Troccaz Et Al-2013-Flavour and Fragrance Journal
Troccaz Et Al-2013-Flavour and Fragrance Journal
Troccaz Et Al-2013-Flavour and Fragrance Journal
Received: 16 August 2012, Revised: 29 October 2012, Accepted: 27 November 2012 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 25 January 2013
Keywords: urine odour; Morganella morganii; Streptococcus agalactiae; fermented urine, a-androstenol
Flavour Fragr. J. 2013, 28, 200–211 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bacteria and odorants in human male urine
from ketones, alcohols, furans, pyrroles and sulfides; unfortunately, Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
only one reference was cited.[12] Ziatkis et al.[12] described a Compound identifications were performed on a GC 6890 N (Agilent, Palo
complex chromatogram from the headspace analysis of stale urine Alto, CA, USA) equipped with a fused silica SPB-1 (30 m 0.25 mm i.d.,
after the urine was incubated with glucurase, b-D-glucuronidase 0.25 mm film thickness) apolar capillary column (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA,
and sulfatase. In this paper, no phenolic compounds were men- USA). The initial oven temperature was held at 50 C for 5 min and then
tioned. Pause et al.[13] boiled human urine, distilled the volatiles increased by 5 C/min to 250 C, split mode 1/10. The carrier gas was He
and presented the distillate to rats. Piperitone, pulegone and (52 kPa). The column was coupled to a MS 5975B Inert XL MSP (Agilent).
heptanone were detected by MS. The authors noticed that this The mass spectra in the electron impact mode were measured at 70 eV
extract, without any phenolic compounds, was not recognized in a scan range from 30 to 300 m/z.
as urine by rats. This raises the question of the occurrence of phe-
nolic compounds in urine. The occurrence of phenolic compounds
Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry–Olfaction
after enzymatic hydrolysis was published by Bieniek et al.[14]
Wagenstaller and Buettner [15] analysed the native human urine A GC/MS–multi-sniffing system,[28] enabling simultaneous GC/MS and
of seven female donors and one male donor by two-dimensional GC-O analyses, was used to investigate the compounds responsible for
gas chromatography–olfactometry–mass spectrometry. They the impact odour of urine. The GC/MS system included a CP-3800 GC
and a 300-MS, both from Varian (Varian–Agilent, Palo Alto, CA, USA).
discovered 14 odorants, including five lactones, (E)-b-damascenone,
The extracts were manually injected on an internal TenaxW cold trap
5a-androst-16-en-3-one, two phenols (4-methylphenol and vanillin), (kept at 30 C). The trap was then rapidly heated to 250 C for 1 min
and skatole, but no indole. They also transformed the native urine into a DB-1 ms column (60 m 0.53 mm i.d., 1.5 mm df; J&W Scientific–
with a b-glucuronidase to liberate phenols and found 24 odorants Agilent). Helium was used as the carrier gas under an inlet pressure of
in total in this extract. 12 psi. The column was kept at 50 C for 5 min and then the temperature
In the literature, the link between bacterial b-glucuronidases was increased by 5 C/min to 260 C (maintained for 8 min). The GC
and tryptophanases and the generation of odorant compounds column outlet was connected to a four-port splitter; one port was
is widely reported.[16,17] In addition, urease-positive bacteria connected to the MS and another to a second four-port splitter, while
such as Staphylococcus intermedius, P. vulgaris, Klebsiella and the third port was connected to an auxiliary gas outlet. The second
splitter, on the other hand, divided the flow into three deactivated silica
Bacteroides ureolyticus are known to metabolize urea to ammo-
columns (3 m 0.32 mm i.d.), each placed inside a thermostated transfer
nia.[18–20] However, the link to malodour generation in healthy
line (250 C), ending on a sniffing port. Each sniffing port was equipped
individuals has not been made, probably because the majority with an electric push button able to generate a 1 V signal when pressed.
of authors have historically focused on UTI and its treatment, Data were collected with Galaxie Station software, version 2.4 (Varian).
and only a limited amount of analytical work has been carried Raw GC-O–multi-sniffing data were treated according to the GC–surface
out on urine volatiles[15] per se. of nasal impact frequency (GC-SNIF) method, with the appropriate
Urine does not normally contain a significant number of plug-in extension for Galaxie Station software, version 2.4 (Varian).
