T0026 Data Structures: Soal Praktikum

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140717 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R6

Soal Praktikum
Practicum Case

Data Structures
Teknik Informatika C1-T0026-RZ01
Computer Science

Periode Berlaku Semester Pendek 2016/2017 Revisi 00

Valid on Compact Semester Year 2016/2017 Revision 00

Learning Outcomes
 Demonstrate how to create any learned data structure
 Analyze the usage of data structure in application
 Session 07 - Binary Search Tree
Sub Topics
 Insert Binary Search Tree
 Searching Binary Search Tree
 Transversal Tree (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder)
 Delete Binary Search Tree (1 node)


Blue-Luna Online is a MMORPG that is so popular recently. There are many players playing that
game. Mr. Ace as one of the Game Master of Blue-Luna Online wants to make an event of Player Wars.
He needs a program that contains all the players in that game so he asks you as a skillful programmer to
make the program using the binary search tree concept. Here are the descriptions of the program:
 Program consists of 4 menus:
1. View All Characters
2. Add New Character
3. Inorder, Preorder, Postorder Character’s Damage
4. Exit and Popall
 If user chooses View All Characters, then :
- If there is no data in the tree, show the message “--- There is No Character in The Tree ---”
- If data is already in the tree, show the player list (name, job, level, damage).
 If user chooses Add New Character, then:
- Ask user to input character’s name. Validate that the length of player’s name must be
between 3 and 20 characters and must not contain any space character.
- Ask user to input character’s job. Validate that the job must be between “fighter”,
“rogue”, and “mage”.

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- Ask user to input character’s level. Validate that the level must be between 1 and 105.
- Then calculate the character’s damage with the following rules:
 If the character’s job is “fighter”, then:
[Character’s damage] = [character’s level] + [random number (0~49)]
 If the character’s job is “rogue”, then :
[Character’s damage] = [character’s level] + [random number (0~24)]
 If the character’s job is “mage”, then :
[Character’s damage] = [character’s level] + [random number (0~74)]
- If tree is still empty, then data will be inserted automatically.
- The data is inserted into the tree using BST Concept based on the character’s damage.
- If data has been successfully inputted, then show the message “--- Add New Character
Success ---”
 If user chooses Inorder, Preorder, Postorder, then:
- If there is no data in the tree, show the message “--- There is No Character in The Tree ---”
- If data is already in the tree, show the character’s damage in in-order, pre-order, and post-order.
 If user chooses Exit, then:
- Delete all data in the linked list.
- Program ends.

Please run the EXE file to see the sample program.

Print Screen of Main Menu

Print Screen of View All Characters (Menu ‘1’)

Print Screen of Add New Character (Menu ‘2’)

Print Screen of Inorder, Preorder, Postorder Menu (Menu ‘3’)

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