Teachers' Competency in Implementation of Classroom Assessment in Learning

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Creative Education, 2019, 10, 2939-2946

ISSN Online: 2151-4771
ISSN Print: 2151-4755

Teachers’ Competency in Implementation of

Classroom Assessment in Learning

Norfarahin Bt. Mohd Zamri, Mohd Isa B. Hamzah

Faculty of Education, National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia

How to cite this paper: Zamri, N. B. M., & Abstract

Hamzah, M. I. B. (2019). Teachers’ Com-
petency in Implementation of Classroom This paper discusses teachers’ competencies in implementing classroom
Assessment in Learning. Creative Educa- assessment in Malaysia primary schools. Source of skilled manpower in edu-
tion, 10, 2939-2946. cation is the main agenda of Malaysia in achieving the goals of Vision 2020.
Education Ministry decided to making the values available on teachers’
Received: October 21, 2019 competency as a priority. Teachers’ competence is a very important factor in
Accepted: November 26, 2019 implementing current and new policies in education. A good level of teach-
Published: November 29, 2019
ers’ competence can realize the purpose and policy of education that is set up
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
in the assessment. This assessment process requires all subject teachers as an
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. implementer for collecting evidence about student learning. The main focus
This work is licensed under the Creative of this paper is on teachers’ competencies in implementing classroom assess-
Commons Attribution International
ment by outlining the goal of making high-potential teachers as implementers
License (CC BY 4.0).
to achieve the objectives of classroom assessment. The objective of this as-
Open Access sessment is to get an overview of student performance and teachers can im-
prove and make judgments about learning.

Teachers’, Competencies, Classroom Assessment

1. Introduction
This paperwork focuses on teachers’ competencies in the assessment of an Aca-
demic School Based Assessment (CBA) category student. Academic category
consists of two components which are Centralize Assessment and Classroom
Assessment. These components should be executed in Primary School and Sec-
ondary School based on Examination Board Release (KP. LP. (1)
volume 3 in 2011. Therefore, the Education Ministry of Malaysia always com-
mitted in planning reforms to make the curriculum become more effective for
school administrators and curriculum practitioners in school.

DOI: 10.4236/ce.2019.1012218 Nov. 29, 2019 2939 Creative Education

N. B. M. Zamri, M. I. B. Hamzah

In today’s learning environment, things are beginning to look more challeng-

ing. So, the Education Ministry decided on planning to implement more changes
that could bring long-term sustainable effects. The first step was by removing the
compulsory examinations for children aged seven, eight and nine at primary
school (Ministry Education, 2018) in early 2019 to the new system classroom as-
sessment. This ensures that the general development of the students is a priority,
rather than just academic achievement. The main focus of the Ministry is the
implementation of the assessment that should be continuous by way of forma-
tive and summative assessment in order to ensure the student development ho-
listically. The assessment process may not be new in itself but may be new to the
teachers and school concerned. Principle and standards are needed to guide the
development of affective assessment practice. These should be designed to ena-
ble any stakeholder sustaining desirable changes in assessment and its use.
As an implementer, teachers need a high degree of competence in fulfilling
the role and responsibility of achieving a good system of learning assessment.
Classroom assessment is a process of collecting evidence about student learn-
ing by observing, scoring, interpreting the information and parents receive
reports about students result. Parents may not be familiar with the assessment
they are united in their desire to ensure great teaching for every child every
day. Teachers competence is the most important school districts that have to
meet this expectation.
Competency is a standard that determines the performance of an employee’s
service in performing their tasks (Ibrahim, 2015). In education, teacher compe-
tence is the standard set for teachers in mastering various educational compe-
tencies to meet current educational needs and enhance their competence in
conducting assessments. In fulfilling the responsibilities of implementing the
classroom assessment, the competencies required a professional judgment which
includes knowledge, professional responsibility, experience and students’ input
(Sajali, 2018). These elements require knowledge, skills and a positive attitude of
teachers to produce effective classroom assessment in schools.

2. Problem Statement
2.1. Teachers’ Competency
Teachers’ have a responsibility to ensure the new system of assessment in public
school in Malaysia effectively help students learn at the highest level of the current
world education development. Thus, teachers continually expand their knowledge
and skills to implement the best assessment in the classroom in order to obtain
good learning (Nawi, 2011). According to Rahman & Mahamood (2017), curri-
culum planning and implementation require mastery in thinking and learning
skills to produce students who can to solve life problems that are becoming more
complex rationally. Many researches showed that teaching quality is the most
important factor in raising student achievement. Curriculum innovation espe-
cially in assessing student’s development by way of assessment needs a high de-

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gree of teacher competency (Hasnah 2017).

Sh. Siti Haizumah (2019) said that the teacher’s quality rests on the compe-
tence of the teacher in determining the learning success and facilitation. A
teacher’s quality is a group of skilled, competent, qualified, passionate, commit-
ted and with the soul of an educator (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2006).
Therefore, it is clearly shown that teacher’s competency is very important in im-
plementing classroom assessment that is effective in order to fulfill the objective
of the said classroom assessment.
Apart from that, competency in assessment should be preferred based on
standards four of Learnings and Facilitating SKPMg2 by Quality Assurance of
Education Ministry (2017); Teacher’s role as an assessor. Teachers need to meet
critical criteria as assessors to determine student’s level of mastery. Teachers juggle
an overwhelming number of unfamiliar issues in classroom based assessment
such as instruction, curriculum, operations of the assessment, test preparation
and administration, state standards and parent relations.

2.2. Classroom Assessment in Learning and Facilitating

Classroom assessments require a continuous process of Learning and Facilita-
tion sessions to capture the student achievement. Classroom assessment involves
the process of constantly collecting, analyzing and reflecting so that the needs of
the curriculum can be improved through learning. Effective implementation of
this assessment can provide a clear picture of students’ performances and thus
help schools, parents and teachers to plan follow-up actions to improve students’
achievement in their learning.
Through this process, teachers need to play their part effectively in the im-
plementation of the classroom asssessment to achieve its objectives. Teachers are
responsible for producing outstanding and quality students through effective
learning processes. However, research shows that teachers have low levels of
competency in mastery of their subject’s content, their pedagogical skills, re-
sources, technology and communication (Hanafi & Badusah, 2016).
Learning can achieve its objectives when learning involves two-way interac-
tions between teachers and students (Mahamod & Lim, 2011). Two-way
learning can enhance students’ thinking skills and resulting in high student
mastery in learning and works given by teachers. However, there are many
groups of teachers who are still not implementing two-way education to ease
the implementation of assessment effectively even though the education sys-
tem in Malaysia encourages it among the teachers to help students learn at the
highest level.
Manda (2006) who stated that changes in teaching methods and pedagogy are
important in efforts to improve the student’s education. This effort needs to be
continued because the current curriculum changes require a high level of com-
mitment from the implementing teachers in order to optimize their role in the
organization (Zamri Mahamod, Mohamed Amin Embi, & Nik Mud Rahimi
Mohd Yusoff, 2010). This cycle of continuous improvement ensure that teachers

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are constantly working to become more affective in addressing students’ learn-

ing problems and improve students’ achievement.

3. Teacher’s Competencies in Implementing Classroom

Assessment based classroom is a new policy in Malaysia educational system
and teachers takes years to gain the skills they need to be affective in their role.
Professional judgment is a domain of competence that is best suited for class-
room assessment needs (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2018). Profession-
al judgment is a judgment made using aspects of knowledge, skills, values,
evidence of achievement, teaching strategies, assessment methods and estab-
lished criteria.
In classroom assessment, teachers have to strengthen performance level of
knowledge, experience, students’ input and practice of professional responsibili-
ty. The main purpose is to ensure a student to learn and this is in line with the
concept and purpose of implementing classroom assessment (Education Minis-
try, 2018) by way of formative and summative tests.
Competence in professionalism needs to be emphasized in order to produce
quality teaching and learning (Hyvarinen, K. Saaranen, T. & Tossavainen (2015).
Therefore, the three professional competencies outlined by Ministry of Educa-
tion need to be achieved by all teachers in the areas of knowledge, skills and at-
titudes in order to increase the value of professional practice (Kementerian Pen-
didikan Malaysia, 2015). The element in implementing professional considera-
tion that needs the competence of a teacher (knowledge, skill and attitude) in the
assessment are as follows:

3.1. Curriculum
Curriculum competency assessed based on the mastery of subject content, in-
structional method, test preparation, state standard and student learning
needs. Nor & Mahamod (2014) stated that an effective curriculum delivery
came from a wide knowledge of a teacher on their current teaching subject.
The teacher knows the criteria that has been set is the level of mastery, per-
formance standard and standard curriculum document in the primary school
standard curriculum.
Every teacher needs to have a wide range of knowledge in the subject taught
and should always be improved to be in line with the current curriculum re-
quirements. Teachers also should understand the basic concepts and the struc-
ture of subjects taught. According to Netherlands Teacher Educators, content
competency is an important element in integrating quality education. The
competency of teachers in the field of the curriculum is important in the imple-
mentation of classroom assessment.
Thus, the implications of teaching and learning can be achieved properly. This
is because the main concept of assessment is to evaluate for the next learning

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process which involves enhancing the mastery and development of students.

This is a basis of assessment in the development and management of curriculum
policy in the school organization. The purpose is to improve learning for teach-
ers and students.

3.2. Pedagogy
The competency of teachers in pedagogical greatly affects the implementation of
classroom assessment. Effective learning involves an application of various
learning methods to enhance the student’s mastery and develop productive be-
haviors. The assessment should be applied in each pedagogical element that is
being implemented nowadays. This is because effective teachers affect student.
Student learning and achievement increase when teachers engange in affective
assessment to address students learning challenges (Nawi, 2011).
A plan in teaching and learning activities should be established systematically
so that the assessment can be implemented properly. The main aim of teaching
is to make students study (Ariffin, 2008). This situation requires the teacher to
plan carefully and appropriately so that effective learning succeeded (Hassan &
Meor Ibrahim, 1997). This matter was also supported by Azizah Lebai Nordin
(1999) states that teachers need to have a preparation in the implementation of
effective teaching through various teaching strategy applications.
Therefore, teachers need to make sure the implementation of assessment in
the classroom because it helps teachers analyze student achievement data during
the learning to immediately identify learning problems, develop solutions and
promptly apply those solutions to address students’ needs. Classroom assess-
ment also can be useful if it takes place before classes begin or after they end.

3.3. Professional Development

According to Siraj, Ibrahim (2012) professional judgment is that teachers are ac-
tively involved in ongoing professional development activities. Teachers also
need to contribute knowledge and skills to the teacher community. In that
community, teachers should always be ready and willing to help other teachers
in the educational profession. With extra support teachers learn more effective
practices to apply to daily challenges. Additional support also helps districts re-
tain teacher to the assessment and set them on the path to becoming effective
stake holder.
This element is in line with Hedley in Esmali (2017) state that competent
teachers are teachers who contribute professionalism aspects in education such
as knowledge sharing and behavior by formal or informal contexts. Such as con-
ference, seminar, collaborative learning among members and independent
reading to improving teaching and students learn at the highest levels. Profes-
sional development is also the way teachers’ can learn so that they are able to
better their performance and raise student achievement (Mizell, 2010). In Ma-
laysia, PLC has become as Continuous Professional Development’s activity in

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producing responsible teachers in guiding students in their classroom. Teachers

can enhance this competency through team members such as Professional
Learning Community (PLC) that can help teachers improve their competence in
professional judgment in an assessment.
Through these activities, teachers capable to exchange, share and disseminate
information on problems and how to solve those problems in an organization
(Aziah Ismail, Noraini Haron, & Abdul Ghani, 2013). Therefore, every teacher
should always strive to improve his or her self-esteem through the professional
responsibilities established by the ministry. Policymakers, community leaders
and teachers have a responsibility to ensure that educators engage in continuous
professional learning and apply that learning to increase student achievement.

3.4. Valuation
Teachers act as assessors in SKPMg2’s Standard 4 of learning and facilitating.
Evaluation competence is an ability to evaluate student work and to analyze data
collected through various assessment methods. Ibrahim (2015) states that analy-
sis gained through assessment in learning is seen as a process of improving
teaching and learning methods.
The quality standard of the role of teachers as assessors is that teachers are
able to conduct the systematic assessments. To achieve the standard, teachers
need to use a variety of assessment methods, perform rehabilitation and enrich-
ment activities, give students assignments, reflect and review student work.
All actions to achieve this standard must be implemented by following with
the lesson objectives according to the rigorous and effective implementation of
the assessment by the teachers (KPM, 2018). The most effective teachers contin-
ue to strengthen their practice throughout their career and focus on the needs of
students. Student learning and achievement increase when teachers engage in
effective assessment focused on the skills teachers need in order to address stu-
dents’ major learning challenges (Ariffin, 2008).

4. Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework below refers to the five domains of competence that
are considered to have the greatest impact on improving teachers’ performances
in implementing classroom assessment during teaching and learning. In this
study, the competencies are knowledge, skill and attitude in the implementation
of classroom assessment (Figure 1).
Teachers’ competence in Effective Classroom Assessment Implementation in
this Conceptual Framework is made by the professional competencies that have
been outlined by the Ministry of Education Malaysia which is the knowledge,
skills and attitudes of the teachers. Whereas the domain for competency assess-
ment is established through the competency domain required by new teachers.
These two factors have been combined to form a conceptual framework for
teacher competence in the implementation of classroom assessment.

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Professional Competency
Effective Classroom
Skill Assessment
Attitude Implementation

Domain of Competency
Figure 1. Conceptional framework.

5. Conclusion
Competency is an important factor in achieving the educational goals set by the
Ministry of Education Malaysia. Competence is required to implement existing
policies for improvement and new policies. The new policy created by the min-
istry is an initiative to create a world-class education. Ahmad (2014) stated that
the success of learning depends on the competence of teachers. The most im-
portant factor contributing to a student’s success in school is the quality of
teaching. In the assessment, special competencies need to be developed within
the teachers especially competence in meeting the requirements of an effective
evaluation process to ensure a successful education experience for every student.
This paper focuses on the aspect of teachers’ competence of the academic as-
sessment which is Classroom Assessment. Teachers who are competent in im-
plementing assessments will be able to achieve the objectives of the assessment
to increase student achievement. Teachers must learn and solve problem in or-
der to improve their performance and ensure all students achieve success. Effect
in assessment affects students.

The research was partially supported by grant received from the Faculty of Edu-
cation, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia code PP-FPEND-2019.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this

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