Tupaz v. CA, 475 SCRA 398 24. American Home Insurance v. FF. Cruz & Co., G.R. No. 174926
Tupaz v. CA, 475 SCRA 398 24. American Home Insurance v. FF. Cruz & Co., G.R. No. 174926
Tupaz v. CA, 475 SCRA 398 24. American Home Insurance v. FF. Cruz & Co., G.R. No. 174926
or undertaking in favor of another party called the oblige. By judgment against him, and since respondent failed to exhaust
its very nature, under the laws regulating suretyship, the all remedies to collect from Macrogen the amount due, Bitanga
liability of the surety is solidary but is limited to the amount of could not be held liable as a guarantor.
the bond, and its terms are determined strictly by the terms of
the surety contract in relation to the principal contract between ISSUE: Whether Bitanga can avail of the benefit of excussion
the obligor and the obligee.
RULING: No. Under the contract of guarantee, the guarantor
25. Bitanga v. Pyramid Construction Engineering Corp., binds himself to the creditor to fulfill the obligation of the
563 SCRA 544 principal debtor in case the latter should fail to do so. The
guarantor who pays for a debtor, in turn, must be indemnified
FACTS: by the latter. However, the guarantor cannot be compelled to
pay the creditor unless the latter has exhausted all the property
Pyramid Contruction entered into an agreement with Macrogen of the debtor and resorted to all the legal remedies against the
Realty where petitioner is the president. Macrogen failed to debtor. This is known as the benefit of excussion.
settle respondent’s progress billings. Hence, respondent
suspended the work on the construction and filed a case for In this case, however, despite having been served a demand
arbitration with CIAC against Macrogen. letter at his office, Bitanga still failed to point out to Pyramid
properties of Macrogen sufficient to cover its debt as required
Before the trial, both parties entered into a compromised in the Civil Code. Such failure on petitioner’s part forecloses
agreement with Bitanga as signatory in behalf of Macrogen. his right to set up the defense of excussion.
Bitanga guaranteed the obligation of Macrogen under the
compromise agreement by executing a contract of guaranty in 26. JN Development Corporation v. Philippine Export and
favor of Pyramid. Macrogen failed and refused to pay all the Foreign Loan Guarantee Corp., 468 SCRA 555
installments. Hence, Pyramid demanded Bitanga, as
Macrogen’s guarantor, to pay the liability or to point out FACTS:
available properties of Macrogen within the Philippines
sufficient to cover the obligation. Yet, respondent’s demands JN Development Corp. contracted a loan with Traders Royal
were left unheeded. Bank. The loan was covered by several securities which
included a letter of guarantee from respondent. Upon the
Bitanga argued that the benefit of excussion was still available maturity of the loan, petitioner failed to pay the loan to TRB,
to him as a guarantor since he had set it up prior to any hence, TRB requested respondent to make good its guarantee.
Petitioner paid TRB. Subsequently, respondent made several In 1996, Geronimo and Andrew executed separate deeds of
demands on petitioner but the latter refused to pay. Hence, suretyship for petitioner in favor of respondent. Petitioner
respondent instituted a complaint for collection of money initially made payments on its loan obligations, but eventually
against petitioner. defaulted. Upon Gateway’s request, Asianbank extended the
maturity dates of the loan several times. These extensions bore
Petitioner argued that it is not liable to reimburse respondent the conformity of three of Gateway’s officers, among them is
because the latter paid after the expiration of the contract of Andrew.
guarantee and that respondent did not consent to the extensions
granted by TRB in favor of petitioner. Asianbank’s demands for payment made upon Gateway and its
sureties went unheeded. Thus, it filed a complaint against
ISSUE: Whether respondent should be reimbursed as guarantor Gateway, Geronimo, and Andrew.
RULING: Yes. While a guarantor enjoys a benefit of ISSUE: Whether Geronimo is discharged from liability
excussion, nothing prevents him from paying the obligation because of Gateway’s insolvency
once demand has been made on him. Excussion is a right
granted to him by law and as such he may opt to make use of it RULING: No. A surety is an insurer of the debt, whereas a
or waive it. Respondent’s waiver of the right of excussion guarantor is an insurer of the insolvency of the debtor. A
cannot prevent it from demanding reimbursement from suretyship is an undertaking that the debt shall be paid. Stated
petitioner. The law clearly requires the debtor to indemnify the differently, a surety promises to pay the principal’s debt if the
guarantor what the latter has paid. principal will not pay, while a guarantor agrees that the
creditor, after proceeding against the principal, may proceed
27. Gateway Electronics Corp. v. Asianbank Corp., G.R. against the guarantor if the principal is unable to pay. A surety
No. 172041 binds himself to perform if the principal does not, without
regard to his ability to do so. In other words, a surety
FACTS: undertakes directly for the payment and is so responsible at
Gateway Electronics Corp. is a domestic corporation that used once if the principal debtor makes default.
to be engaged in the semi-conductor business. During the A creditor’s right to proceed against the surety exists
period material, petitioner Geronimo delos Reyes was its independently of his right to proceed against the principal. If
president and Andrew delos Reyes its executive vice-president. the obligation is solidary, the creditor has the right to proceed
even against the surety alone. A suretyship contract refers to an payment,” this provision even if understood as a waiver is
agreement wherein one person, the surety, engages to be confined to the grant of an extension and does not surrender the
answerable for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another prerequisites therefor as mandated in the “letter-advise.” In
known as the principal. other words, the Bank’s authority to defer collection
contemplates only authorized extensions, that is, those that
28. Spouses Toh v. Solid Bank Corporation, 408 SCRA 544 meet the terms of the “letter-advise.”
FACTS: Certainly, while the Bank may extend the due date at its
discretion pursuant to the Continuing Guaranty, it should
Solid Bank Corporation agreed to extend a credit line facility comply with the requirements that domestic letters of credit be
in favor of First Business Paper Corporation. Spouses Toh supported by 15% marginal deposit extendible three times for a
signed the required Continuing Guaranty. The Continuing period of 30 days for each extension, subject to 25% partial
Guaranty waived right of the sureties against delay or absence payment per extension.
of notice or demand on the part of the Bank and gave future
consent to the Bank’s action to extend or change the time However, in this case, the Bank irrevocably extended several
payment, and/or the manner, place, or terms of payment, letters of credit for 90 days with alarmingly flawed and
including renewal of the credit facility. inadequate consideration. Evidently, these extensions
constitute illicit extensions prohibited under Art. 2079 of the
Several letters of credit were irrevocably extended for 90 days Civil Code. As a result of these illicit extensions, spouses Toh
with alarmingly flawed and inadequate consideration. Later on, are relieved of their obligation as sureties of FBPC.
Solid Bank received information that respondent spouses Li
had fraudulently departed from their conjugal home. Hence, 29. Security Bank and Trust Company v. Cuenca, 341
the Bank sent a demand letter upon FBTC and petitioner SCRA 781
spouses to claim payment.
ISSUE: Whether spouses Toh are relieved of their obligations
as sureties Security Bank and Trust Company granted Sta. Ines Melale
Corp. a credit line which was secured by a chattel mortgage
RULING: Yes. Even though the parties stipulated in the over the latter’s logging trucks and an indemnity agreement
Continuing Guaranty that the Bank “may at any time, or from executed by Cuneca whereby he solidarily bounds himself for
time to time, in its discretion, extend or change the time the payment of the loan. Four years after the expiration of the
credit line, Cuenca resigned as President and Chairman of the Associated Bank filed a collection suit against Antonio Ang
Board of Directors of Sta. Ines. and petitioner Tomas Ang for the two promissory notes they
executed as principal debtor and co-maker, respectively. The
Later on, Sta. Ines contracted another loan with Security Bank Bank alleged that Ang obtained a loan of P50,000.00
which was lumped together with the loan covered by the evidenced by a promissory note and P30,000.00 evidenced by
indemnity agreement executed by Cuenca. Pursuant to this another promissory note. They agreed that the loan would be
loan, Sta. Ines and petitioner executed a new loan agreement payable, solidarily, on specified dates. Despite repeated
which was inconsistent with the first loan agreement. demands for payment on Ang, the Bank claimed that they
failed and refused to settle their obligation.
However, Sta. Ines defaulted in the payment of its restructured
loan obligations to Security Bank despite demands made upon Ang interposed the affirmative defenses that the bank is not the
it and Cuenca. Thus, Security Bank filed a complaint for real party in interest as it is not the holder of the promissory
collection of sum of money. notes, much less a holder for value or a holder in due course
and that the bank knew that they did not receive any valuable
ISSUE: Whether Cuenca is liable as surety under the indemnity consideration for affixing their signatures on the notes but
agreement for the payment of the loan merely lent their name as an accommodation party.
