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Pui Ching Middle School 2nd Invitational Mathematics Competition


Individual Event (Secondary 1)

時限:1 小時 30 分

Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes


Instructions to Contestants:
1. 本卷共設 20 題,總分為 100 分。

There are 20 questions in this paper and the total score is 100.
2. 除特別指明外,本卷內的所有數均為十進制。

Unless otherwise stated, all numbers in this paper are in decimal system.
3. 除特別指明外,所有答案須以數字的真確值表達,並化至最簡。不接受近似值。

Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be given in exact numerals in their simplest form.
No approximation is accepted.
4. 把所有答案填在答題紙指定的空位上。毋須呈交計算步驟。

Put your answers on the spaces provided on the answer sheet. You are not required to hand in
your steps of working.
5. 不得使用計算機。

The use of calculators is not allowed.

6. 本卷的附圖不一定依比例繪成。

The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

第 1 至第 4 題,每題 3 分。

Questions 1 to 4 each carries 3 marks.

1. 若 n 位數 11…11 可被 9 整除,求 n 的最小可能值。

If the n-digit number 11…11 is divisible by 9, find the smallest possible value of n.

2. 陳先生參加了一個有獎遊戲。這個有獎遊戲的玩法如下:每位參加者需要回答獎券上的
10 道是非題。如果他能夠答對 5 題或以上則中獎,否則便算落空。陳先生最少需要參加

Mr Chan participates in a game. The rule of the game is as follows: Each player needs to
answer 10 ‘True or False’ questions on a ticket. If he can answer at least 5 of them correctly,
he wins a prize. Otherwise, he loses. At least how many times must Mr Chan play this game so
as to guarantee at least 1 prize? (Note: The same questions are set on every ticket.)

3. 某國家只有一元、三元、五元及七元四種硬幣。若不設找贖,共有多少種方法付款恰好

In a country, there are only four types of coins, $1, $3, $5 and $7. In how many ways can
exactly $10 be paid if no change is allowed?

4. 若把所有小於 100 的奇質數乘起來,所得結果的個位數字是甚麼?

If we multiply together all odd primes less than 100, what will be the unit digit of the result?

第 5 至第 8 題,每題 4 分。

Questions 5 to 8 each carries 4 marks.

5. 若把所有「3」字開首的正整數由小至大排列,即 3, 30, 31, 32, …,第 2003 項是甚麼?

If all positive integers with leftmost digit 3 are listed in ascending order, i.e. 3, 30, 31, 32, …,
what will be the 2003rd term?

 1  1  1  1
6. 設 n ≥ 3 為正整數。若 1 +  × 1 +  × 1 +  × " ×  1 +  > 2003 ,求 n 的最小可能
 3  4  5  n
 1  1  1  1
Let n ≥ 3 be a positive integer. If 1 +  × 1 +  × 1 +  × " ×  1 +  > 2003 , find the
 3  4  5  n
smallest possible value of n.

7. 小明、小強和小霖在猜一輛玩具車的售價。小明猜 $123,小強猜 $129,小霖猜 $141。

結果他們的估計中,誤差最少為 $4,最多為 $10。求玩具車的實際售價。

Alan, Peter and Tom each made a guess of the price of a toy car. Alan guessed $123, Peter
guessed $129 and Tom guessed $141. Among their guesses, the smallest error was $4 and the
largest error was $10. Find the actual price of the toy car.

8. 一位老師把 2003 名學生分成若干組,並記下了每組的人數。他最多會記下多少個不同


A teacher divides 2003 students into a certain number of groups, and the number of students in
each group is recorded. At most how many different positive integers can be recorded?

第 9 至第 12 題,每題 5 分。

Questions 9 to 12 each carries 5 marks.

9. 求所有長和闊均為不大於 10 的整數的長方形(包括正方形)的面積的平均值。(註:
把長方形的長闊對調,所得的長方形與原來的長方形視作不同。例如:長為 1、闊為 2
的長方形與長為 2、闊為 1 的長方形視作不同。)

Find the average of the areas of all rectangles (including squares) with integral lengths and
breadths not more than 10. (Note: By switching the length and width the resulting rectangle is
considered to be different from the original one. For instance, a rectangle of length 1 and width
2 is considered to be different from a rectangle of length 2 and width 1.)

10. 平面上畫了 1000 對平行線。這些線最多可把平面分成多少份?

1000 pairs of parallel lines are drawn on a plane. What is the maximum number of regions
formed by these lines?
11. 某間超級市場只有一台收銀機。現有十名客人在排隊,其中一人選購了 1 件貨品,一人
選購了 2 件貨品,如此類推,購物最多的客人選購了 10 件貨品。已知每選購一件貨品
付款需時一分鐘(例如:若選購了 5 件貨品,付款過程便需時 5 分鐘)。設 a1 、
a2 、…、 a10 分別代表十名客人的輪候時間(以分鐘為單位),輪候時間包括繳付自己
所購貨品的時間。求 a1 + a2 + " + a10 的最小可能值。

A supermarket has only one cashier counter. Now 10 customers queue up for paying. One of
them purchases 1 piece of goods, one purchases 2 pieces of goods, and so on, and one
purchases 10 pieces of goods. It is known that the paying process takes 1 minute for each piece
of good bought (for instance, the paying process will take 5 minutes if one buys 5 pieces of
goods). Let a1 , a2 , …, a10 denote the waiting time (in minutes) for the 10 customers. Waiting
time includes the time paying for one’s own goods. Find the minimum possible value of
a1 + a2 +" + a10 .

12. 在一個 3 × 3 的方格表中,每格均填進 1 至 9 中的其中一個整數,而且填進每格的數字

色。設 M 為三個紅色方格數字中最小的一個,m 為三個綠色方格數字中最大的一個。
M − m 有多少個不同的可能值?

In a 3 × 3 table, each cell is filled with an integer between 1 and 9, while different cells are
filled with different numbers. We then colour in red the cell in each row with the largest
number, and colour in green the cell in each row with the smallest number. Let M be the
smallest of the numbers in the three red-coloured cells, and m be the largest of the numbers in
the three green-coloured cells. How many different possible values of M − m are there?

第 13 至第 16 題,每題 6 分。

Questions 13 to 16 each carries 6 marks.

13. ABCD 是一個平行四邊形,E 為平面上任意一點。若 ∆ABE 及 ∆DEC 的面積分別為 5 及

2,求 ABCD 的最小可能面積。

ABCD is a parallelogram and E is an arbitrary point on the plane. If the areas of ∆ABE and
∆DEC are 5 and 2 respectively, find the minimum possible area of ABCD.

14. 潘先生對小敏和小賢說:「我想了兩個正整數 a 和 b,其中 a > b 。」然後他秘密地將
兩數之差( a − b )告訴小敏,及將兩數之積( ab )告訴小賢。以下是他們之後的對

潘先生問小敏:「你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」


然後潘先生問小賢:「你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」


潘先生立即打斷了小賢的說話,並再問小敏:「現在你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」

a + b 大於 90,小於 100。潘先生,對嗎?」


案),求 ab 。

Mr Poon told Dora and Ken: ‘I thought of two positive integers a and b, where a > b .’ He then
secretly told Dora the difference of the two numbers (i.e. a − b ) and Ken the product of the
two numbers (i.e. ab ). Their subsequent conversation is recorded below.

Mr Poon asked Dora, ‘Do you know what a and b are?’

‘No.’ Dora answered.

Then Mr Poon asked Ken, ‘Do you know what a and b are?’

‘Yes, they are …’ Ken said.

Mr Poon interrupted Ken immediately and asked Dora again, ‘Do you know what a and b
are now?’

At that time, Dora said, ‘Now I know what they are after listening to the conversation
between Ken and you. Their sum (i.e. a + b ) is greater than 90 but less than 100. Am I
right, Mr Poon?’

‘Yes. You are so clever!’ Mr Poon said.

Assuming that Ken and Dora are honest and intelligent (it means that whenever the answer can
be confirmed, they must know the answer), find ab .

