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Giffyglyphs Brutal Barbarian Latest
Giffyglyphs Brutal Barbarian Latest
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The Barbarian
Class Features
During a rage, you can't cast spells or concentrate on
magic. If you are concentrating on a spell when you enter a
1 Brutalities
rage, that concentration ends immediately. At 1st-level, you have mastered two brutalities of your
Magic Items: Some items allow you to trigger magic choice. You master additional brutalities as you gain more
effects—scrolls, wands, etc. You can activate these items barbarian levels, as show in the Brutalities Known column
unless it is specified that you are casting a spell. of the Class Features (Barbarian) table.
Once per turn, you may spend one brutality point to
Ending a Rage use one of your mastered brutalities.
Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if any of the Replacing a Brutality: Whenever you finish a long rest,
following situations apply: you may replace one of your mastered brutalities with
another brutality.
• Blackout: You are knocked unconscious. Saving Throws: Use your Strength modifier to
• Passive Aggression: Your turn ends and either (a) you determine the saving throw DC for your brutalities.
haven't attacked a hostile creature or (b) you haven't
taken any damage since the end of your previous turn.
• Serenity Now: You spend a bonus action on your turn
Brutality Save DC
to end your rage.
Brutality Save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Headbutt Placeholder
When you hit an adjacent creature with a melee weapon
attack, you can attempt to frighten the creature. The Placeholder
10 Mastered Rage
When you enter a rage, you may choose to master it. Each
5 Feral Movement time you do so, pick one of the following options—you gain
Choose one of the following options. this in addition to the other features granted by your rage
Fast Mover You can use this feature once, and you regain expended
Your natural speed increases by 10 ft while you're not uses when you finish a long rest.
wearing heavy armor. If you have multiple forms of innate
movement—such as climbing, flying, swimming, etc—each Fast
movement speed increases by 10 ft. For the duration of your mastered rage, your natural speed
Unnatural Movement: If you gain a movement speed increases by 10 ft. If you have multiple forms of innate
through an external effect—such as an item, feature, or movement—such as climbing, flying, swimming, etc—each
spell—that speed doesn't increase with this feature. movement speed increases by 10 ft.
Fast Mover: If you have the Fast Mover trait, this benefit
Leap stacks.
When a creature ends its turn within 15 ft of you, you can
spend your reaction to move up to half your speed to a Fierce
space closer to the creature. This movement doesn’t For the duration of your mastered rage, double the damage
provoke opportunity attacks. bonus granted by your Rage Damage.
For the duration of your mastered rage, you may cast and
concentrate on spells as normal.
For the duration of your mastered rage, your proficiency
Placeholder bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses
Intimidation or Athletics.
Primal Paths
A fierce rage burns deep in your heart—a
white-hot fire that can push you above and beyond
your mortal limitations. But without control, your greatest
Creating a Primal Path
To create your own Primal Path (or to convert an existing
strength can become your greatest weakness. path from other sources), follow these steps:
To help you master your rage—for good or ill—you must
choose a Primal Path. Walk this path to discover your own Create 4 Brutalities: At 1st-level, primal paths expand
unique strength and how to wield it. the barbarian brutality list with 4 unique brutalities.
Create some new ways to be brutal that are thematic to
your path—be as flavorsome as you can.
Choose Your Path • Ensure your brutalities have a clear triggering event
Choose your path from one of the following options: —"when X happens, you can Y".
• Brutalities improve at 5th and 9th-level.
• Path of the Berserker: You are a frenzied force of • As a general rule of thumb, aim for a varied 3-to-1
destruction on the battlefield–enemies run in fear from mix of combat-enhancing and social/skill-enhancing
your intimidating presence. brutalities.
• Path of the Conqueror: You are a conqueror, destined—
or determined—to rule. Where you lead, others follow. Create 3rd and 6th-level Features: Primal paths grant
Where you wage war, others flee—or fall. new features at 3rd and 6th-level. Rage is the primary
• Path of the Fanatic: You have a fanatical belief in feature of the barbarian—try to use it in interesting
someone or something—a god, a leader, a cause—and ways, either as a resource or an enhancement.
your blood boils in the presence of disbelievers. Create a 10th-level Capstone: At 10th-level, primal
paths grant a unique capstone feature. This is the
pinnacle of your path's theming—capture it's essence.
Paths Yet to Come
And that's it, your primal path is complete!
Brutal Barbarian is a work-in-progress with a limited number
in battle. When you hold the line, that line stays held.
take damage, you turn that pain into fury and rage.
Got ideas for some primal paths you'd like to see in the
Bloodlust Placeholder
When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee
weapon attack while raging, you can attempt to move and
attack another creature.
