Analysis of Reinforced Retaining Wall Failure Based On Reinforcement Length

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et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13


Analysis of reinforced retaining wall failure

based on reinforcement length
Suk ‑Min Kong1, Dong‑Wook Oh2, So‑Yeon Lee3, Hyuk‑Sang Jung4 and Yong‑Joo Lee5* 

*Correspondence: Abstract 
Department of Civil Reinforced retaining walls are structures constructed horizontally to resist earth pres‑
Engineering, Seoul National
University of Science sure by leveraging the frictional force imparted by the backfill. Reinforcements are
Technology, Seoul, Korea employed because they exhibit excellent safety and economic efficiency. However,
Full list of author information insufficient reinforcement can lead to collapse, and excessive reinforcement reduces
is available at the end of the
article economic efficiency. Therefore, it is important to select the appropriate type, length,
and spacing of reinforcements. However, in actual sites, although the stress and frac‑
ture mechanisms in the straight and curved sections of reinforced soil retaining walls
differ, the same amount of reinforcements are typically installed. Such an approach
can lead to wall collapse or reduce economic feasibility. Therefore, in this study, the
behaviours of straight and curved sections fortified with reinforcements of various
lengths (1, 3, 5, and 7 m) are predicted through a three-dimensional numerical analysis.
The retaining walls are of the same height, but the reinforcement variations in the
aforementioned sections influence the wall behaviour differently. Based on the results,
the optimum reinforcement lengths for the straight and curved parts were selected. By
installing reinforcements of different lengths in these sections, the maximum reinforc‑
ing effect with minimum reinforcement was derived. This study further found that
the curved section of the wall required more reinforcements, and the reinforcement
lengths for the curved and straight sections should be separately optimized.
Keywords:  Reinforced retaining wall, Straight parts, Curved parts, Length,
Reinforcement, Numerical analysis

Reinforced retaining walls are horizontally installed structures invented by a French
engineer named Vidal. These walls, which include thin galvanised steel plates, geogrids,
and geotextiles, resist earth pressure using the frictional resistance imparted by the back-
fill. The reinforced retaining wall is regarded as a gravity wall fortified with reinforce-
ments constituting a single body and must be appropriately designed to be capable of
resisting external forces exerted by the backfill and external loads [2]. The reinforcement
must provide stability to the wall to prevent failures, such as those shown in Fig. 1. Two
cases of geosynthetic reinforced retaining wall collapse are shown in Fig.  2. As shown
in Fig. 2(a), the front section (height: 20 m) of the retaining wall collapses with the soil,
destroying the piles supporting the building. Cracks and displacements continued to

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Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 2 of 14

Fig. 1  Patterns of collapse [2]

Fig. 2  Failure case of geosynthetic retaining wall [10]

propagate because of groundwater and surface water infiltration; nevertheless, the col-
lapse occurred due to negligence. The curved front section of the retaining wall bulges
and cracks, as shown in Fig.  2b. This was because the retaining wall was constructed
without sufficient reinforcement to support the curved segment [10].
Evidently, the appropriate selection of retaining wall reinforcement is crucial. The
construction of a retaining wall without considering various factors, such as reinforce-
ment type, length, and spacing, leads to collapse or economic loss. In general, the rein-
forcements should receive sufficient frictional force or passive resistance at the contact
surface between the reinforcement and soil. They must also possess sufficient tensile
strength, strain capacity, and durability [9]. The recommended maximum and minimum
ranges of vertical spacing of reinforcements are 80–100 and 20–30  cm, respectively,
and the reinforcement length is calculated using Eq. (1). In this study, depending on the
Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 3 of 14

retaining wall conditions, the maximum reinforcement length used was 3 m. To simulate
over-reinforcement, four cases (1, 3, 5, and 7  m) were compared and analysed. Based
on the comparison, the appropriate reinforcement length was calculated, and various
lengths were used for the straight and curved sections of the retaining wall. Hence, this
study shows that the maximum reinforcement effect can be derived at a minimum cost
by employing different reinforcement lengths for the straight and curved parts.
 ϕ  Ka ·Sv ·FSp
L = (H − z) tan 45◦ − + (1)
2 2tanϕuw

L: Reinforcement length; H: Height of retaining wall; z: of reinforcement location;

φ: Shearing resistance angle; Ka: Active earth pressure coefficient;
Sv: Vertical offset of reinforcements; FSp: Factor of safety against breaking; φu: (2/3)φ.