microbes. However, bacteria sometimes travel to various parts Three panellists per GC-O session were asked to use free vocabulary
of the urinary tract;[21–24] since some of these bacteria inhabit to describe odours perceived at the sniffing port. The olfactive peak
the gastrointestinal tract, they can also travel from the bowel heights were expressed as nasal impact frequency (NIF) units. The
descriptors and NIF units are reported in Table 1 and Figure 1. In the
to the urethra. Other sources of bacterial growth include lack
case of boiled urine, 12 sniffing tests were performed by nine subjects
of personal hygiene, the method of urine collection, environ-
who had worked on flavour and fragrance projects for many years, and
mental exposure and the urine storage technique.[25–27] In this who are therefore considered trained subjects, and three subjects who
study, we aimed to isolate and identify the malodour-generating repeated the sniffing (Figure 1).
bacteria present in the urine of healthy male volunteers. We Extracts were re-injected on the Agilent GC-MS system. MS peaks
expected that characterization of the dominant microorganisms were identified by comparing acquired MS data to those contained in
involved in urine fermentation would provide more insight into the Firmenich database built on the injection of reference products
the chemical changes that occur in fresh urine in comparison and NIST 147 MS libraries and by comparing calculated linear retention
with sterile and boiled urine. indices (LRIs) to those obtained from our database. The identity of olfacto-
gram peaks, on the other hand, was assigned by LRI comparison, olfactive
description and mass spectra similarity.
Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS Triple Quad)
Chemicals and Solvents
A GC Agilent 7890A was equipped with a fused silica HP-1 (30 m 0.25
Chemical reagents and solvents were purchased from Fluka–Sigma–
mm i.d., 0.25 mm film thickness) apolar capillary column from Agilent.
Aldrich (Buchs, Switzerland), Novabiochem (Darmstadt, Germany),
The injector was in pulsed splitless mode (30 psi/0.5 min). The initial oven
Alfa Aesar GMbH & Co. (Karlsruhe, Germany), SDS Carlo Erba Reactifs
temperature was held at 150 C for 5 min and then increased by 5 C/min
(Val-de-Reuil, France) and Acros (Geel, Belgium). More specifically, the
to 250 C. The carrier gas was He (52 kPa). The column was coupled to a
following were from Aldrich: 2,6-dimethylpyrazine W32730-1, CAS 108-
MS 7000 triple Quad (Agilent). Chemical ionization was carried out using
50-9; 2,3-dimethylpyrazine W32710-7, CAS 5910-89-4; 2-acetylthiazole
methane, with the flow at 20 arbitrary units, the source at 250 C and
W33280-1, CAS 24295-03-2; 2-hydroxyacetophenone A44513-4, CAS
Quad at 150 C.
582-24-1; indole 13408, CAS 120-72-9; 16-(5a)androsten-3-one, CAS
18339-16-7; 16-(5a)androsten-3a-ol, CAS 1153-51-1. The following
were from Alfa Aesar: Aesar 2-acetylpyrrole A14593, CAS 1072-83-9;
Urine Sampling
2-acetylthiophene A10062, CAS 88-15-3; 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol
A14239, CAS 2785-89-9; 2-aminoacetophenone A10895, CAS 551-93-9; 3- On the first morning, urine was collected from a minimum of seven
methylindole l03890, CAS 83-34-1. The following were from Acros: dimethyl donors out of 10 healthy Caucasian males donors aged between 24