RULING: No. The new loan agreement executed between Sta. ISSUE: Whether Ang is liable to the obligation despite being
Ines and Security Bank extinguished the obligation obtained merely a co-maker and accommodation party
under the first loan agreement. Several incompatibilities
between the two loan agreements demonstrate that the two RULING: Yes. Section 29 of the NIL defines an
cannot co-exist. Since the new loan agreement had accommodation party as a person who has signed the
extinguished the old one, the indemnity agreement, an instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser, without
accessory obligation, was necessarily extinguished pursuant to receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of lending his
Art. 1296 of the Civil Code. Thus, Cuenca is not liable as name to some other person. An accommodation party is one
surety under the indemnity agreement for the payment of the who meet all three requisites: (1) he must be a party to the
loan. instrument, signing as maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser; (2)
he must not receive value therefor; and (3) he must sign for the
30. Ang v. Associated Bank, G.R. No. 146511 purpose of lending his name or credit to some other person.
FACTS: The accommodation party is liable on the instrument to a
holder for value even though the holder, at the time of taking contract, shall not be construed as a waiver of Republic Asahi’s
the instrument, knew him/her to be merely an accommodation right to recover damages from JDS and the latter’s sureties.
party. During trial, petitioner alleged that respondent’s money claims
have already been extinguished by the death of Jose D. Santos,
The relation between an accommodation party and the Jr.
accommodate party is one of principal and surety. As such, he
is deemed an original promisor and debtor from the beginning; ISSUE: Whether the claim of sureties has been extinguished by
he is considered in law as the same party as the debtor in the death of Jose D. Santos, Jr.
relation to whatever is adjudged touching the obligation of the
latter since their liabilities are interwoven as to be inseparable. RULING: No. Whatever monetary liabilities or obligations
Although a contract of suretyship is accessory or collateral to a Santos had under his contract with respondent were not
valid principal obligation, the surety’s liability to the creditor is intransmissible by their nature, by stipulation, or by provision
immediate, primary, and absolute; he is directly and equally of law. Hence, his death did not result in the extinguishment of
bound with the principal. A surety becomes liable to the debt those obligations or liabilities, which merely passed on to his
and duty of the principal obligor even without possessing a estate. Death is not a defense that he or his estate can set up to
direct or personal interest in the obligations nor does he receive wipe out the obligations under the performance bond.
any benefit therefrom. Consequently, petitioner as surety cannot use his death to
escape its monetary obligation under its performance bond.
31. Stronghold Insurance Company, Inc. v. Republic Asahi
Glass Corp., 492 SCRA 179 32. Palmares v. CA and M.B. Lending Corp., 282 SCRA
Republic Asahi entered into a contract of roadway construction
and drainage system with Jose D. Santos, Jr. In order to Pursuant to a promissory note, MB Lending Corp. extended a
guarantee the faithful and satisfactory performance of its loan to spouses Azarraga and Estrella Palmares. In the
undertakings, JDS posted a performance bond in which it is promissory note, Palmares signed as a co-maker and
solidarily liable with Stronghold. Dissatisfied with the progress acknowledged her solidarily liability with the principal.
of the work undertaken by JDS, Republic Asahi extrajudicially Palmares and spouses Azarraga failed to pay in full, thus MB
rescinded the contract. Such rescission, according to the Lending filed a complaint against Palmares because of the
spouses’ insolvency. Palmares alleged that she is to be held primarily responsible wirh him, and without reference to the
liable only upon the default of the principal. solvency of the principal.
LEGAL AND JUDICIAL BONDS 1956, the governor of the province ordered one of his men and
the Chief of Police to bring Omal home because he was
33. People v. Otiak Omal and Luzon Surety Co., Inc., G.R. causing trouble in a certain place. Omal was last seen walking
L-14457 towards the governor’s place with the latter’s emissaries and
thereafter he disappeared. It was only on December 20, 1957
FACTS: that Luzon Surety Company filed an ex-parte motion for the
In 1954, Otiak Omal was charged with robbery in band. The withdrawal of the bail bond, praying that it be relieved of the
preliminary investigation having been waived, the case was same alleging that it had exerted efforts to find Omal but was
elevated to the CFI where the bail bond fixed for Omal’s unable to locate and apprehend him.
provisional liberty was reduced from P24,000 to P10,000.
Upon the filing by Luzon Surety Company of the bail bond and
its approval by the court, Omal was released.
The State opposed the motion on the ground that Luzon Surety the irregular conduct of the warden and the provincial governor
Company did not ask for the cancellation of the bond when to go on for a considerable time until it ended in the escape of
Omal was rearrested in connection with the charge of rape the prisoner. Therefore, it is equally chargeable with
against him, but did so only after he had disappeared. The State negligence.
also argued that Luzon Surety Company had chosen to
continue with its liability under the bond and should be held Even when a surety’s performance of the bond is rendered
accountable for the accused who escaped after his rearrest. impossible by the act of God, or of the oblige, or of the law, it
is the surety’s duty to inform the court of the happening of the
ISSUE: Whether, while the accused was out on bail, was event so that it may take action or decree the discharge of the
picked up by the governor’s emissaries and thereafter escaped surety. In this case, the surety took no steps when Omal was
from their custody, will excuse the surety, the Luzon Surety rearrested, nor did it ask for the cancellation of the bail bond
Company from the non-performance of its obligations under until after Omal’s escape or disappearance.
the bond
REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE RULING: No. Art. 415 enumerates land and buildings
separately. This can only mean that a building is, by itself,
34. Soriano v. Spouses Galit, 411 SCRA 631 considered immovable. While it is true that a mortgage of land
necessarily includes, in the absence of stipulation of the
FACTS: improvements thereof, still a building by itself may be
Respondent Ricardo Galit contracted a loan from petitioner mortgaged apart from the land on which it has been built. Such
Marcelo Soriano. The loan was secured by a real estate mortgage would still be a real estate mortgage for the building
mortgage. After Galit failed to pay his obligation, Soriano filed would still be considered immovable property even if dealt
a complaint for sum of money against him with the trial court. with separately and apart from the land.”
Respondents failed to file an answer; hence they were declared 35. Mojica v. CA, G.R. No. 94247
in default. The trial court ruled in favor of Soriano and
subsequently issued a writ of execution which covered the FACTS:
following real properties of the Galit spouses: (1) a parcel of
land, (2) storehouse, and (3) bodega. The properties were sold Spouses Mojica obtained a loan from the Rural Bank of Yawit
to Soriano. secured by a real estate mortgage over a loan located in Cavite.
The real estate mortgage has a stipulation: “…agreement for
Ten months from the time the Certificate of Sale was registered the payment of the loan of P20,000.00 and such other loans or
with the Registry of Deeds, Soriano filed a motion for the other advances already obtained or still to be obtained by the
issuance of a writ of possession which was granted. The writ of mortgagors.”
possession which was issued in Soriano’s favor includes the
land on which the sold storehouse and bodega are constructed. The spouses paid their obligation. Thereafter, they obtained
another loan which they failed to pay. This led to the
ISSUE: Whether the land on which the storehouse and bodega foreclosure of the real estate mortgage in 1979. One year later,
are constructed is necessarily included in the said sale on the son of the spouses paid partially for the second debt.
execution Thereafter, an affidavit of consolidation of ownership was
executed by the bank with the Register of Deeds. A public
auction was supposed to be held but it did not commence, pay the overdue promissory note. Respondent purchased
hence the land was still in the possession of the bank. The bank various machineries, equipment, spare parts, and supplies.
did not accept Mojica’s further payments. Hence, the Mojica Petitioner requested respondent to submit a complete list of the
filed a complaint against the bank. said properties but the latter failed to do so.
ISSUE: Whether the foreclosure sale held in 1979 is valid In 1952, the Board of Directors of respondent passed a
resolution rescinding the alleged sales of equipment, spare
RULING: Yes. It is a rule that mortgages given to secure parts, and supplies. Thereafter, the lower court ordered the sale
future advancements are valid and legal contracts. Moreover, of all equipment, machineries, and supplies of respondent.
the stipulations of a mortgage document serve as the law
between the parties and such shall be complied. Furthermore, a ISSUE: Whether the machineries, equipment, and supplies are
mortgage given to secure advancements is a continuing covered by the subject of deeds of mortgage subject of
security and is not discharged by repayment of the amount foreclosure
named in the mortgage until the full amount of the
advancements are paid. RULING: Yes. The mortgage contract provides that all
property of every nature and description taken in exchange or
36. People’s Bank and Trust Co. v. Dahican Lumber replacement, as well as all buildings, machineries, fixtures,
Company, 20 SCRA 84 tools, equipment, and other property that the mortgagor may
acquire, construct, install, attach, or use in, to upon, or in
FACTS: connection with the premises shall immediately be and become
subject to the lien of both mortgages in the same manner and to
In 1948, Atlantic sold and assigned all its right in the Dahican the same extent as if already included therein at the time of
Lumber concession to Dahican Lumber Company. To fully pay their execution.
and develop the concession, respondent obtained a loan from
petitioner evidenced by five promissory notes. As security for Article 415 does not define real property but enumerates what
the payment of the loans, respondent mortgaged five lands are considered as such, among them being machinery,
together with the buildings existing thereon and other personal receptacles, instruments, or replacements intended by owner of
properties located in its place of business. Upon respondent’s the tenement for an industry or works which may be carried on
failure to pay the fifth promissory note upon its maturity, in a building or on a piece of land, and shall tend directly to
petitioner paid the same to a bank in Washington, D.C. meet the needs of the said industry or works.
