Mathematics 8 Analytic Rubric - Statistics and Probability Criteria Excellent 4 Very Good 3 Good 2 Needs Improvement 1

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Mathematics 8

Analytic Rubric – Statistics and Probability

Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1
The content of the The content of the The content of the The content of the
presentation is presentation is not presentation is not presentation is not
complete, factual, complete but factual complete but factual complete, not factual
and reliable. The and reliable. The and reliable. The and not reliable. The
method of data method of data method of data method of data
collection is the most collection is collection is collection is
appropriate. appropriate. appropriate. inappropriate.
Appropriate Appropriate Inappropriate Inappropriate
presentation methods presentation methods presentation methods presentation methods
are used. are used. are used. are used.
The data used are The data used are Some of the data Data presented are
authentic and authentic. Data are used are not not useful and
Authenticity of Data updated. Data taken taken from reliable authentic. relevant.
from reliable resources.
Accuracy of Computations are Computations are Computations are Most of the
Computations accurate, correct, and accurate and correct but the computations and
supported with right supported with interpretation is interpretations are
and clear correct incorrect. incorrect.
interpretation. interpretation.
The reflections The reflections The reflections The reflections
Originality presented are original presented are original. presented are original presented has no
and clear. but not clear. originality.

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