Literature review
A retaining wall is a structure that supports steep soil in the transverse direction to pre-
vent collapse; it is mainly built to optimise the use of limited land. In addition to the
study of retaining walls, the investigation of the stability of steep slopes has been consist-
ent. Kim et al. [6] analysed the stability of slopes using geotextiles, and Salamatpoor and
Salamatpoor [17] improved slope stability using blended ground materials. Nadi et  al.
[12] assessed slope stability by investigating the seepage of water through rock-jointed
materials. Subsequently, Nadi et al. [13] proposed a method for evaluating the seismic
response of slopes based on the shear wave velocity in soil.
The safety of employing a reinforced retaining wall is ensured by installing horizontal
reinforcements to reduce earth pressure by leveraging the frictional resistance imparted
by the backfill. In view of its simplicity, this approach is deemed economical. Accord-
ingly, the publication of paper on reinforced soil retaining walls has continued.
Kim [7] observed the behaviour of the ground supported by retaining walls via a model
test. Subsequently, they proposed Eq.  (2), which is an expression that considers the
retaining wall height, reinforcement spacing, and reinforcement length. The ground was
simulated using 1.6 and 3.0 mm thick aluminum rods. The vertical wall was built out-
doors to observe the stability or collapse of the reinforced retaining wall through photo-
shooting techniques. Employing Eq. (2), the required reinforcement length obtained was
1.40 m, which was between the lengths in cases 1 and 2. This confirmed that the case
conditions in the study were appropriate.

= 0.0975D + 0.2296 (2)

L: Reinforcement length; H: Height of retaining wall; and D: Applied spacing of

In retaining walls, the generated stress concentrations in the curved sections exceed
those in the straight parts. This phenomenon leads to front wall bulging, cracking, and
collapse. Moreover, the lack of design standards or relevant information because of lim-
ited research can lead to unsafe construction.
Ki et  al. [5] analysed the behaviour of reinforced retaining walls according to their
convex and concave shapes through laboratory model tests. In both wall shapes, the
Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 4 of 14

maximum horizontal displacement occurred in the curved sections. Moreover, the gen-
erated horizontal displacements were greater in the convex-shaped reinforced retain-
ing wall than in the wall with a concave shape. Based on the foregoing, the condition of
the convex-shaped reinforced soil retaining wall was chosen. And, the behaviours of the
curved and straight parts were compared in terms of the reinforcement length in this
Lee et al. [10] investigated the extent of damage in reinforced retaining walls and ana-
lysed the behaviours of the straight and curved sections (convex and concave) using
numerical analysis. In their study, the reinforced soil retaining wall height was 5.2 m, and
the reinforcement length was 4.2 m. Lee et al. [10] found that the horizontal displace-
ments and settlements in the curved parts were larger in the case of the convex-shaped
wall than in the concave-type reinforced retaining wall. The 5.2 m convex-shaped retain-
ing wall was adopted in this study, and reinforcements of various lengths were consid-
ered to determine the most appropriate length.
Kong et al. [8] predicted the fracture behaviours of curved and straight parts based on
the reinforced retaining wall height using 3D numerical analysis. Bulging was observed
to increase with the wall height, and larger horizontal displacements occurred in the
curved sections than in the straight parts. In this study, based on the four cases of Kong
et al. [8] the wall height in case 2, i.e., 5.2 m, was adopted (2018), satisfying the minimum
height of 5  m of reinforced soil retaining walls. Their study found that horizontal dis-
placement increased with the wall height; this tendency was also observed in the present
Lee et al. [11] regarded the degradation of the retaining wall drainage as the cause of
wall bulging. Subsequently, they predicted the extent of wall of displacement based on
field test results. Through numerical analysis, the reinforcement interval of the soil nail
was calculated, and stability was assessed to preclude bulging. The soil nail length and
spacing were calculated as 5.0 and 1.5 m, respectively. Moreover, their study confirmed
that horizontal displacement (i.e., bulging) rarely occurred after reinforcing the region
where displacement generally occurred. This study compares the reinforcement effects
according to the reinforcement length using geogrid, which is primarily employed as soil
retaining wall reinforcement along with soil nailing. In future field tests, geogrids will
potentially be used.
Several studies on reinforced retaining walls and reinforcements have been conducted
[1, 4, 14, 18]. The current study found that the use of the same reinforcement length
for the straight and curved sections of retaining walls for construction convenience was
problematic. This approach can lead to wall collapse accidents because of inadequate
reinforcement or may be uneconomical because of over-reinforcement. Accordingly, the
present work aims to predict the reinforcement effect based on reinforcement length
using 3D numerical analyses. Reinforcements of different lengths are installed in the
curved and straight sections, and strategies for improving economy are suggested.

Numerical analysis
This study analysed the behaviour of reinforced retaining walls based on the length
of reinforcements using PLAXIS 3D (PLAXIS, Netherlands, [16]). PLAXIS 3D is a
Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 5 of 14

widely utilised finite element analysis programme for 3D geotechnical engineering

because it has tools that are easy to use and calculation procedures that are theoreti-
cally robust. As summarised in Table 1, based on the reinforcement length, four cases
(1, 3, 5, and 7  m) are considered in this study. These reinforcements were installed
at 0.4  m intervals in retaining walls of the same height (5.2  m); the numerical analy-
sis is modelled, as shown in Fig.  3(a). The designed dimensions of these walls are
10  m × 10  m × 5.2  m (length × width × height), composed of 0.4  m × 0.5  m × 0.4  m
blocks (length × width × height). The interface behaviour of the ground was modelled
using interface elements (­Rinter) between the soil, wall, and reinforcement. PLAXIS 3D
uses a zero-thickness element among the various interface model elements because it is
logically valid. In this study, ­Rinter is 0.8. The embedded depth of the wall is set to 0.4 m
according to Kwon et al. [9]. Based on literature, the surface load on top of the backfill
is set equal to 100 kN. The modelling and mesh of the four cases according to the rein-
forcement length are shown in Figs. 3b–d.
The Mohr–Coulomb model (associated flow rule) was used for the original ground
and backfill, and the linear–elastic model was employed for the retaining wall. Accord-
ing to Das [3], the backfill compaction was determined to be that of dense soil with a
relative density of 80%. Recently, ground stabilisation using mixed materials has been
increasing such as Salamatpoor and Salamatpoor [17]). In this study, to investigate the
differences in ground behaviour, the ground material parameters were selected from
existing literature, thereafter, the wall reinforcements were compared. In the further
study, research should be conducted on construction methods yielding better stability
according to compare with the blended backfill material and the reinforcements. Based
on the work of Yoo et al. [19], reinforcements with a design strength 50 kN/m (EA) was
applied in this study. Table 2 summarises the material parameters of the original ground,
backfill, and retaining walls [3, 10, 15].

Results of numerical analysis

Horizontal displacements
Bulging occurs in both straight and curved parts due to the loads on top of the back-
fill. In the straight parts of the retaining wall, bulging occurs at the top because of
overturning. Different from the straight parts, bulging occurs at the lower curved sec-
tion because of the tensile force induced by the surface loads and earth pressure. As
the stiffener length is increased, the potential occurrence of the bulging phenomenon
decreases. The horizontal displacements of the curved and straight parts according to
the reinforcement length are shown in Fig. 4. The maximum horizontal displacements

Table 1  Cases according to Length of reinforcements

CASE Length of reinforcements (m) Height
of wall

1 1.0 5.2
2 3.0 5.2
3 5.0 5.2
4 7.0 5.2
Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 6 of 14