Subsequently, petitioner gave respondent up to a certain date to
37. Hechanova v. Adil, 144 SCRA 450 the sole benefit of Santos and the spouses San Pedro merely
signed the deed in order to accommodate the former.
In 1995, the spouses received a letter from Direct Funders
The case involves the annulment of a deed of sale executed by informing them that Santos failed to pay the loan. When
Jose Servando in favor of Gemma Hechanova. Claiming that confronted with the matter, Santos promised to promptly settle
the subject parcel of lands was mortgaged to him by Jose, Pio the loan, which he actually did. Upon learning that Santos’
Servando impugned the validity of the sale as being fraudulent. debt with Direct Funders had been fully settled, the spouses
Attach to Pio’s complaint was a copy of a private document of demanded from him to turn over to them the TCT of the
the alleged mortgage. subject property but the latter failed to do so despite repeated
demands. The spouses then inquired as to the status of their
ISSUE: Whether there was a valid mortgage in favor of Pio property with the Register of Deeds and discovered that Santos
RULING: No. No valid mortgage has been constituted in Pio’s used their property as a collateral for another loan obligation he
favor, the alleged deed of mortgage being a mere private secured from petitioner.
document and not registered; moreover, it contains a pactum Stamped at the bank of the title is an annotation stating that the
commissorium stipulation which is null and void under the spouses purportedly authorized Santos to mortgage the
Civil Code. property to the Bank of Commerce, as evidenced by a SPA. It
38. Bank of Commerce v. Spouses San Pablo, 522 SCRA was further shown from the annotation at the back of the title
713 that the spouses signed a Deed of Real Estate Mortgage over
the property in favor of petitioner, which they never did.
ISSUE: Whether petitioner is a mortgagee in good faith
Santos obtained a loan from Direct Funders Management and
Consultancy Inc. As a security for the loan, Natividad executed RULING: No. All persons dealing with property covered by
a SPA in favor of Santos, authorizing the latter to mortgage to the Torrens Certificate of Title, as buyers or mortgages, are not
Direct Funders a real property. In the real estate mortgage required to go beyond what appears on the face of the title. In
contract executed in favor of Direct Funders, Natividad and her cases where the mortgagor is not the rightful owner of the
husband Prudencio signed as the co-mortgagors of Santos. It property, the mortgagee is expected to examine not only the
was clear between the parties that the loan obligation was for certificate of title but all the factual circumstances for one to
determine if there are any flaws in the title of the transferor, or Then came the 1988 fire that gutted a portion of the Quezon
in the capacity to transfer the land. City hall and destroyed the document of Garaygay of Cebu but
it was later reconstituted. It was later subdivided into three lots.
Here, since Santos was not the registered owner as he merely One of the lots was sold to Lilian Toundjis and the other two
represented himself to be the attorney-in-fact of the spouses lots were assigned to Century Realty which mortgaged the
San Pablo, the Bank of Commerce is expected to examine not same to Premiere Bank to secure a loan.
only the certificate of title but all the factual circumstances
necessary for one to determine if there are any flaws in the title Yambao, Rodriguez, and Morales filed with the RTC a suit
of the transferor, or in the capacity to transfer the land. against Joselito, Century, and Premiere Bank for quieting of
title and annulment of the defendants’ fake titles with prayer
39. Premiere Development Bank v. CA, 453 SCRA 630 for damages.
FACTS: ISSUE: Whether Tounjis and Premiere Bank are buyers in
good faith
Two persons with exactly the same name, i.e., Vicente T.
Garaygay, claimed exclusive ownership of the subject RULING: No. A study of the record shows that the TCT lot
property. Each had possession of the property during the period that Toundjis contracted to buy from Joselito carried an
material covering the said lot. One held TCT No. 9780 and the annotation that it was administratively reconstituted. Records
other, TCT No. 9780. Both TCTs have the same technical also indicate that Toundjis knew at the time of the sale that
description of the land and the date “June 14, 1944.” However, Joselito did not have possession of the lot inasmuch as she
one contained certain features, markings, and/or entries not agreed to pay the balance of the purchase price as soon as the
found in the other and vice versa. seller can fence off the property and surrender physical
possession thereof to her.
In 1979, Garaygay of Cebu executed a deed of sale in favor of
his nephew, Joselito. In another transaction, Garaygay of Rizal Furthermore, a purchaser of a property cannot be in good faith
sold to Liberto Yambao and Jesus Rodriguez the same where the title thereof shows that it was reconstituted. The
property. Buyers Yambao and Rodriguez would later sell a contract to sell is also unregistered and not annotated at the
protion of their undivided interests on the land to Jesus back of the title of the property for the reason that under PD
Moralez. 1529, the act of registration shall be the operative act to convey
or affect the land insofar as third parties are concerned.
Premiere Bank cannot also be accorded the status of an Mercator Finance Corporation which was secured by a real
innocent mortgagee for value vis-à-vis the mortgage of the lots estate mortgage on five lands.
constituted in its favor by Century Realty. Apart from the
annotations that said titles are only administratively Eduardo defaulted in his loan payments. Hence, petitioner
reconstituted, Premiere is aware of the existence of these Asuncion and Eduardo executed a Memorandum of Agreement
structures as can be seen in its real estate report. But despite the which stated that petitioner will pay all of the loans of Eduardo
existence of these structures, Premiere proceeded in the provided that the latter will transfer the title of the farm and
execution of the mortgage contract. properties, which were mortgaged in favor of Asuncion.
If the land mortgaged is in the possession of a person other Asuncion was able to pay partially the loans of Eduardo from
than the mortgagor, the mortgagee is required to go beyond the the three creditors as compliance to the MOA. Eduardo was
certificate of title and make inquiries as to the rights of the obligated under the MOA to sign and delivery any and all
actual possessors. Failure to do so would make him a documents necessary for the transfer and conveyance of the
mortgagee in bad faith. mortgaged properties. However, more than a year after signing
the MOA, the properties of Eduardo remained titled in his
40. Asuncion v. Evangelista, 316 SCRA 848 name. Hence, Asuncion filed a complaint for rescission of the
MOA with a prayer for damages.
ISSUE: Whether the MOA was in the nature of a contract of
For 10 years, Eduardo Evangelista has been operating a sale
piggery under the trade name Embassy Farms. In 1981,
Eduardo, his wife, and three others organized Embassy Farms, RULING: Yes. Under the MOA, it was the obligation of
Inc. and registered it with the Securities and Exchange Eduardo to cede and convey, in a manner absolute and
Commission. irrevocable, his real properties and stockholdings in the farm in
favor of Asuncion in exchange for the outright payment by
Eduardo obtained a loan from Paluwagan ng Bayan Savings Asuncion of all the financial obligations of Evangelista. While
and Loan Association as working capital for Embassy Farms. Asuncion paid Evangelista the stipulated lump sum,
As security for the loan, he executed a real estate mortgage on Evangelista never executed a deed of sale with assumption of
three of his properties. Thereafter, he mortgaged 10 titles more mortgage over his landholdings.
in favor of PAIC Savings and Mortgage Bank, as security for a
loan he obtained from it. He obtained another loan from 41. Quintanilla v. CA, 279 SCRA 397
FACTS: including interest, and expenses of any other obligation owing
to the mortgagee, whether direct or indirect, principal or
Perfecta Quintanilla executed a Real Estate Mortgage on a secondary, the mortgagor does hereby transfer and convey by
parcel of land in favor of Rizal Commercial Banking way of mortgage unto the mortgagee…”
Corporation, to secure a credit line in the amount of
P45,000.00. From this credit line, Quintanilla availed the The amount stated in the mortgage contract between
amount of P25,000.00, secured and evidenced by a promissory Quintanilla and RCBC does not limit the amount for which it
note. In addition, Quintanilla secured from RCBC two loans may stand as security considering that under the terms of that
against her advance export credit line, secured by a promissory contract, the intent to secure future indebtedness is apparent.
42. Republic v. Lim, 482 SCRA 265
Then, Quintanilla shipped stocks of her cane products to her
buyer, under the export bill. RCBC received the proceeds of FACTS:
this export shipment. However, the issuing bank, Brussels
Lambert-Belgium refused payment on the export bill and The Republic instituted expropriation proceedings involving
demanded reimbursement from RCBC. RCBC paid the two lots owned by the Denzons for the purpose of establishing
amount. RCBC then proceeded to demand payment from a military reservation for the Philippine Army. Republic took
Quintanilla the whole amount. Yet, Quintanilla failed to pay. possession of the lots. Thereafter, the CFI rendered a decision
Hence, RCBC foreclosed the real estate mortgage executed by ordering Republic to pay the Denzons the sum of P4,062.10 as
Quintanilla. just compensation. The Denzons appealed to the CA but it was
dismissed. Hence, the entry of judgment was made.
