French Revolution Assignment Sheet For Packet
French Revolution Assignment Sheet For Packet
French Revolution Assignment Sheet For Packet
Your task is to read the booklet. The information in the booklet can also be found on the blog.
To earn full credit you must have thorough answers. If the questions ask you to list then you may list but if it asks for
an explanation then you must have complete sentences and answers or you will not earn full credit for your answers.
o Write your name in the upper right hand corner of your paper
o You must write the category heading first, then the question number
o All answers must be in ink not pencil
1. List the reasons why many people in France were critical of a] the nobility; b] the King; c] the
2. Rousseau [source D] was an influential writer at this time. Along with other writers like
Voltaire, he wanted France to have a more democratic form of government. Who would be most
influenced by his words and why? [Remember to include extracts from the source in your
3. The pamphlet which source D came from was banned in 1775. Why do you think this was?
Which members of French society would want it to be banned?
1. Number and define each of the following terms: Bankrupt; reform; Estates General; deputies; cahiers de doleances;
national assembly; constitution; tennis court oath
2. Name at least two reasons as to why the French Government was bankrupt.
3. What effect did the poor harvest have on the ordinary people of France?
1. Read the quotations from the Estates General meeting in 1789. Using your own words, summarize what each of the
members would have said.
1. After looking at the sources A-D describe the kind of people that Louis XVI and Marie
Antoinette were.
2. How did Louis show that he could not be trusted at this time?
1. Use the information from the trial and the execution of the King to write two articles. One
article should be in support of the king and against the execution; the other should be opposed to
him and in favor of the execution.
Reign of Terror
1. Complete a vertical timeline from the information on the first page. Place the date on the left and then the event.
2. Look at the sources 1-4. Why do you think the French were willing to agree to an Emperor?
Abdication of an Emperor