Ariel Investment Trust Annual Report 093020
Ariel Investment Trust Annual Report 093020
Ariel Investment Trust Annual Report 093020
Ariel Fund
Ariel Appreciation Fund
Ariel Focus Fund
Ariel International Fund
Ariel Global Fund
Beginning on March 31, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Funds
will no longer send paper copies of shareholder reports by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies from the Funds
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Russell 2500TM Value Index 3.54 -18.39 -12.62 -2.69 4.65 8.01 10.02
Russell 2500TM Index 5.88 -5.82 2.22 4.45 8.97 10.81 10.28
S&P 500® Index 8.93 5.57 15.15 12.28 14.15 13.74 10.49
Ariel Appreciation Fund 5.67% -13.12% -5.93% -0.33% 4.82% 8.31% 9.62%
Russell Midcap® Value Index 6.40 -12.84 -7.30 0.82 6.38 9.71 10.47
Russell Midcap® Index 7.46 -2.35 4.55 7.13 10.13 11.76 10.92
S&P 500® Index 8.93 5.57 15.15 12.28 14.15 13.74 9.91
Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All performance assumes the
reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and represents returns of the Investor Class shares. The investment return and principal value of an
investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance
may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month-end for Ariel Fund and Ariel
Appreciation Fund may be obtained by visiting our website,
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 3
DEAR FELLOW SHAREHOLDER: parent, Alphabet (GOOGL), along with Microsoft
(MSFT) are benefitting from earnings growth
The stock market managed to rack up another quarter of
supercharged by a health crisis that keeps us mostly at
solid gains following the dramatic, pandemic-induced first
home, glued to our phones and computers. These
quarter decline. Our small/mid and mid-sized company
companies, which are indeed serving an important purpose
portfolios continued to recover—posting strong absolute
in our daily lives, are also being bid up beyond recognition.
returns across the board. On a relative basis, our flagship
For example, Apple sports a $2 trillion market cap—
Ariel Fund trounced its primary benchmark for the three
$1 trillion of which was clocked in just 21 weeks this past
months ending September 30, 2020, while Ariel
summer, which is truly astounding when one considers it
Appreciation Fund lagged.
took 31 years for the company to cross the $100 billion
True to style—where value often clusters—common mark. There was even a point when Apple’s market cap
themes contributed and detracted from our returns during exceeded that of the combined value of all of the
the quarter. In both funds, our Financial and Healthcare companies in the Russell 2000 Index.2
issues drove gains while our Consumer Discretionary
Beyond very real demand, barely-there interest rates are
holdings were weak on a relative basis.
also acting as a powerful accelerant for the “growthiest” of
L ARGE AND IN CHARGE growth stocks. The FAANGs plus Microsoft are selling for
an average 68 times next year’s earnings, with Amazon
That sucking sound you hear comes from the largest sporting the highest multiple at 123 times. With such
publicly traded companies in the world, vacuuming up piles anemic interest rates, nosebleed price/earnings multiples
of cash from captive consumers. In many ways, a perfect appear reasonable because the value of a dollar made in the
storm has also given rise to a perfect port—with ever future is more or less equivalent to the value of a dollar
growing mega cap companies providing the essential goods made today—an outcome that runs completely counter to
and services people need to stay connected, entertained the old adage, “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.”
and stocked with essentials during the pandemic. As a
result, The Wall Street Journal notes, “The stock market is As a direct result of this large company dominance,
more top-heavy than it has been in decades…masking the longstanding performance patterns have been turned
underlying weakness of the broader market where other upside down when viewed through the lens of history.
indices like the Russell 2000, which tracks small cap stocks, For the ten years ending September 30, 2020, the S&P 500
are still in the red for the year.”1 As Mark Twain once said, has averaged +13.74% annually compared to +9.85% for
“history doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes.” To that the Russell 2000 Index and +7.09% for the Russell 2000
point, this period is reminiscent of the 1970’s when the Value Index. And yet, according to Ibbotson’s 2020 SBBI
market’s performance was narrowly propelled by unbridled Yearbook, from 1926-2019, small companies have returned
enthusiasm for 50 large cap stocks that became known as +16.26% annually versus a +12.09% for large cap stocks
the “Nifty 50.” Once it became clear company over the same period. Not to mention, faster growing small
fundamentals were completely disconnected from cap stocks usually trade at higher multiples than big
valuations, the bottom fell out. companies that are deemed safer but whose large size
encumbers growth. But these days, we are witnessing one
These days, the market’s leadership is even more of the widest valuation gaps ever with the S&P 500 selling
concentrated. Instead of 50, there are six. There is no for nearly 24 times forward earnings compared to almost
question the FAANG stocks—Facebook (FB), Amazon 17 times for the Russell 2000 Index and just 13 times for
(AMZN), Apple (AAPL), Netflix (NFLX), and Google the Russell 2000 Value Index.
Vigna, Paul. “Tech’s Takeover of Indexes Reaches New Heights.” The Wall Street Journal. August 10, 2020.
Wigglesworth, Robin. “Apple’s Value Vaults Over Entire US Index of Small-Cap Stocks.” Financial Times. September 6, 2020.
THE COMEBACK KIDS beaten down shares. We also added a record number of
new names—eight in our small cap portfolios alone. We
We are regularly asked to justify value’s existence since had been monitoring some of these issuers for over a
growth has been in vogue since 2006. And yet, we are decade—waiting for the market to create the right buying
rarely, if ever, queried about the fact that large companies opportunity. Once survival was no longer in question, many
have been lapping their small cap brethren for most of the of these same stock prices have rebounded from their
past decade. Given the overwhelming fascination with the lowest lows in recent months—yet are still selling well
mega stocks and large cap indexing as well, smaller below our estimates of their intrinsic worth.
companies have been orphaned. As Wall Street,
institutional investors and the media run out of patience, Looking ahead, in addition to the basic mean reversion
these “ugly ducklings” with their dwindling coverage likely to drive a small cap renaissance, other compelling
continue to fall further out of the mainstream. In so doing, factors move the odds in favor of the little guys. For one, in
they also become cheaper and even more inefficiently a recovery, smaller companies tend to be “more levered to
priced. From our value investing vantage point, this economic growth than large-cap stocks.”3 Not to mention,
crescendoing combination of negative forces—lagging in a post-vaccine world, pent up demand could easily drive
returns, diverging multiples and diminishing followers—is up inflation and therefore, interest rates. Higher rates,
creating a ripe environment for small- and mid-sized while normally not beneficial to stocks, would benefit value
companies to truly shine. shares over their growth stock counterparts whose prices
have been propelled by the near zero rate environment.
“From our value investing None of this is to suggest that today’s mega cap darlings
are at risk of obsolescence. We would only posit that
vantage point, this crescendoing without the pandemic’s massive growth contribution, their
combination of negative forces— upward trajectory is not likely to be as steep and fast as the
recent past. Yes, their earnings will still grow but we would
lagging returns, diverging multiples expect to see some compression in the earnings multiples
and diminishing followers—is the market is willing to pay given a lower growth trajectory.
Meanwhile, we believe smaller companies are well
creating a ripe environment for positioned to sling shot out of this pandemic.
small- and mid-sized companies PORTFOLIO COMINGS AND GOINGS
to truly shine.”
In Ariel Fund, we initiated a position in niche banking
services provider, BOK Financial Corporation (BOKF)
In March, as the market was in free-fall, the consensus view
during the quarter. BOKF provides commercial and
was that small companies could not survive the economic
consumer banking, investment and trust services, mortgage
shock brought on by Covid. During the worst of the
origination and servicing. We took advantage of weakness
collapse, we gutted our earnings estimates and re-valued
in share price following the company’s disclosure of a
every company in our portfolio. While some of our
larger than expected loan loss provision driven by negative
companies would have challenged earnings for a year or
credit migration in the energy loan book. We believe
two, we concluded they would be fine in the long run
BOKF’s balanced business model between banking (60% of
without permanent damage from either financial distress or
revenues) and fee service businesses (40% of revenues)
enduring demand destruction. Thus, as the market
allows the company to serve more of their clients’ needs
overreacted, we actively accumulated more of our most
Weil, Dan. “Why Small-Cap Stocks Trumped Large Caps in a Recovering Economy.” Institutional Investor. March 31, 2014.
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 5
while reducing volatility in financial results. In our view, the
low rate environment will prove to be less important for
BOKF than the positive impact of its diversified business
model, underwriting disciplines and the experienced
management team led by Chairman and majority owner
George Kaiser.
Ariel Fund management discussion
Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All performance
assumes the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and represents returns of the Investor Class shares. The investment
return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data
current to the most recent month-end for Ariel Fund may be obtained by visiting our website,
This fiscal year has been filled with its fair share of surprises. United States Postal Service. Looking ahead, we believe the
A pandemic, the shutdown of a global economy, a subsequent company’s diversified end-markets, strong financial position
collapse in equity markets, the deepest recession since the and solid balance sheet will enable ZBRA to continue to
1930’s, social unrest, political dysfunction and environmental weather pandemic related weakness in the enterprise
catastrophes. In response, policymakers and central banks spending environment.
in the world’s largest economies delivered record levels of
By comparison, television broadcaster and magazine
fiscal stimulus and monetary relief packages propelling a
advertiser, Meredith Corporation (MDP) underperformed,
monumental recovery. However, the market’s rally has since
as Covid added to the existing challenge of generating cost
slowed. A resurgence in coronavirus cases across the U.S.,
synergies from the TIME acquisition. The stock was also
Europe and developing countries, as well as indecision in
impacted by being removed from a high dividend yield index.
Washington around further fiscal relief has driven volatility.
While we acknowledge the challenging fundamentals in its
High unemployment, income losses, weaker consumption
business, local news viewership is up tremendously in the
and U.S. election uncertainty have also blurred the path ahead.
midst of the pandemic and we believe MDP’s profitable local
Yet, it’s important to be mindful that equities continue to
television stations provide a margin of safety1 at today’s
receive meaningful support from record levels of stimulus,
valuation level.
sustained ultra-low interest rates and the Federal Reserve’s
decision to target average inflationary growth. While we Producer and supplier of sand, U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc.
expect volatility to remain elevated through the new year, (SLCA) also weighed on returns over the trailing one year
we believe the U.S. economy will continue its recovery as period. Weakened demand across the energy patch, including
restrictions ease and we begin to see further positive progress markets in West Texas drove an oversupply of sand resulting
on a vaccine. Amidst this backdrop, Ariel Fund returned in pricing pressure and margin degradation. While a key
-9.03% during the twelve month period, outperforming the component of our investment thesis in SLCA continues to be
similarly positioned Russell 2500 Value Index’s loss of -12.62%, driven by its Industrial segment, we underestimated the
but trailing the Russell 2500 Index’s gain of +2.22%. impact that weakness in oil and gas could have on the cost
structure of the Industrial business. Looking ahead, SLCA
Alternative asset manager, KKR & Co. Inc. (KKR) was the
remains in a solid position from a liquidity perspective. They
top contributor to performance over the trailing twelve
do not have any maturities due until 2025, and the balance
months. KKR possesses the size and organizational structure
sheet and cash on hand remain sound.
to benefit not only from the continued high level of
institutional interest in alternative assets, but also from Short term corrections and market volatility remain
attractive corporate valuations in certain industries and headwinds in the near-term. FAANG2 stocks have dominated
geographies in the midst of historically low interest rates. the rally in recent months and their concentration and
KKR retains an extensive track record of strong performance elevated valuations, as well as the U.S. election outcome
across all types of economic and financial conditions and, in poses risks to the broader market. While meaningful to
our view, should continue generating alpha for its clients post current market sentiment and conversation, we view these
the Covid crisis. Additionally, the company has a record of risks as short-term noise within the context of our long-term
uncalled commitments and stands ready to take advantage of investment horizon. We retain a “glass half full” outlook and
attractive valuations as it shops for future years of returns. believe the economy will continue its recovery with the
support of a dovish Fed, easing restrictions and positive
Bar code manufacturer, Zebra Technologies Corporation
Covid vaccine developments. Meanwhile, we stand ready to
(ZBRA) was another strong performer in the period.
take advantage of any pull backs in the market on negative
Although global supply chain disruptions and weaker demand
news. We strongly believe the dedicated, contrarian, patient
in China resulted in the company pulling its full year guidance,
investor that stays the course and consistently owns
ZBRA has been delivering revenue and earnings above Wall
differentiated business models with solid competitive
Street expectations throughout the pandemic. Meanwhile
positioning and robust balance sheets will deliver superior
ZBRA is entering the new fiscal year with a solid backlog,
returns over the long-run.
driven by orders from larger customers, which include the
Attempting to purchase with a margin of safety on price cannot protect investors from the volatility associated with stocks, incorrect assumptions or
estimations on our part, declining fundamentals or external forces.
