AIAA 99-1707 K1 Landing System
AIAA 99-1707 K1 Landing System
AIAA 99-1707 K1 Landing System
The Kistler Landing system consists of parachutes and airbags to land both stages of the Kistler
Aerospace, K-1 Reusable Launch Vehicle. The K-1 Reusable Launch Vehicle is a commercial
venture to develop the worlds first fully re-usable launch vehicle. The unmanned launcher
consists of two stages, the first or Launch Assist Platform (LAP), and the second stage, or
Orbital Vehicle (OV). This paper presents an update on the status of parachute testing for the
Kistler program.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
gore techniques. The parachute was therefore designed the vent lines which is known to cause abrasion damage
as a continuous ribbon. in Kevlar materials, especially in re-useable systems.
The parachute is Skirt Rigged and employs circular The parachute is designed as a cut gore ribbon to ease
braided cord as a suspension line material. Circular manufacture. This also minimizes trailing edge fullness,
cord is used to minimize suspension line wake effects and therefore flutter, in the horizontals.
and they are connected to the parachute riser directly
thus obviating the requirement for a mechanical Main Parachute
interconnector with it’s associated weight penalty.
The Kistler Main Parachute is made up of 5 rings and
Drogue Parachute 10 sails and has a reference diameter (Do) of 156 ft.
The canopy consists of 19113 square feet of drag
The Variable Porosity Conical Ribbon (VPCR) was producing surface. The parachute incorporates a Kevlar
selected for the LAP and OV Drogue Parachutes. The structural grid and a nylon drag-producing surface. The
size of the Drogues was established to provide Irvin ¼ spherical Ringsail planform was selected due to
commonality between the two vehicles and to provide it’s excellent stability characteristics, reefed
the required deployment conditions for the Main performance and high drag coefficient.
Parachutes. The parachute geometry was based on the
Shuttle Parabrake and is defined as follows: The parachute derives it’s exceptional performance
from the true ¼ spherical geometry, fullness
- Reference Diameter Do 40.3 ft distribution and porosity distribution. Drag is further
- Number of Gores 40 enhanced by the use of 1.15 Do suspension lines. The
- Number of Horizontals per gore 92 canopy is made up of 112 gores and each panel is sized
- Number of Verticals per Gore 7 to employ full width fabric. The suspension lines are
- Geometric Porosity 16.1% Larkshead attached to the radials at the skirt plane and
terminated on steel 6K links at the riser. This allows
Porosity selection for the parachute was derived from rapid change out of damaged lines, a feature essential to
wind tunnel data collected by Sandia during the Orbiter the re-usability of the system.
Drag Chute Stability Tests in the NASA/Ames 80 x 120
Foot Wind Tunnel (reference 2). During this test The most significant feature that has been developed
campaign the original planform of the parachute was during the Kistler main parachute design phase is the
modified by the removal of ribbons from the shoulder deployment control. Very large descent class
and crown regions of the canopy. The resulting parachutes of this type are generally problematical in
planform and geometric porosity of 16.1% proved clusters apropos load sharing. The design goal during
extremely stable and was therefore selected for the development was to eliminate, as far as possible,
Kistler drogue 'chutes. lead/lag within the cluster and to reduce 1st stage
inflation damage caused by the formation of false
Both the OV and LAP flight profiles require reefing apexes in the individual canopies. Three very important
stages. To ensure reliable reefed inflation, the design features were built into the design of the deployment
departed from the common 1% So vent area and system and performed exceptionally well during test.
reduced the size to a figure of 0.29% So. This ensures
that the parachute achieves repeatable and reliable Deployment Bag Design
crown pressurization. The design of the reefing assets
include specially designed dual reefing rings. These The deployment bags for the 3 ‘chute OV cluster and
have been sized to give optimum reefing line control the 6 ‘chute LAP cluster incorporate a lacing system
and minimize skirt bulk. that allows the bags to be tied together and deployed as
one. This feature ensures that the canopy skirts all break
The parachute has 1.2 Do suspension lines that are fully out of the bags together. This ensures that canopy
rigged onto the canopy and form the radial tapes and filling begins simultaneously. The deployment bags
vent lines. Inner radials wrap around the suspension also incorporate multiple stowage flaps to control the
lines at the skirt plane to eliminate peeling. The lines egress of the risers and suspension lines at the 250 fps
are terminated at an Aluminum ring in the vent. This deployment velocity.
ring ensures no mechanical interaction occurs between
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Vent Leash Design The two main parachute clusters, and several single
parachute tests have been completed to date. At the
It is common practice to attach the vent of a parachute time of writing, the stabilization and drogue parachutes
to the deployment bag by some means of break tie. have not been tested, but significant engineering and
These ties usually serve the purpose of tensioning the development has lead to parachute test configuration
structural grid during the initial filling of the canopy. definition.