Fig. 3  Modelling according to cases

in the straight parts of the retaining wall decreased by 37.39, 40.15, and 46.83% in
cases 2–4, respectively, and those of the curved parts decreased by 17.53, 23.28, and
26.42%, respectively, compared with the displacements in case 1 in these parts. The
decreasing rates of horizontal displacements in the curved and straight sections are
shown in Fig.  5. The average wall heights calculated using Eqs. (1) and (2) for the
straight and curved sections were 1.47 and 1.40 m, respectively; the numerical anal-
ysis yielded similar results. The reinforcement effect was low in case 1 but rapidly
Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 7 of 14

Table 2  Material parameters in FE analysis

Parameter Original ground Backfill Wall

γ (kN/m3) 20 15.88 23
E (kN/m2) 300,000 40,000 18,420
v 0.33 0.3 0.1
c (kN/m2) 50 5 -
φ (˚) 35 35 -
γ Unit weight of soil, E Young’s modulus, ν Poisson’s ratio, c Cohesion, φ’ Angle of shearing resistance

increased in case 2. When the reinforcement length exceeded 3  m, the rate of hori-
zontal displacements did not considerably vary.

Vertical displacements and ground surface settlements

The ground surface settlement in each case was measured in the C–C’ section, as shown
in Fig. 6. The straight and curved sections were separated at the 4 m and 8 m positions,
respectively. In each case, ground surface settlements were greater in the curved sections
than in the straight sections. The ground surface settlements in the straight sections
decreased by 12.95, 25.97, 23.52, and 26.84% compared with the ground surface settle-
ments in the curved section at corresponding locations. Moreover, in case 1 (reinforce-
ment length = 1 m), the generated ground surface settlements exceed those in the other
cases. The differences in the ground surface settlements between cases 1 and 2 in the
curved and straight parts are 12.41 and 25.51%, respectively. Therefore, for safe design, it
is necessary to select a reinforcement length that exceeds 1 m. the vertical displacements
in the four cases are shown in Fig. 7. The vertical displacement was considerable in the
curved section in case 1. When the reinforcement lengths were 3 m or more (cases 2–4),
the vertical displacement significantly decreased. This trend is consistent with the results
shown in Fig. 6. This is because the suppression of soil displacement is not possible when
the reinforcement length is short. However, when the reinforcement length is sufficient,
stable vertical displacement results are obtained, as shown in Fig.  7b–d. The decrease
rate in ground surface settlements with the increase in reinforcements length in the
curved and straight parts is shown in Fig. 8; cases 2–4 compared with case 1 decrease by
25.5, 28.25, and 32.12% in the straight parts, respectively, and decrease by 12.41, 18.34,
19.23% in the curved parts, respectively. These results suggest that when the reinforce-
ment length is 3 m or more, ground surface settlements rapidly decrease. Hence, if the
reinforcement length is sufficient, then the decrease rate of ground surface settlements
is low. Accordingly, it is necessary to focus on the reinforcements of the curved parts
rather than those of the straight parts, cognizant that excessive amounts of reinforce-
ment reduce economic efficiency.

Total displacement vectors

The total displacement vectors are shown in Fig. 9. These vectors decrease as the stiff-
ener lengths increase; they rapidly decrease in cases 2–4 compared with that in case 1.
Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 8 of 14

Fig. 4  Horizontal displacements to straight and curved parts

Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 9 of 14

Fig. 5  Decreasing rate of horizontal displacements to straight and curved parts

Fig. 6  Ground surface settlements to straight and curved parts

The curved section is determined to be weak because the vectors are concentrated in
this section. Hence, in the curved sections, the use of reinforcements with appropri-
ate lengths and the introduction of countermeasures in the design and construction of
retaining walls are crucial.
Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 10 of 14

Fig. 7  Vertical displacements according to cases

Fig. 8  Decreasing rate of ground surface settlements to straight and curved parts

Varying reinforcement lengths in curved and straight sections

Based on the previous 3D numerical analysis, another numerical analysis of the straight
and curved sections with reinforcements of different lengths was performed. The
Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 11 of 14

