General Schools Risk Assessment: Part A. Assessment Details

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Lancashire County Council

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Area/task/activity: Painting and Decorating

Location of activity: School premises

School name: Name of Person(s) undertaking
Address & Contact details: Assessment:


Head Teacher (Name): Date of Assessment:

Signature: Planned Review Date:

How communicated to Date communicated to staff:



Step 1 Identify significant Step 2 Identify who might be harmed and Step 3 identify precautionary measures
hazards how already in place
List of significant hazards
(something with the potential Who might Existing controls (4)
Type of harm (3)
to cause harm) be harmed? (2) (Actions already taken to control the risk)
Asbestos containing Site Supervisor, Asbestos related  Site Supervisor is aware of the risks associated with asbestos and is
material staff, pupils and disease aware of the LCC arrangements in the event of a release of asbestos
visitors fibres;
 Site Supervisor checks the asbestos survey and if asbestos containing
material present, checks the walls are in good condition and that
asbestos will not be disturbed by the task;
 Site Supervisor undertakes regular checks of condition of walls during
progress of the work;

Issue No: 1 Painting & Decorating General risk assessment

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 In the event of a suspected release of asbestos fibres, the Site
Supervisor leaves and seals the area, reports to a line manager and the
school follows the LCC arrangements in the event of a release of
asbestos fibres.
Lead paint Site Supervisor, Respiratory
staff, pupils and conditions  If the interior walls were last painted before 1978, the paint on the walls
visitors could be lead-based. In this event the Site Supervisor seeks
professional advice before commencing any wall preparation;
Use of equipment Site Supervisor, Traps, lacerations,  Site supervisor is competent to use the equipment in safe and correct
staff, pupils and bruising, burns manner;
e.g. Gas/Electrical heat visitors  Site supervisor carries out visual inspection before use;
strippers  Site supervisor reports all defects and the equipment taken out of use if
Abrasive wheels faulty;
Sanding wheels, or discs
 Site Supervisor follows manufacturer's instructions when using all
Wire wheels or brushes
equipment and when changing gas canisters on heat strippers;
 Site Supervisor never leaves gas burners unattended;
 Site Supervisor never leaves equipment in a position where it could
cause a hazard for other building users;
 Site Supervisor returns gas canisters and equipment to store at the end
of day.
Dust/fumes – rubbing Site Supervisor, Respiratory  Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited during the course of the
down/stripping & staff, pupils and disorders / eye task;
preparing surfaces visitors soreness  Respiratory Protective Equipment provided with suitable filters for dust.
 Safety goggles are provided to reduce risk of contact with eyes;
 Ensure that the room is well ventilated;
 Dust is dampened down before sweeping up;
 The site supervisor is aware of where and how to obtain First Aid

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Electrical Equipment / Site Supervisor, Electric shock, burn,  All equipment is PAT tested annually in accordance with Lancashire
Electricity staff, pupils and smoke inhalation County Council requirements;
 Visual inspection of equipment carried out prior to use;
 Site Supervisor, Staff and pupils are aware of dangers of electricity;
 Where possible power tools are run on 110 volts or battery power
 Residual Circuit Devices are fitted;
 All equipment is switched off when not in use;
 Fire extinguishers and other standard fire precautions in place;
 Site supervisor is aware of suitable cable management i.e. avoid trailing
the cable across pedestrian routes;
 If light control panels / switches are loosened to allow paint and papering
neatly around them then Site Supervisor isolates from the mains. If they
are to be disconnected and reconnected this is only be done by a
qualified person.

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Chemical products e.g. Site Supervisor, Skin irritation,  Site Supervisor is competent in safe and correct handling, storage, use
paint stripper Paint, staff, pupils and respiratory disorder, and disposal of chemicals products;
Varnish, Thinners / white visitors ingestion
spirits Paste including  The area is kept well ventilated;
Fungicides  Products used are specifically for purpose;
 Water based paints are used where possible;
 The Site Supervisor covers all cuts and abrasions with suitable dressing;
 All products used are kept out of reach of children;
 COSHH risk assessments are completed for product(s) being used and
explained to employee;
 COSHH Manufacturer's Safety Data Sheets are available for products
 Appropriate PPE e.g. Safety goggles, impervious gloves and overalls
are provided to reduce risk of contact with eyes/skin as identified by
COSHH risk assessment;
 Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited during the course of the
 Strict personal hygiene is observed by the site supervisor and hands are
washed thoroughly after the task;
 All equipment used with chemicals / cleaning products is cleaned and
checked before returning to store;
 All flammable products are securely stored at the end of each work
 All rags and cleaning cloths used with flammable liquids are placed in a
flameproof, lidded container after use;
 The Site Supervisor is aware of where and how to obtain First Aid