ISSUE: Whether the Real Estate Mortgage secures future
indebtedness exceeding P45,000.00 For failure of the Republic to pay for the lots, the Denzons’
successors-in-interest, Valdehueza and Panerio, filed with the
RULING: Yes. The provisions of the real estate mortgage CFI an action for recovery of possession with damages against
provides: “that for and in consideration of certain loans the Republic. The CFI held that they are the owners and have
overdrafts and other credit accommodations obtained from the retained their right as such over the lots because of the
mortgagee by the same and those that hereafter be obtained, the Republic’s failure to pay just compensation. However, they
principal of all of which is hereby fixed at P45,000.00, as well were ordered to execute a deed of sale in favor of the Republic.
as those that the mortgage may extend to the mortgagor
They appealed the CFI’s decision to the SC. The SC held that ownership including their right to mortgage or even to dispose
Valdehueza and Panerio are still the registered owners of the of their property.
lots, but ruled that they are not entitled to recover possession of
the lots but may only demand the payment of their fair market The owner has absolute right over the property pending
value. completion of the expropriation proceeding. Until the action
for expropriation has been completed and terminated,
Meanwhile, Valdehueza and Panerio mortgaged one of the lots ownership over the property being expropriated remains with
to Vicente Lim. For their failure to pay the latter despite the registered owner. Consequently, the latter can exercise all
demand, he had the mortgaged foreclosed. The lot title was rights pertaining to an owner, including the right to dispose of
issued in his name. Hence, Lim filed a complaint for quieting the property subject to the power of the State ultimately to
of title against the Republic. acquire it through expropriation.
ISSUE: Whether Lim acted in bad faith in entering into a 43. Litonjua v. L&R Corporation, 320 SCRA 269
contract of mortgage with Valdehueza and Panerio despite the
clear annotation in the TCT FACTS:
RULING: No. Such issue is immaterial considering that the Spouses Litonjua obtained a loan of P40,000.00 from L&R
Republic did not complete the expropriation process. It failed Corporation. The loan was secured by a mortgage of two
to perfect its title over the lot by its failure to pay just parcels of land. The Deed of Real Estate Mortgage between the
compensation. Assuming that Lim was in bad faith, such fact spouses and L&R contained the following provisions:
cannot vest upon the Republic a better title over the lot because
in the first place, the Republic has no title to speak of. Section 8. That the mortgagors shall not sell, dispose of,
mortgage, nor in any other manner encumber the real
Assuming that Lim had indeed knowledge of the annotation, property/properties subject of this mortgage without the
still nothing would have prevented him from entering into a prior written consent of the mortgagee;
mortgage contract while the expropriation proceeding was
pending. Here, the annotation merely served as a caveat that Section 9. That should the mortgagors decide to sell the
the Republic had a preferential right to acquire the land upon real property/properties subject of this mortgage, the
its payment of just compensation. It did not proscribe mortgagee shall be duly notified thereof by the
Valdehueza and Panerio from exercising their rights of mortgagors and should the mortgagee be interested to
purchase the same, the latter shall be given priority over RULING:
all the other prospective buyers.
1. Section 8 is invalid but Section 9 is valid. Section 8 violates
Later, the spouses sold the land to Philippine White House Art. 21330 of the Civil Code providing that stipulations
Auto Supply Inc. (PWHAS). The sale was annotated at the forbidding the owner from alienating the real property shall be
back of the certificates of sale. void. While it is true that the provisions do not absolutely
prohibit the mortgagor from selling his property, what it does
When the spouses defaulted in the payment of their obligations not outrightly prohibit, it nevertheless achieves. For all intents
to L&R, the latter initiated an extrajudicial foreclosure. The and purposes, the stipulation practically gives the mortgagee
properties were successfully foreclosed and sold at a public the sole prerogative to prevent any sale of the mortgaged
auction wherein the company was the only bidder. Seven property to a third party. Since Section 8 is invalid, it is not
months after the foreclosure sale, PWHAS tendered payment binding upon the parties. Hence, the sale made by the spouses
of the full redemption price to the company. The latter was Litonjua to PWHAS, notwithstanding the lack of prior written
about to register the sale, but it learned for the first time of the consent of L&R Corporation, is valid.
Litonjua’s sale of the lands to PWHAS.
2. Yes. The sale made by the spouses Litonjua of the
The spouses filed a complaint for Quieting of Title, Annulment mortgaged property to PWHAS is valid. Hence, PWHAS
of Title and Damages with preliminary injunction against stepped into the shoes of the spouses Litonjua on account of
L&R. such sale and was in effect, their successor-in-interest. As such,
it had the right to redeem the property foreclosed by L&R
ISSUES: Corporation.
1. Whether Sections 8 and 9 of the Real Estate Mortgage are The redemption of PWHAS to redeem the real property finds
valid and enforceable support in Section 6 of Act 3135 which gives not only the
2. Whether the redemption effected by PWHAS on the account mortgagor-debtor the right to redeem, but also his successors-
of the spouses Litonjua is valid in-interest. As purchaser of the subject property, PWHAS
qualifies as a successor-in-interest of the spouses Litonjua.
3. Whether the stipulation granting the right of first refusal is
valid and enforceable 3. Yes. PWHAS cannot claim ignorance of the right of first
refusal granted to L&R Corporation over the real property
since the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage containing such loan documents but to no avail. The Vice President of EPCIB
provision was duly registered with the Register of Deeds. As sent the spouses a letter explaining that as a matter of practice,
such, PWHAS is presumed to have been notified thereof by their clients were given original copies of the loan documents
registration, which equates to notice to the whole world. only upon full release of the amount loaned. He clarified that
since the spouses’ loan had not been fully released, the original
The sale between the spouses Litonjua and PWHAS is valid, documents were not yet sent to them.
notwithstanding the absence of L&R Corporations’ prior
written consent thereto. Inasmuch as the sale to PWHAS is Finally, the spouses received copies of the loan documents.
valid, its offer to redeem and its tender of the redemption price, They were surprised to find out that the Loan Agreement and
as successor-in-interest of the spouses Litonjua, within the one- REM designated Equitable Savings Bank (ESB) as lender and
year period should have been accepted as valid by L&R. While mortgagor, instead of EPCIB with whom they allegedly
the sale is indeed valid, it is rescissible because it disregarded entered into the agreement.
L&R’s right of first refusal.
When the spouses failed to pay for the loan in full, EPCIB
44. Borromeo v. CA, G.R. No 169846 sought to extrajudicially foreclose the REM. The Office of the
Ex-Officio Sheriff issued a notice of extrajudicial sale in which
FACTS: it was stated that the extrajudicial sale was set to take place on
November 26, 2003. On November 14, 2003, the spouses
Spouses Borromeo were client-depositors of Equitable PCI received the notice. Thereafter, the spouses filed a complaint
Bank (EPCIB) from more than 12 years. They alleged that for injunction, annulment of mortgage, damages and with
sometime in mid-1999 the branch manager of EPCIB offered a prayer for temporary restraining order and preliminary and
loan to the spouses under its “Own-a-Home Loan Program.” mandatory injunction against EPCIB and ESB, alleging that the
The spouses applied for a loan and were informed of the loan documents failed to reflect the true agreement of the
approval of their loan application. In 2000, the spouses signed parties.
blank loan documents consisting of the Loan Agreement,
Promissory Notes, a Real Estate Mortgage (REM) and The extrajudicial foreclosure did not push through, hence ESB
Disclosure Statements. re-filed its petition for extrajudicial foreclosure of the REM.
Meanwhile, the RTC granted the spouses’ Motion for
To secure the payment of the loan, the spouses executed a Reconsideration and found that the spouses were bound to
REM over their land in favor of EPCIB. They made repeated suffer grave injustice if they were deprived of their property
verbal requests to EPCIB to furnish them their copies of the
before the RTC could rule on the validity of the REM property is invalid, petitioners would be placed in an
constituted on the same. oppressively unjust situation where they will be tied up in
litigation for the recovery of their property while their debt to
ISSUE: Whether a writ of preliminary injunction should be the real creditor-mortgagee, EPCIB, would remain unpaid and
issued to enjoin the foreclosure and public auction of continue to accrue interest and other charges.
petitioners’ property during the proceedings and pending
determination of the main cause of action for annulment of the 45. Spouses Agbada v. Inter-Urban Developers, 389 SCRA
REM of said property 430
understood from a mere reading of the instrument, thus been postponed to July 19, 1999, the complainants left.
necessitating the reception of relevant extrinsic evidence of the However, later they learned from Rellorosa that Luna
contractual provision in dispute to enable the court to make a conducted the suction sale of the car at 2 pm that same day.
proper interpretation of the instrument. However, in this case,
the loan and mortgage deed are clear and without ambiguity, Luna explained that he levied the car pursuant to a writ of
mistake or imperfection in specifying the maturity of the loan execution issued by the court. The auction sale was set at 10
exactly after six months from date of execution thereof at the am of July 15, 1999 with due notice to Rellorosa.
interest rate of 3% per month.