trisulfur 415030050, CAS 3658-80-8; 3-acetylthiophene 188020010, CAS and 60 years (average 45 years) into 250-ml sterile glass containers. Parti-
1468-83-3; 3-mercapto-1-hexanol 347560050, CAS 51755-83-0. cipants were asked not to donate urine if they experienced penile
Flavour Fragr. J. 2013, 28, 200–211 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
No. LRI Odour descriptor Boiled NIF(%) Aged NIF(%) Identification LRI of reference Method for confirmation
1 849 Maggi, stock cube, meaty 83 92 2-Methyl-2-furanthiol 843 Odour, LRI
2 872 Methional — 100 3-(Methylthio)propanal 873 Odour, LRI
3 885 Cereal, roasted coffee 50 — 2-, 5- or 6-Dimethylpyrazine* 884 Odour, LRI, MS
4 894 Popcorn, pyrazine 83 — 2,3-Dimethylpyrazine* 891 Odour, LRI, MS
5 940 Sewage, truffle, garlic 50 — Dimethyltrisulfure 940 Odour, LRI, MS
6 961 Medicinal — 67 Phenol 965 Odour, LRI, MS
7 1028 Caramel 75F 58 Furaneol 1028 Odour, LRI
8 1046 Liveche, caramel, urine 92 58 3-Acetylthiophene 1041 Odour, LRI, MS
2-Acetylthiophene 1050
9a 1057 Urine, mushroom, barn, phenolic 75F 92 p-Cresol + guaiacol 1056 Odour, LRI, MS
9b 1059
10 1065 Smokey, sotolone, curry, earthy 58F — 2-Ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine 1060 Odour, LRI, MS
11 1080 Floral, honey 25 93 2-Phenyl-1-ethanol 1084 Odour, LRI, MS
12 1081 Urine, coffee, mouldy, smoke, sweat 67 8 2-Acetyl-5- or -6-methylpyrazine — Odour, MS
13 1092 Onion, tropical fruit 67F — 3-Sulfanyl-hexan-1-ol 1096 Odour, LRI
14 1010 Caramel, maltol-like 25 58 Unknown — —
15 1128 Smoke, medicinal 58 — 2-Vinyl phenol 1128 Odour, LRI, MS
16 1134 Spicy, brothy, sweaty 75F — 2-Acetophenol 1133 Odour, LRI, MS
17 1155 Sweaty, amber, barn 25 58 Unknown — —
18a 1159 Meaty, urine, smoke 83 92 2-Methoxy-5- and -4-methylphenol 1161 Odour, LRI, MS
18b 1163
19 1184 Roasted peanut, cereals 58 — 1-(5,6-Dimethyl-2-pyrazinyl)-1-ethanone — Odour, MS
20 1202 Onion, passion fruit 83 33 Unknown — —
Figure 1. Gas chromatography–olfactometry using the nasal impact frequency (NIF) of an organic extract of boiled and aged urine. Dotted line marks
NIF > 50%
secretions or bladder, kidney or urinary tract infections. Participants were was extracted with ether (3 ml). The test tube was vigorously shaken
also asked not to donate urine if they had used a personal hygiene spray, and centrifuged at 4 C. The supernatant was dried on anhydrous
cream or powder on the genital/anal area since bathing. No special sodium sulfate and filtered. The solvent was partially evaporated with a
recommendations were given regarding nutrition. Specimens were gentle stream of nitrogen to about 0.1 ml. This was injected on GC-MS-
initially kept at 4 C, and within an hour they were pooled and transported O (Figure 1, incubated).
to the laboratory for analytical or microbiological experiments. One pool
was collected from a minimum of seven subjects and the volumes were
about 1.5–1.8 l/day. When required, pooled urine samples were filter GC-MS Analysis of Steroids 44, 45, 50 and 51
sterilized on a 0.2 mm filter (Thermo Scientific Nalgene Disposable Filter
Calibrations were established with solutions of steroids 44, 45, 50 and
Unit, Thermoscientific, Reinach, Switzerland). To control sterility, we
51 in ethyl acetate. Solution 1: 5a-androst-16-en-3-one (androstenone)
plated urine samples on ChromID CPS and Columbia colistin and nalidixic
50 (0.950 mg), 5a-androst-4,16-dien-3-one (androstadienone) 51 (0.734 mg)
acid agar (CNA agar from Biomerieux SA, Switzerland, Geneva).
