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Exercise 1. Match the expressions on the left with those on the right.
1 She is 3 days old. A She's a child.
2 She is 18 months. В She's a newborn baby.
3 She is 8. C She's a teenager.
4 She is 14. D She's an adult.
5 She is 20. E She's a toddler.
6 He is 28. F He's in his early forties.
7 He's 35. G He's fairly elderly.
8 He's 48. H He's in his mid-thirties.
9 He's 85. I He's middle-aged.
10 He's 42. J He's in his late twenties.
Exercise 2. Match the beginnings and endings of the expressions below. Use the endings twice.
1. She fancies A with him.
2. She's not really interested В about him.
3. She's absolutely crazy C in him.
4. I don't know what she sees D you.
5. She's always flirting
Exercise 3. Use these expressions to complete the following sentences.
to fancy smb. to be interested in smb. to be crazy about smb. to flirt with smb.
1. My friend Jane likes Jack, but he ….Anna.
2. Peter likes Jane but she…. Bruce.
3. Anna…..Tom. She speaks about him all the time.
4. Kate ……all the boys from her class.
In American English you say that you are dating somebody instead of seeing or going out with them.
Exercise 4. Use these expressions in the situations below.
saved his marriage separated never stop fighting split up left him
1, I'm not going to invite Bruce and Liz to the party. Last week they decided to…..
2, Jack and Jill…... I'm surprised they stay together.
3. His wife…..two years ago for another man.
4. Joan and Arthur weren't happy and they……last year.
Jack's things got much better. That…..
Exercise 5. Use these words in the sentences.
aunt uncle niece grandmother grandfather granddaughters grandsons nephew cousins
1. Your parents' parents are your….and your…..
2. Your father's brother and sister are your…..and your….
3. Your brother's son and daughter are you….and your…
4. Your aunt's and uncle's children are your…..
5. Your children's children are your….and your…
Your in-laws are your husband's or wife's family or your children's husbands and wives.
Exercise 6. Look at this family tree and put names to the relations.
Robert = Liz Bill - Cynthia
Eve Kevin Sue

Samantha = Peter Jane = Jon

1. Nigel's mother-in-law
2. His father-in-law
3. His brother-in-law
4. His sister-in-law
5. His son-in-law
6. His daughter-in-law
Exercise 7. Use the words to describe these people.
to/I short slim stocky overweight plump skinny strong well-built small
Exercise 8. Put the following words and phrases into the correct column below.
greedy careless conceited vain hardworking ambitious kind intelligent selfish
quick-tempered shy quiet friendly good-fun
Good traits of character Bad traits of character
Exercise 9. Use these words in the sentences.
friendly quick-tempered ambitious conceited kind quiet good fun vain greedy
gentle moody hard working careless
1. I don't like Chris. He is really….. and thinks he is the best student in the class. He is also very….
He wears expensive clothes and loves looking at himself in the mirror.
2. Mandy is really… , she laughs and smiles a lot. She is also very … meeting people.
3.Kim is very…..and often works during the breaks and after school. She is also very….and one day wants to
be a famous dancer.
4. I feel sorry for Simon. He is very ….. especially when a girl he likes doesn't like him. He is also….and can
get angry very easily.
5. I think Kate is really nice. She is very….and…… She likes helping people and never gets angry.
6. Alice is very….She blushes very easily. She is very….. and doesn't like talking!
7. Jane doesn't give any pen to her classmates, she is…..
8. Tom's clothes are always dirty. He is very….
Exercise 10. Write your name vertically. Write the words that describe your personality.
P atient
E nergetic
T rue friend
E nthusiastic
R omantic
Exercise 11. Find the twelve hidden words:
greedy lazy noisy stupid shy jealous frank careless angry patient kind cruel moody
J w E C R u E L Z P
E L A A H I N 0 A A
A u G R E E D Y N T
0 R 0 L A Z Y V R E
U A C E N 0 1 S Y N
s N В S T u P I D T
Exercise 12. Match the situations in A with the feelings in B.
1 When I saw a huge dog. A I feel so guilty.
2 I'm having my English test tomorrow. В I was very tired.
3 I saw my boyfriend with Jane. C I was really confused.
4 I forgot about my friend's birthday. D I was really scared.
5 I didn't tell her the truth. E I am nervous.
6 I worked hard yesterday in the evening. F I feel so proud!
7 My daughter has become a lawyer. G I'm jealous.
8 They talked about their problems all evening. H I was shocked.
9 I came home and found a stranger on the sofa. J I was so bored.
10 She was so violent that. I I was so surprised.
Exercise 13. Translate into English.
A. 1. Джейн ще дитина. 2. Я не розумію, що моя дочка побачила в ньому. 3. Твій двоюрідний брат всім
не цікавить мене. 4. Мій зять дуже захоплюється новим комп'ютерним програмуванням. 5. С'юзі
подобається двоюрідний брат мого друга. 6. У Мері двоє дітей: хлопчик-підліток та дівчинка, яка тіль-
ипочинає ходити. 7. Ліз фліртує з Джеком. 8. Енн не перестає сперечатися з Томом. 9. Ніщо не могло
врятувати їхній шлюб. 10. Чому твої батьки розлучилися? 11. Моя племінниця покинула свого два роки
тому. 12. Я в захваті від твого племінника!
B. 1. Том дуже високий та худий. У нього орлиний ніс, сиві борода і вуса. 2. Джері - низенькі
та кремезний. У нього кругле обличчя, зморшкувате чоло, руде кучеряве волосся, густі брови та пря
довгий ніс. 3. Енн - природна білявка. У неї зелені очі, гарні губи та чудовий «кінський хвіст».М
висока та струнка. 4. Мій дядько лисий і веснянкуватий. У нього овальне обличчя та великі прощі
блакитні очі. Він повний й низенький, але онуки обожнюють його.
C. 1. Я ненавиджу дощ. 2. Том жадібний та завжди в поганому настрої. 3. Я ще ніколи не
такої пихатої та марнославної людини. 4. У мене Кет - найкраща подруга. Вона добра, сором'язі
спокійна. 5. Чому ти такий впертий? Твої егоїстичні плани зруйнують твою кар'єру. 6. Твоя легкова
поведінка лякає мене. 7. Аліса дуже запальна, але в неї є почуття гумору.
Exercise 14. Draw your family tree. Write a composition about your relatives. Dwell on the questions.
1. What are the names of your relatives? How old are they?
2. What do they look like?
3. What kind of people are they?
4. How do you feel when you have to spend the whole day with them?
Your immediate family: your mother, father, brothers and sisters, or, if you are married, your husband,
and your children.
Your relatives: all your immediate family plus your grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
Exercise 15. Write your comment on the following proverbs.
Appearances are deceitful.
Handsome is that handsome does.
Read the text below. Choose the correct answer (A,B.C or D). Write your answers on answer sheet A.
Alice is 18. She studies at the London School of Music and Dance. Alice is talking to her best friend about
groupmates. "I don't like Chris. Though he is very popular with our girls, I think he is conceited and (1).
s are very expensive, and he loves looking at himself in the mirror. He is also (2) . One minute life is wonderful
and the next minute he gets angry. When he starts (3) somebody, all students in the school know about this.
Moreover, he is (4): he is always trying to grab more than needs.
My favourite character is Debbie. She is very (5) . She often stays at school after classes. She likes helping
people, she is very kind and (6).
Kate is a daughter of my mother's sister. She is my (7). Kate is in her early twenties. She is 1.50 m. tall and
weigts 47 kg. She is (8)and (9) . Kate is married. Her daughter, Deborah, is 18 months. Deborah is a (10). Kate
doesn't like when her husband speaks to other girls. She is (11). I was really (12) when Kate said they would
split up if her husband didn't stop getting on her nerves. I think she is not right.'
A shy В vain C crazy D friendly