FAANG is comprised of Facebook Inc., Apple Inc., Inc., Netflix Inc. and Alphabet Inc.
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 7
Ariel Appreciation Fund management discussion
Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All performance
assumes the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and represents returns of the Investor Class shares. The investment
return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data
current to the most recent month-end for Ariel Appreciation Fund may be obtained by visiting our website,
This fiscal year has been filled with its fair share of surprises. twelve months. As a result of the global pandemic, CCL cruise
A pandemic, the shutdown of a global economy, a subsequent operations have been suspended since March. The cancelled
collapse in equity markets, the deepest recession since the voyages and reduction in global bookings have had a material
1930’s, social unrest, political dysfunction and environmental impact on financial results. Over the long-term, we believe
catastrophes. In response, policymakers and central banks in Carnival’s distinct positioning as the low cost leader utilizing its
the world’s largest economies delivered record levels of fiscal scale, will remain a key competitive advantage. In our view, the
stimulus and monetary relief packages propelling a headwinds the company is experiencing will soften and CCL’s
monumental recovery. However, the market’s rally has since solid balance sheet will help the company navigate through this
slowed. A resurgence in coronavirus cases across the U.S., difficult period. At current levels, we view the risk/reward to
Europe and developing countries, as well as indecision in be extremely favorable.
Washington around further fiscal relief has driven volatility.
Shares of owner and operator of regional sports and
High unemployment, income losses, weaker consumption and
entertainment networks, MSG Networks Inc. (MSGN) have
U.S. election uncertainty have also blurred the path ahead. Yet,
also been impacted by the financial and operating implications
it’s important to be mindful that equities continue to receive
surrounding the shortened NBA and NHL seasons. Investors
meaningful support from record levels of stimulus, sustained
have also been concerned about continued subscriber losses
ultra-low interest rates and the Federal Reserve’s decision to
across Cable, Telco and Satellite video distributors, which has
target average inflationary growth. While we expect volatility
negative implications for affiliate revenue. On a positive note,
to remain elevated through the new year, we believe the U.S.
the company recently reported fiscal Q4 earnings which
economy will continue its recovery as restrictions ease and we
exceeded expectations. The results were driven by lower
begin to see further positive progress on a vaccine. Amidst this
expenses, as MSGN received media licensing relief on the
backdrop, Ariel Appreciation Fund declined -5.93% during the
portion of regular season games it did not end up televising.
twelve month period, outperforming the similarly positioned
Operating expenses were also lower due to a reduction in
Russell Midcap Value Index’s loss of -7.30%, but trailing the
advertising and marketing costs, as well as ad sales
Russell Midcap Index’s gain of +4.55%.
commissions. Over the long run, we believe MSGN’s rights
Personal auto insurer, Progressive Corporation (PGR) was agreement to broadcast Knicks and Rangers games through
the top contributor to results over the trailing twelve-month 2035 in the largest designated market area (DMA) in the
period. The company has been delivering robust earnings country is valuable. Furthermore, NYC team fan bases are
results highlighted by premium growth and margin expansion. sticky and allegiances are typically passed down from
PGR is experiencing an improvement in auto losses, as people generation to generation. We also highlight that despite ratings
are driving less due to the persistence of the pandemic. pressure across all professional sports leagues, sports content
Looking ahead, we expect the top line will continue to benefit remains the most valuable type of content to advertisers
from PGR’s digital dominance for auto insurance in the direct because it is consumed live.
channel, as well as from the rollout of several new niche
Short term corrections and market volatility remain headwinds
commercial products. At current levels, PGR is trading at a 5%
in the near-term. FAANG1 stocks have dominated the rally in
discount to our estimate of private market value.
recent months and their concentration and elevated valuations,
Worldwide provider of products and services to the drug as well as the U.S. election outcome poses risks to the broader
discovery and research marketplace, Charles River market. While meaningful to current market sentiment and
Laboratories International, Inc. (CRL) also advanced on conversation, we view these risks as short-term noise within
strong earnings results. The impact of Covid on the business the context of our long-term investment horizon. We retain a
model continues to be less than expected. Robust client “glass half full” outlook and believe the economy will continue
demand, strong Safety Assessment pricing and the favorable its recovery with the support of a dovish Fed, easing
biotech funding environment has aided the continuity of restrictions and positive Covid vaccine developments.
operations enabling the company to sustain its solid financial Meanwhile, we stand ready to take advantage of any pull backs
position. Despite headwinds from the pandemic, we expect in the market on negative news. We strongly believe the
this business momentum to continue, with underlying growth dedicated, contrarian, patient investor that stays the course
trends supporting margin expansion opportunities. and consistently owns differentiated business models with solid
competitive positioning and robust balance sheets will deliver
By comparison, global cruise vacation company, Carnival
superior returns over the long-run.
Corporation (CCL) traded materially lower over the trailing
FAANG is comprised of Facebook Inc., Apple Inc., Inc., Netflix Inc. and Alphabet Inc.
Ariel Fund performance summary INCEPTION: 11/06/86
Ariel Fund–Investor Class 4.56 -9.03 -0.98 5.36 8.43 7.67 10.19
John W. Rogers, Jr. John P. Miller, cfa Kenneth E. Kuhrt, cpa
Lead portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Ariel Fund–Institutional Class+ 4.64 -8.74 -0.68 5.68 8.73 7.82 10.27
manager manager manager
Russell 2500TM Value Index 3.54 -12.62 -2.69 4.65 8.01 8.02 10.02
Russell 2500TM Index 5.88 2.22 4.45 8.97 10.81 7.93 10.28
S&P 500® Index 8.93 15.15 12.28 14.15 13.74 6.42 10.49
Composition of equity holdings (%)
Performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. All performance
2500 Russell S&P assumes the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. The investment return and principal value of an
Ariel Value 2500 500 investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original
Fund Index Index Index cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To access performance data
current to the most recent month-end, visit
Consumer 35.71 17.87 15.94 15.66
Consumer staples 3.00 3.52 3.30 6.08
11/86 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018 9/30/20
Energy 1.09 3.40 2.64 2.06
The graph and performance table do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund
Basic materials 1.03 4.83 3.80 1.81 distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Total return does not reflect a maximum 4.75% sales load
charged prior to 7/15/94.
Technology 0.00 5.88 13.01 28.10
Expense ratio (as of 9/30/20) 1
Telecommunications 0.00 1.48 1.59 3.86
Investor Class 1.04%
Sector weightings for the Fund are calculated based on equity
holdings as a percentage of total net assets.
Institutional Class 0.72%
As of September 30, 2019, Ariel Fund’s Investor Class had an annual expense ratio of 1.02% and 0.70%,
respectively, for the Investor Class and Institutional Class.
The inception date for the Institutional Class shares is December 30, 2011. Performance information for the Institutional Class prior to that date
reflects the actual performance of the Fund’s Investor Class (and uses the actual expenses of the Fund’s Investor Class, for such period of time),
without any adjustments. For any such period of time, the performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class would have been substantially similar to, yet
higher than, the performance of the Fund’s Investor Class, because the shares of both classes are invested in the same portfolio of securities, but the
classes bear different expenses, which are primarily differences in distribution and service fees.
Ariel Appreciation Fund performance summary
summary INCEPTION: 12/01/89
Ariel Appreciation Fund–Investor Class 5.67 -5.93 -0.33 4.82 8.31 7.62 9.62
John W. Rogers, Jr. Timothy R. Fidler, cfa Ariel Appreciation Fund–Institutional Class+ 5.71 -5.65 -0.03 5.14 8.60 7.76 9.72
Co-portfolio Co-portfolio
manager manager Russell Midcap® Value Index 6.40 -7.30 0.82 6.38 9.71 8.75 10.47
Russell Midcap® Index 7.46 4.55 7.13 10.13 11.76 8.25 10.92
S&P 500® Index 8.93 15.15 12.28 14.15 13.74 6.42 9.91
Composition of equity holdings (%) Performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. All performance
assumes the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. The investment return and principal value of an
Ariel Russell investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original
Apprec- Midcap Russell S&P cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. To access performance data
iation Value Midcap 500
Index current to the most recent month-end, visit
Fund Index Index
As of September 30, 2019, Ariel Appreciation Fund’s Investor Class had an annual expense ratio of 1.14%
and 0.82%, respectively, for the Investor Class and Institutional Class.
The inception date for the Institutional Class shares is December 30, 2011. Performance information for the Institutional Class prior to that date
reflects the actual performance of the Fund’s Investor Class (and uses the actual expenses of the Fund’s Investor Class, for such period of time),
without any adjustments. For any such period of time, the performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class would have been substantially similar to, yet
higher than, the performance of the Fund’s Investor Class, because the shares of both classes are invested in the same portfolio of securities, but the
classes bear different expenses, which are primarily differences in distribution and service fees.
Ariel Focus Fund
Charles K. Bobrinskoy
Vice Chairman
Portfolio Manager
Ariel Focus Fund 6.03% -12.10% -4.91% 0.41% 6.32% 7.23% 4.72%
Russell 1000® Value Index 5.59 -11.58 -5.03 2.63 7.66 9.95 6.51
S&P 500® Index 8.93 5.57 15.15 12.28 14.15 13.74 9.29
Ariel Focus Fund returned +6.03% in the third quarter, In the third quarter, companies contributing most to
modestly outperforming the Russell 1000 Value Index performance were the Mosaic Company (MOS),
which serves as our primary benchmark and gained ViacomCBS, Inc. (VIAC) and Zimmer Biomet
+5.59%. Meanwhile the S&P 500 Index earned +8.93%. Holdings, Inc. (ZBH). Companies with the greatest
While performance in the second quarter was led by negative contribution were Apache Corporation (APA),
so-called “reopening stocks,” third quarter winners and Madison Square Garden Entertainment (MSGE) and
losers came from more company specific factors and less Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BK).
from macro themes. We continue to position Ariel Focus
Fund for a post-Covid vaccine economy with higher Mosaic Company surged +46.43% in the quarter
inflation, higher interest rates and market recognition continuing its recovery from a dramatic decline earlier in
of the intrinsic value in our holdings. the year. With improving diets around the world driving
Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All performance assumes the
reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and represents returns of the Investor Class shares. The investment return and principal value of an
investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance
may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month-end for Ariel Focus Fund may be
obtained by visiting our website,
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 11
higher crop yields, demand for the company’s agricultural ViacomCBS Forward PE Multiple:
fertilizer products should be predictable and growing. October 2019–October 2020
Corn, wheat, rice, and soybeans all need nutrients to grow. ------ ViacomCBS Inc. Class B-PE-NTM
of 100% electric vehicles) combined with lower short-term negative real rates will produce an increase in nominal rates at
oil consumption from a decrease in miles driven during all points along the dollar yield curve. Bank of New York’s
Covid have been a bad one-two punch. Energy has been earnings should move substantially higher.
the worst performing equity sector over recent periods.
