Portfolio MSPM 101 Principles of Mathematical Analysis
Portfolio MSPM 101 Principles of Mathematical Analysis
Portfolio MSPM 101 Principles of Mathematical Analysis
Course Structure
This course is structured based on the intended course learning outcomes (CO).
Each CO has an equivalent assessment paper that you will work on. The details of the
assessment paper are explicitly reflected for you to be guided. Among the details, I would like
you to deeply understand the criteria of the assessment paper. In each assessment paper, I
have enumerated the major mathematical concepts to be learned which requires you to
conduct further research about the proofs of those mathematical concepts from any available
online resources, particularly mathematics e-books available from the University online
databases. You are highly encouraged to maximize the rich collection of the University’s
library of e-books and other related e-reading materials.
Reading Requirements
(Set of Real Numbers)
Below are some of the major mathematical statements that the students must learn
by heart in this course. The proofs of these theorems can be found in any standard
mathematical analysis book. You are encourage to read as many books as possible
to enhance your understanding of the topics discussed.
Corollary. Given any real numbers a and b, the inequality ||a|−|b||≤|a−b| always
Definition. A set S of real numbers is an interval if and only if S contains at least two
points and for any two points x and y, every real number between x and y belongs to
S as well.
a1 +a 2+ a3+ ⋯+ an
( a 1 a 2 a3 ⋯ an ) ≤ n
n 2 n n
( ∑ ak bk ≤
) ( )(∑ )
∑ a2k
k=1 k=1
Equality occurs if and only if there is constant c such that a k =c bk for all integers
k =1,2,3 , ⋯ , n.
(b) Suppose that S is bounded below. A number α is the infimum of S if α is an upper bound
of S and any number less than α is not an upper bound of S. We will write α =S ¿.
Completeness Axiom. Each nonempty set of real numbers that is bounded above has a
If a and b are positive real numbers then there exists a positive integer n such that
na> b.
(a) If a and b are positive real numbers then there exists a positive integer n such that na> b
(c) For each real number x , there exists an integer n such that n ≤ x< n+1.
(d) For each positive real number x , there exists a positive integer n such that < x.
Between any two distinct real numbers there is a rational number and an irrational
(a) The set A is finite if it is empty or if its elements can be put in a one-to-one
correspondence with the set { 1,2,3 , ⋯ , n } for some positive integer n .
(c) The set A is countably infinite if its elements can be put into a one-to-one
correspondence with set of positive integers.
Academic Prompts
After reading the mathematical statements and conducting research on the proofs of
the theorems, lemmas and corollaries, it is now time for you to solve some problem exercises
to strengthen your understanding on those topics mentioned above. All problem exercises
will be posted in either Assignment or Choice Features of the BlackBoard LMS. Further
instruction will be provided in the activity exercises that will be posted by the course faculty.
Below are some of the examples of statements/problems that you are required to
solve/prove, posted in the BlackBoard’s assignment or choice tools:
1. Prove that the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is an
irrational number.
(d) an unbounded, open interval that contains all the positive integers but no other integers
5. Let S be a nonempty set of real numbers that is bounded above and let β =S ¿. Prove that
for each ϵ > 0 there exists a point x ∈ S such that x > β−ϵ .
(a) Suppose that A and B are both countably infinite sets. Prove that there is a one-to-one
correspondence between A and B.
(b) Suppose that A is countably infinite and that there is a one-to-one correspondence
between A and B. Prove that B is countably infinite.
8. Prove that the sum and product of two bounded functions is a bounded function.
9. Give an example to show that the difference of two monotone functions may not be a
monotone function.
10. Find general conditions on a bounded function f that guarantee the function is also a
bounded function.
the relevant continuity. You should be able to present logically your line of
theorems on the arguments in the proof of the theorem using a valid method of
theory of proof.
limits and This task is designed for you to apply the definitions, lemmas,
theorems, corollary to be able to provide proof on certain
continuity in the
mathematical statements and solve problems related to the
set of real
The student must do additional readings in order to strengthen
his or her understanding on the topics discussed. This also
allows you to learn techniques and approaches in presenting
your arguments in your proof to the mathematical statements
and solutions to the problems related to the topic.
