Syllabus NWU - ACA - 010: Good Manners and Right Conduct

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Laoag City

College of Teacher Education NWU - ACA - 010

College of Teacher Education

2nd Semester SY 2019-2020

Course Code : ELED 17

Credit Units : 3
Time Allotment : 54 hours
I. Vision:

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY envisions itself to be a premier institution of learning in Asia committed to

Excellence and Ethical Formation for Global Relevance
II. Mission:

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY is dedicated to develop individuals to become Highly Competent, Socially

Responsible and Ethically Upright leaders.
III. Institutional Objectives:

Concomitant to its role as a University in which higher learning, research and community extensions are
developed and nurtured, Northwestern University adopts the following objectives where excellence as a way of life is
its rallying point.

1. To provide a strong educational foundation by offering and maintaining comprehensive basic/general education
programs and strengthening pillars of knowledge in the academe in order to produce functional graduates who will
be able to meet the needs of both local and global markets.
2. To train and develop students and employees for responsible leadership, effective citizenship and social
responsibility through the inculcation of the ideals of democracy and positive values, manifested by a great concern
for their fellow men.

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3. To provide a strong and comprehensive human resource development program for professional advancement and
to remain competitive in changing times.
4. To align and harmonize the research and extension programs with the local, regional, national and global thrust.
5. To explore and expand linkages with local and international agencies.

IV. Program Objectives: CMO 74s 2017(BEED) Revised Policies And Standards For Undergraduate Teacher
Education Curriculum)

Graduates of the BEED degree program have the ability to:

1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas
2. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of tge different subject
3. Utiloze appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes
4. Manifest skills in communication,higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning
and teaching
5. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional
6. Manifest a desire to continuously purse personal and professional development

V. Course Description :
The course is anchored on the essential components of personhood that deals with intra/interpersonal relationships
which allow harmony with oneself, with others and the environment, this course will highlight the fundamental rules of good
manners and appropriate conduct or behavior of each learner which are necessary of the formation of character that
embraces the core values of maka-Dios, Maka-Tao, Maka-Bansa and Maka-Kalikasan.

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VI.Course Outcomes(CO’s) and Relationship to Intended Learning Outcomes(ILOs)
Intended Learning Outcomes
After finishing the course, the student must be able to:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
Course Outcome 1. to internalize the philosophy, mission, vision and objectives of
the University and of the CTE I I E E I E E I I E I D E I D D

Course Outcome 2. To understand the interrelationships among the I I E I I E E E D D I

self,others,community in the development of personhoos E E E E D
Course Outcome 3. To explain ethical principles in the development of the self D E E E E I E E I I D E
Course Outcome 4 to develop good manners and right conduct I E E E E E E E D E D I
Course Outcome 5 to practice the core values of maka-Dios, Maka-Tao, Maka-Bansa E I E E E E E I E D D D
and Maka-Kalikasan. I I I E

Note: I= Introductory
D= Demonstrated

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Intended Learning Outcome (ILO’s)

Upon completion of the course, the students are expected to:

a. internalize the philosophy, mission, vision and objectives of the University and of the CTE
a.internalize the .IPVMO of NWU and CTE
b. abide by the policies and regulations of the CTE and NWU
c.differentiate Personhood and personality
d.explain what and who is man
e.develop awareness of oneself
f.explain the different philosophies and theories on Human relations
g.develop harmonious relationships with others
h.practice values and good manners and right conduct in different situations
i.explain the order of nature and the environment
j.cite human activities that endangers the environment and their effects
k.identify ways of being a good steward of the earth
l. strengthen good Filipino values love of country
n.identify the importance of strong faith in God
o.explain the practices to show Love of God respect for others religion and beliefs

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VII.Course Plan :

Topics Content Standard Intended Learning Teaching- Assessment Time

Outcomes(ILOs) Learning Tools Frame/Session
The The student demonstrates
Philosophy,Vision,Mission an understanding of: After discussing the
and Objectives of NWU I.Orientation and Introduction introduction of the
and the CTE,Core Values, a. IPVMO of NWU, VJSSGS course, the students Recitation
ISO, Accreditation and b.ISO, Acrreditation,CHAMPS should be able to: Lecture/Discussion Written Week 1
IQUAME Awareness and Core Values a.internalize the Cooperative Examination
c.Grading Policies .IPVMO of NWU Learning Group
d.Classroom Policies and CTE Brainstorming work/activity
e.Introduction to the Course b. abide by the
policies and
and requirements
regulations of the
I. HARMONY The student demonstrates After discussing
WITH ONESELF an understanding of: Harmony with
a.Personhood:Knowing Oneself, the Lecture/Discussion Recitation Week 2
oneself students should be Cooperative Written
b.Personhood vs able to: Learning Examination
Personality c.differentiate Brainstorming Group
c. Theories on Man Personhood and Film viewing(The work/activity
d. Ramon Tagle’s personality Monk and the Reaction Paper
Description of Man d.explain what and Monkey) Make a video/ppt
e.Faculties of Man who is man about oneself with
f. Emotions, e.develop the theme “Who
Attitudes,Virtues and awareness of Am I?”