in 10 ml EtOAc. Solution 2: 5a-androst-16-en-3a-ol (a-androstenol) 44
(1.842 mg) in 10 ml EtOAc. Solution 3: 5a-androst-16-en-3b-ol (b-
Extraction of pooled urine samples androstenol) 45 (1.090 mg) in 10 ml EtOAc. Mother solution: 1 ml each
of solutions 1–3 completed to 5 ml. Solution 1: 44 (19.00 mg/l); 45
The pooled urine samples (~1 litre, volumes specified in Experimental) (14.68 mg/l); 50 (36.84 mg/l); 51 (21.80 mg/l). Solution 2: 1 ml of solu-
were extracted twice with diethyl ether (300 ml and 200 ml, respectively) tion 1 diluted to 10 ml in a gauged flask. Solution 3 (200 mg/l), solution
containing dodecane (0.6 mg/l) and then washed twice with 100 ml of a 4 (20 mg/l), solution 5 (2 mg/l) and solution 6 (0.2 mg/l) were prepared by
saturated solution of NaHCO3. These water phases were pooled, cooled dilution of 1 ml of the mother solution in a 10 ml gauged flask. The
and acidified with HCl to pH 1, and then extracted with diethyl ether analysis was performed in single reaction mode: for a-androstenol,
to separate the organic acids. The original organic phases were then the transitions were 257.1 to 147 (collision energy 20 eV, dwell time
washed twice with 100 ml NaOH 2 N. The water phases were cooled in 60 ms), 257.1 to 95 (25 eV, 60 ms); b-androstenol: 257.1 to 161 (20 eV,
an ice bath, acidified and re-extracted as described above to obtain a 60 ms), 257.1 to 92.8 (25 eV, 60 ms), 257.1 to 80.9 (25 eV, 60 ms); androste-
fraction containing only the phenols. The original organic phases were none: 273.2 to 255.3 (15 eV, 100 ms), 273.2 to 93 (25 eV, 100 ms), 273.1 to
finally washed twice with 100 ml H2SO4 2 N. The basic compounds, 81 (25 eV, 100 ms); androstadienone: 271.1 to 109 (15 eV, 150 ms), 271.1
obtained after the aqueous phase was basified with NaOH 2 N, were to 97 (20 eV, 150 ms).
extracted with diethyl ether as described above. The original organic
phases were dried with Na2SO4, filtered, concentrated and used as a neutral
phase for complementary GC-MS investigations. Five organic extracts were Bacterial Identification
finally obtained: total (Figure 1), neutral, acid, phenols and base.
All media and agar plates were purchased from Biomerieux SA
(Switzerland, Geneva) except urea agar plates (Christensen), which were
Preparation of Boiled Urine Extracts from Condalab (Buchs, Switzerland). Sterile sodium chloride 0.9% w/v
was used for urine and bacterial dilutions. Bacterial counts were performed
Freshly collected urine samples from a minimum of seven of the male on 40 ml of freshly collected, pooled urine samples after incubation either
donors (1000 ml, pH 5.5) were pooled, filter sterilized and boiled at reflux at room temperature or at 37 C without agitation for 1, 4 and 5 days.
for 3 h. A condenser was mounted above the round-bottom flask, and on Within 1 h of collection, each urine sample was inoculated (in triplicate)
top of the condenser, a trap cooled with isopropanol dry ice collected into Chromo ID CPS and Columbia CNA agar plates on arrival at the
the very volatile compounds. After 3 h, the trap was disconnected and laboratory. These were incubated aerobically at 37 C for 24 h for
solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) fibres (polyacrylate and DVB/CAR/ aerobic bacteria counts or anaerobically at 37 C for 72 h for anaerobic
PDMS, 1 cm; Supelco) were exposed to the headspace of the trap when bacteria counts. BioMérieux’s chromID CPS agar allows for the differen-
it warmed up. These SPME fibres were desorbed on GC-MS. The urine tiation E. coli, Proteus spp., Providencia, Morganella sp., Enterococci spp.,
was extracted and analysed. Each fraction’s neutral, basic and phenol Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus agalactiae and Klebsiella, Enterobacter,
acids were injected on GC-MS to confirm the structures. Serratia and Citrobacter (KESC group). Columbia CNA agar was used for
the selective isolation of Gram-positive cocci (Micrococcus, Staphylococcus,
Streptococcus, Enterococcus and yeast). Colimycine (0.010 g/l) and nali-
Preparation of Fermented Aged Urine Extracts dixic acid (0.015 g/l) were added to the formula in order to select for
Freshly collected urine samples from a minimum of seven male donors Gram-positive organisms and fungi (by suppressing the growth of
(1500 ml, pH 5.5) were pooled and stored outside for 5 days in an open Gram-negative bacteria).