15. 小美參選學生會主席,得票率(準確至小數點後一個位)為 99.3%。問最少有幾人投了


Amy joined the presidential election of the Student Union and obtained 99.3% of the votes,
correct to 1 decimal place. What is the smallest possible number of voters?
16. 2003 位小朋友被編成 1 至 2003 號。他們每人最初有 20 顆糖果,然後按以下方法派給或
拿走糖果:先派 3 顆糖果給每位編號是 1 的倍數的小朋友,再從每位編號是 2 的倍數的
小朋友手上取走 1 顆糖果,然後派 3 顆糖果給每位編號是 3 的倍數的小朋友,再從每位
編號是 4 的倍數的小朋友手上取走 1 顆糖果,如此類推,直至最後派 3 顆糖果給每位編
號是 2003 的倍數的小朋友。最後有多少個小朋友比最初多了糖果(即有 21 顆糖果或以

2003 children are labelled 1 to 2003. Each of them has 20 candies at the beginning. Candies
are then given to or taken away from them as follows. 3 candies are given to each child with a
label which is a multiple of 1, then 1 candy is taken away from each child with a label which is
a multiple of 2, then 3 candies are given to each child with a label which is a multiple of 3,
then 1 candy is taken away from each child with a label which is a multiple of 4, and so on, till
finally 3 candies are given to each child with a label which is a multiple of 2003. How many
children can get extra candies (i.e. have 21 candies or more) in the end?

第 17 至第 20 題,每題 7 分。

Questions 17 to 20 each carries 7 marks.

17. 小明選了十個連續正整數,然後分別把它們除以某正整數 n。他發現所得的十個餘數之

和為 2003。求 n 的最小可能值。

Peter picked ten consecutive positive integers and divided each of them by a positive integer n.
He found that the sum of the ten remainders obtained is equal to 2003. Find the smallest
possible value of n.

18. 在 ∆ABC 中, ∠A = 2∠B ,BC = 4,且 CA = C

3。求 AB 的長度。
4 3
In ∆ABC, ∠A = 2∠B , BC = 4 and CA = 3. Find
the length of AB.

19. 圖中所示為「三角城」的街道圖。若某人欲於 A 點走到 B 點,但只可以沿著街道向東、

The figure below shows the street map of ‘Triangle City’. If a person at A wants to go to B but
is only allowed to go along the streets towards north, east or northeast, in how many different
possible ways can he travel?

20. 如圖所示,ABCD 為菱形,X 及 Z 分別是 AD 及 DC 上的點。O 是菱形內的一點,Y 為 O

到 XZ 的垂足,且 O 與 AB、BC、CD 和 DA 的距離均等於 OY。若 ZX 與 BA 延長後交於
W,且 WX = 5,XY = 3 及 YZ = 2,求 ABCD 的面積。

In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. X and Z are points on AD and DC respectively. O is a point
inside the rhombus, Y is the foot of the perpendicular from O to XZ and the distances from O to
AB, BC, CD and DA are all equal to OY. If ZX and BA are produced to meet at W, WX = 5, XY
= 3 and YZ = 2, find the area of ABCD.

⋅ O





Individual Event (Secondary 1) Answers

1. 9 13. 6

2. 2 14. 97

3. 9 15. 134

4. 5 16. 1753

5. 30891 17. 989

6. 6009 18.

7. $133 19. 1806

8. 62 20. 80

9. 30.25

10. 2000001

11. 220

12. 8


Pui Ching Middle School 2nd Invitational Mathematics Competition


Individual Event (Secondary 2)

時限:1 小時 30 分

Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes


Instructions to Contestants:
1. 本卷共設 20 題,總分為 100 分。

There are 20 questions in this paper and the total score is 100.
2. 除特別指明外,本卷內的所有數均為十進制。

Unless otherwise stated, all numbers in this paper are in decimal system.
3. 除特別指明外,所有答案須以數字的真確值表達,並化至最簡。不接受近似值。

Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be given in exact numerals in their simplest form.
No approximation is accepted.
4. 把所有答案填在答題紙指定的空位上。毋須呈交計算步驟。

Put your answers on the spaces provided on the answer sheet. You are not required to hand in
your steps of working.
5. 不得使用計算機。

The use of calculators is not allowed.

6. 本卷的附圖不一定依比例繪成。

The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

第 1 至第 4 題,每題 3 分。

Questions 1 to 4 each carries 3 marks.

1. 若 n 位數 22…22 可被 9 整除,求 n 的最小可能值。

If the n-digit number 22…22 is divisible by 9, find the smallest possible value of n.

2. 在一個圓形上畫 2003 條直徑,最多可把圓形分成幾份?

2003 diameters are drawn on a circle. What is the maximum number of regions formed?

3. 圖 中 , ∠AOD = 120° , 3∠AOB = ∠BOD ,且 B C

∠AOC = 2∠COD 。求 ∠BOC。 A D

In the figure, ∠AOD = 120°, 3∠AOB = ∠BOD

and ∠AOC = 2∠COD . Find ∠BOC.

4. 數字之積為偶數的四位正整數共有多少個?

How many four-digit positive integers have their product of digits even?

第 5 至第 8 題,每題 4 分。

Questions 5 to 8 each carries 4 marks.

5. 求所有長和闊均為不大於 20 的整數的長方形(包括正方形)的面積的平均值。(註:
把長方形的長闊對調,所得的長方形與原來的長方形視作不同。例如:長為 1、闊為 2
的長方形與長為 2、闊為 1 的長方形視作不同。)

Find the average of the areas of all rectangles (including squares) with integral lengths and
breadths not more than 20. (Note: By switching the length and width the resulting rectangle is
considered to be different from the original one. For instance, a rectangle of length 1 and width
2 is considered to be different from a rectangle of length 2 and width 1.)

6. 若把所有「3」字開首的正整數由小至大排列,即 3, 30, 31, 32, …,第 2003 項是甚麼?

If all positive integers with leftmost digit 3 are listed in ascending order, i.e. 3, 30, 31, 32, …,
what will be the 2003rd term?

7. 小明從首 2003 個正整數中選取了所有是平方數或立方數的整數,然後把它們加起來。


Peter selects those which are squares or cubes among the first 2003 positive integers and then
adds them up. What is the unit digit of his result?

8. 直角坐標平面上畫有 2003 條直線,每條均平行於 x 軸或 y 軸。這些直線最多可把平面


2003 straight lines are drawn on the rectangular coordinate plane. Each of them is either
parallel to the x-axis or the y-axis. What is the maximum number of regions formed by these

第 9 至第 12 題,每題 5 分。

Questions 9 to 12 each carries 5 marks.

9. 將 寫成循環小數時,小數點後第 25 位數字是甚麼?
When is written as a recurring decimal, what is the 25th digit after the decimal point?

10. 設 x 為順序寫出 1 到 2003 所得的正整數,y 為把 x 的所有數字倒轉所得的正整數,即

x = 123456789101112… 200120022003 及 y = 300220021002… 211101987654321 。已知 s
為合成數,且為 y − x 的因數。求 s 的最小可能值。

Let x be the positive integer formed by writing 1 to 2003 in order, and y be the positive integer
formed by reversing the digits of x, i.e. x = 123456789101112… 200120022003 and
y = 300220021002… 211101987654321 . Given that s is a composite number and is a factor of
y − x . Find the smallest possible value of s.

11. 在一個 3 × 3 的方格表中,每格均填進 1 至 9 中的其中一個整數,而且填進每格的數字
色。設 M 為三個紅色方格數字中最小的一個,m 為三個綠色方格數字中最大的一個。
M − m 有多少個不同的可能值?

In a 3 × 3 table, each cell is filled with an integer between 1 and 9, while different cells are
filled with different numbers. We then colour in red the cell in each row with the largest
number, and colour in green the cell in each row with the smallest number. Let M be the
smallest of the numbers in the three red-coloured cells, and m be the largest of the numbers in
the three green-coloured cells. How many different possible values of M − m are there?

12. 如圖所示,平面上有 64 點,它們以每行 8

點,每列 8 點的方式鋪成一個由 49 個全等
些點中任選其中 4 點成為一個正方形的頂

As shown in the figure, 64 points are drawn on

a plane, arranged in a way such that there are 8
points in each row and 8 points in each column,
forming 49 congruent squares which comprise a
large square. If we choose 4 points among them
to be the vertices of a square, how many
different possible areas of the squares are there?

第 13 至第 16 題,每題 6 分。

Questions 13 to 16 each carries 6 marks.

13. 對於正整數 n,設 A ( n ) 為 n 在二進制表示中「1」的數目。例如,23 以二進制表示為

10111,故 A ( 23) = 4 。求 A (1) + A ( 2 ) + + A (1024 ) 。

For positive integer n, let A ( n ) denote the number of 1’s in the base 2 representation of n. For
example, 23 in base 2 representation is 10111, so A ( 23) = 4 . Find the value of
A (1) + A ( 2 ) + + A (1024 ) .

14. 若九位數 123 xyz 789 可被 999 整除,求 x + y + z 的值。

If the nine-digit number 123 xyz 789 is divisible by 999, find the value of x + y + z .

15. 潘先生對小敏和小賢說:「我想了兩個正整數 a 和 b,其中 a > b 。」然後他秘密地將

兩數之差( a − b )告訴小敏,及將兩數之積( ab )告訴小賢。以下是他們之後的對

潘先生問小敏:「你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」


然後潘先生問小賢:「你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」


潘先生立即打斷了小賢的說話,並再問小敏:「現在你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」

a + b 大於 90,小於 100。潘先生,對嗎?」


案),求 ab 。

Mr Poon told Dora and Ken: ‘I thought of two positive integers a and b, where a > b .’ He then
secretly told Dora the difference of the two numbers (i.e. a − b ) and Ken the product of the
two numbers (i.e. ab ). Their subsequent conversation is recorded below.

Mr Poon asked Dora, ‘Do you know what a and b are?’

‘No.’ Dora answered.
Then Mr Poon asked Ken, ‘Do you know what a and b are?’
‘Yes, they are …’ Ken said.
Mr Poon interrupted Ken immediately and asked Dora again, ‘Do you know what a and b
are now?’
At that time, Dora said, ‘Now I know what they are after listening to the conversation
between Ken and you. Their sum (i.e. a + b ) is greater than 90 but less than 100. Am I
right, Mr Poon?’
‘Yes. You are so clever!’ Mr Poon said.
Assuming that Ken and Dora are honest and intelligent (it means that whenever the answer can
be confirmed, they must know the answer), find ab .

16. 2003 位小朋友被編成 1 至 2003 號。他們每人最初有 20 顆糖果,然後按以下方法派給或
拿走糖果:先派 3 顆糖果給每位編號是 1 的倍數的小朋友,再從每位編號是 2 的倍數的
小朋友手上取走 1 顆糖果,然後派 3 顆糖果給每位編號是 3 的倍數的小朋友,再從每位
編號是 4 的倍數的小朋友手上取走 1 顆糖果,如此類推,直至最後派 3 顆糖果給每位編
號是 2003 的倍數的小朋友。最後有多少個小朋友比最初多了糖果(即有 21 顆糖果或以

2003 children are labelled 1 to 2003. Each of them has 20 candies at the beginning. Candies
are then given to or taken away from them as follows. 3 candies are given to each child with a
label which is a multiple of 1, then 1 candy is taken away from each child with a label which is
a multiple of 2, then 3 candies are given to each child with a label which is a multiple of 3,
then 1 candy is taken away from each child with a label which is a multiple of 4, and so on, till
finally 3 candies are given to each child with a label which is a multiple of 2003. How many
children can get extra candies (i.e. have 21 candies or more) in the end?

第 17 至第 20 題,每題 7 分。

Questions 17 to 20 each carries 7 marks.

17. 圖中所示為「三角城」的街道圖。若某人欲於 A 點走到 B 點,但只可以沿著街道向東、


The figure below shows the street map of ‘Triangle City’. If a person at A wants to go to B but
is only allowed to go along the streets towards north, east or northeast, in how many different
possible ways can he travel?

18. 圖中,ABCD 為平行四邊形。E 是 AD 上的一點,F 是 AB 上的一點,G 是 BD 上的一
點,使得 DEFG 為長方形。若 BG = 1,CD = 8,且 FD ⊥ CD,求 AE 的長度。

In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. E is a point on AD, F is a point on AB and G is a point

on BD such that DEFG is a rectangle. If BG = 1, CD = 8 and FD ⊥ CD, find the length of AE.



19. 15 名學生(中一級至中五各級三名)參加一個工作坊。他們分成三人一組,並規定每

15 students, three from each of secondary 1 to secondary 5, take part in a workshop. They are
to be divided into groups of three, and it is required that any two members in the same group
differ by at most one form. In how many different ways can we divide the students into groups?

20. 如圖所示,ABCD 為菱形,X 及 Z 分別是 AD 及 DC 上的點。O 是菱形內的一點,Y 為 O

到 XZ 的垂足,且 O 與 AB、BC、CD 和 DA 的距離均等於 OY。若 ZX 與 BA 延長後交於
W,且 WX = 5,XY = 3 及 YZ = 2,求 ABCD 的面積。

In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. X and Z are points on AD and DC respectively. O is a point
inside the rhombus, Y is the foot of the perpendicular from O to XZ and the distances from O to
AB, BC, CD and DA are all equal to OY. If ZX and BA are produced to meet at W, WX = 5, XY
= 3 and YZ = 2, find the area of ABCD.







Individual Event (Secondary 2) Answers

1. 9 13. 5121

2. 4006 14. 15

3. 50° 15. 97

4. 8375 16. 1753

5. 110.25 17. 1806

6. 30891 18. 3 3

7. 0 19. 280

8. 1005006 20. 80

9. 2

10. 6

11. 8

12. 18


Pui Ching Middle School 2nd Invitational Mathematics Competition


Individual Event (Secondary 3)

時限:1 小時 30 分

Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes


Instructions to Contestants:
1. 本卷共設 20 題,總分為 100 分。

There are 20 questions in this paper and the total score is 100.
2. 除特別指明外,本卷內的所有數均為十進制。

Unless otherwise stated, all numbers in this paper are in decimal system.
3. 除特別指明外,所有答案須以數字的真確值表達,並化至最簡。不接受近似值。

Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be given in exact numerals in their simplest form.
No approximation is accepted.
4. 把所有答案填在答題紙指定的空位上。毋須呈交計算步驟。

Put your answers on the spaces provided on the answer sheet. You are not required to hand in
your steps of working.
5. 不得使用計算機。

The use of calculators is not allowed.

6. 本卷的附圖不一定依比例繪成。

The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

第 1 至第 4 題,每題 3 分。

Questions 1 to 4 each carries 3 marks.

1. 若 n 位數 44…44 可被 9 整除,求 n 的最小可能值。

If the n-digit number 44…44 is divisible by 9, find the smallest possible value of n.

2. 若把所有小於 100 的奇質數乘起來,所得結果的個位數字是甚麼?

If we multiply together all odd primes less than 100, what will be the unit digit of the result?

3. 某 n 邊形的其中三隻內角分別為 144°、244° 及 344°。求 n 的最小可能值。

Three interior angles of an n-sided polygon are 144°, 244° and 344°. Find the smallest possible
value of n.

4. 圖中,∠AOD = 120°, 3∠AOB = ∠BOD ,且

∠AOC = 2∠COD 。求 ∠BOC。 D
In the figure, ∠AOD = 120°, 3∠AOB = ∠BOD
and ∠AOC = 2∠COD . Find ∠BOC.

第 5 至第 8 題,每題 4 分。

Questions 5 to 8 each carries 4 marks.

5. 小強寫下了所有不超過 2003 而至少有一個「2」字的正整數,即 2, 12, 20, 21, …, 2002,


Peter wrote down all positive integers not exceeding 2003 which have at least one ‘2’ in their
digits, i.e. 2, 12, 20, 21, …, 2002, 2003. How many integers did Peter write down?

6. 一位老師把 2003 名學生分成若干組,並記下了每組的人數。他最多會記下多少個不同

A teacher divides 2003 students into a certain number of groups, and the number of students in
each group is recorded. At most how many different positive integers can be recorded?

7. 求 log10 log10 10 10 " 10 10 的值。

2003 個根號

Find the value of log10 log10 10 10 "10 10 .

2003 radicals

8. 在 6 × 6 的方格棋盤中放六顆相同的棋子,使得每橫行

How many ways are there to put six identical pieces of

chess on a 6 × 6 square chessboard such that each row and
each column contains only one piece of chess?

第 9 至第 12 題,每題 5 分。

Questions 9 to 12 each carries 5 marks.

9. 求一個四位的平方數,使得當每位數字均加上 3 時,所得的四位數仍是平方數。

Find a four-digit square number such that when each digit is increased by 3, the resulting four-
digit number is still a square number.

10. 一張尺寸為 10 × 10 的氈子被分成 100 個尺寸為 1× 1 的方格。氈子左上角和右下角的方


A mat of size 10 × 10 is divided into 100 squares of size 1× 1 . The squares at the top left and
bottom right corners are then removed. How many rectangles (including squares) can be found
on the mat?

11. 在直角坐標平面上,x 坐標和 y 坐標均為整數的點稱為「格點」。若以原點為中心,半
徑為 1000 畫一個圓形,這個圓形的圓周會穿過多少個格點?

On the rectangular coordinate plane, points whose x-coordinates and y-coordinates are both
integers are called ‘lattice points’. If a circle is drawn with the origin as centre and 1000 as
radius, how many lattice points will the circumference of this circle pass through?

12. 如圖所示,我們從一個 7 × 7 方格陣的右上角移去一個

5 × 5 的方格陣,從而得到一個 L 形方格陣。若要從這
L 形方格陣的左上角走至右下角,且每步只能沿格線向

Given a 7 × 7 grid, we remove the 5 × 5 grid at the upper

right hand corner to obtain an L-shaped grid as shown. We
want to travel from the upper left hand corner to the lower
right hand corner of this L-shaped grid, but in each step we
can only move rightward or downward along the gridlines.
How many different paths are there?

第 13 至第 16 題,每題 6 分。

Questions 13 to 16 each carries 6 marks.

13. 若 n 為正整數,且 n 2 = 11112222 2 + 33332 + 33342 ,求 n。

If n is a positive integer and n 2 = 11112222 2 + 33332 + 33342 , find n.

14. 15 名學生(中一級至中五級各三名)參加一個工作坊。他們分成三人一組,並規定每

15 students, three from each of secondary 1 to secondary 5, take part in a workshop. They are
to be divided into groups of three, and it is required that any two members in the same group
differ by at most one form. In how many different ways can we divide the students into groups?

15. 潘先生對小敏和小賢說:「我想了兩個正整數 a 和 b,其中 a > b 。」然後他秘密地將
兩數之差( a − b )告訴小敏,及將兩數之積( ab )告訴小賢。以下是他們之後的對

潘先生問小敏:「你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」


然後潘先生問小賢:「你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」


潘先生立即打斷了小賢的說話,並再問小敏:「現在你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」

a + b 大於 90,小於 100。潘先生,對嗎?」


案),求 ab 。

Mr Poon told Dora and Ken: ‘I thought of two positive integers a and b, where a > b .’ He then
secretly told Dora the difference of the two numbers (i.e. a − b ) and Ken the product of the
two numbers (i.e. ab ). Their subsequent conversation is recorded below.

Mr Poon asked Dora, ‘Do you know what a and b are?’

‘No.’ Dora answered.
Then Mr Poon asked Ken, ‘Do you know what a and b are?’
‘Yes, they are …’ Ken said.
Mr Poon interrupted Ken immediately and asked Dora again, ‘Do you know what a and b
are now?’
At that time, Dora said, ‘Now I know what they are after listening to the conversation
between Ken and you. Their sum (i.e. a + b ) is greater than 90 but less than 100. Am I
right, Mr Poon?’
‘Yes. You are so clever!’ Mr Poon said.
Assuming that Ken and Dora are honest and intelligent (it means that whenever the answer can
be confirmed, they must know the answer), find ab .

16. 2003 位小朋友被編成 1 至 2003 號。他們每人最初有 20 顆糖果,然後按以下方法派給或
拿走糖果:先派 3 顆糖果給每位編號是 1 的倍數的小朋友,再從每位編號是 2 的倍數的
小朋友手上取走 1 顆糖果,然後派 3 顆糖果給每位編號是 3 的倍數的小朋友,再從每位
編號是 4 的倍數的小朋友手上取走 1 顆糖果,如此類推,直至最後派 3 顆糖果給每位編
號是 2003 的倍數的小朋友。最後有多少個小朋友比最初多了糖果(即有 21 顆糖果或以

2003 children are labelled 1 to 2003. Each of them has 20 candies at the beginning. Candies
are then given to or taken away from them as follows. 3 candies are given to each child with a
label which is a multiple of 1, then 1 candy is taken away from each child with a label which is
a multiple of 2, then 3 candies are given to each child with a label which is a multiple of 3,
then 1 candy is taken away from each child with a label which is a multiple of 4, and so on, till
finally 3 candies are given to each child with a label which is a multiple of 2003. How many
children can get extra candies (i.e. have 21 candies or more) in the end?

第 17 至第 20 題,每題 7 分。

Questions 17 to 20 each carries 7 marks.

17. 小明和小芳玩一個遊戲。首先小明在一個 13 × 13 的方格表中放了 5 枚硬幣,使得這 5

枚硬幣放在 5 個位於同一橫行或同一直行的相鄰方格中。然後,小芳開始猜這些硬幣的

Alan and Betty play a game. First, Alan puts 5 coins on a 13 × 13 square grid such that the 5
coins are in 5 neighbouring cells lined up in a row or a column. Then Betty starts to guess
where the coins are. Every time when she guesses, she chooses a cell. If the cell is occupied by
a coin, she wins. What is the minimum number of guesses she has to make to ensure that she

18. 設 ABCDE 為一個以菱形為底的錐體,其中 E 是錐體的頂點。已知菱形 ABCD 的邊長是

為 11, AE = CE = 12 ,且 BE = DE = 11 。求錐體的體積。

Let ABCDE be a pyramid with a rhombus as base and E as vertex. Given that the side length of
the rhombus ABCD is 11, AE = CE = 12 and BE = DE = 11 . Find the volume of the pyramid.

19. 圖中,ABCD 為平行四邊形。E 是 AD 上的一點,F 是 AB 上的一點,G 是 BD 上的一
點,使得 DEFG 為長方形。若 BG = 1,CD = 8,且 FD ⊥ CD,求 AE 的長度。

In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. E is a point on AD, F is a point on AB and G is a point

on BD such that DEFG is a rectangle. If BG = 1, CD = 8 and FD ⊥ CD, find the length of AE.



20. 如圖所示,ABCD 為菱形,X 及 Z 分別是 AD 及 DC 上的點。O 是菱形內的一點,Y 為 O

到 XZ 的垂足,且 O 與 AB、BC、CD 和 DA 的距離均等於 OY。若 ZX 與 BA 延長後交於
W,且 WX = 5,XY = 3 及 YZ = 2,求 ABCD 的面積。

In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. X and Z are points on AD and DC respectively. O is a point
inside the rhombus, Y is the foot of the perpendicular from O to XZ and the distances from O to
AB, BC, CD and DA are all equal to OY. If ZX and BA are produced to meet at W, WX = 5, XY
= 3 and YZ = 2, find the area of ABCD.







Individual Event (Secondary 3) Answers

1. 9 13. 11112223

2. 5 14. 280

3. 7 15. 97

4. 50° 16. 1753

5. 546 17. 33

6. 62 18. 336

7. –2003 19. 3 3

8. 720 20. 80

9. 1156

10. 2826

11. 16

12. 491


Pui Ching Middle School 2nd Invitational Mathematics Competition


Individual Event (Secondary 4)

時限:1 小時 30 分

Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes


Instructions to Contestants:
1. 本卷共設 20 題,總分為 100 分。

There are 20 questions in this paper and the total score is 100.
2. 除特別指明外,本卷內的所有數均為十進制。

Unless otherwise stated, all numbers in this paper are in decimal system.
3. 除特別指明外,所有答案須以數字的真確值表達,並化至最簡。不接受近似值。

Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be given in exact numerals in their simplest form.
No approximation is accepted.
4. 把所有答案填在答題紙指定的空位上。毋須呈交計算步驟。

Put your answers on the spaces provided on the answer sheet. You are not required to hand in
your steps of working.
5. 不得使用計算機。

The use of calculators is not allowed.

6. 本卷的附圖不一定依比例繪成。

The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

第 1 至第 4 題,每題 3 分。

Questions 1 to 4 each carries 3 marks.

1. 在一個圓形上畫 2003 條直徑,最多可把圓形分成幾份?

2003 diameters are drawn on a circle. What is the maximum number of regions formed?

2. 投擲一枚硬幣四次,擲得正面次數為奇數的概率是多少?

A coin is tossed four times. What is the probability that an odd number of heads is obtained?

3. 圖中,∠AOD = 120°, 3∠AOB = ∠BOD ,且 B C

∠AOC = 2∠COD 。求 ∠BOC。 A D

In the figure, ∠AOD = 120°, 3∠AOB = ∠BOD

and ∠AOC = 2∠COD . Find ∠BOC.

4. 小嘉的姊妹比兄弟多 10 個,而小嘉每位姊妹的姊妹數目也比兄弟數目多 10 個。小明是

小嘉的長兄,他的姊妹比兄弟多 n 個。求 n。

Chris has 10 more sisters than brothers. Each of Chris’s sisters also has 10 more sisters than
brothers. Alan, Chris’s eldest brother, has n more sisters than brothers. Find n.

第 5 至第 8 題,每題 4 分。

Questions 5 to 8 each carries 4 marks.

5. 小強寫下了所有不超過 2003 而至少有一個「2」字的正整數,即 2, 12, 20, 21, …, 2002,


Peter wrote down all positive integers not exceeding 2003 which have at least one ‘2’ in their
digits, i.e. 2, 12, 20, 21, …, 2002, 2003. How many integers did Peter write down?

6. 設 x 為順序寫出 1 到 2003 所得的正整數,y 為把 x 的所有數字倒轉所得的正整數,即
x = 123456789101112… 200120022003 及 y = 300220021002… 211101987654321 。已知 s
為合成數,且為 y − x 的因數。求 s 的最小可能值。

Let x be the positive integer formed by writing 1 to 2003 in order, and y be the positive integer
formed by reversing the digits of x, i.e. x = 123456789101112… 200120022003 and
y = 300220021002… 211101987654321 . Given that s is a composite number and is a factor of
y − x . Find the smallest possible value of s.

7. 平面上畫有 n 條直線,它們之間剛好有 2003 個交點。求 n 的最小可能值。

On the plane n straight lines are drawn. They produce exactly 2003 points of intersection. Find
the smallest possible value of n.

8. 小美參選學生會主席,得票率(準確至小數點後一個位)為 99.3%。問最少有幾人投了

Amy joined the presidential election of the Student Union and obtained 99.3% of the votes,
correct to 1 decimal place. What is the smallest possible number of voters?

第 9 至第 12 題,每題 5 分。

Questions 9 to 12 each carries 5 marks.

9. 求 13 + 63 + 113 + 163 + … + 20013 除以 2002 時的餘數。

Find the remainder when 13 + 63 + 113 + 163 + … + 20013 is divided by 2002.

10. 一張尺寸為 10 × 10 的氈子被分成 100 個尺寸為 1× 1 的方格。氈子左上角和右下角的方


A mat of size 10 × 10 is divided into 100 squares of size 1× 1 . The squares at the top left and
bottom right corners are then removed. How many rectangles (including squares) can be found
on the mat?

11. 如圖所示,我們從一個 7 × 7 方格陣的右上角移去一個
5 × 5 的方格陣,從而得到一個 L 形方格陣。若要從這
L 形方格陣的左上角走至右下角,且每步只能沿格線向

Given a 7 × 7 grid, we remove the 5 × 5 grid at the upper

right hand corner to obtain an L-shaped grid as shown. We
want to travel from the upper left hand corner to the lower
right hand corner of this L-shaped grid, but in each step we
can only move rightward or downward along the gridlines.
How many different paths are there?

12. 求最大的整數 k,使得 ( 21 ) + ( 22 ) + ( 23 ) + ( 2 2001 ) + ( 2 2002 ) + ( 22003 )

22003 22002 22001 23 22 21
+ 可被
2k 整除。

Find the largest integer k such that

( 21 )2 + ( 22 ) + ( 23 ) + ( 2 2001 ) + ( 2 2002 ) + ( 22003 )

22002 22001 23 22 21
is divisible by 2k .

第 13 至第 16 題,每題 6 分。

Questions 13 to 16 each carries 6 marks.

13. 2003 位小朋友被編成 1 至 2003 號。他們每人最初有 20 顆糖果,然後按以下方法派給或

拿走糖果:先派 3 顆糖果給每位編號是 1 的倍數的小朋友,再從每位編號是 2 的倍數的
小朋友手上取走 1 顆糖果,然後派 3 顆糖果給每位編號是 3 的倍數的小朋友,再從每位
編號是 4 的倍數的小朋友手上取走 1 顆糖果,如此類推,直至最後派 3 顆糖果給每位編
號是 2003 的倍數的小朋友。最後有多少個小朋友比最初多了糖果(即有 21 顆糖果或以

2003 children are labelled 1 to 2003. Each of them has 20 candies at the beginning. Candies
are then given to or taken away from them as follows. 3 candies are given to each child with a
label which is a multiple of 1, then 1 candy is taken away from each child with a label which is
a multiple of 2, then 3 candies are given to each child with a label which is a multiple of 3,
then 1 candy is taken away from each child with a label which is a multiple of 4, and so on, till
finally 3 candies are given to each child with a label which is a multiple of 2003. How many
children can get extra candies (i.e. have 21 candies or more) in the end?

14. 若方程 x 2 − px + p + 2002 = 0 的根為非零整數,求 p 的值。

If the roots of the equation x 2 − px + p + 2002 = 0 are non-zero integers, find the value of p.

15. 潘先生對小敏和小賢說:「我想了兩個正整數 a 和 b,其中 a > b 。」然後他秘密地將

兩數之差( a − b )告訴小敏,及將兩數之積( ab )告訴小賢。以下是他們之後的對

潘先生問小敏:「你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」


然後潘先生問小賢:「你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」


潘先生立即打斷了小賢的說話,並再問小敏:「現在你知道 a 和 b 是甚麼嗎?」

a + b 大於 90,小於 100。潘先生,對嗎?」


案),求 ab 。

Mr Poon told Dora and Ken: ‘I thought of two positive integers a and b, where a > b .’ He then
secretly told Dora the difference of the two numbers (i.e. a − b ) and Ken the product of the
two numbers (i.e. ab ). Their subsequent conversation is recorded below.

Mr Poon asked Dora, ‘Do you know what a and b are?’

‘No.’ Dora answered.

Then Mr Poon asked Ken, ‘Do you know what a and b are?’

‘Yes, they are …’ Ken said.

Mr Poon interrupted Ken immediately and asked Dora again, ‘Do you know what a and b
are now?’

At that time, Dora said, ‘Now I know what they are after listening to the conversation
between Ken and you. Their sum (i.e. a + b ) is greater than 90 but less than 100. Am I
right, Mr Poon?’

‘Yes. You are so clever!’ Mr Poon said.

Assuming that Ken and Dora are honest and intelligent (it means that whenever the answer can
be confirmed, they must know the answer), find ab .

16. 設 x、y、z 為滿足以下方程組的實數,且 z > 0 。求 z 的值。
Let x, y, z be real numbers satisfying the following system of equations, and z > 0 . Find the
value of z.
 2 x 2 + xz + 18 = 0
 2
2 y + yz + 18 = 0

 1 1 8
− =
 x y 9

第 17 至第 20 題,每題 7 分。
Questions 17 to 20 each carries 7 marks.

17. 圖中,小圓 C2 內切於大圓 C1 。 C2 的一條直徑 AB 向兩端延長後交 C1 於 D 及 E,且

DA : AB : BE = 1: 2 : 4 。若 C2 的面積為 1,求 C1 的面積。
In the figure, a smaller circle C2 is internally tangent to a larger circle C1 . A diameter AB of
C2 is produced on both sides to meet C1 at D and E, and DA : AB : BE = 1: 2 : 4 . If the area of
C2 is 1, find the area of C1 .


C2 E


18. 小明和小芳玩一個遊戲。首先小明在一個 13 × 13 的方格表中放了 5 枚硬幣,使得這 5

枚硬幣放在 5 個位於同一橫行或同一直行的相鄰方格中。然後,小芳開始猜這些硬幣的
Alan and Betty play a game. First, Alan puts 5 coins on a 13 × 13 square grid such that the 5
coins are in 5 neighbouring cells lined up in a row or a column. Then Betty starts to guess
where the coins are. Every time when she guesses, she chooses a cell. If the cell is occupied by
a coin, she wins. What is the minimum number of guesses she has to make to ensure that she

19. 如圖所示,一個圓形內切於菱形 ABCD 內,它與菱形的四條邊皆相切。W、X 及 Z 分別
是 BA 延線、AD 及 DC 上的點,使得直線 WXZ 切圓於 Y,且 WX = 5、XY = 3 及 YZ =
2。求 ABCD 的面積。

In the figure, a circle is inscribed in a rhombus ABCD. It touches all four sides of the rhombus.
W, X and Z are points on BA produced, AD and DC respectively such that the straight line WXZ
is tangent to the circle at Y, WX = 5, XY = 3 and YZ = 2. Find the area of ABCD.




20. 圖中,ABC 為等腰三角形,當中 AB = AC = 5 及 BC = 6。假設 G 是 ∆ABC 內的一點,使

得 ∠AGC = 90° 及 ∠ACG = ∠CBG,求 。
In the figure, ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB = AC = 5 and BC = 6. Suppose G is a point
in ∆ABC such that ∠AGC = 90° and ∠ACG = ∠CBG. Find .

5 G





Individual Event (Secondary 4) Answers

1. 4006 13. 1753

2. 14. 2006

3. 50° 15. 97

4. 12 16. 20

5. 546 17.

6. 6 18. 33

7. 64 19. 80

8. 134 20.

9. 1001

10. 2826

11. 491

12. 4006


Pui Ching Middle School 2nd Invitational Mathematics Competition


Group Event (Junior Section)

時限:45 分鐘

Time allowed: 45 minutes


Instructions to Contestants:
1. 本卷共設 20 題,總分為 100 分。

There are 20 questions in this paper and the total score is 100.
2. 除特別指明外,本卷內的所有數均為十進制。

Unless otherwise stated, all numbers in this paper are in decimal system.
3. 除特別指明外,所有答案須以數字的真確值表達,並化至最簡。不接受近似值。

Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be given in exact numerals in their simplest form.
No approximation is accepted.
4. 把所有答案填在答題紙指定的空位上。毋須呈交計算步驟。

Put your answers on the spaces provided on the answer sheet. You are not required to hand in
your steps of working.
5. 不得使用計算機。

The use of calculators is not allowed.

6. 本卷的附圖不一定依比例繪成。

The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

第 1 至第 4 題,每題 3 分。

Questions 1 to 4 each carries 3 marks.

1. 某長方體的長是闊的兩倍,高是闊的三倍。若它的體積為 48,它的總表面積是多少?

A cuboid has length twice its width and height three times its width. If its volume is 48, what is
its total surface area?

2. 某正方形的周界為 k 單位,面積為 k 平方單位。求 k。

A square has perimeter k units and area k square units. Find k.

3. + 1 − 1×1 ÷
求 1 1+ 1 − 1× 1 ÷ 1 +"

1234 個「1」

+ 1 − 1×1 ÷
Find the value of 1 1+ 1 − 1× 1 ÷ 1 +"

1234 '1's

4. 求具以下性質的 2003 位正整數的數目:除首兩位數字外,其餘所有數字均等於之前兩


How many 2003-digit positive integers have the property that except for the first two digits,
each digit is equal to the difference between its two preceding digits (e.g. 374312110…)?

第 5 至第 8 題,每題 4 分。

Questions 5 to 8 each carries 4 marks.

5. 設 [x] 代表小於或等於 x 的最大整數,例如:[2.34] = 2,[–2.5] = –3,[7] = 7 等。有多少

 n2 
個正整數 n 可使得   為質數?
Let [x] denote the greatest integer less than or equal to x. For example, [2.34] = 2, [–2.5] = –3,
 n2 
[7] = 7 and so on. How many positive integers n are there such that   is prime?

6. 某村莊獲派一些食水。已知每人每天喝水的量是一樣的。若他們每人每天少喝 1 升水,
則食水可以維持多 15 天。若他們每人每天少喝 1.5 升水,則食水可以維持多 30 天。現

Some water is distributed to a village. It is known that everyone drinks the same amount of
water every day. If each villager drinks 1 litre less per day, the water distributed can last for 15
more days. If each of them drinks 1.5 litres less per day, the water distributed can last for 30
more days. How many days can the water distributed last?

7. 我們以 ABC 代表一個百位為 A、十位為 B 及個位為 C 的三位數。小明約簡分數時,誤

將一個分數 看成 。因此他將之約簡成 。但他得出的答案和真正的答
案卻巧合地相同。已知 A = 7 和 ABC ≠ 777 ,求 ABC 。

We denote by ABC a three-digit number with hundreds digit A, tens digit B and unit digit C.
When Peter reduces fractions, he wrongly regards a fraction as . Therefore,
he reduces it to . However, he gets the same answer as the correct one coincidentally. Given
that A = 7 and ABC ≠ 777 , find ABC .

8. 在一個圓形的湖上有兩個燈塔 A 和 B。湖的中心 O 位於它們的中點,且兩個燈塔的距離

都近的部分。現在政府計劃在湖上設立第三座燈塔 C,使得三個燈塔服務範圍的面積相
同。C 的位置有多少個不同的選擇?

In a circular lake there are two lighthouses A and B. The centre of the lake O lies at their mid-
point, and the distance between the lighthouses is two-thirds of the diameter of the lake. The
serving area of each lighthouse is defined to be the parts of the lake surface such that it is
closest to that lighthouse when compared with any other lighthouses on the lake. Now the
government plans to set up a third lighthouse C on the lake such that all three lighthouses have
the same serving area. How many choices of the position of C does the government have?

⋅ ⋅ ⋅

第 9 至第 12 題,每題 5 分。

Questions 9 to 12 each carries 5 marks.

1   。 若把 23 以小數表示,小數點後首 2003 位數字之和是多少?

9. 已知 = 0.076923
13 130
1   . If 23 is written as a decimal, what is the sum of the first 2003 digits
Given = 0.076923
13 130
after the decimal point?

10. 一張尺寸為 16 × 16 的紙被分成 256 個尺寸為 1× 1 的小正方形。小怡沿著這些小正方形


A piece of paper of size 16 × 16 is divided into 256 small squares of size 1× 1 . Along the sides
of the small squares, Emma cuts the paper into rectangular (including square) pieces having
pairwise different areas. At most how many pieces can she get?

11. 某數列的首六項為 2000、2003、2002、2000、2000、1999。由第七項起,每項均等於

a + 3b + 9c + 27 d + 81e + 243 f 除以 6 時的餘數,這裡 a、b、c、d、e 和 f 分別是之前的六
項(a 是六項前的數,b 是五項前的數,如此類推)。此數列中連續六項的和最小是多

The first six terms of a sequence are 2000, 2003, 2002, 2000, 2000 and 1999. Starting from the
seventh term, each term is equal to the remainder when a + 3b + 9c + 27 d + 81e + 243 f is
divided by 6. Here a, b, c, d, e and f denote the previous six terms (a is the number six terms
before, b is five terms before, and so on). What is the minimum sum of six consecutive terms
in this sequence?

12. 小雄的老師給了小雄 5 個正整數。小雄每次將兩個乘起來,得出了 10 個不同的乘積,

可是小雄只記得其中 5 個積是 63、80、112、140 和 168。求原來的 5 個正整數之和。

Peter’s teacher gives him 5 positive integers. Peter multiplies two of them each time to get 10
different products. However, Peter only remembers 5 of the products, namely, 63, 80, 112, 140
and 168. Find the sum of the 5 original numbers.

第 13 至第 16 題,每題 6 分。

Questions 13 to 16 each carries 6 marks.

13. 圖中,B、C 及 D 為一個以 A 為圓心的圓上的三點(此圓沒有畫出來)。BXD 及 CXY 為

扇形 ACY 的面積
直線,BX = XC,且 AYB 是一個以 C 為圓心的弧。若 AD = XD,求 。
扇形 BCY 的面積

In the figure, B, C, D are points on a circle centred at A (the circle is not shown here). BXD and
CXY are straight lines such that BX = XC, and AYB is an arc centred at C. If AD = XD, find
area of sector ACY
area of sector BCY


14. 若正整數 n 符合以下兩個條件,則稱為「好數」:

(1) n 的最後一位數字不是 0;
(2) 若我們把 n 的各位數字左右倒轉,則所得的數為 n 的倍數。
在 10 < n < 10000 範圍內,共有多少個「好數」?

A positive integer n is said to be ‘good’ if

(1) its last digit is not zero; and
(2) when we reverse the digits of n, the number obtained is a multiple of n.
How many ‘good’ numbers are there in the range 10 < n < 10000 ?

15. 求一個小於 800 的正整數 n,使得 n 剛好有 20 個正因數,且 n 不能被 16 整除。

Find a positive integer n less than 800 such that n has exactly 20 positive factors and is not
divisible by 16.

16. 某班共有 45 名學生,他們的班號分別為 1、2、…、45。現要選 22 名學生參加一項活
動,當中被選出的任何兩名學生的班號必須最少相差 2。共有多少種不同的方法選擇學
In a class there are 45 students. Their class numbers are 1, 2, ..., 45. Now 22 students are to be
chosen to attend an activity, and the class numbers of any two chosen students must differ by
at least 2. How many ways are there to choose the students?

第 17 至第 20 題,每題 7 分。

Questions 17 to 20 each carries 7 marks.

17. 某次測驗共有 100 題選擇題,每題答對可得 5 分,答錯扣 2 分,不答得 0 分。合格分數

為 100。

如果一名學生回答 20 題,他必須全部答對方能合格。如果他多答一題,也必須同時答
對該題才能合格(因為若他答錯了該題他便只得 98 分)。因此,若以合格為目標,則
與其答 21 題,不如只答 20 題。我們說 21 是「壞數」。一般來說,若回答 n 題比回答
n − 1 題需要多答對一題才能合格,則我們說 n 是「壞數」。(因此求合格而聰明的學
生知道,即使有信心答對 n 題,亦只應回答其中 n − 1 題。)

在 21 ≤ n ≤ 100 範圍內,有多少個整數 n 是「壞數」?

In a test there are 100 multiple choice questions. For each question, 5 marks will be awarded
for a correct answer, 2 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer, and 0 mark will be given if
it is left unanswered. The passing mark is 100.
If a student answers 20 questions, he must get all 20 correct in order to pass. If he answers one
more question, he must also get that question correct in order to pass (because if he gets it
wrong he will only get 98 marks). So in order to pass, it will be better to answer only 20 rather
than 21 questions. We say that 21 is a ‘bad’ number. In general, we say that n is ‘bad’ if
answering n questions requires one more correct answer to pass than answering n − 1 questions.
(And those who are intelligent enough and aim to pass will only answer n − 1 questions even if
they are confident with n questions.)
How many ‘bad’ integers n are there in the range 21 ≤ n ≤ 100 ?

18. 現要把一個正方體的八個頂點編號為 1 至 8,當中每面四個頂點的編號之和必須相同。

The eight vertices of a cube are to be labelled with the integers 1 to 8. It is required that the
sum of the four labels on each face be the same. How many different ways of labelling are
there? (Two labellings are said to be the same if it is possible to rotate the cubes suitably so
that corresponding vertices have the same labels.)

19. 下圖所示為一個三角陣列。每行最左和最右邊的數字依 1、3、5、7、… 這規律寫出,

其餘每個數字均等於它上面兩個數字之和。問第 2003 行中有多少個奇數?

A triangular array of numbers is shown below. In each row, the leftmost and rightmost
numbers follow the pattern 1, 3, 5, 7, ..., and every other number is equal to the sum of the two
numbers directly above it. How many odd numbers are there in the 2003rd row?
3 3
5 6 5
7 11 11 7

20. 設 N 為正整數,且並非 2 或 5 的倍數。若 以循環小數表示時最小循環節長度為 6,
1   ,故 7 為「好數」。共有多少個正整數為「好
則 N 稱為「好數」。例如: = 0.142857
Let N be a positive integer which is not a multiple of 2 or 5. N is said to be ‘good’ if
, when
expressed as a recurring decimal, has a shortest period of 6 digits. For example, 7 is ‘good’
1   . How many positive integers are ‘good’?
since = 0.142857




Group Event (Junior Section) Answers

1. 88 13. 2

2. 16 14. 191

3. 2 15. 648

4. 90 16. 276

5. 2 17. 23

6. 30 18. 6

7. 742 19. 128

8. 2 20. 53

9. 9016

10. 21

11. 10

12. 56


Pui Ching Middle School 2nd Invitational Mathematics Competition


Group Event (Senior Section)

時限:45 分鐘

Time allowed: 45 minutes


Instructions to Contestants:
1. 本卷共設 20 題,總分為 100 分。

There are 20 questions in this paper and the total score is 100.
2. 除特別指明外,本卷內的所有數均為十進制。

Unless otherwise stated, all numbers in this paper are in decimal system.
3. 除特別指明外,所有答案須以數字的真確值表達,並化至最簡。不接受近似值。

Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be given in exact numerals in their simplest form.
No approximation is accepted.
4. 把所有答案填在答題紙指定的空位上。毋須呈交計算步驟。

Put your answers on the spaces provided on the answer sheet. You are not required to hand in
your steps of working.
5. 不得使用計算機。

The use of calculators is not allowed.

6. 本卷的附圖不一定依比例繪成。

The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

第 1 至第 4 題,每題 3 分。

Questions 1 to 4 each carries 3 marks.

1. 已知一個半球體的體積和總表面積分別是 nπ 立方厘米和 nπ 平方厘米。求 n。

Given that the volume and the total surface area of a hemisphere are nπ cubic centimetres and
nπ square centimetres respectively. Find n.

2. 求 55… 55 除以 12 時的餘數。
2003 個數字

Find the remainder when 55… 55 is divided by 12.

2003 digits

3. 求具以下性質的 2003 位正整數的數目:除首兩位數字外,其餘所有數字均等於之前兩


How many 2003-digit positive integers have the property that except for the first two digits,
each digit is equal to the difference between its two preceding digits (e.g. 374312110…)?

4. 某次測驗共有兩部份。甲部共有 6 題,乙部共有 8 題,全卷滿分為 100 分。已知甲部平


In a test there are two sections. There are 6 questions in Section A and 8 questions in Section B,
and the full score is 100 marks. It is known that the average score carried by each question in
Section A is three-fourths that of each question in Section B. How many marks does Section A

第 5 至第 8 題,每題 4 分。

Questions 5 to 8 each carries 4 marks.

5. 設 f ( x ) = ax + b ,當中 a 和 b 為常數。若 f ( f ( x ) ) = 4 x + 9 ,求 f ( 0 ) 的最小可能值。

Let f ( x ) = ax + b for some constants a and b. If f ( f ( x ) ) = 4 x + 9 , find the smallest possible

value of f ( 0 ) .

6. 甲、乙二人玩遊戲。甲持有三張分別寫上 1、3、5 的紙牌,乙則持有三張分別寫上 2、
4、6 的紙牌。每次各人各自從自己手上的牌中隨意抽出一張,數字較大的一方可得一

A game is played between A and B. A has three cards with 1, 3, 5 written on them respectively,
while B has three cards with 2, 4, 6 written on them respectively. Each time each person selects
a card in his hand randomly, and the one whose card has a larger number gets a point. Each
card can only be selected once and the one with more points wins. What is the probability that
B wins?

7. 在一個圓形的湖上有兩個燈塔 A 和 B。湖的中心 O 位於它們的中點,且兩個燈塔的距離

所有燈塔都近的部分。現在政府計劃在湖上設立第三個座燈塔 C,使得三個燈塔服務範
圍的面積相同。燈塔 C 的位置有多少個不同的選擇?

In a circular lake there are two lighthouses A and B. The centre of the lake O lies at their mid-
point, and the distance between the lighthouses is two-thirds of the diameter of the lake. The
serving area of each lighthouse is defined to be the parts of the lake surface such that it is
closest to that lighthouse when compared with any other lighthouses on the lake. Now the
government plans to set up a third lighthouse C on the lake such that all three lighthouses have
the same serving area. How many choices of the position of the third lighthouse C does the
government have?

⋅ ⋅ ⋅

8. 設 [x] 代表小於或等於 x 的最大整數,例如:[2.34] = 2,[–2.5] = –3,[7] = 7 等。有多少

 n2 
個正整數 n 可使得   為質數?

Let [x] denote the greatest integer less than or equal to x. For example, [2.34] = 2, [–2.5] = –3,
 n2 
[7] = 7 and so on. How many positive integers n are there such that   is prime?

第 9 至第 12 題,每題 5 分。

Questions 9 to 12 each carries 5 marks.

1 23
9. 已知 = 0.076923 。 若把 以小數表示,小數點後首 2003 位數字之和是多少?
13 130
1 23
Given = 0.076923 . If is written as a decimal, what is the sum of the first 2003 digits
13 130
after the decimal point?

10. 一張尺寸為 16 ×16 的紙被分成 256 個尺寸為 1 × 1 的小正方形。小怡沿著這些小正方形


A piece of paper of size 16 ×16 is divided into 256 small squares of size 1 × 1 . Along the sides
of the small squares, Emma cuts the paper into rectangular (including square) pieces having
pairwise different areas. At most how many pieces can she get?

11. S 是一個直立圓錐體的頂點,AB 為錐體的底直徑,長度為 20。已知 SA = 30,且 C 是

SB 上的一點,使得在圓錐曲面上由 A 到 C 的距離最短。求此最短距離。

S is the vertex of a right circular cone and AB is its base diameter with length 20. Given that
SA = 30 and C is a point on SB such that the length from A to C on the curved surface of the
cone is minimum. Find this minimum length.

12. 設 A = (0, 4)、B = (4, 0) 及 C = (x, y),當中 x 和 y 為正數,且 y = − x 2 + 3 x + 4 。求 ∆ABC

Let A = (0, 4) , B = (4, 0) and C = ( x, y ) , where x and y are positive numbers satisfying
y = − x 2 + 3 x + 4 . Find the maximum possible area of ∆ABC.

第 13 至第 16 題,每題 6 分。

Questions 13 to 16 each carries 6 marks.

13. 某班共有 45 名學生,他們的班號分別為 1、2、…、45。現要選 22 名學生參加一

項活動,當中被選出的任何兩名學生的班號必須最少相差 2。共有多少種不同的方法選

In a class there are 45 students. Their class numbers are 1, 2, ..., 45. Now 22 students are to be
chosen to attend an activity, and the class numbers of any two chosen students must differ by
at least 2. How many ways are there to choose the students?

14. 若正整數 n 符合以下兩個條件,則稱為「好數」:

(1) n 的最後一位數字不是 0;
(2) 若我們把 n 的各位數字左右倒轉,則所得的數為 n 的倍數。
在 10 < n < 10000 範圍內,共有多少個「好數」?

A positive integer n is said to be ‘good’ if

(1) its last digit is not zero; and
(2) when we reverse the digits of n, the number obtained is a multiple of n.
How many ‘good’ numbers are there in the range 10 < n < 10000 ?

15. 如圖所示,BF 為圓形的直徑,BF ⊥ AC,且 B

AD = 2BD。若 CE = 1,且 BE = 3,求 AD 的

In the figure, BF is the diameter of the circle, D E

BF ⊥ AC and AD = 2BD. If CE = 1 and BE = 3,

find the length of AD. C

16. 一個半徑為 r 的球體內有一個四面體。四面體六條邊的邊長分別為 1、3、3、4、4、5。

求 r 的最小可能值。

A tetrahedron is contained in a sphere of radius r. The six edges of the tetrahedron have
lengths 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5. Find the smallest possible value of r.

第 17 至第 20 題,每題 7 分。

Questions 17 to 20 each carries 7 marks.

17. 在 ∆ABC 中,AB = 15、BC = 14、CA = 13。X 和 Y 分別為 A 到 BC 及 C 到 AB 的垂足。

求 XY 的長度。

In ∆ABC, AB = 15, BC = 14 and CA = 13. X and Y are the feet of the perpendiculars from A to
BC and C to AB respectively. Find the length of XY.

18. 某次測驗共有 100 題選擇題,每題答對可得 5 分,答錯扣 2 分,不答得 0 分。合格分數

為 100。

如果一名學生回答 20 題,他必須全部答對方能合格。如果他多答一題,也必須同時答
對該題才能合格(因為若他答錯了該題他便只得 98 分)。因此,若以合格為目標,則
與其答 21 題,不如只答 20 題。我們說 21 是「壞數」。一般來說,若回答 n 題比回答
n − 1 題需要多答對一題才能合格,則我們說 n 是「壞數」。(因此求合格而聰明的學
生知道,即使有信心答對 n 題,亦只應回答其中 n − 1 題。)

在 21 ≤ n ≤ 100 範圍內,有多少個整數 n 是「壞數」?

In a test there are 100 multiple choice questions. For each question, 5 marks will be awarded
for a correct answer, 2 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer, and 0 mark will be given if
it is left unanswered. The passing mark is 100.
If a student answers 20 questions, he must get all 20 correct in order to pass. If he answers one
more question, he must also get that question correct in order to pass (because if he gets it
wrong he will only get 98 marks). So in order to pass, it will be better to answer only 20 rather
than 21 questions. We say that 21 is a ‘bad’ number. In general, we say that n is ‘bad’ if
answering n questions requires one more correct answer to pass than answering n − 1 questions.
(And those who are intelligent enough and aim to pass will only answer n − 1 questions even if
they are confident with n questions.)
How many ‘bad’ integers n are there in the range 21 ≤ n ≤ 100 ?

19. 如圖所示,XY 為足球場上的龍門,闊為 10。Z 為底線上的一點,與 X 的距離為 8。一
名球員持球於 P 點,當中 PZ ⊥ ZY,並向正前方推進。當射門角度(即 ∠XPY)最大
時,球員起腳射門,問此時 tan ∠XPY 的值是多少?

In the figure, XY is the goal on the football field, with width 10. Z is a point on the touch line at
a distance of 8 from X. A player, holding the ball at point P, where PZ ⊥ ZY, proceeds ahead
and makes a shot when the angle of shooting (i.e. ∠XPY) is the greatest. At this time, what is
the value of tan ∠XPY?

Z 8 X 10 Y

P ⋅
20. 一種特別的圓規有四隻腳,其中兩隻是針腳(稱它們為尖 A 及 B),而另外兩隻是鉛筆
腳(稱它們為尖 C 及 D)。圓規的設計使得 D 永遠在 ∆ABC 的重心。小明用這種特別
的圓規在 C 的鉛筆畫一個以 A 為圓心的圓:他先固定 A 及 B,然後讓 C 點在 AC = 1 的
限制下移動。若 AB < 1,求小明畫圓的同時在 D 的鉛筆所畫出的曲線所圍成的面積。

A special kind of compasses has four legs, two of which are pins (call them tips A and B) and
the other two are pencils (call them tips C and D). The compass is designed such that D is
always at the centroid of ∆ABC. Alan uses a pair of compasses of this kind to draw a circle
centred at A using the pencil at C by fixing the pins at A and B and then allowing C to move
under the constraint AC = 1. If AB < 1, find the area enclosed by the curve drawn by the pencil
at D when Alan draws the circle. (Remark: By joining each vertex of a triangle with the mid-
point of its opposite side, the three straight lines meet at a point, called the centroid of the




Group Event (Senior Section) Answers

1. 13. 276

2. 7 14. 191

3. 90 15. 4

4. 36 16. 2.5

5. –9 17.

6. 18. 23

7. 2 19.

8. 2 20.

9. 9016

10. 21

11. 15 3

12. 8

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