Competency Assessment Tier1 2014 Pre
Competency Assessment Tier1 2014 Pre
Competency Assessment Tier1 2014 Pre
Adapted by the Public Health Foundation from an assessment developed by Janet Place, MPH,
University of North Carolina (now at the University of South Carolina). Provided by the Council
on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice. May be modified as needed.
Technical Note: This assessment was designed for use with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. Scoring
and other functions may not operate properly in other PDF viewers. To use the assessment,
download and save this PDF form before entering your scores.
Competency Assessment for Tier 1 Public Health Professionals1
2014 Version
The Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies) are a consensus
set of foundational skills for the broad practice of public health, as defined by the 10 Essential
Public Health Services. The Core Competencies are organized into eight skill areas or domains
that cut across public health disciplines. The purpose of this assessment is to help you explore
your level of competence within these eight domains.
A competency is any knowledge or skill of an individual or organization that has been shown
to cause or predict outstanding performance. A collection of competencies makes up a
behavioral roadmap that is directly related to both individual and organizational performance.
By assessing your level of knowledge or skill for each competency statement described, you
will be able to prioritize your learning time to focus on those areas that are most important to
you and to concentrate where the need for training and learning may be greatest.
The competency assessment should take about 20 minutes to complete. It is divided into the
following eight domains:
• Analytical/Assessment Skills
• Policy Development/Program Planning Skills
• Communication Skills
• Cultural Competency Skills
• Community Dimensions of Practice Skills
• Public Health Sciences Skills
• Financial Planning and Management Skills
• Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
2) In each domain, and for each competency statement, think about the level at which you are
currently able to perform the skill. Then rate your level of proficiency on each competency
statement by selecting the number on the continuum from “None” (1) to “Proficient” (4) that
best describes your self-reported level of expertise for that statement. Note: The
competency statements listed in each domain should be interpreted as broadly as possible
to apply to your position and principal setting of employment. In the example below, you
would select number “4” for “Proficient” if you think you are excelling at this competency or
select “1” for “None” if you feel you need a great deal of improvement.
Tier 1 – Front Line Staff/Entry Level: Tier 1 competencies apply to public health professionals who
carry out the day-to-day tasks of public health organizations and are not in management positions.
Responsibilities of these professionals may include data collection and analysis, fieldwork, program
planning, outreach, communications, customer service, and program support.
To what degree are you able to effectively…describe factors affecting the health of a
community (e.g., equity, income, education, environment)?
2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill
3) At the end of each domain there is a place to write any comments you have. For example, if
you feel like an expert but may still want training or learning opportunities in a particular skill,
please enter your comments in the comments section. You may also want to share this
assessment with your supervisor, colleagues, or others and ask them to add comments as
well. These comments may be helpful to you and your supervisor in planning for your
professional development.
4) After you have entered your responses for each domain, the sum of your scores will appear
in the column next to “Total Score.” Your average score will also appear in the column next
to “Average Total” and in the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section at the end of
the competency assessment.
5) Review your results and follow the guidance offered in the “Interpreting Your Results” section
to determine your next steps.
Analytical/Assessment Skills
6 Select comparable data (e.g., data being age-adjusted to the same year,
data variables across datasets having similar definitions)
11 Describe assets and resources that can be used for improving the health
of a community (e.g., Boys & Girls Clubs, public libraries, hospitals, faith- 2
based organizations, academic institutions, federal grants, fellowship
Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 35.0
Average Total (Divide the “Total Score” by 14 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)
I took a class last year on design and analysis that was very helpful for me in
understanding the basics of data collection and analization. I feel pretty confident in my
ability to sort through information and find the important parts. I am also able to make
ethical considerations about the data collection and analization since we spent a lot of
time in class taking about this topic. Were I lack knowledge is in how to make
assessments that accuretly describe the population and how to take the data collected
and make it relevant to the community.
Policy Development/Program Planning Skills
6 Gather information that can inform options for policies, programs, and
services (e.g., secondhand smoking policies, data use policies, HR 3
policies, immunization programs, food safety programs)
Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 28.0
Average Total (Divide the “Total Score” by 12 and enter the result here 2.3
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)
I have very limited experinces with policy development and program planning. The
experince that I do have comes from learning about how to create a foodservice
operation from a management class I took last year. So, I feel slightly more comfortable
about how to set up a organizational strategic plan when compared to subcompetencies
such as implementing and improving polices, procedures, and servies. This is an area I
have no experince in. I am hoping that doing my community nutrition rotation this fall will
help me in this area.
Communication Skills
Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 18.0
Average Total (Divide the “Total Score” by 8 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)
#2 (Domain I Want to Grow In) - Communication is an area that I feel like I can always
grow in. Not only is it important to be able to communicate effectivley with other
professionals in my field, it is important that I can communicate directly with the
community I serve. Communcation is applicable to everything I will be doing in
community nutrtion through my internship and it is important that I continue to build on
these skills as I tend to be more reserved and my oral communcation skills tend to fall
behind my written communication skills. For me, it is important that I can communicate
the needs of the community with organizations and communicate the programs and
efforts of the organizations with the community. With this being said, the two
subcompetencies that I want to focus on improving this semester are #7 Facilitate
communication among individuals, groups, and organizations and #4 Suggest
approaches for disseminating public health data and information (e.g., social media,
newspapers, newsletters, journals, town hall meetings, libraries, neighborhood gathering.
