Search Criteria Tasks

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Query Practice Tasks

All tasks are to be performed in the DVD Database

(Type Answers into Text Boxes then Print)


Task 1
 How many titles in our collection star Bruce Lee?

Task 2
 How many titles in our collection were made in 1999?

Task 3
 How many titles of the action genre were made after 2001?

Task 4
 How many titles were made in 2000 or 2004?

Task 5
 How many titles of the action genre starred Bruce Willis and were
rated less than 4?
Task 6
 How many titles in our collection are in the Sci-Fi or Comedy genre
and are rated more than or equal to 3?

Task 7
 How many titles in our collection cost less or equal to £6?
Note: You don’t need to enter the £ sign when entering the price

Task 8
 How many titles contain the word ‘The’ and were released in the
year 2002 or later?

Task 9
 How many titles are of the horror or thriller genre and cost
between £4 and £14?

Task 10
 How many titles star Brad Pitt or Mel Gibson, were rated between
2 and 4 and have a length of more than 120 minutes?
Task 11
 How many titles contain the word ‘Future’ and were released after

Task 12
 How many titles were released between 1995 and 2005 and starred
an actor whose name begins with ‘W’?

Task 13
 How many titles cost between £4 and £8, are in the horror genre
and the name of the movie ends with the letter ‘S’?

Task 14
 How many titles have names that are exactly 7 characters long?

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