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Values oneself
g. Self-concept (self-
esteem,self-ideal and self-
i. Strengths and
II. HARMONY The student demonstrates After discussing the
WITH OTHERS an understanding of: the topic on
a.Factors Affecting Human developing Harmony Written output
behavior with Others the Peer Discussion Pencil/paper test Week 3-4
b. Philosophies on Human students should be Role Playing Recitation
Relations able to: Lecture
c.Johari Window f.explain the
d.The Role of different
Communication for philosophies and
developing good human theories on Human
relationships relations
e. Building Authentic g.develop
Relationships harmonious
a. Family/Relatives relationships with Week 5
b. Peers others
c. Friends h.practice values
d. Classmates and good manners
e. Authority/Leaders and right conduct in
f. Neighbors different situations
g. Kapwa tao
f.Solidarity vs Subsidiarity
g.Managing Conflicts
h.Manners and Conduct

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a. Borrowing and lending
b. Presenting and
Receiving a Gift
c. Refusing and
accepting favor
d. Asking and receiving
e. Table and dinning
f. Greeting
acquaintances and
g. Elderly and superiors
i.Developing values and
virtues necessary in
dealing with
others( Respect,Honesty,
Obedience,Peace and
Order,Concern for
for Human Rights)

PRELIM EXAMINATION Week 6 (Feb 17-22,2020)

Topics Content Standard Intended Learning Teaching- Assessment Time

Outcomes Learning Tools Frame/
Activities Session

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III. HARMONY WITH The student demonstrates After discussing
ENVIRONMENT/ an understanding of: Harmony with Brainstorming Written Week 7
NATURE j.The Order of Nature and Environment/Natur Observation examination
the Environment e ,the student Collaborative Recitation
k.Care for the Environment should be able to: Learning Collage
a. Waste Management i.explain the order Lecture/Discussion
b. Sustainable of nature and the
development environment
practices j.cite human
l.Global Warming: activities that Week 8-9
Causes,Effects and Ways endangers the
to address it environment and
m.Responding to Climate their effects
Change k.identify ways of
n.Man as responsible Steward being a good
of the Environment steward of the
(Developing Cleanliness and earth
Orderliness l. strengthen good
Filipino values love of

FINAL EXAMINATION Week 17 (May 11-16,2020 )

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VIII.Course Requirements
3.Written examination
4.Reflection journal

IX.Grading System

Preliminary Grade
Preliminary Grade
(Class Standing x 0.6) + (Prelim Exam Rating x 0.4)

Midterm Grade

(Class Standing x 0.6) + (Midterm Rating x 0.4)

End Term Class Standing x.6 + Endterm Grade x.4

Final Grade = (Prelim + Midterm + Endterm grade) /3

Note: Class Standing includes any/all of the following:

Recitation, quizzes/test, homework, written output, collage, role playing, attendance, etc.

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X. Classroom Management Rules
Class orientation of students about the school vision, mission and objectives, the CHAMPS culture, school policies
on the grading and the rating system, use of the library and other facilities, ISO Certification concepts and objectives,
1. Monitoring and recording of student attendance, for speedy checking on enrolment data, tardiness, absences,
changing of subjects and dropping out :a student who incurs absences of more than twenty percent (20%) of the
prescribed number of lecture/laboratory class hours before midterm examination, shall be dropped and not be given
credit for the course or subject.
2. Adequate preparation before entering the class; use of new methods, strategies and techniques of teaching/
instruction; audio-visual equipment and other ICT materials appropriate to the topic; productive interaction between
and among the teacher and students. Enhancement of learning through remedial/homework, and other related tasks
for students who need special attention.
3. Mastery of the subject matter and updating of knowledge and skills are pre-requisites for effective teaching
through various ways. Like continuing education, reading related materials, attending seminars.
4. Use of cell phones and similar devices will be prohibited, unless used as teaching/ instructional materials.
5. Cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom; lights and fans are turned off before leaving the classroom.
Source: Faculty Manual, Article IV-The Faculty, Section 4. Classroom Management


References: nationalism

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Prepared by: Reviewed and Recommended for Approval: Approved by:


Instructor Dean VP Academic Affairs

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