Answer All Questions, Each Carries 4 Marks
Answer All Questions, Each Carries 4 Marks
Answer All Questions, Each Carries 4 Marks
Answer all questions, each carries 4 marks. Marks
1 With a neat sketch, explain the architecture of a vector supercomputer. (4)
2 Explain implicit and explicit parallelism in parallel programming (4)
3 Compare the characteristics of CISC and RISC Architectures (4)
4 Differentiate between crossbar network and multiport memory. (4 )
5 How does cache inconsistency occur in caches due to process migration and (4 )
6 Differentiate between store and forward and wormhole routing ( 4)
7 What are the possible hazards that can occur between read and write (4)
operations in an instruction pipeline?
8 Determine the frequency of the pipeline if the stage delays are τ1 = 3ns, τ2 = τ3 ( 4)
=5ns and τ4 =8 ns and the latch delay is 1 ns.
9 Distinguish between static dataflow computers and dynamic dataflow ( 4)
10 What are the four context switching polices for multithreaded architecture? ( 4)
Answer any two full questions, each carries 9 marks.
11 a) Explain Flynn’s classification of computer architecture ( 4)
b) A 40 MHz processor was used to execute a benchmark program with the
following instruction mix and clock cycle counts:
Instruction Type Instruction count Clock cycle count
Integer Arithmetic 35000 1
Data Transfer 20000 2
Floating point 15000 2
Control Transfer 6000 2
Determine the effective CPI, MIPS rate and execution time for this program. (5)
12 a) Explain the terms (i) Hit Ratio (ii) Effective Access Time with proper ( 3)
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b) Consider the design of a three level memory hierarchy with the following
specifications for memory characteristics:
Memory level Access time Capacity Cost/Kbyte
Cache t1=25 ns s1=512 Kbytes c1=$1.25
Main Memory t2=903 ns s2=32 Mbytes c2=$0.2
Disk array t3=4 ms s3 =39.8 Gbytes c3=$0.0002
Hit ratio of cache memory is h1=0.98 and a hit ratio of main memory is
(i) Calculate the effective access time.
(ii) Calculate the total memory cost. (6)
13 a) Explain the role of compilers in exploiting parallelism (3)
b) Explain VLIW architecture. Also explain pipelining in VLIW processors. (6)
Answer any two full questions, each carries 9 marks.
14 a) Draw the state transition graph for a cache block using Goodman’s write-once (3)
protocol for cache coherence.
b) Design an 8 input omega network using 2X2 switches as building blocks. (6)
Show the switch settings for the permutation π1=(0,6,4,7,3)(1,5)(2). Show the
conflicts in switch settings, if any. Explain blocking and non-blocking
networks in this context.
15 a) Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous model of linear pipeline (3)
b) Consider the following pipeline reservation table:
1 2 3 4
S1 X X
S2 X
S3 X
i) What are the forbidden latencies?
ii) Draw the transition diagram.
iii) List all the simple cycles and greedy cycles.
iv) Determine the optimal constant latency cycle and minimal average
latency (MAL)
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