Golden Jubilee Trust Report 2002
Golden Jubilee Trust Report 2002
Golden Jubilee Trust Report 2002
Photographs: Bill Batchelor; Mark Mackenzie; Tom Buist/Propix Photography; Tony Jedrej; Chris Franklin/Walton Adams; Norman Young; Lindsay Robertson; LivingEDGE
The first step is to tell any member of your charities committee that beyond simply providing Humphries, Project Co-
you want to be involved. If you already have a specific registered named secondees. John ordinator, comments: “I can’t
charity in mind then you will need to explain what work you would be Lewis Brent Cross’s Charities say how useful it’s been. With
doing for them and how long it would take. Alternatively, you could Committee donated money to the right person and set up
volunteer your skills to a charity looking for someone to help with a the Friends of Michael Sobell properly, a secondment like
specific task. The secretary to the charities committee will be able to House to pay for curtains for this can work.”
give you information about charities in your area so that you can the new art and textile room As many of the secondments
contact them and find out how you might be able to help them. at the centre, which provides awarded last year draw to a
In either case the next step is to put together a proposal, setting care for people with life- close, Partners should be
out the details and why you think your particular charity should be threatening diseases. Several warned; they may have
given an award, for your charities committee to consider. The other Partners from John problems getting back to their
committee’s knowledge of the work of that charity and its work in Lewis Cheadle also worked branches. Christine Burrows,
your community is invaluable, and its endorsement is important. alongside Norman Jones. And Community Help Groups Co-
Once you have the committee’s support, your application will Debbie Taylor, Cole Brothers, ordinator with the Meningitis
be considered at one of the two meetings each year where the has enlisted the talents of Trust, sums up the feeling of
trustees of the Golden Jubilee Trust decide which charities should the Cavendish Singers for many charities: “We’re highly
receive awards. a fundraising event she is delighted with Debbie; in fact,
hoping to organise next year. we’re going to kidnap her!” ■
Hampshire Ambulance worked on a handbook and set up a Keith Boyes, First Responder
First Responders website. I also met with very senior NHS Development Manager
First Responder schemes consist of groups people, including the Chief Ambulance We are very grateful to Alex and the
of volunteers who have been trained to Officer of London. I was a coastguard for John Lewis Partnership. Alex was
attend emergency calls received by the NHS nine years, did volunteer lifeboat work welcomed into Hampshire Ambulance
Ambulance Service and to provide first aid and was already involved with First Service, and brought with him his admin
until an emergency ambulance arrives. Responders before my secondment; I’ve and IT skills, which made a substantial
Alex Band, Branch Network always been interested in putting something difference to communication systems
Administrator, branch network support, back into the community. I’ve trained within the First Responder Scheme.
John Lewis Southampton more than 100 people and set up four Alex met this task with an open mind
My prime role was to set up First schemes, with a fifth one at WestQuay in and enthusiasm that carried him
Responder schemes in the local progress. The secondment went very well; through for the 19 weeks that he was
community. I initiated new schemes, it was challenging and rewarding. with us. He was brilliant.
The Samaritans of Croydon and Sutton branch managers’ handbook! There’s lots
Staffed by volunteers, The Samaritans of ongoing research; it’s very interesting
provides a confidential, non-judgemental and I’m really enjoying it.
listening service for people in crisis. If you Bob Stent, Branch Director (pictured
need support, call 08457 909090. above, second from left, with Veronica,
Veronica Pink, Section Manager, third from left, and volunteers)
checkout/wines, Waitrose Dorking To a large degree, the branch is a
I was already involved with The Samaritans microcosm of the national organisation.
Meningitis Trust as a fundraiser when I read about the Each branch is a separate charity; we have
The Meningitis Trust works to remove the Golden Jubilee Trust. I’m working on the our own procedures that take the form of
threat of meningitis and to reduce its impact. pilot of the Investors in Volunteers award what works for us locally. Our volunteers are
It funds research, provides emotional and — similar to Investors in People — which involved first and foremost with phone calls;
practical support to individuals and families, is being overseen by Croydon Volunteer all the other jobs are additional, so from
and raises public awareness. Bureau. It aims to create a recognised and time to time our administration side is not
Debbie Taylor, Merchandise Manager, respected standard for the management up to standard. Investors in Volunteers is
Cole Brothers of volunteers. I’m looking at The looking for evidence that we look after
I have been approaching small and big Samaritans from the volunteers’ point of volunteers, and Veronica’s role is to tease
businesses for funding. I have also been view, putting things in writing so that, for out information we have and formulate
visiting local schools and colleges, talking example, volunteers understand the policy. For someone to come in and take
to parents and children about meningitis, grievance procedure. It’s a bit like the over a whole project is a real bonus.
showing them a video and encouraging
fundraising. I’ve started making plans for a
fundraising concert at Chatsworth Estate, to the management board as Parents’
Derbyshire, featuring the Cavendish Singers, Representative for three years, and for the
next year. last two years I’ve been Vice-Chair. It’s
It’s such a different experience from been very, very rewarding. As well as
being at Coles; you can never tell what’s upgrading their IT and telephone system I
going to come out of meetings. For got a newsletter up and running. I’m very
example, at one school I visited a student keen to get user involvement — for
teacher came forward and wanted to example, with the website. It was great to
become a fundraiser. I’m hoping to develop be able to pass on my knowledge to the
my presentation and writing skills. About charity, and it gave me a chance to step
three years ago I got involved in fundraising outside the ‘comfort zone’; being Vice-
with the Meningitis Trust when it set up Chair of the board, in theory I was the
a community health group in Sheffield. general manager’s boss! It was helpful that
When the Golden Jubilee Trust came Greater Pilton Childcare Centre, I knew most of the staff, and it was nice to
along it was in my mind to do this. Now I Edinburgh see things from a worker’s perspective.
can give 100 per cent. I’ll do my best. Provides high-quality, affordable childcare David Dickson, General Manager
Christine Burrows, Community Help enabling residents in the area to access Robert’s secondment was very successful;
Groups Co-ordinator (above right with employment, training and further education he made things happen that wouldn’t
Debbie opportunities, thus increasing household have happened. He took on the role of
We’re bowled over. Debbie is absolutely income and contributing to the ongoing IT project leader and has been very
wonderful. She’s really grasped what the regeneration of Greater Pilton. helpful; his knowledge was probably as
organisation’s about, and about the disease Robert Wardrope, Section Manager, good if not better than anyone else’s.
and its effects. She’s keen to go out and do furnishing fabrics, John Lewis Edinburgh Robert spent a lot of time and energy
things; she’s extremely professional and (pictured above with Systems Administrator shopping around and negotiating with
committed. We’re very keen to maximise Patricia Thomson and some ‘clients’) suppliers. We’ve had business support
what we get out of this, and we hope it’s My son went to the centre, and I was before, in the form of cash for a specific
of mutual benefit. very keen to get involved. I was elected project, but not a secondment like this.
The Gazette 22 June 2002 V
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10. The full lists of awards made the length of secondment 19. It is important for Partners and three appointed by the
in April and November 2001 are requested is appropriate, we to keep in touch with the Trustees themselves, each of
included at the end. Of these, as do consider the Partner’s branch while they are away whom holds office for a two-
at March 2002, 12 Partners have length of service, and tend to so that not only do they stay year term. Patricia Selley and
completed their secondments, look more favourably on those up to date with events but I were the Chairman’s original
25 are under way, four are to who have had time to prove branch interest in the project trustee appointments; we
begin shortly and two awards themselves in the business is maintained. We are grateful both served until January this
subsequently fell through. This and, by extension, their for the support of so many year, when Patricia Selley stood
report covers the full year 2001- suitability for an important registrars, charities secretaries down and I was reconfirmed
02. For this year it overlaps with secondment outside it. In and charities committees. for a further two-year term.
our last summary, which addition we would look for You play a crucial role, and Caroline Soper, Ian Rawlings
included the awards made in whether the objectives are clear without you we could not and Dorothy Macrow were
April 2001, but in future, as we and well defined, and whether function effectively. elected as Central Council
continue to report on the there will be real benefit to the Trustees during the year
activities of a full year, it will community from the work Promoting the Trust and will serve until 1 June
present a clearer picture. being done. 20. Reaching more Partners 2003. Prue Beard and Roger
continues to be our aim, and Jefcoate are the current
How the awards are made When an application would not The Gazette coverage has been external Trustees, and will
Local Charities Committees be considered outstandingly successful. This serve until their term ends
