Search Criteria Tasks
Search Criteria Tasks
Search Criteria Tasks
Task 1
How many titles in our collection star Bruce Lee?
Task 2
How many titles in our collection were made in 1999?
Task 3
How many titles of the action genre were made after 2001?
Task 4
How many titles were made in 2000 or 2004?
Task 5
How many titles of the action genre starred Bruce Willis and were
rated less than 4?
Task 6
How many titles in our collection are in the Sci-Fi or Comedy genre
and are rated more than or equal to 3?
Task 7
How many titles in our collection cost less or equal to £6?
Note: You don’t need to enter the £ sign when entering the price
Task 8
How many titles contain the word ‘The’ and were released in the
year 2002 or later?
Task 9
How many titles are of the horror or thriller genre and cost
between £4 and £14?
Task 10
How many titles star Brad Pitt or Mel Gibson, were rated between
2 and 4 and have a length of more than 120 minutes?
Task 11
How many titles contain the word ‘Future’ and were released after
Task 12
How many titles were released between 1995 and 2005 and starred
an actor whose name begins with ‘W’?
Task 13
How many titles cost between £4 and £8, are in the horror genre
and the name of the movie ends with the letter ‘S’?
Task 14
How many titles have names that are exactly 7 characters long?