With a canopy the size of the Kistler main ‘chute this
method of vent control is inadequate. The Kistler main Additionally, the sheer size of the vehicle stages
parachute incorporates an incremental bridle that has an reduces what is feasible in a reasonable parachute drop
average tear force of 400 lbs and a stroke of 140 feet. test environment. As a result, unique control and
This bridle applies sufficient tension to the structural rigging techniques were developed to adapt existing
grid of the canopy to keep it taut during the entire pre- equipment to meet the challenges presented. These
inflation phase and through to crown pressurization. included:
The vent leash ensures that the “ball of air” entering the
canopy impacts centrally at the vent area. It also ? Stabilization techniques to control Type V
ensures inflation uniformity within the cluster, which platform/load tub combinations during load
greatly reduces any lead/lag factors. extraction, accelerations and test parachute
Sacrifice Panel Design
? Timed release of extraction parachutes to ensure
The Kistler main parachute incorporates a sacrifice realistic mains deployment conditions.
panel that engulfs the entire length of canopy. After the
canopy has been long folded, the sacrifice panel is ? Mounting of 6 large parachutes for delayed
wrapped around it and whipped stitched closed. The deployment from a platform/load tub
sacrifice panel serves two very important functions combination.
during the pre-inflation phase of deployment. Firstly it
serves as a protective sleeve as the canopy is being ? Unique rigging to allow simulation of vehicle
stripped from the deployment bag at high speed. attitude re-orientation.
Secondly, the resistance of the sacrifice panel unfurling
as the air moves towards the vent of the canopy ? Modification of a large CTV to allow recovery
effectively gives the canopy a “moving vent”. The of the test vehicle following drogue parachute
effect of this phenomenon is to maintain an even skirt testing.
plane during the entire pre-inflation phase, this
drastically improves inlet formation and first stage Test Rationale
Due to funding and time scale restrictions it became
The parachutes have demonstrated exceptional clear from the outset that testing all corners of each
performance during the test program and the measures system envelope would not be possible. To this end a
taken to improve the cluster performance have proved program rationale was agreed that would attempt to test
to be essential deployment aids in canopies of this each system at a baseline condition, an optimized
magnitude. baseline condition and then at a proof load condition. If
optimization or modification were felt to be
Development Testing unnecessary after the baseline drop then the optimized
drop would not be conducted. This rationale has proved
The challenge of developing a launch system under a feasible way forward to date.
commercial funding leads to compromises in the
number and type of tests that can be performed. Also During the program it was decided to add an additional
commercial factors such as time scales and the funds test in an effort to review a major area of concern. This
available for development must be taken into account test was designed to simulate vehicle attitude re-
from the outset. Development testing of not less than 5 orientation and required the application of test specific,
unique parachute configurations is planned, as well as unique load rigging techniques.
single parachute tests to establish a performance
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Testing to date has been by the use of Type V platforms Load Release and Transfer
and ballast load tubs. Load tubs were rigged onto
platforms using standard rigging techniques and the On the first test the standard military drop technique
standard Extraction Force Transfer Coupling (EFTC) was used. This entails the load transferring from a
system was used for load extraction and parachute vertical to a horizontal orientation as the main
release. Test parachutes were mounted on the aft end of parachutes are deploying. This system worked well for
the load, see Figure 3 and deployed by the extractor the first drop, however on the second drop the load cut
parachute following extraction from the aircraft and one of the main suspension risers as it transferred. This
EFTC release. caused a cascade failure of the remainder of the
suspension system and the load broke free from the
To simulate realistic deployment of the main parachutes main parachutes. Following analysis of the test video it
the extractor parachutes remained connected to the became apparent that the platform and load were
platform, see Figures 4 and 5, for a specified period aerodynamically every unstable as the main parachutes
after extraction. This allowed the load to reach the deployed. This was due to the fact that the load was
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The canister was mounted on the aft end of the load tub
and the six main parachutes were rigged into, and
deployed from, this structure, see Figure 8. Further
structural reinforcement of the load tub was required to
withstand the predicted deployment forces and unique
rigging techniques were used to ensure the correct Figure 7
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Test Instrumentation
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flight altitudes. Test range data include density versus Cluster Rate of Descent
altitude measurements within one hour of the flight test. Second OV Cluster Drop
0.00E+00 5.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.50E+02 2.00E+02 2.50E+02
-2150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230
-6 Series2
ROD (fps)
Linear (Series2)
-8 -2.00E+01
Linear (rodsl)
-18 -2.30E+01
Time (sec)
Time (secs)
Figure 10 Figure 12
The lighter weight was used as a canopy load build-up, Following the first OV cluster drop (three parachute
with 9000 lb/canopy representing the mission W/S. cluster) evaluation of the vent leash indicated the need
Figure 11 presents the same data for the drop in drag for adjustment. While parachute lead/lag still were
coefficient for the single canopy. A drag coefficient within the 40/40/20 loads criteria adopted for the
slightly higher than 1.2 is seen as the mean. program, videographic analysis indicated that increased
vent leash force was desired. The 400 lb force leash,
mentioned above, was adopted for all subsequent test
YPG TSPI Data configurations.
