Work Method Statement: (See Below)

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The document outlines a work method statement for hot work activities including procedures, hazards identified and control measures to minimize risks.

The work is broken down into steps that accomplish major tasks in a logical sequence on pages 1-2.

Hazards such as fire, electrocution, and injuries are identified for each step on pages 1-2.

Work Method Statement

Project Name: Morneau Shepell Address: Address: 7 th Floor, Block B2-B3, DLF World Tech Park sec.30,Gurgaon Haryana

Company Name: Innovatione India Project LLP.

Activity/Trade: Hot work (RA -01 )
Address: 583, Main road Chirag Dilli, New Delhi, Delhi 110017 Contact No: 9910905116
Supervisor Name: Ashok Contact No: 9910069764

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
Each step should accomplish some step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
Controls below as a guide happens
major task and be in logical could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
sequence.) arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
E Site
Mobilisation of resources Back pain, Slip, trip and Fall. Safety Induction, PTW, TBT,FTW Good Housekeeping Sup. /PM

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Work Method Statement

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
Each step should accomplish some step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
Controls below as a guide happens
major task and be in logical could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
sequence.) arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
Gas cutting /Welding -Initiating of fire out E -PTW in the place, Site
of flying sparks, spatters Fire extinguishers, bucket of Sand are provided near hot Sup. /PM
work area.
-Initiation of huge fire -Smoking is prohibited at work site. Fire points have been
installed in conspicuous locations.

-Flying sparks -Hot work equipment and

operatives are properly positioned
-Combustible material like paints, thinner, cotton, wood
paper, etc. shall be segregated & isolated from the hot work
-Keep gas cylinders in trolleys
-Soap solution used before start the gas cutting work
-All torch should be cleaned before taking to the works.
-Srtiker shall be used for ignition.
-Flash back arrester fit on both
cylinder outlets & Inlets.

-Electrocution & Electrical Shock -Only approved holders & welding cable of standard make to
be used.
-All welding connection shall be done with proper size of
-All Welders should be instruct to switch-off the welding set &
disconnect the electrode, whenever not in use.
Insulation on electrode holders & cable accessories to be
regularly inspected. Worn out & damaged cables to be
E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Work Method Statement

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
Each step should accomplish some step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
Controls below as a guide happens
major task and be in logical could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
sequence.) arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
Grinding Electric shock & Electrocution. E -Provide all connections through ELCB/RCCB with 30mA. Site
-Insulated rubber mat to be provided near the vicinity of DB Sup. /PM
-Only trained personnel should operate grinder machine.
-Proper face shield or welding goggles, Leather hand gloves,
Safety Helmet, Reflective Jacket & Safety shoes should be
-Weekly inspection of all electrical power tools & record to be
-Fire extinguishers bucket of Sand are provided hot work.

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Personnel Summary
Supervisors Name & Qualifications: Name:
Supervisor’s Responsibilities:

In addition to the above, the supervisor is to provide training in the use of this WMS, issue PPE and provide training in the same, supervise the
work, ensure conformity with this WMS, amend the WMS when additional hazards are found (and if applicable, ensure all workers receive a tool-
box talk to discuss the control measures for the additional hazards).


H&S GENERAL INDUCTION: All workers must have successfully completed industry induction training

WORK ACTIVITY TRAINING: All workers need to have been trained in the activities outlined in this safe work method statement.

SITE INDUCTION: All workers are to be site inducted by the Principal Contractor, prior to commencing work on site.

OTHER: (List other training undertaken by workers): (eg: Confined Space, Manual Handling, Traffic Control etc)

TICKETS, PERMITS or LICENCES REQUIRED to undertake this work (i.e. Certificates of Competency, Confined Spaces etc):

N.B. - Copies of the above must be shown to the Principal Contractor during site induction.


All work to comply with the <insert location> H&S Acts and Regulations and amendments, Workplace Injury Management & Workers Compensation Acts

Additional Codes and Standards applicable to this trade:

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Work Method Statement

Equipment & Material Summary


Serial Plant/Equipment Contractor Government Plant Hazards Maintenance/service records and log books sighted
Registration No. identified and by Principle Contractor prior to equipment being
controlled within used on site?
(Where applicable)
Yes No Sign Date


ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT USED DURING THE WORKS (Attach Electrical Equipment Register if applicable):
Item Tag/Item Testers Name & Signature License Number Test Date Result Test Date Result
____ /____ /____ ____ /____ /____
____ /____ /____ ____ /____ /____

HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES or DANGEROUS GOODS USED IN THE WORKS and anticipated volumes (Attach MSDS if applicable):
Purpose Location & Volume Used Controls
Date on Site Date Left Site Product Name MSDS Date Attached
(ie. Application on site) on Site (& PPE to be worn)
/ / / / / /
/ / / / / /
/ / / / / /
N.B. - All workers must be trained in the safe use of all chemicals and provided with the PPE required when using and storing these chemicals. Disposal is to be as per the waste disposal methods
in the MSDS. Spillage and leaks are to be cleaned up as per the spill/leak procedures identified in the MSDS.

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Work Method Statement

We agree that we have been consulted in the hazards and control measures and agree to complete the work in accordance with our Work
Method Statement (WMS).
We have been provided with training in all tasks outlined in our WMS and in the Codes of Practice applicable to our work.

Employee / Worker Signature Date Employee / Worker Signature Date

1. 8.
/ / / /
2. / / 9. / /
3. / / 10. / /
4. / / 11. / /
5. / / 12. / /
6. / / 13. / /

Reviewed by: Signature: Date:

(Principal Contractor’s Representative)

Any changes, additions or deletions made to this WMS are to be covered with the above personnel and the Principal Contractor’s representative at a Toolbox
meeting (Record date and time of Toolbox meeting below):

Date: Time:

A copy of the Toolbox Meeting must be attached to this WMS.

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