Understanding Lean Production: Just-in-Time Kaizen
Understanding Lean Production: Just-in-Time Kaizen
Understanding Lean Production: Just-in-Time Kaizen
must be told when stock is needed and how will encourage the use of job enrichment There
much stock is required. will be more employee control over tasks. This
helps ensure employee commitment to the JIT
Some firms actually have bar codes on work- system .
in-progress, which are read as the product
moves along the production line. These bar It is always worth involving employees when
codes, when read, automatically order stock designing a just-in-time system, as employees
from suppliers at the appropriate time. Some often understand their part of the process of
car manufacturers use such sophisticated manufacturing better than management. Often
just-in-time systems, that suppliers can be when the commitment of employees has been
automatically notified when a car starts on gained, then the opportunity arises to move to
the production line, so that components, such different production structures such as cell
as seats, can be made and delivered to the production.
production line at exactly the right time.
Cell production
Cell production involves workers, working in
Kanban teams, or cells of production. In this type of
Another example of a just-in-time system is productive, or service situation, each cell has
the idea of Kan ban; this involves the use of one or more complete tasks to fulfil. For
order cards to ensure a regular and timely example, there is a shoe factory in North-
supply of components. It is not unusual when ampton that switched from line to cell produc-
using a Kanban system to find an employee of tion. In this case after reorganisation, cells of
the supplier continually production were created. These cells between
working on a shop floor, them completed the task of making a pair of
ensuring that the parts slippers. For the first time all the processes
It is always worth
arrived in the right place such as cutting, gluing, stitching packing, were
involving employees and the right time. brought together. Now full responsibility could
when designing a be passed to the cell, they were to check and
just-in-time system, I n v o l v e m e n t of maintain quality of output.
as employees often Employees
understand their This switch to cell working brought several
An important part of any immediate benefits:
part of the process
JIT system is a strong
of manufacturing
relationship with reduction in work-in-progress
better than employees. There must opportunity for job enrichment and
management be a people centred enlargement
approach from managers. improvement in quality
Employees must be trained effectively to use increase in worker knowledge and skills
the systems of lean production and
understand their role in ensuring system Customer Relationships.
continues to work. Cells of production are an In all JIT systems it is very important not to
important part of this process. Cell working forget the customer. Often customers are
Title Lean Production Page 3
Simultaneous engineering.
This is an important concept. With
simultaneous engineering, emphasis is placed
on carrying out as near as possible at the
same time, the functions involved in
designing, producing and marketing the
product. Obviously it is impossible to
manufacture a product before it has been
designed, but it may be possible to get the
production lines ready, or to work out at
least the basics of a marketing plan. This
strategy can be effective in reducing the
time a product takes to reach the market,
and is of increasing importance as product
life cycles continue to shorten.