Facts About The Achomi People

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8/28/2021 Achomi people - Wikipedia

Achomi people
Achomi or Khodmooni, also known as Lari or Larestani
people,[1] are an Iranian sub-ethnic Persian group who inhabit Khodmooni
primarily in Southern Fars, and Hormozgan Province, Iran. They Total population
are predominantly Sunni Muslims,[2][3][4][5] with a Shia minority. 500,000 (Iran), 300,000 (GCC
Significant numbers of Achomi people have migrated to Kuwait, countries like Kuwait)
Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and other Persian Gulf Arab countries in the
region. Regions with significant
The historical region of Irahistan consists of several counties in Southern Iran, Kuwait, Bahrain,
Fars Province (Larestan, Khonj, Gerash, Lamerd) and Bastak
UAE, Qatar
County in Hormozgan. In Bahrain, Sunni Bahrainis of Achomi
ancestry are known as Hola. In Kuwait, they are known as Languages
Kandari and Awadhi. Achomi Persian, Persian

Achomi people speak the Achomi language. The language is in Religion

decline and has reported eight dialects and it is understood by Majority Sunni Islam, minority Shia
mainstream Persian speakers mostly.[6] The Achomi people are of Islam
Persian descent.
Related ethnic groups
In the thirteenth century, Lar briefly became a center of trade and Other Iranian peoples
commerce in southern Persia.[2] Irahistan was nearly always an
obscure region, never becoming involved in the politics and conflicts of mainstream Persia.[2] This
was due to independent rule during the Safavid times, but that has failed due to the British Empire
"Anti Piracy Company" and continued to decline due to Reza Shah Pahlavi's centric policies and the
Ayatollah policies.[7] Ahmad Eghtedari noted in his book Ancient Larestan (1955):

"To those people of the towns, villages, and ports of Larestan who have stayed in the land of their
ancestors, with its glorious past and its desolate present. And to those who have endured the hardship
of migration to earn a living on the islands of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean and in the towns
of India, Arabia and other places. They remember with joy their beloved birthplace and still grieve for
its ruin."

Achomi people refer to themselves as Khodmooni, a term literally meaning "part of ourselves"[1]

1. Halkias, Daphne; Adendorff, Christian (2016-04-22). Governance in Immigrant Family
Businesses: Enterprise, Ethnicity and Family Dynamics (https://books.google.com/books?id=5G0
GDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA10). Routledge. p. 10. ISBN 9781317125952.
2. "Larestani, Lari in Iran" (http://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/12996/IR).
3. "Larestani people of Iran" (http://www.globalprayerdigest.org/index.php/issue/day/Larestani-peopl
e-of-Iran/). "The Larestani people are predominantly Sunni Muslims."
4. "Larestani" (http://www.globalprayerdigest.org/index.php/issue/day/Larestani-People/). "While
most people in Iran are Shi’ite Muslims, the Larestani are Sunnis."

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8/28/2021 Achomi people - Wikipedia

5. Van Donzel, E. J. (January 1994). Islamic Desk Reference (https://archive.org/details/islamicdeskr

efer00donz_0). E. J. Van Donzel. BRILL. pp. 225 (https://archive.org/details/islamicdeskrefer00do
nz_0/page/225). ISBN 9004097384. "laristan sunni fars."
6. "A Study of Personal Pronouns of Larestani Language as an Endangered Iranian Language" (http
s://www.researchgate.net/publication/290821138). www.researchgate.net.
7. "Iranian and Arab in the Gulf: Endangered Language, Windtowers, and Fish Sauce" (http://dro.du
r.ac.uk/19543/1/19543.pdf) (PDF). dro.dur.ac.uk.

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