Sample Curriculum Map Peac Inset 2021 Subject: Quarter: Grade Level: Topic
Sample Curriculum Map Peac Inset 2021 Subject: Quarter: Grade Level: Topic
Sample Curriculum Map Peac Inset 2021 Subject: Quarter: Grade Level: Topic
M.1 Generate ideas Guided Concept Mapping MS Whiteboard BH: Community
and their Generalization
relationships in a BH: Stability
text being read.
M.2 Explain how a Essay Close Reading CER with MS Class
selection may be Notebook
influenced by
culture, history,
environment, or
other factors
The students on their own and in the long run will be able to compose and deliver an effective informative speech to
address issues like racial discrimination, pandemic problems and health concerns affecting him or her.
T.1 Compose an Scaffold for Transfer: Ideation Chart Ideation Chart BH: Stability
informative speech Informative Speech Hemingway
using the Drafting app BH: Discipline
appropriate Performance Grammarly
cohesive devices Task
Scaffold 2 for Genyo
T.2 Simulate Transfer: Practice
informative speech Speech Delivery MS Stream inshot
delivery observing
the changes in Oral Rehearsal
volume, projection,
pitch, stress,
intonation, juncture,
and rate of speech
that affect the
T.3 Deliver a self Scaffold for Transfer Feedback inshot
composed 3: Rehearsal for canva
informative speech informative speech