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Work at height Site supervisor and Death, fractures,  Site Supervisor selects the correct work at height equipment for the task
others in vicinity musculoskeletal e.g. ladder, step ladder;
(falling objects) injuries, head
injuries, bruising,  Site Supervisor reads this assessment in conjunction with the
lacerations establishment's risk assessment(s) for the work at height equipment
 Work at height equipment e.g. step ladders is subject to routine
 Site Supervisor is competent to use the equipment e.g. has undertaken
the Lancashire County Council Health and Safety E-learning module for
Ladder Safety or equivalent;
 Site Supervisor does not undertake work at height when alone in school;
 Site Supervisor is aware to take extra care to ensure stability if ladders
are used on top of dust sheets;
 Warning signs are used to ensure everybody is aware that work at
heights is underway before they enter work area. Cordon off area if
possible, if required alternative routes should be sign posted.
 Paint containers to be hung from the ladder using a proprietary device
 Site Supervisor is advised not to stretch or lean away from ladders whilst
painting or papering at height.
Scissors / knives Site Supervisor, Cuts, lacerations  Safety knives are used if required for trimming,
staff, pupils and
visitors  Scissors are closed between cutting strips of paper and after use
Slips & trips Site Supervisor, Musculoskeletal  Site Supervisor ensures good housekeeping at all times;
staff, pupils and injuries, bruising,
visitors fractures  Site Supervisor ensures there is plenty of space around paste table and
hanging wall;
 Site Supervisor disposes of excess trimmings carefully and does not
allow a build up of pasted off cuts in work area.
 Additional rolls of paper are secured safely when not in use;
 When using dust sheets, the Site Supervisor ensures they are spread
out flat and taped or weighted down, if practicable;
 Spilled paint and liquids are cleaned up immediately.

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Obstruction / change of Site Supervisor, Various injuries  Site Supervisor ensures that all evacuation routes are kept clear;
Emergency Evacuation staff, pupils and depending on
routes visitors emergency  If changes to evacuation routes need to be made during decoration, staff
are informed and temporary signage is put up.
Manual Handling Site Supervisor Musculoskeletal  Site supervisor trained in safe lifting and handling techniques e.g.
injuries, bruising, Manual Handling e-learning module or equivalent ;
 Additional staff are available to move furniture and other large items;
 Staff remove all loose materials and equipment from furniture before it is
 Site Supervisor is advised to minimise repetitive movements where ever
possible and ensure they take regular breaks.
Weather conditions; high Site Supervisor Fall injuries, sun  Site Supervisor assesses the weather conditions before undertaking
winds, heavy rain, hot burn, heat external painting and does not undertake the task if conditions
weather etc exhaustion unsuitable;
 Site Supervisor wears clothing appropriate to the weather conditions;
 Site Supervisor wears clothing to cover skin and wears sunscreen in hot
 Site Supervisor keeps well hydrated and takes regular breaks in hot

This general risk assessment will apply to this area/task/activity in most schools providing the control measures described are in operation and there are
no further local significant hazards. If it does not fully apply, please go to Part B2 on the next page If it fully applies please sign below.

I certify that the risk assessment above fully applies to the area/task/activity under assessment in ………………………………………………………………
(Name of school)

Signed: Name: Risk Assessor.

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If the control measures described are not in operation and further action is required or there are further local significant hazards please record
these here, transfer any actions required to the Action Plan at Part C below and sign off below. Do not sign off above if further actions are


Further Significant hazards Who might Type of harm (3) Existing controls (4) Further action / controls required
(Actions already taken to control the risk) (transfer to action plan at Part C
be harmed? (2)
below) (5)

I certify that the assessment for the task/activity above covers all the significant hazards applicable …………….…………………………..(name of school).

Signed: Name: Risk Assessor.

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Lancashire County Council
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Person(s) to undertake Projected Date
No. Action required Priority Notes / comments
action? time scale completed

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