Fig. 9  Total displacement vectors according to cases

Fig. 10  Modelling and vertical displacements to case 5

horizontal displacement In the curved sections was found to be approximately twice

that in the straight sections. Accordingly, as shown in Fig. 10a 1 and 3 m long reinforce-
ments are employed in the straight and curved sections, respectively. The vertical dis-
placements are shown in Fig. 10b. In the curved sections, the vertical displacements are
shorter than those shown in Fig.  7a. The horizontal displacements in the straight and
curved parts in all cases are shown in Fig. 11. In case 5 (red line), 1 m and 3 m long rein-
forcements are used in both straight and curved parts. As shown in Fig. 11b, the same
reinforcement effect is achieved in the curved parts by employing 3  m long reinforce-
ments; however, in the straight parts, the horizontal displacements decrease by up to
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Fig. 11  Horizontal displacements to case 5

9.72% at the top of the wall (4 m point) due to the stiffener applied to the curved section.
Therefore, it is economical to employ 1 and 3 m long reinforcements in the straight and
curved sections, respectively, instead of only using 3 m long reinforcements in these sec-
tions. Moreover, the use of these reinforcement lengths is safer than solely installing 1 m
long reinforcements in both sections.
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This study predicted the behaviours of the straight and curved sections of reinforced
retaining walls according to the reinforcement length using 3D numerical analysis.
The derived results are summarised as follows.
1. The overall failure of the reinforced retaining wall appears in the form of wall
bulging, which decreases as the reinforcement length increases. The horizontal dis-
placements according to the reinforcement length in cases 2–4 compared with case
1 were reduced by 37.39%, 40.15%, and 46.83%, respectively, in the straight sections,
whereas those in the curved sections decreased by 17.53, 23.28, and 26.42%, respec-
tively. These results suggest that in case 1, the reinforcement effect is low, whereas the
reinforcement effect in cases 2–4 (reinforcement length = 3 m or longer) is sufficient.
However, the variation of this effect between cases 2–4 is insignificant. Hence, suf-
ficient reinforcement lengths lead to a stable retaining wall, and excessive reinforce-
ment amounts reduce economic efficiency.
2. In case 1 (reinforcement length: 1  m), as the reinforcement length increased
from 1 to 3  m, the ground surface settlements and vertical displacements rapidly
decreased, and the total vertical displacement vectors sharply increased. The ground
surface settlements in cases 2–4 compared with that in case 1 in the straight sections,
decreased by 25.5 28.25, and 32.12%, respectively, whereas those in the curved sec-
tions decreased by 12.41, 18.34, and 19.23%, respectively; these confirmed that the
reinforcement length should exceed 1 m. In addition, the ground surface settlements
in the straight sections compared with those in the curved sections decreased by
12.95, 25.97, and 23.52% in cases 2–4, respectively. Thus, additional reinforcements
are required in the curved sections. Short reinforcement lengths lead to insufficient
reinforcements; hence, it is important to ensure that the reinforcements in curved
sections are adequate.
3. In the numerical analysis, different reinforcement lengths, i.e., 1 and 3 m, were used
in the straight and curved sections, respectively. In the curved sections, the reinforce-
ment effect in terms of the vertical displacements was the same. However, the horizontal
displacements in the straight sections decreased by 9.72% at the top of the wall (4  m
point) as a result of the reinforcements applied to the curved sections. Therefore, instead
of using the same reinforcement length, it is economical to employ different lengths in
the straight and curved sections. In the future, the authors intend to conduct research
on the optimal stiffener length and its details through model tests.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government
(MSIP) (No. NRF-2017R1A2B2055676 and NRF-2017R1A2B2012993).

Authors’ contributions
SMK has drafted and revised the manuscript. DWO and SYL have contributed on numerical analysis. HSJ and YJ Lee have
contributed on conception and design of the study. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details
 Future Infrastructure Research Center, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Goyang, Korea.
 Department of Civil Engineering, Seoul National University of Science Technology, Seoul, Korea. 3 Department of Rail‑
road Construction and Safety Engineering, Dongyang University, Yeongju, Korea. 4 Department of Railroad Construction
Kong et al. Geo-Engineering (2021) 12:13 Page 14 of 14

and Safety Engineering, Dongyang University, Yeongju, Korea. 5 Department of Civil Engineering, Seoul National Univer‑
sity of Science Technology, Seoul, Korea.

Received: 30 July 2020 Accepted: 16 February 2021

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