist but free of puddles. A
(industrial plants, parking areas, garages and minimum temperature of +5oC is essential.
ramps) protection and repairs of balconies,
terraces and haunching concrete roads and Mixing: The Ceralastic Compound A and
bridges. clean water in the proportion of 1:1 by
Ceralastic can be used for waterproofing of volume is to be poured into the bucket
new and old buildings (internal and external). and the Compound B to be added to it
slowly, and stirred well to obtain a smooth,
lump free, consistent slurry.
For better dispersion of polymers and large PROPERTIES:
application, mechanical stirrers may be used. Supply form:
Mix only in small batches of one unit at a time, Compound A : Milky White liquid
which can be used within the pot life. Mixing of Compound B : White/Grey powder
the two components results in a plastic, Mixing proportion : 1 part of Compound
thixotropic and easily applicable compound, A: 1 part water: 5 part Compound B.
even to vertical surfaces. Toxicity : Non-Toxic
Resistance to
Application: Apply the well- mixed Ceralastic Ultra violet rays : Good
slurry with brush or broom onto the prepared Chloride content : Nil
surface in minimum two layers. If used on
smooth screed floors, application can be done POT LIFE:
also by notched trowel. Do not apply more The working time of Ceralastic depends on
than 1.5mm. The next layer can be applied as the temperature. At 30oC the pot life is
soon as the preceding coat is dry after approx about 30 minutes.
8-10, but it is recommended to wait overnight.
Ceralastic can be sprayed also by using a COVERAGE:
suitable nozzle. The total thickness of 2 coats 6Kg unit - Approx. 7.5 m2 per coat
of Ceralastic would be 800 microns- 1mm. on normal surface.
The tools should be cleaned with water before 24Kg unit - Approx. 30 m2 per coat
Ceralastic hardens because the cured material is on normal surface.
very hard to remove even by machine.
Curing: Homogeneous hardening and high 24 Kg unit - 4 Kg Compound A and
waterproofness are assured if Ceralastic does 20 Kg Compound B.
not dry too quickly, therefore it should be 6 Kg unit - 1 Kg Compound A and
protected after application against heavy wind 5 Kg Compound B.
and intense sunshine. 7 kg unit- 1 kg compound A (2
nos.) 2.5 kg (2 nos.) Compound B
Hardening Time: Curing and hardening
depend on the temperature. Ceralastic coated SHELF LIFE:
surface becomes dry in 3 – 4 hrs. The area can Keep frost-free, cool and dry. Ceralastic can
be recoated after a period of 8 hours. be stored for 12 months in tightly closed
original packings. Once frozen, component
A becomes unusable.

Avoid contact with skin for prolonged
period. Any contact with eye, wash
immediately with plenty of water.

Whilst any information and / or specification contained herein is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate, no
warranty is given or implied in connection with any recommendation or suggestions made by us, our Representatives,
Agents or Distributors, as the conditions of use of any labour involved are beyond our control.

Cera-Chem Private Limited Edition: Jan 2017

No. 6, Park Street, Kilpauk Garden Colony, Chennai - 600010
Ph: 044-26441013, 26453498/4792, 26460844
Fax: 044-26446104
Email: corporate@cerachemindia.com

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