Ariel Focus Fund ended the third quarter valued at 14.5 times
Madison Square Garden Entertainment declined -8.68% in forward earnings. This is nine multiple points below the S&P
the quarter. The company is another example of the 500 which ended the quarter at 23.8. Our style of value
phenomenon we discussed regarding Zimmer, i.e. a investing is clearly out of fashion. It is our belief it will not
company with undeniably strong negative Covid headwinds, always be so.
but a long-term outlook that should be unimpaired. While
we are extremely confident about the pent-up demand for PORTFOLIO COMINGS AND GOINGS
Zimmer’s replacement hips and knees, we will acknowledge
We initiated a position in the world’s leading provider of
the bear case on demand for venue-based entertainment.
thermal cameras, FLIR Systems, Inc. (FLIR) in the quarter.
After a Covid vaccine, attendance at sporting events and
FLIR’s competitive advantages in industrial and defense
concerts will return to pre-pandemic levels in a reasonable
thermal imaging technology provide an attractive long-term
period, in our opinion. Not everyone agrees with us.
financial profile. The company’s scale combined with a
Shakespeare’s audiences eventually returned to London
vertically integrated cost structure with a research and
theaters even after the Bubonic Plague killed a third of
development focus, allows it to price products competitively,
Europe. Madison Square Garden Entertainment’s stock
earn operating margins above peers and consistently reinvest
trades for about half of our calculation of its intrinsic value
in innovation. Investor concerns around an industrial recession
because some investors believe fans will never return to
and defense budget cut fears driven by the pandemic provided
watch the Knicks at Madison Square Garden or The
us with an entry point to own this niche industry leader, with
Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. We think these investors
attractive long-term growth and margin prospects.
could be right in the short-term. But we believe we will be
right in the long-term. And we are the turtle people. We also added a position in a special purpose acquisition
company Pershing Square Tontine Holdings Ltd
Finally, Bank of New York Mellon fell -10.39% in the quarter.
(PSTH) in the quarter. This SPAC is a newly organized
We like a lot of things about the world’s largest custody bank,
blank check company formed for the purpose of making
not just that it was founded by Alexander Hamilton. Bank of
mergers and acquisitions run by Bill Ackman.
New York Mellon trades for about nine times our calculation
of next year’s earnings and at a +14% discount to its book By comparison, we successfully sold out of Northern Trust
value. That would be attractive in almost any environment, Corporation (NTRS) and exited global leader in for-profit
but especially in this one. The company’s earnings are education Adtalem Global Education Inc. (ATGE). We
artificially low because of anemic interest rates. For decades, sold our long-term holding in Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM)
custody banks have made a substantial portion of their during the quarter. We believe its stock price has been
revenue from investing client assets at rates well above the artificially supported by a high dividend; a dividend that
short-term rates they pay. In a normal interest rate significantly exceeds its earnings per share. When this dividend
environment, the custody bank might earn 50 basis points or is eventually cut, the company’s stock will have further to fall.
more in interest income in excess of the rate paid. Large
clients hate to move from one custody bank to another and As always, we appreciate the opportunity to serve you and
will accept some discount on the rates they earn, particularly welcome any questions or comments you might have.
on cash balances. In today’s market, with short-term rates at
or near zero, custody banks have no such opportunity. Many Sincerely,
investors believe low interest rates are here to stay. We
believe the combination of record deficit spending, a
revitalized economy post-Covid, and the unsustainability of Charles K. Bobrinskoy
Vice Chairman and Portfolio Manager
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 13
Ariel Focus Fund management discussion
Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All performance
assumes the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and represents returns of the Investor Class shares. The investment
return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data
current to the most recent month-end for Ariel Focus Fund may be obtained by visiting our website,
This fiscal year has been filled with its fair share of surprises. By comparison, leading provider of specialty industrial services
A pandemic, the shutdown of a global economy, a subsequent Team, Inc. (TISI) has underperformed. The operational
collapse in equity markets, the deepest recession since the disruption related to the Covid pandemic and the unexpected
1930’s, social unrest, political dysfunction and environmental fall in oil prices continues to weigh on shares. In response, TISI
catastrophes. In response, policymakers and central banks in has announced cost reductions, with the desire to protect its
the world’s largest economies delivered record levels of fiscal employees, maintain business operations for clients where
stimulus and monetary relief packages propelling a feasible and preserve liquidity. Nonetheless, TISI believes its
monumental recovery. However, the market’s rally has since current product and services are well-positioned to take
slowed. A resurgence in coronavirus cases across the U.S., advantage of future market opportunities once conditions begin
Europe and developing countries, as well as indecision in to improve. The company is also working to identify creative
Washington around further fiscal relief has driven volatility. ways to leverage opportunities within the skillsets of its
High unemployment, income losses, weaker consumption and technicians and advanced technologies to support new
U.S. election uncertainty have also blurred the path ahead. industries, including healthcare, power and utilities. At today’s
Yet, it’s important to be mindful that equities continue to valuation, we see the risk/reward skewed sharply to the upside.
receive meaningful support from record levels of stimulus,
Shares of leading global provider of data and analytics,
sustained ultra-low interest rates and the Federal Reserve’s
Nielsen Holdings PLC (NLSN), also traded lower in the
decision to target average inflationary growth. While we
period, despite the essential nature of its solutions amidst an
expect volatility to remain elevated through the new year,
evolving media and consumer landscape. Following a strategic
we believe the U.S. economy will continue its recovery as
review, NLSN made the decision to separate the company
restrictions ease and we begin to see further positive progress
into two disparate businesses: Nielsen Global Media and the
on a vaccine. Amidst this backdrop, Ariel Focus Fund declined
Nielsen Global Connect businesses. Investors who had been
-4.91% during the twelve month period, ahead of the Russell
hoping for a complete or partial sale of the company were left
1000 Value Index’s -5.03% loss, but significantly behind the
disappointed. We, however, are incrementally more positive
S&P 500 Index’s +15.15% gain.
that this will force a sum of the parts assessment significantly
Alternative asset manager, KKR & Co. Inc. (KKR) was above today’s stock price, which appears to be giving no
the top contributor to performance over the trailing twelve credit to the Connect business and a deeply discounted
months. KKR possesses the size and organizational structure valuation to the Media business. While management has
to benefit not only from the continued high level of instituted greater discipline around operating costs and capital
institutional interest in alternative assets, but also from expenditures, investors are remaining on the sidelines until
attractive corporate valuations in certain industries and there is more clarity around the separation which is expected
geographies in the midst of historically low interest rates. to happen in early 2021. Meanwhile, NLSN cut their dividend
KKR retains an extensive track record of strong performance by over 80%, freeing up about $400M in free cash flow to
across all types of economic and financial conditions and, in reinvest for growth. At current levels, NLSN is trading at an
our view, should continue generating alpha for its clients post 52% discount to our estimate of private market value.
the Covid crisis. Additionally, the company has a record of
Short term corrections and market volatility remain headwinds
uncalled commitments and stands ready to take advantage of
in the near-term. FAANG1 stocks have dominated the rally in
attractive valuations as it shops for future years of returns.
recent months and their concentration and elevated valuations,
Bar code manufacturer, Zebra Technologies Corporation as well as the U.S. election outcome poses risks to the broader
(ZBRA) was another strong performer in the period. market. While meaningful to current market sentiment and
Although global supply chain disruptions and weaker demand conversation, we view these risks as short-term noise within
in China resulted in the company pulling its full year guidance, the context of our long-term investment horizon. We retain a
ZBRA has been delivering revenue and earnings above Wall “glass half full” outlook and believe the economy will continue
Street expectations throughout the pandemic. Meanwhile its recovery with the support of a dovish Fed, easing
ZBRA is entering the new fiscal year with a solid backlog, restrictions and positive Covid vaccine developments.
driven by orders from larger customers, which include the Meanwhile, we stand ready to take advantage of any pull backs
United States Postal Service. Looking ahead, we believe the in the market on negative news. We strongly believe the
company’s diversified end-markets, strong financial position dedicated, contrarian, patient investor that stays the course
and solid balance sheet will enable ZBRA to continue to and consistently owns differentiated business models with solid
weather pandemic related weakness in the enterprise competitive positioning and robust balance sheets will deliver
spending environment. superior returns over the long-run.
FAANG is comprised of Facebook Inc., Apple Inc., Amazon,com Inc., Netflix Inc. and Alphabet Inc.
Ariel Focus Fund performance summary
summary INCEPTION: 06/30/05
Ariel Focus Fund–Investor Class 6.03 -4.91 0.41 6.32 7.23 4.72
Ariel Focus Fund–Institutional Class+ 6.03 -4.69 0.67 6.58 7.46 4.87
Charles K. Bobrinskoy
Portfolio manager
Russell 1000® Value Index 5.59 -5.03 2.63 7.66 9.95 6.51
Technology 5.65 8.24 28.10
Basic materials 4.18 3.45 1.81 06/05 2008 2011 2014 2017 9/30/20
Consumer staples 2.77 7.64 6.08 The graph and performance table do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund
distributions or the redemption of fund shares.
Energy 2.33 4.03 2.06
Expense ratio (as of 9/30/20) Net Gross
Real estate 0.00 4.64 2.64
Investor Class 1.00% 1.25%
Telecommunications 0.00 6.94 3.86
Institutional Class 0.75% 0.89%
Utilities 0.00 6.39 3.20 As of September 30, 2019, Ariel Focus Fund (Investor Class) had an annual net expense ratio of 1.00% and a
gross expense ratio of 1.23%. As of September 30, 2019, Ariel Focus Fund (Institutional Class) had an annual
Sector weightings for the Fund are calculated based on equity
net expense ratio of 0.75% and a gross expense ratio of 0.89%. The net expense ratio reflects a contractual
holdings as a percentage of total net assets.
advisory fee waiver agreement effective through September 30, 2021. Prior to February 1, 2014, the fee
waiver was 1.25% for the Investor Class and 1.00% for the Institutional Class.
The inception date for the Institutional Class shares is December 30, 2011. Performance information for the Institutional Class prior to that date
reflects the actual performance of the Fund’s Investor Class (and uses the actual expenses of the Fund’s Investor Class, for such period of time),
without any adjustments. For any such period of time, the performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class would have been substantially similar to, yet
higher than, the performance of the Fund’s Investor Class, because the shares of both classes are invested in the same portfolio of securities, but the
classes bear different expenses, which are primarily differences in distribution and service fees.
C A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 15
Ariel International Fund
& Ariel Global Fund
Rupal J. Bhansali
Chief Investment Officer
International and Global Equities
MSCI EAFE Net Index 4.80 -7.09 0.49 0.62 5.26 6.08
MSCI ACWI ex-US Net Index 6.25 -5.44 3.00 1.16 6.23 5.52
MSCI ACWI Net Index 8.13 1.37 10.44 7.12 10.30 9.73
DEAR FELLOW SHAREHOLDER: equities traded higher in the quarter, with Asia and the
U.S. outperforming Europe and the United Kingdom.
2020 has been quite the year thus far: a pandemic, the
The health and humanitarian crisis has driven policymakers,
shutdown of a global economy, a subsequent collapse in
central banks and corporates world-wide to re-leverage
equity markets, social unrest, political dysfunction and
their balance sheets with the support of ultra-low rates.
environmental catastrophes. Despite this backdrop, global
Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All performance assumes the
reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and represents returns of the Investor Class shares. The investment return and principal value of an
investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance
may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month-end for Ariel International Fund
and Ariel Global Fund may be obtained by visiting our website,
These easy money policies have also compressed the risk hierarchy in tandem with the seismic shift into indexing and
premium in the marketplace, creating the perfect accommodative monetary policy has been momentum—a
environment for surging growth and momentum indices. technical indicator that measures the rate at which a stock
While we are disappointed, we are not surprised that our price rises or falls over a period of time, typically 12 months.
non-consensus, global portfolios struggled to keep pace
with the robust risk-on market in the quarter. Perhaps Newton’s first law of motion defines this
phenomenon the best: a body in motion, stays in motion; a
Meanwhile, Ariel International Fund demonstrated body at rest, stays at rest—unless acted upon by a force.
significant outperformance relative to the MSCI ACWI Capital flowing into a stock determines its price at a point in
ex- U.S. and MSCI EAFE indices on a year-to-date basis. In time. If a stock has been trading higher, positive momentum
this strategy, our attention to quality, risk and valuation indicates that the stock will tend to stay on its upward course.
heading into the market bottom in March exceeded the If a stock is trading lower, negative momentum indicates
second and third quarter benefits of the growth and shares will fall further on the downside. In its simplest form,
momentum fueled rally. By comparison, investor optimism momentum bets the stock market’s recent winners will
rebounded with greater vigor in the U.S. than the rest of remain winners and recent losers will remain losers.
the world over the last two quarters. As such, the global
indices exposure to large, growth and momentum trades The behavioral bias to extrapolate current trends into the
domestically, resulted in the relative year-to-date future has driven momentum across, high-flying growth
underperformance of Ariel Global Fund. stocks, particularly in the U.S., to be a significant factor in
explaining growth’s dominance over the core and value
PARTY RUNNING OUT OF TIME? indices. In fact, as many know, the index is being driven
higher by a relative handful of prominent companies,
The outperformance of growth relative to value, as well as including the fast growing FAANG stocks—Facebook, Inc.