Procedural criteria:
Answers can be computerized or hand written, A4 size
o Margin (Left: 1.5’, top, bottom and right: 1’)
Reading Requirements
(Sequences, Limits and Continuity)
Below are some of the most pertinent mathematical statements that students must pay
attention with. The proofs of the theorems are left as exercise for you to research.
Definition. Let { x n }n=1 be a sequence of real numbers.
(a) The sequence { x n }n=1 is bounded above if there exists a real number M such that
x n ≤ M for all n. The number M is called an upper bound of { x n }∞n=1.
(b) The sequence { x n }n=1 is bounded below if there exists a real number m such that
x n ≥ m for all n. The number m is called a lower bound of { x n }∞n=1.
(c) The sequence { x n }n=1 is bounded if there is a number M such that |x n|≤ M for all n.
The number M is called a bound for the sequence { x n }n=1.
(d) The sequence { x n }n=1 is increasing if x n ≤ x n+1 for all n and strictly increasing if
x n < x n+1 for all n.
(e) The sequence { x n }n=1 is decreasing if x n ≥ x n+1for all n and strictly decreasing if
x n > x n+1 for all n.
(f) The sequence { x n }n=1 is monotone if it is increasing or decreasing and strictly
monotone if it is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing.
Definition. A sequence { x n }n=1 converges to a number L if for each ϵ > 0 there is a
natural number N such that |x n−L|< ϵ for all n ≥ N. The number L is called the limit of
the sequence and we write it as lim x n=L.
(b) If { x n } has two subsequences that converge to different limits then { x n } does not
Definition. Let be an open interval I that contains the point c and suppose that f is a
function that is defined on I except possibly at c. The function f has limit L at c if for
each ϵ > 0 there is a δ >0 such that |f ( x ) −L|<ϵ whenever x ∈ I and |x−c|< δ.
Theorem. Let I be an open interval that contains the point c and suppose that f is a
function that is defined on I except possibly at the point c.
(a) The function f has limit L at c if for each sequence { x n } in I −{ c } that converges to
(b) Suppose that there are two sequences { x n } and { y n } in I −{ c } that converge to c
such that { f ( x n ) } converges to L1 and { f ( y n ) } converges to L2, then the function f does
not have a limit at c.
Theorem. Let I be an open interval that contains the point c and suppose that f is a
function that is defined on I except possibly at the point c. If m ≤ f ( x ) ≤ M for all x in
I −{ c } and lim
x →c
f ( x )=L then m ≤ L ≤ M .
Theorem. Let I be an interval, let f : I → R and let c ∈ I. The following statements are
(a) The function f is continuous at c.
Academic Prompts
After reading the mathematical statements and conducting research on the proofs of
the theorems, lemmas and corollaries, it is now time for you to solve some problem exercises
to strengthen your understanding on those topics mentioned above. All problem exercises
will be posted in either Assignment or Choice Features of the BlackBoard LMS. Further
instruction will be provided in the activity exercises that will be posted by the course faculty.
Below are some of the examples of statements/problems that you are required to
solve/prove, posted in the BlackBoard’s assignment or choice tools:
1. Prove that every uniformly continuous function is continuous on its entire domain.
2. Suppose that f has the intermediate value property on an interval I and let k be a
constant. Prove that kf has the intermediate value property on I .
3. Let f , g be real-valued functions defined on the set of real numbers. Prove that f ∘ g is
continuous whenever f and g are continuous.
4. Suppose that f : [ a , b ] → [ a ,b ] is continuous. Prove that there exists at least one point
c ∈ [ a , b ] such that f ( c ) =c .
6. Find a real-valued function defined on the set of real numbers such it is continuous on the
set of rational numbers but discontinuous on the set of irrational numbers.
2 x +3 1
8. Prove that lim = .
x →2 x 2+ 5 x 2
1 1 1
x n= + + ⋯+
n+1 n+ 2 2n
10. Let { x n } be a sequence that does not converge and let L be any real number. Prove that
there exists a positive real number ϵ and subsequence { x p } of { x n } such that |x p −L|> ϵ for all
n n
This section calendars all the activities and exercises, including readings and lectures, as
well as time for making assignments and doing other requirements, in a programmed
schedule by weeks, to help the students in SDL pacing, regardless of mode of delivery (OBD
or DED).
2021 Course Coordinator Dean
Program Coordinator