Cultural Competency Skills
Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 18.0
Average Total (Divide the “Total Score” by 7 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)
#3 (Domain I Want to Grow In) - I have been able to learn about cultural competency
over the past couple of years of my dietetics classes. Cultural competency is a topic that
is really important to me because I will be working with a variety of people from different
backgrounds, traditions, and ways of thinking. My average score was 2.7, which is not
bad but is also not great as well. This is an area I would really like to improve in over the
semester. My strengths in this area mainly come from understanding the concept of
diversity and being able to see how cultural differences might influence community
programs. However, I think that were I lack the most knowledge and skill is knowing how
to take diversity of a community into consideration when building community programs
and how diversity influences policy, programs, and services. In addition, I think I can
grow a lot in the area of understanding the basic cultural aspects of groups while
undertanding that each person is a unique individual. So, the subcompetencies that I
would like to focus on for this domain are #2 Describe the diversity of individuals and
populations in a community and # 5 Address the diversity of individuals and populations
when implementing policies, programs, and services that affect the health of a
Community Dimensions of Practice Skills
8 Use assets and resources (e.g., Boys & Girls Clubs, public libraries,
hospitals, faith-based organizations, academic institutions, federal grants, 3
fellowship programs) to improve health in a community
9 Inform the public about policies, programs, and resources that improve
health in a community
Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 23.0
Average Total (Divide the “Total Score” by 10 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)
#4 (Domain I Want to Grow In) - I have not spent much time in the field of community
nutrition and this is an area that I am very interested in growing in, specifically when it
comes to how I can better partner with the community I am serving in order to provide the
best possible servies, education, and events. This means that I will need more
knowledge on how to partner with local groups and how community groups already in
place can be used as a vehicle for community nutriton. These are my weak areas and
are two things I really want to focus on growing in during this semester. I will be working
at a headstart program this semester, so I am excited to see what opprotunites arise for
me to learn more about partnering with the community. The two specific
subcompetencies that I want to focus on are #2 Recognize relationships that are
affecting health in a community (e.g., relationships among health departments, hospitals,
community health centers, primary care providers, schools, community-based
organizations, and other types of organizations and #1 escribe the programs and
services provided by governmental and nongovernmental organizations to improve the
health of a community.
Public Health Sciences Skills
7 Describe the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures for the ethical
conduct of research (e.g., patient confidentiality, protection of human 2
subjects, Americans with Disabilities Act)
Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 23.0
Average Total (Divide the “Total Score” by 9 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)
Throughout my course work over the past few years I have learned bits and pieces about
public health sciences. For me, this means I feel like I have some of the basic concepts
or at least have heard of them. Where I struggle is knowing the history of public health
sciences and understanding how this information in decision making and
creating/evaluating programs. I think this is an area that I will learn a lot more about
through the course work of this class and I am excited to see what all I will learn.
Financial Planning and Management Skills
To what degree are you able to effectively…
Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 24.0
Average Total (Divide the “Total Score” by 14 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)
#1 (Domain I Want to Grow In) - Out of all of the 8 domains, financial planning and
mangement skills is my weakest area of knowledge. While I have taken a class in the
past about foodservice management, this did not provide me a lot of skill and knowledge
in the competencies in this domain because we were focused primarliy on how a
foodservice is run and how to motivate people and create a business plan. However, this
is an area I would like to grow in because these skills will be very benefical when working
in a community nutrition setting on how to go about creating an orgaization that works
within government policies and procedures. In additon, it is important to know how to
create an effecitve team that works well together. For this semester, I would like to focus
on two different areas of growth, which is #11 Motivate colleagues for the purpose of
achieving program and organizational goals (e.g., participating in teams, encouraging
sharing of ideas, respecting different points of view) and #2 Describe government
agencies with authority to impact the health of a community.
Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
3 Describe the ways public health, health care, and other organizations can
work together or individually to impact the health of a community
5 Identify internal and external facilitators and barriers that may affect the
delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services (e.g., using root cause
analysis and other quality improvement methods and tools, problem
Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 20.0
Average Total (Divide the “Total Score” by 9 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)
This is an area that I do not feel super confident in. However, I think my first step in
becoming a more effective leader and knowing more about systems thinking is to
become a better communicator and this is why I want to focus on communcaiton this
semester. In this domain, I think it will be important for me to learn about the public health
systems in place at every level (from local to nationwide) and understand how they
impact each other and work together. In addition, it is important to advance employees
skills and professional development to improve the community.
Your Results
Enter the average total from each domain in the corresponding row below.
Based on the averages you have for each domain in the “Your Results” section above, you are
now ready to identify the strengths in your practice and the areas that you would like to improve
or strengthen.
For example, if you have scored a “1” in any domain, you will want to consider focusing your
time and energy toward achieving the competencies in that domain, followed by domains in
which you scored a “2,” with a lower priority given to domains in which you scored a “3” or
Once you have identified your priorities, you can use this information to guide you in developing
a learning plan with one or more personal professional goals for the next year; in engaging in a
discussion with your supervisor, mentor, or coach; and in choosing learning opportunities that
will help you reach your goals and meet the requirements for continuing competence in your
occupation or discipline.