Three days prior to the scheduled auction sale, Rellorosa filed a
46. Sayson v. Luna, 433 SCRA 502 petition for relief from judgment with urgent prayer for
preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order to stop
FACTS: the sale. Luna alleged that he came to see Rellorosa alone and
informed the latter that his motion was denied. He also told the
Petitioners charged Luna, Sheriff III, MeTC, Branch 37, latter that the auction sale would not push through as scheduled
Quezon City, with grave misconduct and/or conduct prejudicial but would proceed any time of the day once the order was
to the best interest of the service relative to a civil case. signed. He advised Rellorosa to wait for Serrano to ask if the
latter would postpone the auction sale, but Rellorosa
Petitioners alleged that one weekend, one Gregorio Rellorosa immediately left.
informed them that his car would be levied upon pursuant to a
writ of execution issued by the MeTC of Quezon City and that ISSUE: Whether there was misconduct on the part of Luna
it was scheduled to be sold at public auction at 10 am on July
15, 1999. Rellorosa requested them to participate in the RULING: No. Sheriff Luna acted in accordance with the Writ
bidding, to which they agreed, subject to the condition that in of Execution as issued by the MeTC Judge. A sheriff’s duty in
case one of them would win the bid, they would allow the execution of a writ is purely ministerial. He is to execute
Rellorosa to redeem the car within one year at the bid price the order of the court strictly to the letter and he has no
plus accrued interest. discretion whether to execute the judgment or not.
Petitioners alleged that at 9 am of July 15, 1999, they met A perusal of the notice of levy and sale will show that the sale
Rellorosa and agreed to pool their resources so that they would at public auction was to take place on July 15, 1999 at 10 am or
come out as the highest bidder. They also met Luna the same soon thereafter at the front of the Hall of Justice Building in
morning. Upon being told that the scheduled auction sale had QC. Such notice was served on July 8, 1999 or more than five
days before the scheduled auction sale. Furthermore, a sheriff’s the same was actually conducted by Gatbunton on December 1,
report, in this case the minutes of the auction sale, as a 2003 with Garcia as the highest bidder.
document, is clothed with the presumption of regularity, and
since it was not objected to by the complainant, it must be Spouses Paguyo filed a complaint with the Office of the Court
upheld. Administrator charging Gatbunton with grave abuse of
authority and/or gross ignorance of the law, claiming that the
The petitioners failed to substantiate the charges against Luna. conduct of Gatbunton of the extrajudicial foreclosure
As against the bare allegations of misconduct with no cogent proceedings against their property was highly irregular and
proof thereon, and the presumption of regularity in the patently illegal.
performance of official functions, the latter shall prevail.
ISSUE: Whether Gatbunton may be held administratively
47. Paguyo v. Gatbunton, 523 SCRA 156 liable for proceeding with the extrajudicial foreclosure
However, for his having conducted the auction sale of the In 1980, CSLA allegedly gave the heirs of Gavino the option to
mortgaged property on Dec. 1, 2003 without causing the repurchase within 30 days the half of the property. When they
republication of the notice of sheriff’s sale with the new failed to avail of the offer, CSLA sold the property to spouses
auction sale, Gatbunton was held liable not for gross ignorance Tamayo. A tax declaration was subsequently issued, naming
of the law, but for inefficiency and incompetence in the Virgilio Tamayo and Gavino as co-owners of the property.
performance of his official duties. Publication is required to
give the foreclosure sale a reasonably wide publicity such that In 1984, spouses Tamayo filed an action for partition against
those interested might attend the public sale. To allow the respondents who opposes it on the ground that, since CSLA
parties to waive this jurisdictional requirement would result in committed a violated of the mortgage deed when it failed to
converting into a private sale what ought to be a public auction. send Gavino or his heirs a notice of the extrajudicial
foreclosure and sale, the proceeding was null and void.
48. Spouses Tamayo v. Heirs of Gavino Dominguez, 498
SCRA 342 ISSUE: Whether the extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings
were null and void
RULING: Yes. There is no evidence to show that the CSLA
Gavino Dominguez executed a real estate mortgage on one- properly sent notice of the foreclosure proceedings to Gavino
half of his commercial property in favor of the Community or to his heirs, pursuant to Section 10 of the Real Estate
Savings and Loan Association (CSLA) as mortgagee. The loan Mortgage Contract. In extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings,
agreement was signed by Ricardo Dominguez as co-maker and personal notice to the mortgagor is actually unnecessary unless
specified Nov. 26, 1976 as due date. Gavino died without stipulated. In this case, the parties agreed on an additional
settling his obligation. On the maturity of the loan, CSLA filed stipulation embodied in Section 10 of the mortgage contract.
a petition for extrajudicial foreclosure. In the auction sale, the Not being contrary to law, morals, good customs, and public
property was awarded to it as the highest bidder and the policy, CSLA should have complied with it faithfully.
certificate of sale registered in its name. When the one-year
redemption period had already lapsed, title and ownership of 49. LCK Industries v. Planters Development Bank, 538
half of the property were consolidated in its favor. A tax SCRA 634
declaration was issued, with CSLA and Gavino as registered
co-owners. FACTS:
LCK Industries obtained a P3 million loan from Planters be no such encumbrances or there be a balance or residue after
Development Bank, as evidenced by two promissory notes. As payment to them, then to the mortgagor or his duty authorized
security for the loan, spouses Lim executed two Real Estate agent, or to the person entitled to it.”
Mortgages for two parcels of land. Petitioner defaulted in its
payment; hence respondent caused the extrajudicial foreclosure In Sulit v. CA, the Court held that it is the mortgagee’s duty to
of the property. Prior to the auction sale, LCK and spouses Lim return any surplus in the selling price to the mortgagor.
filed an action for the annulment of foreclosure of mortgage Perforce, a mortgagee who exercises the power of sale
and auction sale of the second property, alleging non- contained in a mortgage is considered a custodian of the fund
compliance with posting and publication requirements and and being bound to apply it properly, is liable to the persons
non-filing of petition for extrajudicial foreclosure before the entitled thereto if he fails to do so.
Clerk of Court as required by Act No. 3135.
Here, LCK’s obligation with the bank was already fully
In its memorandum, LCK claimed overpayment amounting to satisfied after the mortgaged properties were sold at the public
P1.8 million. auction for more than the amount of LCK’s remaining debt
with the bank. As the custodian of the proceeds from the
ISSUE: Whether the excess amount of P1.8 million which the foreclosure sale, the bank has no legal right whatsoever to
bank acquired from the auction sale of the spouses Lim’s retain the excess of the bid price and is under clear obligation
property should be returned to them to return the same to LCK.
RULING: Yes. Section 21 of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court 50. Development Bank of the Philippines v. Spouses
provides “when the purchaser is the judgment obligee, and no Licuanan, 516 SCRA 644
third-party claim has been filed, he need not pay the amount of
the bid if it does not exceed the amount of the judgment. If it FACTS:
does, he shall only pay the excess.” Section 24 of Rule 68
provides “the amount realized from the foreclosure sale of the Respondents obtained several loans from petitioner bank on
mortgaged property shall, after deducting the costs of the sale, different dates evidenced by promissory notes and secured by
be paid to the person foreclosing the mortgage, and when there real estate mortgages over several properties. When the
shall be any balance or residue, after paying off the mortgage respondent spouses failed to settle with their obligations,
debt due, the same shall be paid to junior encumbrancers in the petitioner bank informed them that their properties shall be
order of their priority, to be ascertained by the court, or if there sold by the sheriff. Eventually, the properties were sold in a
public auction with petitioner bank as the highest bidder. After
one year, the bank consolidated its ownership over the purchase agreement with GSIS over a building annexed to the
properties and announced that it will sell its properties via hotel. Under the agreement, PVHI has to pay monthly
public bidding. When no bidders came, it informed the spouses installments to GSIS until the costs of the building is fully
Licuanan that the properties could be reacquired by negotiated paid.
sale for cash or installment. Thereafter the properties were sold
to Emelita Peralta. Then respondents offered to repurchase the Over the period from December 15, 1972 to June 30, 1986,
properties from the bank but such properties had already been PVHI paid to the GSIS the sum of P98.9 million. The loan
sold to Peralta. Hence, they filed a complaint for the recovery obligation covered by the mortgage was still not fully paid.
of real properties. Thereafter, GSIS instituted foreclosure proceedings of real
estate and chattel mortgages. GSIs scheduled a foreclosure
ISSUE: Whether prior demand is a precondition before an sale. The hotel was sold in a public auction with GSIS as the
extrajudicial foreclosure can be made highest bidder.