A amuzing В kind C cruel D moody

A meeting В flirting c dating D gathering
A greedy В ambitious c jealous D patient
A lazy в quiet c hard working D inactive
A gentle в careless c cruel D proud
A sister-in-law в niece c cousin D aunt
A low в short c tall D high
A stocky в slim c plump D little
A baby в child c teenager D toddler
A jealous в bored c confused D quilty
A amazed в tired c happy D shocked
1. Generations
Baby; generation; child / kid; preschooler; teenager / youth / adolescent; adult / grown-up; middle-aged;
elderly; old; to be in one's early forties; to be in one's late twenties; to turn 17; to be retired; 3 years younger /
older than; first name; patronymic; surname / family name; full name; nickname; namesake; to name after.
Love and romance To be / fall in love; boyfriend; girlfriend; relationship; to be interested in smb.; to be crazy
about smb.; to flirt with smb.; a casual relationship; to adore; a brief relationship; to go out together; to date.
The end of a relationship To'finish with; never stop fighting; to split up; to have a large row; not to be right for;
to be through with, breakup with.
Marriage To get engaged; wedding; marriage; to set a date; fiance; fiancee; bride; groom; clergyman;
bridesmaids; church wedding; registry office; silver wedding; golden wedding.
When things go wrong To destroy one's marriage; to break up; to get a divorce; to leave smb.; to get custody of
the children; to save one's marriage; to separate; ex-wife; ex-husband; to go one's separate ways; to drift apart.
Funerals Death; grave; cemetery; coffin; to bury.
2. Family. Friends Aunt; uncle; nephew; niece; (great)grandparents; ancestors; cousins; mother-in-law;
stepdaughter / step-; stepparents / foster parents; to bring up / to raise; to adopt; to spoil; to be strict to; obedient
/ disobedient; mindful son; indulging mother; protective parents; to feel secure; close up family; immediate
Workmate; partner; classmate; pen-friend; flatmate; fellow student; colleague; companion; acquaintance; to be
on friendly terms; to get along well.
3. General appearance
Tall; short; stocky; slim; well-built; to be overweight; plump; skinny; fat; wide-shouldered; graceful; thick/
natural / dyed / curly / straight hair; chestnut / blond / fair / grey / red / bleached hair; long / short / loose /
plaited hair; pigtails; pony tail; braids; crew cut; fringe; round/oval face; blue /green / hazel / large / 1 far-set /
shrewd / piercing / cold / dreamy eyes; long thick eyelashes; eyebrows; pink / pale / with dimples cheeks; fair /
dark / tanned / flawless skin; even / regular / artificial teeth; long / short / straight / turned-up / aquiline nose;
chin; ears.
4. Describing character
Sensitive; aggressive; thoughtful; absent-minded; self-confident; vain; generous; hard-working; outgoing;
cheerful; moody; arrogant; amusing; selfish; stubborn; silly; bossy; rude; polite; greedy; adventurous; loyal /
faithful; ambitious; persistent; trustworthy; creative; honest; sensible; easy-going.
Types of people A gossip; an extrovert; a big-head; a couch potato; a laugh; a snob; a coward; a liar; a
lazybones; a chatterbox; a slowcoach.
5. Feelings and emotions Jealous; scared; confused; guilty; nervous; excited; embarrassed; proud; surprised;
shocked; amazed; exhausted; disgusted; stunned; horrified; terrified; relieved; ashamed; tired; worried; relaxed.

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