You may spend a bonus action to move up to half your
speed towards another creature. If the creature is (a)
within your reach and (b) your original attack would hit it,
6 Mindless Rage
that creature takes 1d6 damage. You can't be charmed or frightened while raging. If you are
The damage is of the same type dealt by the original charmed or frightened when you enter your rage, the
attack, and can't exceed the total damage dealt by the effect is suspended for the duration of the rage.
original attack.
Greater Bloodlust: (5th-level) The damage increases
from 1d6 to 2d8.
10 Intimidating Presence
Superior Bloodlust: (9th-level) The damage increases You can use your action to frighten someone. Choose one
from 2d8 to 3d10. creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. If the
creature can see or hear you, it must make a Wisdom
Charge saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
When you move at least 20 ft straight towards a creature your Strength modifier) to avoid being frightened.
while raging and hit it with a melee weapon attack, you If the Creature Succeeds: The creature is immune to
can deal 1d6 extra damage with your attack. your Intimidating Presence for the next 24 hours.
The damage is of the same type dealt by the original If the Creature Fails: The creature is frightened of you
attack, and can't exceed the total damage dealt by the until the end of your next turn. On subsequent turns, you
original attack. can spend 1 action to extend the duration of this effect on
Greater Charge: (5th-level) The damage increases from one frightened creature until the end of your next turn.
1d6 to 2d8. This effect ends if the creature ends its turn out of line of
Superior Charge: (9th-level) The damage increases sight or more than 60 feet away from you.
from 2d8 to 3d10.
When you make an ability check and use Athletics or
Intimidation, you can roll 1d6 and add it to the result. You
can wait until after you roll your check before deciding to
use this brutality, but you must decide before the GM says Placeholder
3 Voice of Authority
You gain proficiency in either a) Intimidation or b)
Persuasion. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for ability
Placeholder checks with that skill.
Charisma modifier
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
command a nearby ally. Choose one friendly creature that
Saving Throw: Wisdom modifier + half your CR (rounded
can see and hear you. That creature may spend its reaction
to make a weapon attack against the same target. If the
attack hits, it deals an additonal 1d6 damage.
Greater Command: (5th-level) The damage increases
from 1d6 to 1d8.
Superior Command: (9th-level) The damage increases
You are subjugated by another creature. You are their vassal,
from 1d8 to 1d10.
obeying their orders for as long as your loyalty holds true.
Attitudes Placeholder
Loyalty Attitude
This effect lasts for the duration of your rage. You may
1 Primal Brutalities spend one hit die and a bonus action during your rage to
Add the following four brutalities to your list of brutality change the currently active effect.
options: convert, judge, preach, and punish.
When an adjacent Large or smaller creature makes a
weapon attack against you, you can spend a reaction to
convert it before it makes the attack roll. The creature
must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature is Charmed by you until the start of your next
Greater Convert: (5th-level) You can use this brutality
6 Unrelenting
against Huge creatures. When you are reduced to 0 hit points while raging but not
Superior Convert: (9th-level) You can use this brutality killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. In
against Gargantuan creatures. addition, you gain temporary hit points equal to four times
your barbarian level.
Judge You can use this feature once, and you regain expended
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can uses when you finish a long rest.
mark the creature with a fanatical judgement. Until the
end of your next turn, the first time the creature either a)
makes a weapon attack or b) casts a spell, it takes 1d6
10 Fanatical Crusade
fanaticism damage. You roar a battle cry to inspire fanaticism in your allies. As
This damage occurs after the inciting action takes a bonus action, choose up to twelve creatures within 60 ft
place, and a creature can be marked by only one of you that can both see and hear you. For the next
judgement at a time. minute, these creatures deal an additional 1d6 fanaticism
Greater Judge: (5th-level) The damage increases from damage the first time they hit a target with a weapon
1d6 to 2d8. attack each turn.
Superior Judge: (9th-level) The damage increases from You can use this feature once, and you regain expended
2d8 to 3d10. uses when you finish a long rest.
When you make an ability check and use Religion or
Persuasion, you can roll 1d6 and add it to the result. You
can wait until after you roll your check before deciding to
use this brutality, but you must decide before the GM says
whether your check succeeds or fails.
Greater Preach: (5th-level) Your bonus increases from
1d6 to 1d8.
Superior Preach: (9th-level) Your bonus increases from
1d8 to 1d10.
Variant Dials
I f you want to adjust the barbarian class to
better suit your own campaign and playstyle, then
consider these variant dials.
Short Rest Recovery
This supplement emphasizes the use of long rests as a
primary recovery mechanic. But if your campaign is more
Multiclassing dependent on short rests, try this alternative class table:
• Brutalities: You can't use any mastered brutalities until 2nd 2 7th 2
4th 2 9th 3
5th 2 10th 3
Sizable Brutalities
Restricted Retraining Some brutalities feature hard-wired size limitations—but if
If you want to make retraining a little more significant or you want to tie these limitations to character size instead,
costly for the barbarian, try using these options. apply the following changes: