E.O. No. 7 - Series 2021 (BNC)
E.O. No. 7 - Series 2021 (BNC)
E.O. No. 7 - Series 2021 (BNC)
Whereas, DILG Memorandum Circular No. 96-03 dated May 31, 1996 requiring the
activation/reactivating of Nutrition Committee in the barangay level in order to be viable
functional and effective in integration and implementation of the nutrition programs and activities
into the Barangay Development Plans;
WHEREAS, the Philippine is recognized as one of the world’s most disaster prone
countries as identified of the Research and Epidemiology of Disaster;
WHEREAS, this situation may also disrupt the lives of population affected putting them
at risks of developing undesirable health and related conditions including those that threaten
nutritional status of individuals specially most vulnerable groups, infants, children, pregnant and
lactating women and older persons;
WHEREAS, the disaster that are threatening our country as a whole pose problem in
achieving nutrition related targets of Goal # 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals;
WHEREAS, these threats could be addressed through the delivery of various nutrition
interventions that are implemented through the organized group that will allow maximum
participation of all stakeholders involved;
SECTION 3. SECRETARIAT: The BNC Secretariat will have the following function:
SECTION 4. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain in force
otherwise repealed or suspended by succeeding orders.
DONE this 18th day of January 2021 at the Office of the Punong Barangay, Barangay
Poblacion 4, Dumaguete City.
Punong Barangay