U.S. stocks versus the rest of the world have continued to (FB),, Inc. (AMZN), Apple, Inc. (AAPL),
widen over the last decade. The chart below illustrates the Netflix, Inc. (NFLX) and Alphabet, Inc. (GOOG). For
trend—underscoring the growing differential between example, the combined market capitalization of FAANG has
style, factor and geographic returns over time. sky-rocketed from $468 billion1 and 1.75% of the MSCI
Indices Annualized as of 09/30/20 ACWI Index ten years ago, to $5.4 trillion and 9.88% today.
YTD 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year It’s also worth noting how narrowly concentrated recent
MSCI ACWI ex U.S. Net Index -5.44% 3.00% 1.16% 6.23% 4.00% performance has been. As illustrated in the chart below,
MSCI ACWI ex U.S. Value Index -17.60 -10.83 -5.09 2.14 1.50 year-to-date, FAANG’s 45% gain accounted for more than
MSCI ACWI ex U.S. Growth Index 7.27 17.54 7.33 10.16 6.38 100% of the entire 3000+ stock global world index. In the
MSCI ACWI ex U.S. Momentum Index 12.34 21.29 7.21 NA NA absence of this momentum, the global world index’s overall
MSCI ACWI Net Index 1.37 10.44 7.12 10.30 8.55 return year-to-date would have been -1.92%.
MSCI ACWI Value Index -14.54 -8.03 -1.22 4.96 5.24 Indices Annualized as of 09/30/20
MSCI ACWI Growth Index 18.13 30.22 15.36 15.43 11.70 YTD 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year
MSCI ACWI Momentum Index 19.89 27.99 15.76 16.63 13.80
FAANG Return 45.16% 70.09% 33.49% 30.70% 27.38%
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
More specifically, on a year-to-date basis, international ex-FAANG Return
-1.92 6.28 5.28 8.94 7.63
growth has outpaced value by 28% and world growth has FAANG weight in 9.88 6.54 5.22 4.25 1.75
exceeded world value by 38%. Of note, this is the largest MSCI ACWI Net Index (09/30/20) (09/30/19) (09/30/17) (09/30/15) (09/30/10)
Facebook, Inc. is not included within market capitalization, as it did not become a publicly traded company until May 15, 2012. As of 9/30/2012, the combined
market cap of FAANG was $956 billion or 3.2% of MSCI ACWI Index.
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 17
Meanwhile, “the Great Lockdown prompted by Covid LIVE FOR TODAY, PL AN FOR TOMORROW
has lengthened growth’s lead over value”2 even further.
Many growth-oriented stocks that benefit from “socially We believe the acute differentials in performance by style sets
distanced operations are thriving—providers of the stage for a dramatic reversal, as the pendulum swings
videoconferencing software, cloud computing platforms, unexpectedly but inexorably. We expect to be beneficiaries of
communication services as well as online retailers are such an inflection point, whenever it may come.
prospering.”3 However, our analysis suggests the
magnitude of outperformance is unwarranted and that “In our view, the silver lining is that
“today’s superstars—will retreat when investors realize
they can never meet Wall Street’s bluebird forecasts and a highly polarized market led by
investor’s inflated expectations.”4 a narrow group of stocks creates
As money continues to pour into index funds, a self-fulfilling tremendous bargain opportunities
prophecy has been at work. Passive strategies must buy for active investors, like us.”
stocks in the same proportion as the indexes they track with
no regard for stock price or fundamental security analysis.
Therefore, index funds that utilize capitalization weighting In our view, prudence dictates that an allocation to value is
further exacerbate momentum when markets rally.5 not just the patient move, but a judicious move, as
Research conducted by The Evidence Based Investor blog, diversification matters. It is tempting to shun what has not
TEBI states “as bull markets run, cap weighted indexes tend worked and join the party on what has. However, we
to become more concentrated in a handful of sectors and know that past performance is not a guarantor of future
stocks. These same sectors and stocks tend to account for a results and can be a contra indicator, particularly when the
disproportionate amount of the market’s gains.”6 In our view, ‘popular’ trade reaches valuations that exceed rational
the silver lining is that a highly polarized market led by a expectations for future returns. As true contrarians, we
narrow group of stocks creates tremendous bargain invite you to think like us and take advantage of the
opportunities for active investors, like us. bargains instead of paying up for the hype.
Massive monetary stimulus further feeds the growth flame As always, we appreciate the opportunity to serve you and
by distorting the hurdle rate companies and investors use welcome any questions or comments you might have.
to determine whether an investment is worth the risk/
return. As we have written in the past, “since interest is
the price of using money over time, these low rates imply
that the value of cash flow today is less than its potential Rupal J. Bhansali
earning capacity in the future—said another way, low rates Chief Investment Officer
depress the relative present value of a company with stable International and Global Equities
cash flow in the near term, and enhance the relative value
of firms who appear less profitable today, but are perceived
to generate much higher earnings and cash flow growth in
the future.”7
Tully, Shawn. “The Champ’s big comeback: Why beaten-down value stocks are poised to thrive.” Fortune. 18 August 2020.
Lynch, David. “Are stocks divorced from reality or reflecting it?” Washington Post. 18 August 2020. Accessed online October 14, 2020.
Tully, Shawn. “The Champ’s big comeback: Why beaten-down value stocks are poised to thrive.” Fortune. 18 August 2020
Johnson, Ben. “Is market-cap indexing a form of momentum investing.” TEBI. 24 February 2020.
Johnson, Ben. “Is market-cap indexing a form of momentum investing.” TEBI. 24 February 2020.
Ariel International and Ariel Global 3Q19 Client Letter published on October 28, 2019.
Ariel International Fund management discussion
Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All performance
assumes the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and represents returns of the Investor Class shares. The investment
return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data
current to the most recent month-end for Ariel International Fund may be obtained by visiting our website,
Markets worldwide began the fiscal year on a high note, The largest detractor from performance in the period was
underscored by broad optimism around an improving global China’s largest wireless telecommunications operator,
economic outlook and a phase 1 trade deal between the China Mobile Ltd. While earlier concerns related to 5G
U.S. and China. However, in a swift and sudden reversal, the capital expenditures were somewhat eased by recently
coronavirus pandemic unleased massive economic shocks announced partnerships, new worries related to technology
sending markets into bear territory in March, as governments access have surfaced due to sanctions faced by networking
across the globe enacted strict containment policies. supplier Huawei. Nonetheless, key drivers of our thesis
Uncertainty over the duration of the virus threat and remain China Mobile’s dominant market share, strong cash
magnitude promoted policymakers and central banks in the generation, dividend yield and attractive valuation.
world’s largest economies to deliver fiscal stimulus and
Another detractor from performance in the period was
monetary relief packages. While investor optimism rebounded
Spain-based general contractor focused on industrial and
with greater vigor in the U.S. than the rest of the world,
power generation plants, particularly in the oil and gas sector,
international equities rallied with the support of ultra-low
Tecnicas Reunidas SA. Shares sold off due to the
rates. Meanwhile, the public and private sectors began
unexpected collapse in oil prices in the midst of the pandemic.
re-leveraging their balance sheets. Amidst this extreme
volatility, it is not surprising that our “risk-aware,” international To help manage unintended risks in the portfolio, we employ
portfolio outperformed on a relative basis as attention to currency hedging techniques, including buying and selling
fundamental factors such as quality, risk and valuation was currency on a spot basis and entering into short-term foreign
rewarded. Over the trailing twelve-month period, Ariel currency forward contracts. This approach can result in either
International Fund advanced +3.57% on an absolute basis, gains or losses. For the 12-month period, it resulted in net
ahead of the +0.49% gain posted by the MSCI EAFE Index realized gains of $2,237,685 for Ariel International Fund.
and the 3.00% return of the MSCI ACWI ex-US Index.
While we expect volatility to remain elevated through the
Japanese developer, manufacturer and distributor of new year, our central scenario is the global economy will
interactive entertainment products, Nintendo Co., Ltd. was recover when a vaccine or cure for Covid is available and
the top contributor over the trailing twelve-month period, on deployed worldwide. Meanwhile, equities continue to receive
strong top and bottom line performance supported by the meaningful support from low nominal/negative rates,
entertainment at home trend brought on by the Covid policymakers and central bank tool-kits. However, in our
pandemic. More specifically, results were driven by strong view, valuations are stretched and prospects of a steep or
sales of hybrid console Nintendo Switch and the portable speedy earnings recovery remain bleak. We remain
Switch Lite, new game Animal Crossing: New Horizons and concerned about the market’s complacency toward risk and
operating margin improvement driven by rising digital elevated corporate indebtedness. Given this backdrop, we
downloads. Longer term, we continue to see upside from continue to pay particular attention to a company’s growth
successful geographic execution in China, as well as from sales and return prospects, the sustainability of the business model
across mobile platforms. and resilience of the balance sheet—preferring those with the
safety of net-cash positions. We are looking for companies
Additionally, shares of long-time holding NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
whose distinct fundamentals will lend themselves to an
rose dramatically at the end of September on an acquisition
inevitable recovery—where demand is delayed, not denied.
bid from parent company, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone.
We are laser focused on uncovering and owning ideas that
NTT offered to buy the remaining 33.79% of its subsidiary,
will offer superior upside with a margin of safety.1 As patient,
NTT DoCoMo for $40 billion.
long-term investors, we continue to stay the course and
remain confident in the portfolio we own on your behalf.
Attempting to purchase with a margin of safety on price cannot protect investors from the volatility associated with stocks, incorrect assumptions or
estimations on our part, declining fundamentals or external forces.
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 19
Ariel Global Fund management discussion
Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All performance
assumes the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and represents returns of the Investor Class shares. The investment
return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data
current to the most recent month-end for Ariel Global Fund may be obtained by visiting our website,
Markets worldwide began the fiscal year on a high note, expenditures were somewhat eased by recently announced
underscored by broad optimism around an improving global partnerships, new worries related to technology access have
economic outlook and a phase 1 trade deal between the surfaced due to sanctions faced by networking supplier
U.S. and China. However, in a swift and sudden reversal, the Huawei. Nonetheless, key drivers of our thesis remain China
coronavirus pandemic unleased massive economic shocks Mobile’s dominant market share, strong cash generation,
sending markets into bear territory in March, as governments dividend yield and attractive valuation.
across the globe enacted strict containment policies.
Health care leader GlaxoSmithKline plc faced considerable
Uncertainty over the duration of the virus threat and
headwinds in the period from the pandemic, as many patients
magnitude promoted policymakers and central banks in the
are deferring doctor visits. The overall use of GSK products,
world’s largest economies to deliver fiscal stimulus and
including routine vaccinations, which are administered
monetary relief packages. While investor optimism rebounded
in-office or in-hospital by caregivers has declined in the
with greater vigor in the U.S. than the rest of the world, global
near-term. As a result, the company missed earning
equities rallied to recovery with the support of ultra-low
expectations, which pressured shares in the quarter. We
rates. Meanwhile, the public and private sectors began
believe this is a case of demand delayed, not denied and
re-leveraging their balance sheets. Whether an economy is
continue to view the long-term risk/reward of Glaxo’s health
expanding or in recession, money seeks a return. While we
care franchise skewed sharply to the upside.
are disappointed, we are not surprised that our risk-aware
global portfolios have struggled to keep pace with the To help manage unintended risks in the portfolio, we employ
growth, momentum and flow-based beneficiaries of this currency hedging techniques, including buying and selling
robust risk-on market. Over the trailing twelve-month period, currency on a spot basis and entering into short-term foreign
Ariel Global Fund advanced +4.23% on an absolute basis, currency forward contracts. This approach can result in either
underperforming the MSCI ACWI Index which traded gains or losses. For the 12-month period, it resulted in net
+10.44% higher. realized losses of $588,832 for Ariel Global Fund.
Our largest position, enterprise software provider Microsoft While we expect volatility to remain elevated through the
Corp. continued its upward trajectory throughout the fiscal new year, our central scenario is the global economy will
year. The company is in the early stages of driving value recover when a vaccine or cure for Covid is available and
creation with Azure and its hybrid cloud computing model. deployed worldwide. Meanwhile, equities continue to receive
In addition, social distancing and work-from-home business meaningful support from low nominal/negative rates,
continuity protocols have highlighted the significance of the policymakers and central bank tool-kits. However, in our
company’s cloud-based software platforms and console view, valuations are stretched and prospects of a steep or
franchise for online gaming. speedy earnings recovery remain bleak. We remain
concerned about the market’s complacency toward risk and
Japanese developer, manufacturer and distributor of
elevated corporate indebtedness. Given this backdrop, we
interactive entertainment products, Nintendo Co., Ltd
continue to pay particular attention to a company’s growth
was another top contributor, on strong top and bottom line
and return prospects, the sustainability of the business model
performance supported by the entertainment at home trend
and resilience of the balance sheet—preferring those with the
brought on by the Covid pandemic. More specifically, results
safety of net-cash positions. We are looking for companies
were driven by strong sales of hybrid console Nintendo
whose distinct fundamentals will lend themselves to an
Switch and the portable Switch Lite, new game Animal
inevitable recovery—where demand is delayed, not denied.
Crossing: New Horizons and operating margin improvement
While this attention to risk-adjusted returns has come at the
driven by rising digital downloads. Longer
expense of short-term underperformance relative to the
term, we continue to see upside from successful
benchmark, we believe it is better to lose the battle in order
geographic execution in China, as well as from sales
to win the war. We remain confident in our non-consensus
across mobile platforms.
approach to investing and are laser focused on uncovering
The largest detractor from performance in the period was and owning ideas that will offer superior upside with a margin
China’s largest wireless telecommunications operator, China of safety.1
Mobile Ltd. While earlier concerns related to 5G capital
Attempting to purchase with a margin of safety on price cannot protect investors from the volatility associated with stocks, incorrect assumptions or
estimations on our part, declining fundamentals or external forces.
2 0 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E
Ariel International Fund performance summary
summary INCEPTION:
INCEPTION: 12/30/11
Utilities 8.77 3.97 3.37
12/11 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 9/30/20
technology 3.05 8.62 11.60 The graph and performance table do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund
distributions or the redemption of fund shares.
Industrials 2.03 15.15 11.69
Energy 0.71 2.77 4.17 Expense ratio (as of 9/30/20) Net Gross
Investor Class 1.13% 1.33%
Real estate 0.69 3.10 2.72
Institutional Class 0.88% 0.96%
Materials 0.00 7.62 7.88 As of September 30, 2019, Ariel International Fund (Investor Class) had an annual net expense ratio of 1.13%
Sector weightings for the Fund are calculated based on and a gross expense ratio of 1.32%. As of September 30, 2019, Ariel International Fund (Institutional Class)
equity holdings as a percentage of total net assets. The had an annual net expense ratio of 0.88% and a gross expense ratio of 0.93%. The net expense ratio reflects a
sectors above are the Global Industry Classification Standard contractual advisory fee waiver agreement effective through September 30, 2021. Prior to November 29, 2016,
(“GICS”) sector classifications. the fee waiver was 1.25% of net assets for the Investor Class and 1.00% for the Institutional Class, and, prior to
February 1, 2014, the fee waiver was 1.40% for the Investor Class and 1.15% for the Institutional Class.
D A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 21
Ariel Global
Ariel Global Fund
Fund performance
performance summary
summary INCEPTION: 12/30/11
INCEPTION: 12/30/11
Utilities 3.56 3.09 The graph and performance table do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund
distributions or the redemption of fund shares.
Real estate 1.26 2.76
Expense ratio (as of 9/30/20) Net Gross
Industrials 0.78 9.62
Investor Class 1.13% 1.46%
Energy 0.00 2.84 Institutional Class 0.88% 1.01%
As of September 30, 2019, Ariel Global Fund (Investor Class) had an annual net expense ratio of 1.13% and a
Materials 0.00 4.77 gross expense ratio of 1.44%. As of September 30, 2019, Ariel Global Fund (Institutional Class) had an annual
net expense ratio of 0.88% and a gross expense ratio of 0.99%. The net expense ratio reflects a contractual
Sector weightings for the Fund are calculated based on
equity holdings as a percentage of total net assets. The advisory fee waiver agreement effective through September 30, 2021. Prior to November 29, 2016, the fee
sectors above are the Global Industry Classification Standard waiver was 1.25% of net assets for the Investor Class and 1.00% for the Institutional Class, and, prior to
(“GICS”) sector classifications. February 1, 2014, the fee waiver was 1.40% for the Investor Class and 1.15% for the Institutional Class.
Ariel International Fund performance summ
Company spotlight
Average annual total returns (%) as of 9
While we have long admired the bank’s tenured discretionary 9.33 11.86 13.82
back-office optimization and the development of new
management team, dominant market position, astute Utilities distribution
8.77 channels
3.97 will
3.37 also enable the bank to reduce
12/11 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
underwriting discipline and superior business model of
Information the number of branches over the next decade, even if the
technology 3.05 8.62 11.60
generating 16% to 18% Returns on Equity, the stock had loan book were to double over that The graphperiod. We believe
and performance table dothe
not reflect the deductio
distributions or the redemption of fund shares.
been trading at a substantial premium. However, Industrials
a bank2.03has a long
15.15runway 11.69for growth as loans to GDP in Peru
dramatic worldwide sell off in banking stocks during Covid amounts to around 42% of GDP while in developed
Energy 0.71 2.77 4.17 Expense ratio (as of 9/30/20)
has cut Credicorp’s share price in half, thereby providing markets such as the UK and the US this ratio is at roughly
Investor Class
an attractive entry point. While we acknowledge Realthatestate four times that
0.69 3.10level. In addition, the insurance market
near-term headwinds—from a protracted economic remains highly underpenetrated, Institutional especiallyClass in the lower
Materials 0.00 7.62 7.88 As of September 30, 2019, Ariel International Fund (Investor
shutdown and rising non-performing loans—will depress income segments of the population, providing another
and a gross expense ratio of 1.32%. As of September 30, 201
Sector weightings for the Fund are calculated based on
earnings in 2020, we believe the self-help measures to avenue for profitable growth.
equity holdings as a percentage of total net assets. The The
had bank
an hasnetdeveloped
annual expense ratio of 0.88% and a gross expen
sectors above are the Global Industry Classification Standard contractual advisory fee waiver agreement effective through S
reduce costs and achieve a best in class cost-income ratio more client-centric insurance products,
(“GICS”) sector classifications.
such as flexible
the fee waiver was 1.25% of net assets for the Investor Class
in the mid-30% will gradually alleviate the profit pressures. annuities, pay-per-use auto insurance Februaryproducts,
1, 2014, the feeand
waiver was 1.40% for the Investor
voluntary goal-oriented savings products.
PRODUCT INNOVATION Top ten companies (% of net assets)
Our investment in Credicorp epitomizes the kind of idea
Credicorp has been at the forefront of making technology we like to own—a long term quality 1. Deutsche Boersewith
franchise AG secular 8.5 6.
investments to drive better customer experience and 2. Nintendo Co., Ltd. 7.9 7.
growth facing temporary headwinds. 3. RocheWhen theAGshares of
Holding 7.8 8.
cross-sell opportunities, while also lowering costs and such businesses experience sharp4.selloffs by short
GlaxoSmithKline plc term 5.2 9.
securing a sustainable competitive advantage. To-date, 5. Philip
investors, we are able to accumulate our position on what Morris Intl, Inc. 5.2 10.
these investments have enabled the launch of a wide array we view as attractive risk-reward Forterms.
the purposes of determining the Fund’s top ten, securities
Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, FLIR Systems is a Democratic sweep in November may pressure future
global leader in advanced sensors and integrated sensor defense budgets. Fortunately, FLIR had the foresight
systems for government, commercial and industrial several years ago to shift its business more towards
customers. Founded in 1978, the company pioneered the defense modernization, which should remain a top priority.
use of thermal imaging technology to detect potential Recently, even Hillary Clinton wrote an op-ed in Foreign
failure points in critical infrastructure. Today, its products’ Affairs calling for a cut to the overall defense budget,
use cases have broadened considerably, enhancing but emphasizing that those cuts should come in areas
perception and awareness to help detect people, objects like tank and ship production, while being reinvested in
and substances that may not be perceived by human modernization efforts. FLIR’s recent wins in unmanned
senses. While the global pandemic and the upcoming reconnaissance, like the Black Hornet, or robotic hazard
election have heightened investor uncertainty over the detection, like the Centaur, are prime examples of the
company’s near-term growth prospects, we view FLIR as company’s essential positioning for tomorrow’s military.
extremely well positioned for the long-term, driven by
both industrial automation and defense modernization. REFOCUSING ON GROWTH
CEO James Cannon came to FLIR three years ago with a
mandate to reposition the company for growth. He quickly
When the pandemic essentially shut down the global refocused the business on wider moat industrial businesses
economy earlier this year, FLIR’s stock price came under by shedding more competitive, lower margin commercial
significant pressure. As one of the leading providers of businesses. At the same time, he aggressively shifted the
thermal cameras in the world, investors feared that defense business away from fading legacy military programs
demand for FLIR’s products—used in various applications and more towards defense modernization. Over the past
ranging from gas leak detection to industrial automation— three years, FLIR has leveraged its strong balance sheet to
would be put on indefinite hold. However, we believe it make several acquisitions, primarily in unmanned drones
has only strengthened demand in a post-coronavirus world. and autonomous ground vehicles, which have already
For example, in April, Amazon announced it would start resulted in several new program wins.
deploying thermal cameras to detect employee fevers.
FLIR has since reported heightened demand for its elevated A LONG TERM VIEW
skin temperature products, totaling $170 million in At current levels, investors are distracted by the near-term
bookings so far this year. Longer term, we believe this is uncertainty of the pandemic and an upcoming election.
just the tip of the iceberg, as these types of autonomous Looking forward, we believe these disruptions have only
sensing capabilities will be required across more industries heightened the importance of FLIR’s solutions. At this
and use cases than ever before. historically cheap valuation, we see a rare example of a wide
moat1 franchise that stands to benefit from growing demand
for autonomous sensing in both industrial and defense
With approximately 40% of FLIR’s revenues tied to applications. As of September 30th, shares traded at $35.85,
defense applications, investors are also fearful that a a 36% discount to our private market value of $55.60.
An economic moat is a perceived competitive advantage that acts as a barrier to entry for other companies in the same industry. This perceived advantage
cannot protect investors from the volatility associated with stocks, incorrect assumptions or estimations, declining fundamentals or external forces.
Company spotlight
National Oilwell Varco (NOV) is a leading independent non-core operations the company would like to rationalize,
provider of equipment and technology for drilling, allowing management to lower its structural costs. This cost
completion, and production in the upstream oil and discipline frees up capital for NOV to reinvest in the most
gas industry with operations in 63 countries. Founded promising core operations and acquisitions.
in 1862 and headquartered in Houston, Texas, NOV’s
35,000-person workforce serves most of the world’s major SIGNIFICANT PESSIMISM
oil and gas service companies, contractors and operators. The demand uncertainty caused directly by the Covid
As of this past June, nearly three quarters of NOV’s pandemic, as well as existing demand trends that have been
revenues were generated outside of North America, catalyzed indirectly by the pandemic, means many won’t
and half were derived from offshore applications. even research companies in the oil and gas industry. While
NOV’s large equipment business has become impaired, its
remaining maintenance businesses are still needed. While
we do not know whether or not we have reached the
A confluence of factors has made demand visibility less certain “time of maximum pessimism” famously cited by Sir John
than ever. As Covid spread across the globe, and significant Templeton as the best time to buy equities, the pessimism is
energy demand disruptions became inevitable, OPEC+ significant enough that we believe NOV shares now offer a
members became embroiled in a price war, increasing substantial discount to our estimate of intrinsic value.
production to win market share despite global storage
reaching full capacity. Oil and gas industry budgets, already ATTRACTIVE VALUATION
substantially reduced by financial controls insisted upon by Traditionally, NOV’s business model derives an annuity-like
capital providers prior to the pandemic, have been even more stream of aftermarket revenues over many years following
substantially reduced. The pandemic has also accelerated large one-time equipment sales. New large equipment
the digitization of society, and, in all likelihood, future orders are unlikely at least over the medium-term.
governmental support for the transition to cleaner energy. However, recurring aftermarket maintenance-related sales
should continue throughout the pandemic, albeit negatively
impacted by cannibalization of spare parts stripped from
idle equipment. Once the pandemic subsides, these sales
While many companies would like to take advantage of ever should accelerate. NOV is also well-suited to service the
growing opportunities, few have the balance sheet to actually industry’s ongoing push toward data gathering and analysis.
do so without meaningfully diluting existing shareholders. Finally, although many observers may not yet realize it,
While NOV’s optionality company is difficult to quantify, the NOV has quietly become one of the world’s largest
company’s reputation for conservative leverage and cash installers of offshore wind towers and turbines. With
management will enable management to make appropriate fewer and fewer market participants taking the time to
decisions in the face of the uncertain oil and gas outlook. Not look deeply at NOV, patient investors can own one of
only does NOV’s balance sheet strength help reassure the industry’s best franchises at what we believe to be
markets of its own long-term viability, it limits dependence on a substantial discount to intrinsic value.
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 25
Ariel Fund performance summary INC
Company spotlight
Average annual total returns (%) as of 6/30/20
An economic moat is a perceived competitive advantage that acts as a barrier to entry for other companies in the same industry. This perceived advantage
cannot protect investors from the volatility associated with stocks, incorrect assumptions or estimations, declining fundamentals or external forces.
The inception date for the Institutional Class shares is December 30, 2011. Performance information for the Institutional Class
26 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E Rreflects
AC E the actual performance of the Fund’s Investor Class (and uses the actual expenses of the Fund’s Investor Class, for such
without any adjustments. For any such period of time, the performance of the Fund’s Institutional Class would have been subst
higher than, the performance of the Fund’s Investor Class, because the shares of both classes are invested in the same portfolio
classes bear different expenses, which are primarily differences in distribution and service fees.
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments 09/30/20
Ariel Fund
Number of shares Common stocks—98.10% Value
Basic materials—1.03%
5,477,884 U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc.(a) $16,433,652
Consumer discretionary—35.71%
5,719,089 Mattel, Inc.(b) 66,913,341
632,804 Mohawk Industries, Inc.(b) 61,755,342
2,100,665 ViacomCBS, Inc. 58,839,627
3,173,966 Interpublic Group of Cos., Inc. 52,910,013
4,408,277 TEGNA, Inc. 51,797,255
5,134,489 MSG Networks, Inc.(b) 49,137,060
1,935,899 Adtalem Global Education, Inc.(b) 47,506,962
2,994,735 Nielsen Holdings plc 42,465,342
589,100 Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp.(b) 40,347,459
2,981,414 Meredith Corp. 39,116,152
402,940 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. 26,082,306
78,169 Vail Resorts, Inc. 16,725,821
1,012,665 Knowles Corp.(b) 15,088,709
Consumer staples—3.00%
413,245 J.M. Smucker Co. 47,738,062
1,136,410 Core Laboratories N.V. 17,341,617
2,021,203 Lazard Ltd., Class A 66,800,759
1,931,839 KKR & Co., Inc. 66,339,351
732,600 Northern Trust Corp. 57,120,822
974,888 First American Financial Corp. 49,631,548
593,300 Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. 40,569,854
1,159,249 Janus Henderson Group plc 25,178,888
467,207 BOK Financial Corp. 24,065,833
Health care—10.59%
2,489,515 Envista Holdings Corp.(b) 61,441,230
293,500 Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings(b) 55,257,245
50,581 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.(b) 26,072,482
114,506 Charles River Laboratories Intl, Inc.(b) 25,929,884
365,463 Snap-on, Inc. 53,770,571
1,635,641 Kennametal, Inc. 47,335,451
854,700 Masco Corp. 47,119,611
177,500 Zebra Technologies Corp.(b) 44,811,650
407,785 Keysight Technologies, Inc.(b) 40,281,002
272,247 Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc. 26,451,519
Real estate—5.53%
500,299 JLL 47,858,602
856,453 CBRE Group, Inc., Class A(b) 40,227,597
1,044,400 Stericycle, Inc.(b) 65,859,864
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 27
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments (continued) 09/30/20
800.292.7435 2
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments (continued) 09/30/20
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 29
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments (continued) 09/30/20
3 0 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E
800.292.7435 4
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments (continued) 09/30/20
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 31
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments (continued) 09/30/20
800.292.7435 6
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments (continued) 09/30/20
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 33
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments (continued) 09/30/20
800.292.7435 8
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments (continued) 09/30/20
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 35
Schedules of investments
Schedules of investments (continued) 09/30/20
A category may contain multiple industries as defined by the Global Industry Classification Standards.
800.292.7435 10
Statements of assets
Statements of assets&&liabilities
liabilities 09/30/20
Payable for securities purchased — 5,122,789 —
Payable for fund shares redeemed 571,175 757,784 —
Other liabilities 493,749 325,660 27,782
Total liabilities 1,064,924 6,206,233 27,782
Net assets $1,592,506,319 $973,413,442 $44,584,286
(a)See Note Seven, Transactions with Affiliated Companies, for information on affiliated issuers.
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 37
Statements of assets
Statements of assets && liabilities
liabilities (continued) 09/30/20
Payable for securities and foreign currencies purchased 9,670,194 30,588
Payable for fund shares redeemed 57,271 —
Unrealized depreciation on forward currency contracts 2,220,392 167,763
Other liabilities 86,135 31,831
Total liabilities 12,033,992 230,182
Net assets $621,647,190 $105,962,395
38 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E 800.292.7435 12
Statements of operations
Statements of operations YEAR ENDED 09/30/20
YEAR ENDED 09/30/20
Management fees 10,638,175 7,898,123 331,861
Distribution fees (Investor Class) 2,816,148 2,185,630 93,765
Shareholder service fees
Investor Class 1,007,196 671,466 23,849
Institutional Class 374,644 101,186 2,633
Transfer agent fees and expenses
Investor Class 260,948 214,735 18,690
Institutional Class 92,395 34,139 3,586
Printing and postage expenses
Investor Class 377,412 242,920 16,869
Institutional Class 53,800 32,162 507
Trustees' fees and expenses 418,564 258,373 11,925
Professional fees 151,829 101,532 26,112
Custody fees and expenses 26,100 18,117 4,959
Federal and state registration fees 54,944 43,388 37,481
Interest expense 206 111 68
Miscellaneous expenses 237,292 152,914 15,247
Total expenses before reimbursements 16,509,653 11,954,796 587,552
Expense reimbursements — — (110,872)
Net expenses 16,509,653 11,954,796 476,680
Net investment income 14,662,224 11,394,094 657,603
(a)See Note Seven, Transactions with Affiliated Companies, for information on affiliated issuers.
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 39
Statements of operations
Statements of operations (continued) YEAR ENDED 09/30/20
YEAR ENDED 09/30/20
Management fees 5,298,713 805,337
Distribution fees (Investor Class) 55,086 28,456
Shareholder service fees
Investor Class 14,614 8,964
Institutional Class 128,979 11,473
Transfer agent fees and expenses
Investor Class 4,156 5,620
Institutional Class 80,828 10,845
Printing and postage expenses
Investor Class 6,826 6,729
Institutional Class 1,386 694
Trustees' fees and expenses 156,957 23,442
Professional fees 81,581 38,537
Custody fees and expenses 351,097 25,988
Administration fees 49,567 15,143
Fund accounting fees 33,812 11,191
Federal and state registration fees 44,931 39,191
Interest expense 503 —
Miscellaneous expenses 106,454 35,182
Total expenses before reimbursements 6,415,490 1,066,792
Expense reimbursements (531,814) (152,465)
Net expenses 5,883,676 914,327
Net investment income 13,016,050 1,904,307
4 0 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E
800.292.7435 14
Statements of changes
Statements of changesininnet
Distributions to shareholders:
Investor Class (76,888,411) (121,436,612) (75,047,808) (74,863,766)
Institutional Class (46,679,751) (55,975,419) (22,869,083) (15,836,105)
Total distributions (123,568,162) (177,412,031) (97,916,891) (90,699,871)
Share transactions:
Value of shares issued
Investor Class 79,382,425 116,556,382(a) 48,222,602 51,028,975
Institutional Class 99,895,664 323,922,186(a) 38,142,541 109,586,371
Value of shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and
Investor Class 74,932,867 119,065,017 73,132,225 73,152,298
Institutional Class 45,595,738 55,435,521 21,956,039 15,069,678
Value of shares redeemed
Investor Class (268,767,987) (282,090,577) (206,912,734) (308,080,536)
Institutional Class (185,472,150) (209,043,725) (125,868,943) (68,570,363)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from share
transactions (154,433,443) 123,844,804 (151,328,270) (127,813,577)
Total increase (decrease) in net assets (453,102,249) (215,600,704) (321,594,980) (294,665,965)
Net assets:
Beginning of year 2,045,608,568 2,261,209,272 1,295,008,422 1,589,674,387
End of year $1,592,506,319 $2,045,608,568 $973,413,442 $1,295,008,422
Institutional shares
Shares sold 1,856,746 5,078,350(a) 998,772 2,492,412
Shares issued to holders in reinvestment of dividends 718,813 886,283 503,224 351,123
Shares redeemed (3,323,374) (3,277,965) (3,152,070) (1,545,478)
Net increase (decrease) (747,815) 2,686,668 (1,650,074) 1,298,057
(a)Theseamounts include the value of shares issued through the reorganization of Ariel Discovery Fund into Ariel Fund of $4,965,629 and $14,356,814 and
shares issued from the reorganization of 75,749 and 218,695 for Investor Class and Institutional Class, respectively.
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 41
Statements of changes
Statements of changesininnet
assets (continued)
Distributions to shareholders:
Investor Class (449,140) (2,567,313)
Institutional Class (190,860) (1,252,679)
Total distributions (640,000) (3,819,992)
Share transactions:
Value of shares issued
Investor Class 8,769,052 7,999,737
Institutional Class 291,013 1,724,291
Value of shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions
Investor Class 391,077 2,250,259
Institutional Class 182,516 1,186,707
Value of shares redeemed
Investor Class (14,491,053) (8,764,504)
Institutional Class (2,439,574) (4,989,722)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from share transactions (7,296,969) (593,232)
Total increase (decrease) in net assets (11,737,506) (9,571,253)
Net assets:
Beginning of year 56,321,792 65,893,045
End of year $44,584,286 $56,321,792
Institutional shares
Shares sold 24,788 136,137
Shares issued to holders in reinvestment of dividends 13,361 94,584
Shares redeemed (196,443) (440,749)
Net increase (decrease) (158,294) (210,028)
800.292.7435 16
Statements of changes
Statements of changesininnet
assets (continued)
Distributions to shareholders:
Investor Class (386,371) (493,805) (534,437) (427,827)
Institutional Class (14,313,629) (9,261,318) (4,196,383) (3,493,124)
Total distributions (14,700,000) (9,755,123) (4,730,820) (3,920,951)
Share transactions:
Value of shares issued
Investor Class 5,222,931 4,453,870 1,499,744 2,595,157
Institutional Class 92,622,193 227,428,221 19,949,287 22,429,052
Value of shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and
Investor Class 355,381 471,981 461,661 372,292
Institutional Class 13,880,644 8,975,997 4,177,327 3,433,255
Value of shares redeemed
Investor Class (8,896,414) (31,784,545) (3,140,666) (4,645,873)
Institutional Class (230,913,115) (113,239,539) (2,185,004) (64,577,573)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from share
transactions (127,728,380) 96,305,985 20,762,349 (40,393,690)
Total increase (decrease) in net assets (125,818,500) 73,279,902 20,079,165 (48,523,418)
Net assets:
Beginning of year 747,465,690 674,185,788 85,883,230 134,406,648
End of year $621,647,190 $747,465,690 $105,962,395 $85,883,230
Institutional shares
Shares sold 7,029,709 17,554,342 1,334,079 1,521,524
Shares issued to holders in reinvestment of dividends 1,033,555 735,258 279,454 245,457
Shares redeemed (18,115,827) (8,785,066) (151,791) (4,309,256)
Net increase (decrease) (10,052,563) 9,504,534 1,461,742 (2,542,275)
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 43
Financial highlightsFor
Financial highlights Foraashare
throughout each
each year
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.55) (0.59) (0.48) (0.18) (0.41)
Distributions from capital gains (3.23) (5.14) (3.93) (4.04) (9.26)
Total distributions (3.78) (5.73) (4.41) (4.22) (9.67)
Net asset value, end of year $54.40 $63.40 $74.58 $69.11 $63.74
Total return (9.03)% (7.17)% 14.98% 15.76% 15.55%
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.75) (0.80) (0.68) (0.37) (0.63)
Distributions from capital gains (3.23) (5.14) (3.93) (4.04) (9.26)
Total distributions (3.98) (5.94) (4.61) (4.41) (9.89)
Net asset value, end of year $54.53 $63.55 $74.78 $69.28 $63.87
Total return (8.74)% (6.86)% 15.30% 16.11% 15.87%
4 4 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E
800.292.7435 18
Financial highlightsFor
Financial highlights a share outstanding throughout each period
For a share outstanding throughout each year
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.42) (0.42) (0.39) (0.30) (0.50)
Distributions from capital gains (2.96) (2.42) (5.61) (3.41) (4.93)
Total distributions (3.38) (2.84) (6.00) (3.71) (5.43)
Net asset value, end of year $38.76 $44.43 $49.48 $50.91 $48.90
Total return (5.93)% (4.23)% 9.90% 12.41% 13.66%
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.56) (0.58) (0.55) (0.44) (0.69)
Distributions from capital gains (2.96) (2.42) (5.61) (3.41) (4.93)
Total distributions (3.52) (3.00) (6.16) (3.85) (5.62)
Net asset value, end of year $38.86 $44.55 $49.64 $51.07 $49.03
Total return (5.65)% (3.91)% 10.21% 12.78% 14.01%
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 4 5
Financial highlightsFor
Financial highlights a share outstanding throughout each period
For a share outstanding throughout each year
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.14) (0.13) (0.11) (0.13) (0.13)
Distributions from capital gains — (0.71) (0.67) — (1.33)
Total distributions (0.14) (0.84) (0.78) (0.13) (1.46)
Net asset value, end of year $12.13 $12.89 $14.77 $13.71 $11.83
Total return (4.91)% (6.86)% 14.26% 17.09% 14.59%
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.16) (0.16) (0.13) (0.16) (0.18)
Distributions from capital gains — (0.71) (0.67) — (1.33)
Total distributions (0.16) (0.87) (0.80) (0.16) (1.51)
Net asset value, end of year $12.14 $12.89 $14.77 $13.69 $11.81
Total return (4.69)% (6.56)% 14.54% 17.40% 14.83%
4 6 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E
800.292.7435 20
Financial highlightsFor
Financial highlights Foraashare
throughout each
each year
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.22) (0.12) (0.10) (0.17) (0.02)
Distributions from capital gains — (0.03) (0.15) (0.03) (0.01)
Total distributions (0.22) (0.15) (0.25) (0.20) (0.03)
Net asset value, end of year $13.68 $13.42 $13.91 $14.23 $13.21
Total return 3.57% (2.39)% (0.49)% 9.55% 8.76%
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.28) (0.16) (0.13) (0.21) (0.02)
Distributions from capital gains — (0.03) (0.15) (0.03) (0.01)
Total distributions (0.28) (0.19) (0.28) (0.24) (0.03)
Net asset value, end of year $13.39 $13.18 $13.68 $13.99 $13.00
Total return 3.74% (2.13)% (0.17)% 9.80% 8.98%
November 29, 2016, the Adviser contractually agreed to waive fees and reimburse expenses in order to limit the Fund’s total annual operating
expenses to 1.13% for the Investor Class and 0.88% for the Institutional Class.
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 47
Financial highlightsFor
Financial highlights Foraashare
throughout each
each year
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.31) (0.32) (0.16) (0.21) (0.11)
Distributions from capital gains (0.38) (0.16) (0.54) (0.16) —
Total distributions (0.69) (0.48) (0.70) (0.37) (0.11)
Net asset value, end of year $15.36 $15.40 $16.48 $16.05 $14.60
Total return 4.23% (3.41)% 7.38% 12.87% 12.26%
Distributions to shareholders:
Dividends from net investment income (0.33) (0.36) (0.18) (0.28) (0.20)
Distributions from capital gains (0.38) (0.16) (0.54) (0.16) —
Total distributions (0.71) (0.52) (0.72) (0.44) (0.20)
Net asset value, end of year $14.87 $14.92 $15.98 $15.57 $14.21
Total return 4.48% (3.18)% 7.63% 13.10% 12.56%
November 29, 2016, the Adviser contractually agreed to waive fees and reimburse expenses in order to limit the Fund’s total annual operating
expenses to 1.13% for the Investor Class and 0.88% for the Institutional Class.
4 8 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E
800.292.7435 22
Notes to the
Notes to the financial
financial statements
statements 09/30/20
Notes to the
Notes to the financial
financial statements
statements (continued) 09/30/20
The following tables summarize the inputs used as of September 30, 2020, in valuing the Funds’ investments carried at fair value:
Industry classifications for Ariel Fund, Ariel Appreciation Fund, and Ariel Focus Fund are included in the Schedules of Investments for the
respective Fund.
* As of September 30, 2020, the Level 2 investments held were a security subject to fair valuation due to a market holiday and forward
currency contracts. See Schedules of Investments.
^ Forward currency contracts derive their value from underlying exchange rates. These instruments are normally valued by pricing
vendors using pricing models. The pricing models typically use inputs that are observed from trading in active forward foreign currency
markets. As such, forward currency contracts are categorized as Level 2. The value of forward currency contracts that is disclosed in this
table is equal to the difference between Open forward currency contracts with unrealized appreciation and Open forward currency
contracts with unrealized depreciation shown in the Schedules of Investments.
5 0 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E 800.292.7435 24
Notes to the
Notes to the financial
financial statements
statements (continued) 09/30/20
Offsetting assets and liabilities—The Funds are subject to various master netting agreements (“Master Netting Agreements”), which
govern the terms of certain transactions with select counterparties. Master Netting Agreements seek to reduce the counterparty risk
associated with relevant transactions by allowing the Funds to close out and net their total exposure to a counterparty in the event of a
default by the other party or a termination event. Termination events include, but are not limited to, a failure to pay or deliver or a breach
of the terms of the agreement with respect to transactions governed under a single agreement with that counterparty. The Master Netting
Agreements may also specify collateral posting arrangements at pre-arranged exposure levels. The Funds are not currently collateralizing
their exposures related to foreign exchange trades. For financial reporting purposes, the Funds do not offset financial assets and liabilities
that are subject to the Master Netting Agreements in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Gross exposure relating to open forward
currency contracts by counterparty is disclosed in the Schedules of Investments as Open forward currency contracts with unrealized
appreciation (assets) and Open forward currency contracts with unrealized depreciation (liabilities) and in total by Fund on the Statements
of Assets and Liabilities as Unrealized appreciation on forward currency contracts (assets) and Unrealized depreciation on forward
currency contracts (liabilities). The net recognized asset (appreciation) or liability (depreciation) is shown in the Schedules of Investments
as Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on forward currency contracts.
Foreign currency—Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars on a daily
basis using exchange rates obtained from an independent third party. Net realized gain (loss) and Net unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) on investments include the effects of changes in exchange rates on the underlying investments. Fluctuations in the value of
other assets and liabilities resulting from changes in exchange rates are included as Distributable earnings on the Statements of Assets and
Liabilities until the underlying assets or liabilities are settled in cash, at which time they are recorded as Net realized gain (loss) on
translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies on the Statements of Operations.
Forward currency contracts—Ariel International Fund and Ariel Global Fund enter into forward currency contracts to provide the
appropriate currency exposure related to protecting the value of securities and related receivables and payables against changes in foreign
exchange rates. The primary risk associated with a Fund’s use of these contracts is that a counterparty will fail to fulfill its obligation to pay
gains due to the Fund under the contracts. This counterparty risk is mitigated by entering into forward currency contracts only with highly
rated counterparties. Forward currency contracts are “marked-to-market” daily, and as noted above, any resulting unrealized gain (loss) is
recorded as Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on forward currency contracts as disclosed in the Schedules of Investments and in
the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as a component of Distributable earnings. The Funds record realized gain (loss) when a forward
currency contract is settled or closed and disclose such realized gain (loss) on the Statements of Operations as Net realized gain (loss) on
forward currency contracts.
Class and expense allocations—Each class of shares of the Funds has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that shareholders of
each class bear certain class-specific expenses related to marketing and distribution and shareholder servicing and communication. Income,
other non-class-specific expense, and realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on
its relative net assets. Expenses that are not directly attributable to one or more Funds are allocated among applicable Funds on an
equitable and consistent basis considering such things as the nature and type of expense and the relative net assets of the Funds.
Ariel Fund, Ariel Appreciation Fund and Ariel Focus Fund pay all operating expenses not expressly assumed by the Adviser, including
custodial and transfer agency fees, federal and state securities registration fees, legal and audit fees, and brokerage commissions and other
costs associated with the purchase and sale of portfolio securities. Ariel International Fund and Ariel Global Fund pay all operating expenses
not expressly assumed by the Adviser, including custodial and transfer agency fees, fund administration, fund accounting, federal and state
securities registration fees, legal and audit fees, and brokerage commissions and other costs associated with the purchase and sale of
portfolio securities.
Distributions to shareholders—Dividends from net investment income and net realized capital gains, if any, are declared and paid to
shareholders at least annually and are recorded on ex-dividend date.
Notes to the
Notes to the financial
financial statements
statements (continued) 09/30/20
The difference between book basis and tax basis unrealized appreciation and depreciation is attributable primarily to the deferral of losses
due to wash sales and partnership adjustments.
Distributions to shareholders—Reclassifications between net asset accounts are made at the end of the fiscal year for such differences that
are permanent in nature. These differences are primarily due to distribution reclassifications, net operating loss, or foreign currency.
Reclassifications recorded at September 30, 2020 were as follows:
Distributions —The tax character of distributions paid during the years ended September 30 was as follows:
52 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E 800.292.7435 26
Notes to the
Notes to the financial
financial statements
statements (continued) 09/30/20
The components of accumulated earnings at September 30, 2020 on a federal income tax basis were as follows:
At September 30, 2020, short-term and long-term capital losses of $3,562,201 and $36,048,791, respectively, incurred by Ariel
International Fund are carried forward indefinitely under the provisions of the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010.
At September 30, 2020, short-term and long-term capital losses of $361,261 and $1,935,866, respectively, incurred by Ariel Global Fund
are carried forward indefinitely under the provisions of the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010.
On June 28, 2019 Ariel Fund acquired the assets of Ariel Discovery Fund through a tax-free reorganization. Pursuant to IRS Code Sections
381 & 382, Ariel Fund is limited as to how much of Ariel Discovery Fund’s capital loss carry-forward it can use to offset its net capital gains
on an annual basis. The annual limitation available to Ariel Fund is $423,143. During the tax year ended September 30, 2020, the Ariel Fund
utilized $423,143 of its capital loss carry-forward.
Management fees—Ariel Investments, LLC (the “Adviser”) provides investment advisory and administrative services to Ariel Fund, Ariel
Appreciation Fund and Ariel Focus Fund under a Management Agreement. The Adviser provides investment advisory services to Ariel
International Fund and Ariel Global Fund under an Advisory Agreement (collectively, the “Agreements”). Pursuant to the Agreements, the
Adviser is paid a monthly fee on average daily net assets at the annual rates shown below:
The Adviser has contractually agreed to reimburse the Funds to the extent their respective total annual operating expenses (excluding
brokerage, interest, taxes, distribution plan expenses and extraordinary items) exceed certain limits as shown below:
Ariel Fund Appreciation Fund
Investor Class Investor Class Investor Class Institutional Class
First $30 million 1.50% 1.50% — —
Over $30 million 1.00% 1.00% — —
On average daily net assets — — 1.00% 0.75%
Expiration of waivers* — — 2021 2021
Notes to the
Notes to the financial
financial statements
statements (continued) 09/30/20
* Through September 30 of the respective year. After this date, there is no assurance that such expenses will be limited. The Adviser has
no right to recapture previously-waived fees.
Distribution fees—Ariel Distributors, LLC is the Funds’ distributor and principal underwriter (the “Distributor”). The Trust has adopted a
plan of distribution under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act for the Investor Class of the Funds. Under the plan, the Investor Class of each Fund
pays 12b-1 distribution fees calculated at an annual rate of 0.25% of average daily net assets on a weekly basis to the Distributor for its
services. For the year ended September 30, 2020 distribution fee expenses were as follows:
The remaining amounts were used by the Distributor to offset the costs of marketing, advertising, and other distribution expenses.
Trustees’ fees—Trustees’ fees and expenses represent only those expenses of disinterested (independent) trustees of the Funds.
5 4 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E 800.292.7435 28
Notes to the
Notes to the financial
financial statements
statements (continued) 09/30/20
Amount of
Balance Balance Dividends Amount of gain change in Percent
September 30, September 30, credited to (loss) realized on unrealized gain of net
Security name 2019 Purchases Sales 2020 Value income sale of shares (loss) on shares assets
Ariel Fund
Meredith Corp.
discretionary)^ 1,010,281 1,971,133 — 2,981,414 $— $1,755,951 $— $(44,228,287) —%
MSG Networks,
Inc. (Consumer
discretionary)^ 3,692,684 1,609,505 167,700 5,134,489 — — (1,700,238) (27,028,622) —
U.S. Silica Holdings,
Inc. (Basic
materials) 5,143,389 334,495 — 5,477,884 16,433,652 451,925 — (35,328,693) 1.0
$16,433,652 $2,207,876 $(1,700,238) $(106,585,602) 1.0%
^ This security is no longer deemed to be an affiliate of the Fund as of September 30, 2020.
Fund Average daily borrowings Number of days outstanding Weighted average annualized interest rate
Ariel Fund $1,169,457 3 2.11%
Ariel Appreciation Fund 381,644 5 2.09%
Ariel Focus Fund 584,098 7 1.06%
Ariel International Fund 16,774,729 1 1.08%
Report of independent registered public accounting firm
Report of independent registered public accounting firm
We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities of Ariel Investment Trust, comprising the Ariel Fund, Ariel
Appreciation Fund, Ariel Focus Fund, Ariel International Fund, and Ariel Global Fund (collectively the “Funds”), including the schedules of
investments as of September 30, 2020, the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net
assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended,
and the related notes. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of each of the Funds constituting the Ariel Investment Trust as of September 30, 2020, and the results of their operations for the
year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of
the five years in the period then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Basis for Opinion
These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on the Funds’ financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in
accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and
the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement, whether due
to error or fraud. The Funds are not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of their internal control over financial
reporting. As part of our audits we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the
purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no
such opinion.
Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and financial highlights,
whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test
basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights. Our audits also included evaluating
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial
statements and financial highlights. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of September 30, 2020, by
correspondence with the custodian and brokers. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Chicago, Illinois
November 13, 2020
We have served as the auditor of one or more Ariel Investment Trust investment companies since 2011.
5 6 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E 800.292.7435 30
Important supplementalinformation
Important supplemental information 09/30/20 (UNAUDITED)
09/30/20 (UNAUDITED)
Fund expense example
Fund expense example 09/30/20 (UNAUDITED)
09/30/20 (UNAUDITED)
As a shareholder of the Funds, you incur ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution and service (12b-1) fees and other Fund
expenses. The Funds currently do not charge any transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on subscriptions, reinvested dividends or
other distributions, redemption fees or exchange fees. The following example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in
dollars) of investing in each of the Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. Please note
that IRA, 403(b) and Coverdell ESA account holders are charged an annual $15 recordkeeping fee or a one-time, lifetime $60 fee. If these
fees were included in either the Actual Expense or Hypothetical Example below, your costs would be higher.
The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period of April 1, 2020 -
September 30, 2020.
The left portion of the table below for each Fund provides information about actual account values and actual expenses for that particular
Fund. You may use the information in each of these lines, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid
over the period in each Fund. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000=8.6),
then multiply the result by the number under the heading, entitled “Expenses Paid During Period”, to estimate the expenses you paid on
your account during this period in each Fund.
* Expenses are calculated using each Portfolio's annualized expense ratio (as disclosed in the table), multiplied by the average account value for the period, multiplied
by the number of days in the most recent half fiscal year (183), and divided by the number of days in the current year (366).
58 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E 800.292.7435 32
Board of trustees
Board of trustees
Note: Number of portfolios in complex overseen by all Trustees is five. Address for all Trustees is 200 East Randolph Street, Suite 2900, Chicago, IL 60601-6505.
Note: Number of portfolios in complex overseen by all Ofcers is five. Address for all ofcers is 200 East Randolph Street, Suite 2900, Chicago, IL 60601-6505.
6 0 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E 800.292.7435 34
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 61
The Russell 2500™ Value Index measures the performance of the small to mid-cap value segment of the U.S. equity
universe. It includes those Russell 2500 companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values.
This index pertains to Ariel Fund.
The Russell 2500™ Index measures the performance of the small to mid-cap segment of the U.S. equity universe, commonly
referred to as “smid” cap. The Russell 2500 Index is a subset of the Russell 3000® Index. It includes approximately 2,500 of the
smallest securities based on a combination of their market cap and current index membership. This index pertains to Ariel Fund.
The Russell Midcap® Index measures the performance of the mid-cap segment of the U.S. equity universe. The Russell Midcap
Index is a subset of the Russell 1000® Index. It includes approximately 800 of the smallest securities based on a combination of
their market cap and current index membership. This index pertains to Ariel Appreciation Fund.
The Russell Midcap® Value Index measures the performance of the mid-cap value segment of the U.S. equity universe. It
includes those Russell Midcap Index companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. This
index pertains to Ariel Appreciation Fund.
The Russell 1000® Value Index measures the performance of the large-cap value segment of the U.S. equity universe. It
includes those Russell 1000 companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower expected growth values. This index
pertains to Ariel Focus Fund.
The S&P 500® Index is the most widely accepted barometer of large cap U.S. equities. It includes 500 leading companies. This
index pertains to Ariel Fund, Ariel Appreciation Fund and Ariel Focus Fund.
MSCI EAFE Index is an unmanaged, market-weighted index of companies in developed markets, excluding the U.S. and
Canada. The MSCI EAFE Index net returns reflect the reinvestment of income and other earnings, including the dividends net
of the maximum withholding tax applicable to non-resident institutional investors that do not benefit from double taxation
treaties. MSCI uses the maximum tax rate applicable to institutional investors, as determined by the companies’ country of
incorporation. This index pertains to Ariel International Fund.
The MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index) ex-US Index is an unmanaged, market-weighted index of global developed and
emerging markets, excluding the United States. The MSCI ACWI ex-US Index net returns reflect the reinvestment of income
and other earnings, including the dividends net of the maximum withholding tax applicable to non-resident institutional investors
that do not benefit from double taxation treaties. MSCI uses the maximum tax rate applicable to institutional investors, as
determined by the companies’ country of incorporation. This index pertains to Ariel International Fund.
MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index) Index is an unmanaged, market weighted index of global developed and emerging
markets. The MSCI ACWI Index net returns reflect the reinvestment of income and other earnings, including the dividends net
of the maximum withholding tax applicable to non-resident institutional investors that do not benefit from double taxation
treaties. MSCI uses the maximum tax rate applicable to institutional investors, as determined by the companies’ country of
incorporation. This index pertains to Ariel Global Fund.
Indexes are unmanaged. An investor cannot invest directly in an index.
Frank Russell Company (“Russell”) is the source and owner of the trademarks, service marks and copyrights related to the Russell
Indexes. Russell® is a trademark of Frank Russell Company. Neither Russell nor its licensors accept any liability for any errors or
omissions in the Russell Indexes or underlying data and no party may rely on any Russell Indexes and/or underlying data contained in
this communication. No further distribution of Russell data is permitted without Russell’s express written consent. Russell does not
promote, sponsor or endorse the content of this communication.
MSCI makes no express or implied warranties or representations and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any MSCI data
contained herein. The MSCI data may not be further redistributed or used to create indices or financial products. This report is not
approved or produced by MSCI. Source: MSCI.
GICS was developed by and is the exclusive property and a service mark of MSCI Inc. (“MSCI”) and Standard & Poor’s, a division of
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”) and is licensed for use by Ariel Investments, LLC. Neither MSCI, S&P nor any third party
involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications makes any express or implied warranties or representations with
respect to such standard or classification (or the results to be obtained by the use thereof), and all such parties hereby expressly
disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of
such standard or classification. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, S&P, any of their affiliates or any third
party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive,
consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
A special note to our shareholders
A R I E L I N V ES T M E N T S .CO M 63
6 4 S LO W A N D S T E A DY W I N S T H E R AC E
The materials used to produce this report were sourced responsibly.
The paper used along with the packaging are all recyclable.
Ariel Investment Trust
c/o U.S. Bank Global Fund Services
P.O. Box 701
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701
What’s inside
• The Comeback Kids Co-CEOs John W. Rogers, Jr. and Mellody Hobson
show us, from their investing vantage point, how today’s environment is ripe for
small- and mid-sized companies to truly shine.
• In Position Vice Chairman, Charlie Bobrinskoy, prepares for an economy with
higher inflation, higher interest rates and market recognition of the intrinsic value
in Ariel’s holdings.
• Active Investing Learn how Rupal Bhansali, Chief Investment Officer, perceives
a highly polarized market as potential for future gains.
• Company Spotlights Read about Credicorp, FLIR Systems, National Oilwell
Varco and Vail Resorts to understand Ariel’s investment theses and long-term
value propositions.
Slow and steady wins the race. TPI (67,000) ©11/20 AI–03