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Small and Medium Business

Why TCS SMB About Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Our global experience, domestic market reach, skills, know-how, Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, business solutions
alliances, and delivery capabilities to deploy solutions, all come and outsourcing organization that delivers real results to
together in this powerful partnership. This in turn ensures that global businesses, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm
you reap significant benefits of speed-to-market and cost control, can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of
amongst others. You stand to gain from the following: IT and IT-enabled services delivered through its unique
Global Network Delivery ModelTM recognized as the benchmark
n Single window for all IT requirements. Working with
of excellence in software development.
multiple vendors for IT solutions can often lead to poor
integration and lack of service levels across the stacks. We A part of the Tata Group, India’s largest industrial conglomerate,
make your IT operations simple and easy by providing TCS has over 100,000 of the world's best trained IT consultants in
solutions which cover the entire stack needed to run your daily 50 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of
operations. US $5.7 billion for fiscal year ended 31 March 2008 and is listed on
the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in
n Minimal setup time. With TCS IT-as-a-Service, setting up the India. For more information, visit us at
entire IT environment takes minimal time. Software updates
with newer features are also more frequent with zero business
downtime. So, you can gain from state-of-the-art IT quickly
and efficiently.
Contact us

n Minimal capital expenditure. Under the TCS IT-as-a-Service To know more about TCS SMB IT-as-a-Service,
model, capital expenditure is minimal as you do not have to contact
buy the application or the infrastructure.

n Reduced operating expenditure. You only incur operating

expenses, which are equivalent to the subscription charges
levied, as per the IT services needed. The model also frees you
TCS Design Services I P I 01 I 09

All content / information present here is the exclusive property of Tata Consultancy Services
from maintaining skilled IT staff on your payroll.
Limited (TCS). The content / information contained here is correct at the time of publishing. No
material from here may be copied, modified, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted,
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Copyright © 2008 Tata Consultancy Services Limited
The market for Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) is constantly changing, transforming
with it the nature of customers and competition, and therefore, business rules. Only
companies who can keep track of these trends and implement changes in underlying
strategies, systems, and processes can stay ahead of competition and keep customers
satisfied. Given the scenario, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) becomes
a key enabler and driver for companies such as yours to gain an edge. Tata Consultancy
Services’ (TCS) SMB IT-as-a-Service is an SMB-friendly business model. Based on active
inputs from and validated by SMBs, it has been built especially to cater to all your needs.

Overview Our offerings:

Stiff competition from domestic and global players, cost Having understood these challenges and realities, TCS SMB offers Our TCS SMB IT-as-a-Service is a business model that delivers on-demand business capability; with an integrated suite of hardware,
escalations and difficult market conditions with a tight credit an innovative answer to support your business needs in the ICT network and software solutions; along with business, technical and consulting services. It functions as a ‘build-as-you-grow’, ‘pay-as-you-
situation make operations challenging for your growing space – the TCS IT-as-a-Service model. Through this we enable use’ service model through a shared services hosted platform. This allows you to easily scale up your IT needs with business growth,
enterprise. Moreover, with market trends changing everyday, you to sustain growth and profits by: thereby aligning IT service payments to business outcomes.
business solutions of the past might not work today or tomorrow.
n Allowing you to use technology without investing We offer you comprehensive business solutions in the following areas:
And in the rush of every-day business, you might forget to
upfront in IT;
consider these and other key business issues, mentioned below,
that come your way. n Eliminating the need for skilled staff to manage it.
We also:
n Provide a well-defined ICT roadmap;
n Align the ICT investment with your current and
long-term business goals.
With this, we ensure that you benefit from scalable solutions that
are of the highest industry standards. Niche
Lean Manufacturing...
Top business challenges for SMBs Realities L6 L6

n Revenue growth Business reality Vertical Core

n Customer acquisition and retention n Increased global competition Inventory Mgmt,
L5 Production Mgmt... L5
n Cost control n Pressure to deliver higher quality at lower price

n Innovating for competitive edge n Demand for better customer service Common Business Applications

F&A, CRM, Payroll...

n Lack of enterprise view L4 L4

n Strengthening and standardizing business processes


Common Office Applications

n Need for exchange of business information online

Document Management, Messaging,

IT reality

L3 Online Management... L3

n High capital investments


n Multiplicity of vendors

LAN, WAN, Routers, Internet...

L2 L2


n Non-standard processes


Unavailability of skilled staff to manage IT

Desktops, Laptops, Industrial Printers...

n Difficult to select the right solution L1 L1

An overview of our offerings

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