RULING: Yes. Unless demand is proven, one cannot be held PVHI filed a petition to set aside the foreclosure sale claiming
in default. DBP’s cause of action did not accrue on the that such foreclosure sale was illegal.
maturity dates stated in the promissory notes. It is only when
demand to pay is made and subsequently refused that ISSUE: Whether the remedy of a party aggrieved by
respondents can be considered in default and petitioner obtains foreclosure is to have the sale set aside
the right to file an action to collect the debt or foreclose the
mortgage. RULING: Yes. PVHI’s remedy was to nullify the sale where
petitioner had sought an issuance of a writ of possession of the
51. GSIS v. CA, 266 SCRA 187 property as confirmed by Section 8 of Act No. 3135. However,
PVHI wrongly elevated the order of Judge Sayo dismissing the
FACTS: petition to nullify the foreclosure sale via a petition for
certiorari instead of an ordinary appeal. Nevertheless, certiorari
Philippine Village Hotel, Inc. (PVHI) obtained a P22 million may in meritorious case be allowed, particularly when the
loan from GSIS for the construction of a hotel on a land leased petition is filed while the period for appeal has not yet expired.
to PVHI by the Nayong Pilipino Foundation. To guarantee In this case, certiorari could be justified in order to prevent any
payment of said loan, PVHU hypothecated the hotel and its possible irreparable damage to PVHI as against an ordinary
contents to the GSIS. Thereafter, GSIS granted to PVHI two appeal which may prove to be tedious and inadequate.
additional loan accommodations. PVHI entered into a lease-
52. Maglaque v. Planters Development Bank, 307 SCRA RULING: No. A secured creditor holding a real estate
156 mortgage has three options in case of death of the debtor:
FACTS: 1. to waive the mortgage and claim the entire debt from
the estate of the mortgagor as an ordinary claim;
Spouses Maglaque and Payawal were the owners of a parcel of
land and a residential house of strong materials erected thereon. 2. to foreclose the mortgage judicially and prove any
The spouses obtained a loan from Bulacan Development Bank deficiency as an ordinary claim; and
evidenced by a promissory note, payable on or before March
19, 1975, in two installments. To secure the loan, the spouses 3. to rely on the mortgage exclusively, foreclosing the
executed a deed of real estate mortgage on the parcel of land, same at any time before it is barred by prescription,
including its improvements. without right to file a claim for any deficiency
Payawal died. In 1977, Egmidio Maglaque paid the bank the The bank availed itself of the third option.
amount of P2,000.00 which the bank accepted. In 1979,
Egmidio died. For non-payment of the loan in full, the bank 53. Raymundo v. Sunico, 25 Phil. 365
extrajudicially foreclosed on the real estate mortgage through FACTS:
the sheriff who conducted a public auction sale of the property
pursuant to the authority provided for in the deed of real estate Valeriana Raymundo was the owner of three parcels of land.
mortgage. The bank was the highest bidder. She mortgaged this land to a company to secure the payment of
P5,915.56. Thereafter, an action was filed to foreclose the
After the lapse of the redemption period, the bank consolidated mortgage and an order was issued by the lower court directing
its title to the property and became its registered owner. David Raymundo to pay the amount within the time prescribed by
Maglaque, as heir of the deceased spouses Maglaque and law, and in case of failure to do so, the property will be sold.
Payawal, filed a complaint for annulment of the sale conducted The judgment of the lower court was affirmed by the SC.
by the sheriff. In 1980, the bank sold the property to spouses Hence, the lower court directed that the three parcels of land be
Beltran. sold to satisfy the judgment. The land was sold at public action
ISSUE: Whether the bank should have filed its claim in the to Sunico. Such sale was approved by the court without any
settlement of estate of the deceased mortgagors notice to the plaintiffs.
ISSUE: If the sale of mortgaged property is approved without Benjamin Molinas and his brother, Ireneo, inherited a parcel of
giving the mortgagor an opportunity to be heard, is such land from their father. In 1973, Benjamin executed a deed of
approval valid and sufficient to pass title? sale of his share over the property to his brother under the
latter’s representation that he would use the deed to procure a
RULING: No. The last part of section 257 of the Code of Civil loan with the Development Bank of the Philippines for a
Procedure reads: “Should the court decline to confirm the sale, planned housing project on the land. Then, Ireneo caused the
for good cause shown, and should set it aside, it shall order a transfer of title of the property in his name. The property was
resale in accordance with law.” This part of the section clearly later subdivided into 308 lots and individual titles for the
shows that there must be a hearing for the confirmation of the subdivided lots were issued. Ireneo mortgaged 22 lots to
sale. Such hearing is an essential part of the foreclosure petitioner.
proceedings because it gives the interested parties an
opportunity to lay before the court their reasons why the sale Three years after, Benjamin filed a case for the nullification of
should or should not be confirmed. the deed of sale, the recovery of the property, and the payment
of damages. While the case was pending, petitioner foreclosed
In this case, Valeriana Raymundo was not a party to the the mortgage and emerged as the highest bidder in the
foreclosure, but she was the party most interested in the foreclosure sale. In 1985, Benjamin caused the annotation of
confirmation of the sale. She was the owner of the land and notices of lis pendens relating to this case on the titles of the
remains the owner until the sale is regularly confirmed. She subdivided lots. Two years later, the deed of sale was declared
loses all of her right, title, and interest in the property upon the null and void hence cancelling the subsequent titles issued.
confirmation. To deprive Valeriana of the property by This attained finality in 1991.
confirming the sale without giving her an opportunity to be
heard would be contrary to the plain principles of justice. She Thereafter, Benjamin filed an action against petitioner for the
may have good reasons why the sale should not have been cancellation of the mortgage, the invalidation of the
confirmed, such as irregularities in the conduct of the sale, foreclosure, and the declaration of the nullity of the titles
misconduct on the part of the sheriff or any of the parties, issued in petitioner’s name.
misrepresentations, etc.
ISSUE: Whether petitioner is an innocent mortgagee for value
54. Phil. Veterans Bank v. Molinas, 550 SCRA 251
RULING: Yes. Petitioner is an innocent mortgagee for value.
FACTS: When the lots were mortgaged to it by Ireneo, the titles thereto
were in the latter’s name, and they showed neither vice nor registration of the lots in favor of Limpin and Sarmiento is
infirmity. In accepting the mortgage, petitioner was not premature because they are only entitled to their registration of
required to make any further investigation of the titles to the their equity of redemption. The mortgagee’s lien is superior
properties being given as security, and could rely entirely on over the subsequent judgment creditor’s. A recorded judgment
what is stated in the aforesaid titles. The public interest in is a right in rem, a lien over the property whoever its owner
upholding the indefeasibility of a certificate of title, as may be. Registration has an effect of constructive notice which
evidenced of the lawful ownership of the land or of any the petitioners in this case, in effect, is already notified. The
encumbrance thereon, protects a buyer or mortgagee who, in subsequent purchase of Limpin and Sarmiento, all of them
good faith, relied upon what appears on the face of the were subject to the mortgage in favor of Ponce. The latter’s
certificate of title. right is not in any way affected or prejudiced by a subsequent
or junior lien.
55. Limpin v. IAC, 166 SCRA 1987
56. Aclon v. CA, 387 SCRA 415
Spouses Aquino obtained a loan from Guillermo Ponce which
was covered with a security consisting of four lots. The Pedro Aclon secured a loan from PNB which was secured by a
mortgages were registered. In 1980, the lots were used to mortgage over two parcels of land. When the loan became due,
satisfy the money judgment against Butuan Bay Wood Export it was extended after Aclon partially paid. However, despite
Corporation. Said lots were sold to Limpin who then sold the demands from PNB, Aclon failed to pay, hence PNB
lots to Rogelio Sarmiento. However, the day before Limpin’s constituted extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings. After
levy on the two lots, Ponce filed a suit against Spouses Aquino publication and notice, the sheriff conducted the sale at public
for judicial foreclosure of the mortgage over the lots. auction of the mortgaged properties. The properties were then
awarded to PNB being the sole and highest bidder. A
The trial court ruled in favor of Ponce. The IAC reversed the certificate of sale was issued to PNB. The redemption period
ruling of the trial court and ruled in favor of Limpin. lapsed without Aclon redeeming the property. Thus, PNB sold
one of the parcels of land to Spouses Opimo. However, Aclon
ISSUE: Whether Ponce holds a prior and superior lien remained in possession of the property. When the spouses
RULING: Yes. The IAC is correct in ruling in favor of Ponce Opimo attempted to take possession of the property, Aclon
because the latter holds a prior and superior lien. The refused to vacate the same and instead filed a complaint against
PNB and the spouses Opimo alleging that the sale of the Respondent Rey John Tan is the owner and actual possessor of
property was null and void. a parcel of land while Jose Tan is the owner of another
commercial land. Metrobank alleged that Jose had been duly
ISSUE: Whether the sale of the property by PNB to Spouses authorized pursuant to a SPA given by Tan to mortgage the
Opimo is null and void commercial properties of the latter in favor of Metrobank.
Subsequently, a petition for the extrajudicial foreclosure of the
RULING: No. An attempt to redeem from an execution sale four subject properties was filed by Metrobank with the sheriff.
has been construed as a waiver of defects or irregularities Public auction was conducted in order to satisfy an alleged
therein, precluding him from relying upon them for the purpose obligation of P48,311,003.39 that were all secured by a real
of challenging its validity. In this case, when Aclon sought to estate mortgage over the lots.
redeem the property from PNB, he never made any reservation
with respect to his right to question the validity of the auction Prior to the auction sale, Jose and his wife filed an action to
sale and to seek alternative relief before the courts. In other remove doubt on title and injunction in connection with the lot
words, there was no indication whatsoever that he does not mortgaged by Jose. In such case, the trial court ruled that the
recognize the validity of the sale. real estate mortgage executed by Jose was null and void on the
ground of lack of consent of his wife, and consequently, the
If Aclon indeed felt that the foreclosure proceedings were extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings are null and void.
attended with any irregularity, he should have filed the
appropriate action with the court. Furthermore, it was only Notwithstanding, Metrobank filed an ex parte petition for a
more than five years after the said properties were foreclosed writ of possession involving the subject property. The trial
and after four years after the same were sold to the spouses court ordered issuance in favor of Metrobank of a writ of
Opimo that Aclon filed for redeeming the subject properties possession, and a subsequent writ was issued. In an attempt to
proving his own fault and negligence. Therefore, with Aclon’s forestall the implementation of the writ, Rey John, Jose, and
implied admission of the validity of the extrajudicial Ariel moved for reconsideration to quash the writ, presenting
foreclosure proceedings, he is likewise estopped from in evidence the earlier decision of the trial court declaring the
questioning the venue of the public auction. real estate mortgage and extrajudicial foreclosure as null and
void ab initio.
57. Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company v. Tan, 555
SCRA 502
ISSUE: Whether a writ of possession shall issue in favor of arguments and granted respondent’s application for the
Metrobank notwithstanding a previous decision declaring the issuance of a writ of possession.
real estate mortgage null and void
In this case, petitioners contended that RTC erred in issuing the
RULING: Yes. Notwithstanding respondents’ theory, no writ of possession and acted with grave abuse of discretion
discretion is left to the trial court in the issuance of a writ of amounting to lack and excess of jurisdiction and reiterated their
possession. This is provided for in Sections 7 and 8 of Act argument that they cannot be ousted of their possession of the
3135. The applicable law states that it is the court’s ministerial property, having been in actual possession of the property since
duty to issue a writ of possession in favor of the purchaser of 1964.
the mortgaged real property during the period of redemption. It
is ministerial upon the court to issue a writ of possession in ISSUE: Whether RTC erred in issuing the writ of possession
favor of a purchaser, provided that a proper motion is filed, a against petitioners
bond is approved, and no third person is involved. The
pendency of an action to annul the mortgage is not a ground for RULING: Yes. A writ of possession may be issued under the
the non-enforcement of a writ of possession. The ministerial following instances: (1) land registration proceedings under
duty of the court does not become discretionary upon the filing Section 17 of Act No. 496; (2) judicial foreclosure, provided
of a complaint assailing the mortgage. the debtor is in possession of the mortgaged real property and
no third person not a party to the foreclosure suit, had
58. Mendoza v. Salinas, 514 SCRA 414 intervened; and (3) extrajudicial foreclosure of a real estate
mortgage under Section 7 of Act 3135 as amended by Act
FACTS: 4118.
RTC rendered a favorable judgment on respondent’s Based on the foregoing, the issuance of a writ of possession is
application for registration. Thus, an Original Certificate of clearly a ministerial duty of the land registration court. Such
Title was issued in respondent’s name covering a parcel of land ministerial duty, however, ceases to be so with particular
in Olongapo, Zambales. Petitioners opposed respondent’s regard to petitioners who are the actual possessors of the
application for the issuance of a writ of possession claiming property under a claim of ownership. Actual possession under
that they were not oppositors/parties to the registration case claim of ownership raises a disputable presumption of
and they have been in actual physical possession of the ownership. This conclusion is supported by Art. 433 of the
property since 1964. However, the RTC rejected their Civil Code. Under said provision one who claims to be the
owner of a property possessed by another must bring the acting for and its behalf from enforcing the writ of possession
appropriate judicial action for its physical recovery. The term against the spouses.
“judicial process” could mean no less than an ejectment suit or
reinvindicatory action, in which the ownership claims of the ISSUE: Whether the issuance of a writ of possession by the
contending parties may be properly heard and adjudicated. trial court may be enjoined by a writ of preliminary injunction
also issued by the same court
59. Spouses Maliwat v. Metropolitan Bank and Trust
Company, 532 SCRA 124 RULING: Yes. A writ of possession is a writ of execution
commanding the sheriff to enter the land and give possession
FACTS: thereof to the person entitled under the judgment. It issues
under the following circumstances: (1) land registration
Spouses Maliwat obtained a loan from the Metropolitan Bank proceedings under Sec. 17 of Act 496; (2) judicial foreclosure
and Trust Company as evidenced by a promissory note. To provided the debtor is in possession of the mortgaged property
secure the loan, the spouses executed three real estate and no third person, not a party to the foreclosure suit, had
mortgages over the land in Valenzuela City. The spouses failed intervened; and (3) extrajudicial foreclosure of a real estate
to pay the loan hence Metrobank instituted extrajudicial mortgage under Sec. 7 of Act. 3135, as amended. This case
foreclosure proceedings. The mortgaged land was sold at a falls under the second instance.
public auction where Metrobank was the highest bidder.
Eventually, a certificate of sale was issued in its favor. Thus, after the period of redemption, the purchaser at a
foreclosure sale is entitled as of the right to a writ of
Later, Metrobank filed with the RTC a petition for the issuance possession. The Court ruled in Kho v. CA that an injunction to
of a writ of possession which was granted. Meanwhile, spouses prohibit the issuance of a writ of possession is utterly out of
Maliwat filed with the trial court a complaint for annulment of place. And once the writ of possession has been issued, the
mortgages, foreclosure proceedings, and auction sale with court has no alternative but to enforce the said writ without
prayer for a temporary restraining order and preliminary delay.
injunction against Metrobank. Then, RTC issued an order
directing the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction
enjoining Metrobank and its representatives or any person
ANTICHRESIS RULING: No. The written document represented a contract of
antichresis, which may not give rise to acquisitive prescription.
60. Trillana v. Manansala, 96 Phil. 865 The document, having used the words “isinangla,” “sinangla,”
and “matubos” indicated a mortgage, which, coupled with
FACTS: delivery of possession of the land to the creditor, amounted to
In 1950, a reinvindicatory complaint was filed by Nazario antichresis. Several decisions have consistently held that the
Trillana over a parcel of land in Hagnoy, Bulacan. The antichretic creditor cannot ordinarily acquire by prescription
defendant Faustino Manansala set up title through sale and the land surrendered to him by the debtor.
prescription. Both parties alleged that they derived ownership The CA declared the agreement as a “kaliwaan” or exchange,
from Marcos Bernardo, the registered owner. As evidence, which according to defendants meant, “after the execution of
Trillana presented the contract of absolute sale executed in his the document we delivered the money, and plaintiff delivers
favor in 1948 by Vicenta Bernardo, daughter and the only possession of the land.” However, the arrangement
surviving heir of Marcos Bernardo. Meanwhile, defendants contemplated a subsequent “re-exchange” when the owner
presented a document presented a document showing that redeems on or before April 1944. Such exchange and re-
Marcos Bernardo mortgaged his property to Faustino exchange agreed in the document, dovetail with an antichretic
Manansala and his wife. It was also stated in the document that relationship, was the true agreement of the parties.
if he cannot pay the amount for the mortgage, the property is
paid to Manansala. Since the document did not divest Marcos Bernardo of
ownership of the property, his heir Vicenta Bernardo could
The CFI rendered judgment in favor of the plaintiff, ruling that validly convey such ownership to Trillana in 1948.
even if defendants had possessed the land since 1934, they
could not acquire the same by prescription because they had no
just title. The CA ruled in the contrary and held that since the
defendants took possession of the property in July 1934
pursuant to the subject document and retained it thereafter, the
action filed in 1950 was late.
CLASSIFICATIONS OF CREDIT operations interrupted only by brief shutdowns for the purpose
of servicing its plant facilities and equipment. In January 1986,
61. DBP v. NLRC, 229 SCRA 350 DBP took possession of the foreclosed property. From then on,
the company ceased its operations. As a result, Ang was
FACTS: verbally terminated from the service.
Leonor Ang started employment as Executive Secretary with Ang filed a complaint for separation pay, 13 th month pay,
Tropical Philippines Wood Industries, Inc (TPWII). In 1982, vacation and sick leave pay, salaries and allowances against
Ang was promoted to the position of Personnel Officer. TPWII, its General Manager, and DBP. The Labor Arbiter
Meanwhile, Development Bank of the Philippines, as found TPWII primarily liable to Ang but only for her
mortgagee of TPWII, foreclosed its plant facilities and separation pay and vacation and sick leave pay because her
equipment. Nevertheless, TPWII continued its business claims for unpaid wages and 13th month pay were later paid
after the complaint was filed. DBP was held subsidiarily liable right of first preference as regards unpaid wages in Art. 110
in the event the company failed to satisfy the judgment. does not constitute a lien on the property of the insolvent
debtor in favor of his workers. It is a preference of credit in
ISSUE: Whether DBP is subsidiarily liable on the ground that their favor, a preference of application. It is a method adopted
benefits due to an employee from the properties of his to determine and specify the order in which credits should be
employer is superior to the right of the former’s mortgage paid in the final distribution of the proceeds of the insolvent’s
assets. It is a right to a first preference in the discharge of the
RULING: No. Art. 110 of the Labor Code states that in the funds of the judgment creditor.