Single Canopy Drag Coefficient
1 Cd
Linear (Cd) 1
Design Basis
0.4 0.8
0 0.6 Series1
150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 Linear (Series2)
Figure 11
Time (secs)
Similar to the single chute performance data presented Figure 13
earlier, rate of descent and Cd cluster are derived for
OV Cluster Drop 2 demonstrated exceptional parachute
the 3 parachute OV cluster. Figure 12 presents rate of
deployability and load sharing. Figure 14 presents the
descent, corrected to sea level standard day density.
force time histories for all three parachutes during first
These data are derived from YPG TSPI data and
stage parachute inflation. Load sharing is far better than
atmospheric measurements conducted the morning of the current 40/40/20 design criteria.
the flight.
Subsequent inflation stages demonstrate more lead/lag,
Figure 13 presents the Drag Coefficient (Cd) derived or poorer load sharing than the first stage, but as the
for the cluster. Suspended weight for the 7 April, 1998 first stage is the primary design driver for both the
flight was 27,400 lbs. Also plotted in Figure 13 is the parachute structure, and crown fabric pressurization,
design goal Cd for this cluster. Agreement is close these loads do directly influence the parachute design.
enough, that the cluster performance is considered
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25000 50000
Parachute Force (lbs)
20000 40000
0 5000
20 25 30 35 40 45 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
-5000 -5000
Time (sec)
Time (seconds)
Figure 14 Figure 16
been planned at program initiation, and was considered
Figure 15 presents load time histories for three of the the lowest obtainable, particularly when maintenance of
six parachutes in the LAP Cluster Drop. Only three of positive inflation was considered. This approach had
the six individual parachute load cells provided force carried over from the EELV program, which has sought
data during the deployment. That three survived is a 4% reefing ratio (reference 3).
somewhat a remarkable feat, as following deployment,
the load links are approximately 120 feet from the Test results reveal that the actual reefing ratio achieved
instrumentation recorder. is actually closer to 2%. Figure 17 presents CdS vs.
time plots for all six parachutes in the two OV Cluster
LAP Parachute Cluster - First Stage Inflation Loads drops. Drag Area is computed from the force and TSPI
25000 data taken during each drop. As a check on drag area,
the payload velocity at the end of the first inflation
stage is used to compute a CdS for comparison. The
15000 data indicate a single canopy drag area of
approximately 380 ft2, which is approximately 2% of
Force (lb)
Parachute A
Parachute D
the terminal, single canopy cluster drag area. Once the
Parachute E 2% figure was identified, and canopy inflation was
found to remain positive, the decision was made to
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
adopt the 2% reefing value. It has minimal effect in
-5000 terms of increased loads in the second stage inflation,
and has the desired effect of reducing inflation loads
during first stage inflation.
Time (sec)
Inflation Characteristics - First Stage Inflation
Figure 15
Single Canopy Drag Area
Load links were also installed in each of the cluster
risers, providing the riser force for each group of three
parachutes in the LAP cluster. Figure 16 presents the 3.00E+02
OV Cluster 1 P1
OV Cluster 1 P2
cluster riser forces during the first inflation stage. Here 2.00E+02 OV Cluster 1 P3
OV Cluster 2 P1
again, excellent load sharing is seen throughout the 1.00E+02 OV Cluster 2 P2
OV Cluster 2 P3
inflation. Theroretical Fill Time
1.20E+01 1.40E+01 1.60E+01 1.80E+01 2.00E+01 2.20E+01 2.40E+01 2.60E+01
Parachute Inflation Characteristics
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The second interesting discovery was that canopy fill important phenomena such as apparent mass shedding
time during first stage inflation is slower than expected. and canopy deflection during re-orientation. Thus a
Figure 17 presents a first stage fill time on the order of simple test was derived to help to tune the re-
2.0 seconds. Prior to drop tests, this inflation time had orientation analysis.
been estimated at approximately 1.0 seconds, based on
historical data. This feature also, serves to lower first As a result, the shock drop test was conceived and
stage inflation loads slightly, a feature which is performed. During the drop, and mid way into the first
welcomed by the attachment structure designer. stage canopy inflation, the test load was released, and
allowed to fall 7.0 ft prior to arrest.
Cargo Re-Orientation Loads Testing
Finally, a unique parachute test, which released and Figure 19 presents a depiction of the shock drop event,
again caught (snatched) a load was conducted to which at a pre-planned time, releases the test load, and
simulate the re-orientation of the recovered vehicle catches it via a lazy leg.
under parachute. The vertical plunge of the vehicle
C.G. was found to be the most significant load driver
during analysis of these re-orientation loads. Figure 18
presents a view of C.G. height change during LAP
Figure 19
Figure 20 presents the force time history from the shock
drop test. Overplotted is the resultant force from a
simulation of the shock drop event. Test data show that
the predicted loads are somewhat conservative.
Ongoing analysis will remove this conservatism, with
the aim toward reducing design load for the parachute
Figure 18 attachment designer.
The shock drop test was conducted, in an attempt to
quantify the non-linear aspect of such a maneuver,
Comparison of Simulation and Test Data - Shock
which is related to parachute shape change during the Drop Test
load onset. Detailed parachute simulations were helpful 25000
in quantifying the resulting forces, and how the
Parachute Force (lb)
variables of CG drop height, parachute mass (primarily
apparent mass), and parachute material would influence 15000
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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics