Summative Test & Performance Task: English 10 4th Quarter, MELC 5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Western Visayas – Region VI
Division of Aklan
District of Ibajay East



4th Quarter, MELC 5
Composing a Research Report on a
Relevant Social Issue

NAME: _____________________________
GRADE/SECTION: _____________________
DATE: ______________________________

Prepared by:

Maria Mae A. Dollosa

Subject Teacher
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write your answer on the answer
sheet attached on the following page. Do not forget to write your name and the
date you taken the test.

Part I.
1. This way of citing sources is use to integrate a summary or paraphrase.
A. Author-date-page number system C. Author-number system
B. Author-date system D. Author- date number system

2. This way of citing sources is use when incorporating direct quotations.

A. Author-date-page number system C. Author-number system
B. Author-date system D. Author- date number system

3. It occurs when ideas, information, and even pictures are used without proper
acknowledgment of the original sources.
A. Forgery C. Intellectual theft
B. Citation D. Plagiarism

4. It provides an overview of the scope of the research.

A. Significance of the study C. Introduction
B. Brief Background D. Objective of the study

5. It discusses the relevance of the study to your intended audience

A. Significance of the study C. Literature Review
B. Brief Overview D. Objective of the study

6. Discuss previous studies done on the chosen topic

A. Significance of the study C. Literature Review
B. Brief Overview D. Objective of the study

7. This is what do you intend to address in the report. Some researchers use research
questions that they want answered in the report.
A. Significance of the study C. Literature Review
B. Brief Overview D. Objective of the study

8. It contains the substantial amount of information that needs to be clearly and

accurately presented and analyzed.
A. Body C. Conclusion
B. Introduction D. Data
9. It is important in bringing home the highlights of the research paper.
A. Body C. Conclusion
B. Introduction D. Data

10. 2 types of author-date system

A. Citation & acknowledgement C. author & page number
B. Running text & within the parenthesis D. author date & page number

11. You are guilty of plagiarism if you:

A. Make use of the works of others to gather information.
B. Use the work of another and misrepresent it as your own.
C. Make use of the works of others to support your own arguments.
D. Examine the ideas and arguments of others to help you shape your own
thoughts or views on a particular issue.

12. Drawing information or content from the work of another without acknowledging the
source by citing a reference is considered to be plagiarism in all of the following cases
A. Using the exact words of the author.
B. Using data that the author has compiled through his/her independent
C. Using information from the author's work that is regarded as common
knowledge in the discipline.
D. Reproducing in your paper a chart contained in the author's work.

13. Which of the following is not an example of "padding" a bibliography?

A. Including in your bibliography works that you consulted but to which you made
no direct or indirect reference or use of in your research paper.
B. Including in your bibliography sources that you did not consult but know would
be relevant to the topic of your research paper.
C. Listing the titles of complete works as separate entries in your bibliography when
you actually used a single volume made up of excerpts from those works.
D. Including in your bibliography sources that you did not consult directly, but that
were referred to in several of the books or articles that you did consult.

14. Paraphrasing too closely to the original text, even if you do credit the source, is still
considered as plagiarism because:
A. By changing a few words or the order of the original words, you have changed
the author's exact words.
B. By not providing the exact words of the author in their entirety, you are
attributing to the author some words that he/she did not write.
C. You must never use the words of others when you are using their ideas.
D. You have failed to indicate, by means of direct quotation marks, which are the
exact words of the original.
15. Why is it insufficient to cite sources for your work through a bibliography alone?
A. Because no one will know what works you consulted in the preparation of your
B. Because a bibliography does not provide specific page references for the
sections of your sources that you actually read when you were doing your
C. Because by so doing you fail to indicate the exact source(s) of each specific

16. Information provided in your essay must be referenced in all of the following cases
A. When the information involves an interpretation peculiar to the author from
whose work you are drawing.
B. When the information describes common knowledge.
C. When the information comes from an e-mail or phone call.
D. When the information or idea that you are recording is disputed within the

17. You are unable to work out the calculations for your lab report but you know what the
correct answer should be. Since your report is due, you take one of your numbers from
an old lab report so that you can arrive at the correct answer. Is this considered to be
A. Your professor doesn't expect everything to work out and if s/he knows that you
falsified a few of your numbers to fit in with your results s/he won't be worried
about it because the important thing is that you tried and that you understand
what should have happened.
B. Since you are copying someone else's work without crediting the source, this is
clearly plagiarism.
C. This was such a tiny part of the lab report, that it really doesn't matter.

18. You're worried that your paper will look as if all the ideas come from someone else and
appears to list one reference citation after another. You can avoid this by:
A. Having your own over-riding argument and thesis, being analytical, and
presenting your own interpretations of the evidence.
B. Omitting references when you are in doubt whether you need to reference
ideas or information.
C. Integrating quotes and ideas into the text so that they fit in with your own words
in a seamless web, and varying the way you introduce your references to the
original sources. That way the citations will not be so intrusive.
D. a and c.

19. You have a friend who usually looks over your papers and together you discuss how to
improve them. Is this plagiarism?
A. Yes, you should never accept help with the writing of your papers.
B. It's fine to get help from a friend as long as your discussion is a general one, and
does not involve detailed conceptual or editorial changes.
20. You are in a computer science course. The documentation for a new programming
language is on the Web and the author has given permission to use the code. Do you
cite the source or not?
A. No, since the author has given permission to use the code, all you have to do is
copy it.
B. Yes, you still need to cite the original source of the code.


Compose a research report on a relevant social issue, select one from any of the following social
issues below. Write your report on the space provided or attached a separate sheet of paper.

Poverty Health
Racial discrimination Illegal Drugs
Gender inequality

Refer to the rubric as your scoring guide.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Developing Beginning
Catchy Exceptional Proficient Basic introduction Weak or no
introduction introduction that introduction that that states topic introduction of
grabs interest of is interesting and but lacks interest topic
reader and states states topic
Credible Exceptionally Information relates information relates Information has
researched to the main topic/ to the main topic, little or nothing to
thesis/objective few details and/or do with the thesis
detailed and s examples
accurate are given uses information has
information well-researched in limited sources weak or no
detail and from a connection to the
information clearly variety of sources thesis
relates to the thesis
or the research
Well-explained Exceptionally Consistent some connections Limited or
critical, relevant, connections made made between connections made
and consistent between evidence evidence and between evidence
connections made and thesis thesis and thesis
between evidence
and thesis good analysis some analysis lacks analysis
excellent analysis
Well-organized Exceptionally clear, Clear and logical Somewhat clear Lacks development
logical, mature, and order that and logical order of ideas with weak
thorough supports the topic that supports the or no transitions
development of the with good topic with basic between and
topic with excellent transitions transitions within paragraphs
transitions between between and between and
and within within paragraphs within paragraphs
Compelling excellent summary Good summary of Basic summary of <Lacks summary
conclusion of topic with topic with topic with some of topic
concluding ideas concluding ideas concluding ideas
that impact reader that impact reader
Well-written Control of grammar, Contains few Contains few Many spelling,
usage and spelling , spelling, punctuation, and
mechanics punctuation, and punctuation, and grammatical errors
grammatical errors grammatical errors that the paper
Almost entirely free that which detract cannot be
of spelling, the paper’s understood
punctuation, and readability
grammatical errors

Note: Written test and performance task are IMPORTANT PART of your GRADES. NO WRITTEN

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