event of bankruptcy or liquidation of an employer’s business,
his workers shall enjoy first preference as regards wages due 62. Central Bank v. dela Cruz, 191 SCRA 346
them for services rendered during the period prior to the
bankruptcy or liquidation, any provision to the contrary FACTS:
notwithstanding. Unpaid wages shall be paid in full before
other creditors may establish any claim to a share in the assets Rural Bank of Libmanan started operations in 1965 under and
of the employer. The concept of “worker preference” cover not by virtue of RA 720 (Rural Banks’ Act). In 1979, the
only unpaid wages but also monetary claims to which even Department of Rural Banks and Savings and Loan
claims of the government must be deemed subordinate. Associations (DRBSLA) of the Central Bank conducted
examinations of the books and affairs of the Rural Bank of
In the event of solvency, a principal objective should be to Libmanan.
effect an equitable distribution of the insolvent’s property
among his creditors. To accomplish this, there must first be Odra, the director of DRBSLA, found serious irregularities in
some proceeding where notice to all of the insolvent’s creditors its lending and deposit operations, including false entries and
may be given and where the claims of preferred creditors may statements in the bank’s records. As a consequence, the bank
be blindingly adjudicated. became insolvent. Director Odra recommended to the
Monetary Board that (1) the Rural Bank of Libmanan be
In the case at bar, there is yet no declaration of bankruptcy nor prohibited from doing business; (2) that it be placed under
judicial declaration of TPWII. Hence, it would be premature to receivership; and (3) that the Director of DRBSLA be
enforce the worker’s preference. Furthermore, a preference designated as receiver. The Monetary Board placed the bank
applies only to claims which do not attach to specific under statutory receivership and designated Director Odra as
properties. A lien creates a charge on a particular property. The receiver. The bank was informed of such decision and was
advised to submit to the MB an acceptable reorganization and the petitioner or plaintiff conditioned that it will pay the
rehabilitation program. Meanwhile, Director Odra took damages which the petitioner or plaintiff may suffer by the
possession and control of the assets and records of the bank. refusal or the dissolution of the injunction.
However, the bank failed to submit the required acceptable Here, Judge dela Cruz acted in plain disregard of the Central
reorganization and rehabilitation plan hence the MB ordered its Bank Act when he restrained the Central Bank from closing
liquidation. The Solicitor General filed for the liquidation of and liquidating the Rural Bank of Libmanan, prevented them
the bank. Judge dela Cruz issued the questioned order, from performing their functions, and ordered them to return the
restraining the Central Bank from “closing the bank and from management and control of the rural bank to its board of
performing its customary banking business; to restore and directors without receiving convincing proof that the action of
control the management of the bank to its Board of Directors; the Central Bank was plainly arbitrary and made in bad faith.
and to desist from liquidation its assets until ordered otherwise
by the Court.” 63. Central Bank v. Morfe, 96 Phil. 96
In another case, the spouses Padilla secured a judgment against doing business is to prevent some depositors from having an
Fidelity Savings Bank for the sum of P80,000 as the balance of undue or fraudulent preference over other creditors and
their time deposits, plus interests, P70,000 as moral and depositors. Such purpose would be nullified if, as in this case,
exemplary damages, and P9,600 as attorney’s fees. Thus, the after the bank is declared insolvent, suits by some depositors
lower court directed the Central Bank, as liquidator, to pay the could be maintained and judgments would be rendered for the
time deposits of the spouses Padilla and Elizes as preferred payment of their deposits and then such judgments would be
credits, evidenced by final judgments, within the meaning of considered preferred credits under Art. 2244(14)(b) of the Civil
Art. 2244(14)(b) of the Civil Code. Hence, the Central Bank Code. Such judgments cannot be considered preferred and that
appealed to the SC by certiorari. Art. 2244(14)(b) does not apply to judgments for the payment
of the deposits in an insolvent savings bank which were
ISSUE: Whether a final judgment for the payment of a time obtained after the declaration of insolvency.
deposit in a savings bank, which judgment was obtained after
the bank was declared insolvent, is a preferred claim against A contrary rule or practice would be productive of injustice,
the bank mischief and confusion. To recognize such judgments as
entitled to priority would mean that depositors in insolvent
RULING: No. Fixed, savings, and current deposits of money in banks, after learning that the bank is insolvent as shown by the
banks and similar institutions are not true deposits. They are fact that it can no longer pay withdrawals or that it has closed
considered simple loans and, as such, are not preferred credits. its doors or has been enjoined by the Monetary Board from
Furthermore, Section 29 of the Central Bank’s charter doing business, would rush to the courts to secure judgments
explicitly provides that when a bank is found to be insolvent, for the payment of their deposits.
the Monetary Board shall forbid it to do business and shall take
care of its assets.
64. Sison v. Yap Tico, 37 Phil. 534 Petitioners borrowed from Eugenio Kilayko some money. As a
condition thereto, they executed and delivered to Kilayko a
chattel mortgage covering machinery, crops, and a number of actual notice of said transfer, relieved them from all liability
carabaos. Said debt was due and payable on or before the 30 th under said mortgage. Art. 1527 of the Civil Code provides that
day of May 1913. It was agreed that the mortgagors had to a debtor who, before having been informed of the assignment,
deliver to Kilayko (mortgagee) their entire crop of sugar for the pays the creditor, shall be free from the obligation.
years 1912-1913. In doing so, they are to deliver such to the
bodego of Yap Tico. Thereafter, a liquidation was made and its The registration of the assignment did not, ipso facto, operated
was found that petitioners still owed the sum of P650 which as a notice. While such assignment may be recorded, the law is
they paid. Thus, on May 14, 1914, Kilayko executed and permissive and not mandatory. The filing and recording of an
delivered a cancellation of the aforesaid mortgage and the same instrument in the office of the registrar, when the law does not
was duly registered on December 19, 1914. require such filing, does not constitute notice to the parties.
However, it was discovered that in May 1912, Kilayko The debtor or party liable on contracts like the one in question
assigned and transferred said mortgage to Yap Tico. Neither is not affected by the assignment until he has notice thereof,
Kilayko and Yap Tico gave any notice whatever to the and consequently he may set up against the claim of the
petitioners that said mortgage had been transferred and that the assignee any defense acquired before notice that would avail
petitioners had no notice that the mortgage had been him against the assignor had there been no assignment, and
transferred nor said transfer had been registered. payment by the debtor to the assignor, or any compromise or
release of the assigned claim by the latter before notice will be
Subsequently, Yap Tico, as the assignee of the mortgagee, valid against the assignee and discharge against the debtor.
proceeded to foreclose the mortgage, and the sheriff attached
and took possession of all the property which said mortgage 65. South City Homes, Inc., Fortune Motors, Palawan
covered. Lumber Manufacturing v. BA Finance Corp., G.R. No.
ISSUE: Whether the mortgagor of a chattel mortgage is
relieved from liability in paying the mortgagee after the FACTS:
mortgage has been assigned to a third person, when he has no
actual notice of said transfer Fortune Motors Corp. has been availing of the credit facilities
of BA Finance Corp. In 1983, Chua, President of Fortune
RULING: Yes. Under the recording of the assignment operated Motors, Palawan Lumber Manufacturing, and South City
as notice to the mortgagors their payment of the same, without Homes represented by Rodrigueza and Tablante executed a
Continuing Suretyship Agreement in which said corporations
jointly and severally unconditionally guaranteed the full, ISSUE: Whether there was a novation of the obligation so as to
faithful, and prompt payment and discharge of any and all extinguish the liability of the sureties
indebtedness of Fortune Motors Corp. to BA Finance Corp.
RULING: No. An assignment of credit is an agreement by
Subsequently, Canlubang Automotive Resources Corp. virtue of which the owner of a credit, known as the assignor,
(CARCO) drew sis drafts in its own favor, payable 30 days by a legal cause, such as sale, dacion en pago, exchange or
after sight, charged to the account of Fortune Motors. donation, and without the consent of the debtor, transfers his
Thereafter, Fortune Motors executed trust receipts covering the credit and accessory rights to another, known as the assignee,
motor vehicles delivered to its by CARCO under which it who acquires the power to enforce it to the same extent as the
agreed to remit to CARCO the proceeds of any sale and assignor could enforce it against the debtor. As a result, the
immediately surrender the remaining unsold vehicles. The third party steps into the shoes of the original creditor as
drafts and trust receipts were assigned to BA Finance Corp., subrogee of the latter. Here, plaintiff’s obligations were not
under Deeds of Assignment executed by CARCO. extinguished.
Upon failure of the Fortune Motors to pay the amounts due In assignment, the debtor’s consent is not essential for the
under the drafts and to remit the proceeds of the motor vehicles validity of the assignment, his knowledge thereof affecting
sold or to return those remaining unsold in accordance with the only the validity of the payment he might make. Art. 1626 also
terms of the trust receipt agreements, BA Finance Corp. sent shows that payment of an obligation which is already existing
demand letters to Chua, Palawan Lumber, South City Homes, does not depend on the consent of the debtor. In effect, it
Rodrigueza, and Tablante. The latter failed to settle their mandates that such payment of the existing obligation shall
outstanding account with BA Finance. Hence, BA Finance already be made to the new creditor from the time the debtor
instituted a complaint for a sum of money for preliminary acquires knowledge of the assignment of the obligation.