Chapter 3

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Challenges and Motivations of Senior High School Students in Online Distance

Learning Amidst the Pandemic



The third chapter will expound on the type of research and research design,

research locale, samples and sampling techniques, instrumentation, procedures, and data

analysis which will be used to figure out the challenges and motivations of Senior High

School Students in Online Distance Learning.

Type of Research and Research Design

This is a qualitative study as it focuses on the experiences of challenges and

motivations that Senior High School Students of Assumption College San Lorenzo

encountered as they go through online learning for the first time. According to Aspers &

Corte (2019), qualitative research is a process that will help the researcher discover

significant information that will help them have a deeper understanding of the

phenomenon (p. 1).

This study focused on a specific, fixed population of around three hundred Senior

High School Students. For data gathering, a Google Form was distributed to the

participants. It consists of fourteen questions that focus on their specific experiences on

online learning. The data gathered from this will be analyzed and interpreted by the

researchers through the open coding process.

This study's research design is an example of a phenomenological study as it

focuses on the shared phenomenon of the experiences of Senior High School Students in

online learning. Phenomenological research is done by "gathering ‘deep’ information and

Challenges and Motivations of Senior High School Students in Online Distance
Learning Amidst the Pandemic

perceptions through inductive, qualitative methods such as interviews, discussions and

participant observation, and representing it from the perspective of the research

participant(s)" (Lester, 1999, p. 1).

Research Locale

The participants of this research will be taken from the Senior High School

Students of Assumption College San Lorenzo. This school's Senior High School

curriculum offers four different strands―more specifically, Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), and lastly, Arts and Design (A&D).

Samples and Sampling Techniques

The researchers will use a convenience sampling technique to select the subjects

of this study. This is used by the researchers to give the samples the freedom to choose if

they would want to be a participant in the research. The samples to be selected in this

study will be comprised of 17 Senior High School students. 9 students will be selected

from the Grade 12 Level and 8 students from the Grade 11 Level in Assumption College

San Lorenzo. The selection of samples will be regardless of their respective strand or

academic performance inside the classroom.


The researchers will create a survey instrument that aims to identify the various

challenges and motivations of Senior High School students in online distance learning

and how these impacted their lives as young learners.

Challenges and Motivations of Senior High School Students in Online Distance
Learning Amidst the Pandemic

The first section of the research tool will determine the challenges experienced by

Senior High School students with respect to the new system of education. In this section,

the instrument will specifically analyze the physical effects of using technology, the

students’ perspective of the differences between face-to-face learning and online learning,

the challenges that students experience in terms of the learning platform of Assumption

College which is Schoology, and the biggest struggles that these students face in online


The second section of the research tool will determine the motivations of Senior

High School students during online distance learning. In this section, the instrument will

specifically analyze how students stay motivated doing online academic requirements,

how students overcome the aspects of online learning that may be demotivating, the

factors that helped them transition from face-to-face learning to the new mode of

education, the practices and strategies that allowed them to effectively adjust to the online

set-up, and the various activities prepared by teachers that they find enjoyable.

The third section of the research tool will determine the impact of online distance

learning to the lives of students. In this section, the instrument will specifically analyze

the positive and negative effects of online learning on the study ethics of students, how

the Senior High School students’ experiences during the new system of education shape

who they are today, the realizations and learnings they have gained that they may find

meaningful during the next school year, how the students’ current perspective of online

learning has differed from their initial perspective, and how the new mode of learning

changed their ways of studying and overall performance as a student.

Challenges and Motivations of Senior High School Students in Online Distance
Learning Amidst the Pandemic

Flowchart of the Study


Preparation for the Distribution of the Questionnaire

The researchers have curated a questionnaire that consists of fourteen questions

that can be split into three categories, namely, the challenges, motivations, and impact of

online learning on a student's life.

Once this was finished, a permission letter was made addressed to the Senior High

School Director for Academic Affairs of Assumption College San Lorenzo. This was for

the researchers to get permission to conduct a survey that was to be distributed to the

Senior High School Students.

Challenges and Motivations of Senior High School Students in Online Distance
Learning Amidst the Pandemic

Distribution of the Questionnaire

Once the researchers have gotten the approval of the Senior High School Director

for Academic Affairs, they will distribute this to the population through convenience


After all the data have been gathered, the results will be analyzed and interpreted

by the researchers.

Data Analysis

The researchers will make use of thematic analysis to analyze the qualitative data

of this research. It will be used to assign open codes to represent specific verbatim

responses given by the participants of the study. These codes will then be categorized into

axial codes to further analyze the data by identifying similarities and differences in the

open codes. Lastly, themes will be generated by classifying the axial codes in order to

encapsulate all the codes assigned. This will be used by the researchers to interpret the

data by determining the common challenges and motivations that Senior High School

students experience during online distance learning and how this impacts their lives as


Challenges and Motivations of Senior High School Students in Online Distance
Learning Amidst the Pandemic


Aspers P, & Corte U. (2019). What is Qualitative in Qualitative Research. Qualitative

Sociology, 42(2), p. 139-160.

Lester, S. (1999). An introduction to phenomenological research. p. 1-4.


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