11. Applications are invited via 15. We are asked from time to year’s supplement highlights in November 2002.
the branch charities committees time if we will support a the Trust’s work by giving
and the Waitrose divisional Partner’s existing charitable Partners the opportunity to Thanks
charity committee. The role of work through the scheme — tell their stories as well as 24. On behalf of the other
the committees is to use their for example, when Partners use setting out a comprehensive Trustees, I should like to
knowledge of the registered their holiday to assist at Scout account of the Trust’s doings place on record my gratitude
charities in their locality to or Guide camps or another over the last year. to Patricia Selley for all her
consider, rank and endorse residential activity. We admire help and guidance during
the branch requests before the commitment Partners show. 21. Plans are under way for her term of office. Chris Jones
submitting them to the But the trust is a vehicle to the next set of posters and has given unstinting support
Trustees’ selection meetings. allow Partners to do what is leaflets to be distributed to as Trust Secretary.
impossible without an award, branches in July. We welcome
12. We know that supplying going above and beyond what invitations to speak to branch 25. But without branch
us with full information to is already being done. An councils, not only because charities committees and
back the branch applications application should be for it allows us to talk, but we the Partners who come
can be time-consuming, but something different to the can also hear Partners’ forward with applications
it is critical to the process, and Partner’s regular commitment. views about how the scheme there is no scheme to operate.
we are very grateful to the is working. Thank you for pursuing
charities committees for the 16. In addition, we will not the opportunities you find.
hard work that goes into it. commit the Trust to grants that How the awards are funded And since time is increasingly
Effective branch committee are binding beyond the current 22. We rely for all our income scarce for all we do, thank
input remains key to the meeting, and will not consider on the earnings from the you for devoting it to others,
success of the scheme. applications for annual or endowment of £5m which was whether you do so under
repeated secondments. agreed by the Central Council. the Trust’s auspices or
13. Any Partner interested The funds are being invested in beyond them.
should seek out their charities Feedback and maintaining a staged programme of Michael Milner
committee secretary or member contact purchases of gilts and shares, Chairman of the Trustees
for advice and application 17. In order to offer support with some £1.2
forms. The Trustees look to to the branches, particularly million still on
the committees to help the while the scheme is in its early short-term
applicant think carefully about years, we very much welcome deposit at the
what they intend to do and feedback so that we continue end of January
to be very clear about the to work together effectively. 2002. In 2001-02
objectives; to ask whether Successful operation depends the Trust’s
they have the relevant skills on good liaison between the income
and experience; if the time Partner, the branch and the amounted to
requested is appropriate to the charity in making the timing £203,000, and
secondment; how the charity is work for all parties. we spent or
regarded in the community; committed
and whether it will make proper 18. We also want secondees £157,000 on
use of the Partner. to think about what they 43 awards.
have enjoyed during the
The Trustees’ selection secondment, pass on their The
14. It then becomes the turn comments to us and write Trustees
of the Trustees to look at the a short article about their 23. The
applications, noting the order of experiences in their Chronicle for Trust Deed
importance in which they have their branch colleagues. We are allows
been placed by the branch, and always interested in hearing for three
considering factors such as good from Partners, and we can be Trustees
matching between the Partner contacted either through your elected by
and secondment. Although not branch charities secretary or the the Central
wishing to impose a qualification Trust’s Secretary, Chris Jones, Council, one Neil Clarke with Suzy
period, when making a who is on the eighth floor at appointed by Humphries, Project
judgement or deciding whether Central, telephone ext 5464. the Chairman Co-ordinator, Masterclass
Fiona Burton Portsmouth & District Cerebral Palsy Association’s FACES Project To work as a play worker for Full time for two weeks.
Knight & Lee the charity’s summer play scheme for children with special needs, and to provide support to a
Furnishing fabrics workroom range of children with severe disabilities.
Susan Crawford Stepney Bank Stables — Inner City Community Horse Project To help create a safe, fun Three weeks full time and
Bainbridge environment for 8-12 year olds. To develop an induction programme for newcomers, organise one day per week for five
Electrical appliances events and activities to develop personal and social skills through horse care. weeks — total 20 days.
Margaret Fitch YMCA Homeless Action Programme To design and co-ordinate a furniture project to assist young Full time two weeks and
Bainbridge, Haberdashery/ people setting up home through the YMCA Homeless Action Programme. To renovate, repair and two days per week for 12
dress fabrics distribute donated goods to those in urgent need. weeks.
Maria Garcia CRISIS’s Befriending Scheme for former rough sleepers To provide support, companionship and Half-day per week for 26
JL Brent Cross sharing activities for former rough sleepers in tenancies, and to help to build up self-confidence weeks and two days for
Carpets and moves towards independence. training given by the charity.
Jeremy Gates The Beacon Centre, The Neighbourhood Youth Centre To assist in fundraising, planning events One day per week for six
Waitrose Burgess Hill and launching a recording/rehearsal studio for the centre. To carry out some work in studio months.
Dry goods engineering, and to pass on recording knowledge to the users of the centre.
Susan Gordon Home-Start, South West Lincolnshire To support, under supervision, at least three families in 233/4 hours per week
JL Peterborough their own homes, to participate in the running of the family groups and to contribute to the small for 26 weeks.
Ladies’ shoes office.
Patricia Greasby Guide Dogs for the Blind Association To continue raising awareness of the Association’s puppy- Three days per week for
Cole Brothers walking scheme and the need for more volunteers. To provide advice and support to existing 13 weeks. Continues from
Customer accounts puppy walkers. Autumn secondment extended for a further three months. previous secondment.
Leslie Hummel Yoga for Health Foundation — helping people with progressive illnesses to manage their pain Two days per week for
Stevenage, Warehouse through yoga To work alongside an instructor from the Foundation in yoga sessions, assisting in six months.
40/70 (SHIFT A) the day-to-day running of courses for people with disabilities.
Norman Jones Cheadle Wildlife Pond & Wetlands Project of the Stockport Council for Voluntary Services To Started on 28-4-01 and
JL Cheadle develop and manage the wildlife pond and wetland area, and to build raised beds for disabled expected to finish on 27-
Central stock control people. To include planting the pond and installing a pond-dipping pier and interpretation panel. 10-01. Two days per week
Also planned is the clean-up of the existing woodland beside the pond, planting of a hazel for six months.
coppice and a new border hedge.
Ann Keohane British Dyslexia Association To staff helpline and to help in general office duties. One day per week for 26
Heelas, Separates weeks.
Bridgette Lalji St Luke’s Hospice To assist in sorting and preparation of donated goods for display in the shop, to Full time for 26 weeks.
JL Brent Cross serve customers and to promote the work of the hospice. To help run a recruitment campaign for
Travel goods/handbags shop volunteers, and to be involved in design and distribution of posters/leaflets in the local area.
Ian Lane East London Out Project — preserving the mental health of gay and lesbian people To help set One day per week for
Peter Jones up new premises for the charity, and to help establish new office/reception systems for its 26 weeks.
Stationery services, as well as a customer care policy.
Janet Mason Salvation Army, Southampton — inner City Drop-in Centre To work in a new, inner-city drop-in Sixteen hours per week
Waitrose Romsey, Meat centre for the community. for 26 weeks.
Mary Mills Winged Fellowship — providing holidays for people with physical disabilities To help for two weeks Full time for two weeks.
John Lewis at one of the charity’s five holiday centres for physically disabled adults. To assist with personal care,
Customer accounts accompany guests on outings, serving meals and helping with the running of the centre.
Janice Newton Jessops The Nottingham Hospice To be part of a full-time fundraising team and to help the charity’s new Full time for 26 weeks.
Partners’ Dining Room fundraiser to develop its direct appeals and lottery.
Lucie Norton Aberdeen Cyrenians — arts/crafts project for the homeless To achieve the goal of an exhibition 11/2 days per week. Carries
JL Aberdeen of material produced from arts/crafts projects of original award.Autumn secondment extended for on from autumn award.
Display a further six weeks.
David Pearson The Wildlife Trusts for Beds, Cambs, Northants and Peterborough To carry out practical One day per week for
JL Peterborough conservation work on Trust reserves to maintain biodiversity and improve the environment. To help 26 weeks
CMO1 in coppicing, hedge laying, pond clearing and scrub management.
Joanne Spalding Sheffield RSPCA To be involved with all aspects of the work of the rescue centre. Two days per week for
Cole Brothers, audio & TV 13 weeks.
Robert Wardrope Greater Pilton Childcare Centre To encourage increased participation of parents/carers in overall Full time for 26 weeks.
JL Edinburgh policymaking and activities of the centre, and to help develop closer links with the business community
Furnishing fabrics in north Edinburgh, identifying and securing premises to accommodate the centre’s expanding
Simon Wilson Avon Wildlife Trust — Annual bird species survey in the Gordano Valley To complete an annual Full time for 17 weeks.
JL Cribbs Causeway survey of bird species in the Gordano Valley from March to July 2002. To establish method for
Furniture surveys in the future — results of this project will influence future management of Trust reserves.
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Gary Ashcroft Brent Lodge Wildlife Centre — treats sick and injured birds with the aim of returning them to the wild One day a week for
Waitrose Chichester To act primarily as a fundraiser for the project to raise funds to build new aviaries and pens for injured 26 weeks
Provisions birds, also assist in the organisation of 3 open weekends.
Alex Band Hampshire Ambulance Service — provides support in the first few minutes following a life-threatening Full time for four months
Southampton, event until the emergency ambulance arrives To recruit and organise a network of volunteers to act as first
Network Support responders in the Southampton area. Alex’s work would involve research, PC input, visiting local parish
councils and communities.
Sheila Bennett Friends of Newmarket Hospital — provides practical and fundraising support for Newmarket Hospital One day a week for
Waitrose In addition to helping patients by undertaking general duties on the wards, Sheila hopes to learn basic 26 weeks.
Newmarket nursing care and other nursing procedures which will also be invaluable during her long leave when she
Checkouts plans to work with AIDS sufferers overseas.
Andy Cast Macmillan Cancer Relief — supports and cares for cancer patients and their families through hospices Two days a week, then
Waitrose Saltash and specialist nurses Offers counselling, information and medical care. To stage a prom concert at the full time leading up to the
Administration Eden Project in Cornwall on 28 July 2002 to raise funds for Macmillan. Andy will be the main organiser event over a period of
and administrator for the event. six months.
Neil Clarke The Masterclass Trust, Theatre Royal Haymarket — provides free talks and workshops by Full time for four months.
Central Offices internationally renowned artists for 16-25 year olds from all over the country who are interested in
Furniture Buying theatre and what it offers To investigate, collate results and review attendance at the classes, to
promote the work and ensure the classes attract diverse groups. He was also involved in the pilot of an
education outreach programme to strengthen links with schools and youth/community groups in some
London boroughs recognised as areas with disadvantaged young people.
Jeff Cooke Victim Support — helps people cope with effects of crime. Offers free, independent practical advice Three days a week for
Waitrose Bromley and emotional support To be part of a team helping with the relocation and decoration of new Victim four weeks.
Food Service Support premises.
Gerard Fennell The Cystic Fibrosis Trust — undertakes medical and scientific research and raises awareness. Ensures Full time for six months.
George Henry Lee CF sufferers receive best care and support in all aspects of their lives. Both areas of the work call on
Catering Gerard’s previous experience: through volunteer support work at Alder Hey and Broadgreen hospitals and in
fund and awareness raising projects.
Glyn Freeman and The Eden Rivers Trust — aims to maintain and restore the natural beauty of the river Eden and provide Three days a week for
Clive Mitchelhill programmes of education which involve the local community To work jointly for the Eden Rivers Trust. three months each.
Stead McAlpin To work with local primary schools looking at habitat enhancement for threatened species, preparing
Colour House and promotional material and survey and monitoring work. To carry out practical work such as building
Printing fencing, stiles, etc.
Loraine Herbert Lifeline Community Projects — advances education through nursery care, English language teaching One day a week for
John Lewis and community projects to help relieve suffering or hardship Tol help with teaching English, nursery 13 weeks.
Correspondence care and developing resources. To join existing volunteers in attempting to overcome some of the
difficulties that are presented to ethnic minority groups when English cannot be understood.
Donald Howcroft The British Red Cross — cares for people in crisis in UK and overseas To provide transport and escort Full time for 13 weeks.
Waitrose for disabled people in Berkshire. To attend public events as a qualified first-aider, help with fire victim
Bracknell support service and the medical equipment loan service within Berkshire.
The Lions Hospice — a local hospice giving specialist care, advice and support to people with life Two days a week for
Sue Kirwan threatening illnesses To use administrative skills to build databases for the fundraising department to 26 weeks.
Bluewater record the range of skills offered by the charity’s volunteers. To upgrade and reformat training records.
Lynn Lilley Parents and Friends of Redway School — a volunteer fundraising group for a school for children with Half day a week for
Milton Keynes, severe learning and communication difficulties To develop fundraising ideas and co-ordinate events for four months.
Home Decorating the project to raise £100,000 to provide specialist play equipment and landscaping for the school. To
encourage others to volunteer to work in school.
Kathleen Loveday The Winged Fellowship Trust — provides breaks for disabled people and respite for their carers To One day a week for three
John Lewis, assist qualified staff with welcoming and caring for guests, and to work in the art room. months. Withdrawn.
John Pearson Chicken Shed Theatre Company — providing education, mainly in the field of arts for young persons, Three days a week for
Central Offices the company works with mainstream and those requiring help with mobility, communication, behaviour 16 weeks.
Management or self-help skills, etc. To plan and implement upgrading the company’s computer network system and to
Services Technical train his son, who works at Chicken Shed, in the new features to maintain the system.
Phillipa Phillipps The Princess Royal Trust, Peterborough Young Carers — supports young people who are responsible 2.5 hours x three days
JL Peterborough for the care of a relative due to illness, disability or substance abuse To teach members and group
Haberdashery leaders a new craft (rubber stamping) to be used as a fundraising tool for the charity or as a means of
recreation, giving the young people a break from their responsibilities.
Veronica Pink The Samaritans of Croydon — aims to provide emotional support to those passing through crisis and Full time for 26 weeks
Waitrose Dorking in danger of taking their life through suicide The office of the Croydon and Sutton Branch, staffed by
Checkouts volunteers, needs organising and systems put in place so that the administrative pressure on the
volunteers is decreased. To assess the workload, collect and collate information required to gain the
‘Investors in Volunteers’ certification which would give a clear set of procedures for the future.
Heather See Hearing Dogs for the Deaf — trains rescue and donated dogs to alert deaf people, through touch, to Equivalent of 10 weeks
Waitrose Marlow sounds such as doorbell, cooker timer, telephone, smoke alarm, etc. To organise an open weekend full time
Admin/Audit for the charity’s 20th anniversary by assisting with planning, resource management, recruitment,
bookings, invitations, etc.
Avril Snowdon Demelza House children’s hospice — offers respite care for children with life limiting illnesses Full time for 26 weeks
JL Bluewater To cover many areas of the hospice’s work such as catering, office/reception, the charity shop
Call Off gardening, etc.
Brenda Sorsky Claire House Hospice — offers respite, palliative and terminal care for children with life-threatening Three days a week for 26
George Henry Lee or limiting conditions To work within the appeals team, entering information on the database, weeks
Carpets recruiting and retaining corporate and individual support and assisting with events.
Debbie Taylor The Meningitis Trust — a community branch offering support for those affected by meningitis. Also Full time for 26 weeks
Cole Brothers fundraises for the trust which funds research, awareness and support To work with the area manager
Management Office to develop the Sheffield community support group. To raise funds for the trust by developing corporate
links, talking to community groups and schools, organising high-profile events and developing a pack
for those bereaved by meningitis.
Sue Thomas The Shooting Star Trust — runs hospices for children who have a limited life expectancy and their One day a week for 24
Peter Jones families; £2m is needed to build a hospice for west London To use long experience of ‘moves’ weeks
Furnishing Fabrics teaching and fundraising to benefit the hospice. To organise and run fundraising events based on
Workroom aerobic fitness moves, through schools in the hospice catchment area, women’s guilds, etc.
Michael Thompson The National Trust — works for the preservation and presentation of places of historic interest and One day a week for 26
Waitrose Chichester natural beauty To assist the warden in day-to-day management of East Head, a sand and shingle spit weeks
Wines at the entrance to Chichester Harbour. Tasks would include fencing, basic biological, geological and
visitor surveys, visitor queries, reclamation projects, boardwalk installation.
Helen Windsor Youth Hostels Association — sets out to help all, especially young people of limited means, to Two weeks full time
Cribbs Causeway greater knowledge of the countryside, primarily through the provision of hostels To help in the in the
Despatch annual spring-cleaning in the remote mid-Wales hostels, the fabric and furnishings of which suffer from
the winter weather. To clean, decorate, clear grounds, etc.
Sue Wood Friends of Michael Sobell House (Hospice) — the ‘Friends’ aim to financially support in-patient care One day a week for 26
Brent Cross and day-care at the Hospice To use Embroiderer’s Guild qualifications by designing and co-ordinating weeks
Service Manager’s the construction of a quilt through the day centre. 2002 will be the 25th anniversary of the charity, and
Office the quilt will form a focus for fundraising for the event.