2 litre glass beaker (23–30 August 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland). The Anaerobic bacterial counts were performed by plating on Schaedler
maximum observed temperature was 31 C, the lowest 15 C. The urine agar containing 5% sheep blood, with and without the addition of
became brownish (pH 7.5, about the same volume). An aliquot (10 ml) neomycin (0.005 g/l) and vancomycin (0.075 g/l). Plates were incubated
Flavour Fragr. J. 2013, 28, 200–211 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
M. Troccaz et al.
under anaerobic conditions at 37 C for 72 h. The strict anaerobic evaporation. The compounds smelled by GC-MS-O are indicated
regime was confirmed by sub-culturing on the same medium under in Table 1 (Table 1; see entries marked ‘F’ in ‘Boiled NIF%’ column).
aerobic conditions. To increase the content of volatiles and to mimic what could
Gram stain, colony morphology and colour studies were performed happen when urine dries on surfaces, we boiled the urine at
on aerobic and anaerobic isolates. Urea indole medium (UI-F; Biomerieux reflux for 3 h and overnight. After 3 h, the odour profile was
SA, Switzerland) was used to detect the presence of urease activity.
comparable to overnight boiling; therefore, 3 h was chosen for
The detection of catalase was performed with the ID Color Catalase test
(Biomerieux SA) through the release of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide.
this study. The highly volatile compounds were extracted by
The oxidase reagent (Biomerieux SA) was used for the detection of the SPME during the warming of the cold trap mounted on top of
bacterial enzyme cytochrome oxidase. the condenser. Methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfur, dimethyl disul-
Chromogenic agar plates, ASAP and REBECCA were used to isolate fur and trimethylamine were detected among other compounds,
enterobacteria (Escherichia, Proteus and Enterococcus species). Urea agar such as 2-butanone, pyridine and 2-pentanone. The organic
(Christensen) was used as an aid in the differentiation of enteric Gram- extract of boiled urine had a urine, antiseptic, animal, barn
negative bacilli of the genera Escherichia, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia, and syrup smell; overall, it was considered too sweet to match
Citrobacter and Proteus. the stale urine odour that can be perceived in some public
The final identification of malodour-producing bacteria was confirmed areas. The reproducibility was evaluated by using five different
by API gallery (API 20E and Rapid ID 32 Strept; BioMerieux SA) and pools of boiled male urine. The GC-MS traces were very complex
complete 16S rDNA sequencing (Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche and quite different, as many compounds such as ibuprofen,
Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, Germany).
nicotine, caffeine and alkyl isothiocyanate were detected, but
were irrelevant for the aim of this study. However, with GC-
MS-O, we noticed good reproducibility between olfactograms.[28]
Urine Incubation with Malodour-generating Bacteria In parallel, a pool of freshly collected non-sterile urine was
Malodour-generating bacteria were identified by inoculating 10 ml of placed outdoors in an open flask, and the urine microflora spon-
pooled sterile urine with 10 ml of each isolated cell suspension (1 1014 taneously developed for 5 days (aged urine). This experiment
CFU/ml in 0.9% NaCl solution, in the exponential phase) to end up with a was meant to mimic the conditions encountered when urine is
final concentration of 1 1011 CFU/ml. Samples were incubated at 37 C spilt on surfaces. The odour of this aged urine was described
for 72 h under aerobic conditions (or under anaerobic conditions for
as aggressive and stale urine. This urine becomes turbid as the
anaerobic bacteria). In cases of urine odour development judged
pH increases from 5.5 to 7.5. The compounds extracted by SPME
by smelling the sample, 200 ml of positive isolates were re-inoculated,
individually or in mixed suspensions, into 200 ml of sterile urine for and positively identified by MS and LRI were methyl mercaptan,
further analytical experiments (to end up with a final concentration trimethylamine, acetone, dimethyl sulfide, diacetyl, 2-propanone,
of 1 1011 CFU/ml per bacterium). Micrococcus luteus CIP 103664 was benzene, 2-butanone, methyl vinyl ketone, dimethyl disulfide,
used as a reference microorganism. Whenever possible, four repetitions pyrrole, 3-hexanone, 4-heptanone and other minor compounds.
were carried out for each isolate at different day intervals to guarantee The smell was very authentic and less medicinal and syrupy, but
the reproducibility of results. To analyse volatile compounds, the head- more amine, animalic and stale than boiled urine. This urine was
spaces of sterile and fermented urine were exposed to SPME fibres extracted as described for the boiled urine, and GC-MS-O was
for 45 min at the end of the incubation time at 37 C. Samples were then performed (Figure 1, Table 1; see column labelled ‘Aged NIF%’).
adjusted to pH 9 if necessary with NaHCO3 and the totality was extracted
When we compared various aromagrams, we observed that
with diethyl ether (200 ml) containing 0.1 mg of dodecane [internal
the first odour perceived by GC-O was meaty, stock-cube-like
standard, 10 ml (of 10 mg/ml) in 10 ml of toluene]. The organic phase was
dried on Na2SO4, filtered and distilled with a small Vigreux column to
and typical of 2-methyl-3-furan thiol 1 (Table 1). This compound
about 1 ml. The response factor was measured by injecting three times has an odour threshold of about 5 10 6 (mg/kg) in water[29]
1 ml of a mixture made of 0.1 ml of 10 mg/10 ml of the compounds to be and is widely used in savoury flavours. No MS fragments for 1
quantified and 0.1 ml of 10 mg/10 ml of the internal standard The total could be detected, but the LRI and odour profile fit perfectly.
ion current peak area of the internal standard and the compounds were Compound 1 was present in fresh, boiled and aged urine. The
compared, and the ratio was used to estimate the quantity of targeted odour of methional [3-(methylthio)propanal] 2, the Strecker
compounds in urine. The phenol had the lowest response factor (0.64) aldehyde of methionine, was smelled in aged urine extracts by
and the a-androstenol the highest (1.86); the rest were between 0.97 all subjects. Compounds 3 and 4 were alkylated pyrazines; the
and 1.16. MS fragments (m/z 108, 81, 42 and m/z 108, 67, 42) confirmed
these occurrences, but 2,5-dimethylpyrazine could not be differ-
entiated from 2,6-dimethylpyrazine. These compounds were
Results detected only in boiled urine, as they are artefacts formed
during heat treatment. Compound 5 could be a metabolite
Comparative Aromagram of Boiled Urine and Fermented
derived from food products since it was detected only twice in
Aged Urine
our five repetitions. In any case, its occurrence in urine was
Freshly collected urine samples from seven male donors reported previously.[15,30] This compound is important for the
were pooled and filter sterilized. This urine had a faint odour sulfury, rotten, cabbage, methyl mercaptan odour of urine, as
described as ammonia, animal and sweet. The headspace was are dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide, which we also
trapped on SPME fibres but no volatile compound was detected. detected by SPME. Phenol 6, with its typical bandage-like, me-
Therefore, organic compounds were extracted with diethyl ether dicinal smell, was present only in aged urine. Compounds 7
and analysed by GC-MS-O. The extract odour, evaluated on a and 8 are compounds commonly found in processed foods.
smelling strip by two female subjects and two male subjects, The p-cresol 9a was formed in aged urine, while guaiacol 9b
was described as weak, slightly animalic and phenolic, and the was more important in boiled urine, as compared to 9a. However,
volatile compounds with an LRI < 800, such as trimethylamine both compounds are present in both aged and boiled urine.
and methyl mercaptan, were lost during the diethyl ether Because of their close eluting times and closely related odours, Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2013, 28, 200–211
Bacteria and odorants in human male urine
it was not possible to differentiate them by GC-O. Compound 10 odour and the LRI. Compound 21 is piperitone, which was
was a pyrazine similar to 3 and 4. The floral odour of 2-phenyl-1- described in 1973.[12,34] The occurrence of carvone had also been
ethanol 11 was more prominent in fermented urine. Compound reported in urine;[35,36] we confirmed its occurrence by MS and
12 has a MS fragment (m/z 136, 121, 108, 94, 93, 67) that perfectly LRI, but it did not show an NIF > 30%. No MS, and therefore no
matches 2-acetyl-3-methyl pyrazine, but its LRI of 1053 does not structure, could be attributed to compound 22, which is most
correspond; therefore, the methyl substitution can be attributed probably a phenolic compound. A background odour reminiscent
to either position 5 or position 6. 3-Sulfanyl hexan-1-ol 13 has of sweat, cumin and animalic at LRI 1240 could correspond to
an odour detection threshold of 12 10 6 mg/l in water[31] with 3-methyl-3-hydroxy hexanoic acid 31 (Figure 2). This compound
a characteristic odour profile of tropical fruit, grapefruit and was discovered as an important contributor in human sweat
Sauvignon Blanc wine. The LRI perfectly matches the LRI of the odour with an odour threshold of 2 10 9 mg/l air.[37] The
authentic sample 13. Being naturally present in many food LRI and the odour match, but this region of the GC was rich in
products, this compound can also result from the detoxification compounds, and the elution of acids is not sharp; this may explain
pathway of hexenal and xenobiotics in general.[32] No MS spec- why we could have missed the NIF signal. For this reason, an acid–
trum could help us to elucidate the structure of 14, but its base extraction was performed. The extract was methylated with
odour profile was reminiscent of maltol, caramel or methyl diazomethane, and by GC-MS, the occurrence of 31 in urine was
cyclopentenolone, or it could also be an alkylated phenol or confirmed. Compounds 23 to 26 are very typical and well-known
methoxy phenol. No LRI associated with this odour descriptor odorants, with a barn, phenolic, floral, faeces and urine odour.
could lead us to a specific compound. 2-Vinyl phenol 15 has Compound 27 is an acid with a typical goat smell; the reported
the same MS fragmentation pattern as 4-vinyl phenol. 4-Vinyl odour threshold for (S)-( )-4-ethyloctanoic acid is 6 10 3 mg/
phenol was clearly identified by MS in aged and boiled urine l air.[38] Skatole 28 was next detected and identified only in boiled
at LRI 1928, but not by GC-O at the relevant LRI. Therefore, urine in all repetitions, but not in aged urine. Vanillin 29 and
the structure assigned for compound 15 (LRI 1128), which we coumarin 30 were fully identified in fresh, boiled and fermented
could smell only in boiled urine, was confirmed after the synthesis urine. More compounds were smelled after 30 min by only
of the authentic sample. The synthesis of 15 was performed three panellists, at which time the formal sniffing was stopped
via the thermal decarboxylation of o-hydroxycinnamic acid.[33] (Figure 1). Raspberry ketone 32 (Figure 2), with an odour thresh-
2-Acetophenol 16 was not smelled in the fermented urine, old of about 1–10 10 3 mg/l,[39] was detected in boiled urine.
but it was detected in both fresh and boiled urine. Compound Odours reminiscent of woody, musky, coconut fruity and sandal-
17 displayed a MS and LRI corresponding to menthol, but the wood were also smelled at later retention times. g-Decalactone
odour did not match menthol 43 (Figure 2). Compound 17 at LRI 1426 with the typical MS fragment (m/z 128, 85) was pres-
co-eluted with menthol, and the structure could not be eluci- ent, as well as d-decalactone (m/z 128, 99), which was previously
dated. 2-Methoxy-5-methylphenol, LRI 1157, and 2-methoxy- reported.[15] Two compounds with an LRI > 1380, having a strong,
4-methylphenol, LRI 1166, 18a and 18b were key contributors aged, sweet urine smell, were noticed: indolinone 33 (LRI 1423)
to urine smell. The MS of 2-methoxy-6-methylphenol was similar and vanilone 34 (LRI 1440) (Figure 2). Steroids were also smelled,
but its LRI at 1151 disqualified it as a candidate. Compound 19 as described below (Figure 3).
had a typical smell of acetylated pyrazine, a food flavouring
compound, and it was probably an artefact formed during the
Acid–Base Extractions and Analysis of Acids and Phenols
boiling process. For compound 20, no relevant MS spectrum or
fragment could be extracted from the GC-MS background noise, The acids were analysed after acid–base extractions. Short-chain
but it smelled like passion fruit, typical for sulfur compounds fatty acids such as butyric acid, isovaleric acid and isobutyric acid
known to sometimes have low odour thresholds. We also had were 10 times less abundant compared with benzoic acid 35.
no obvious candidate in our database that could fit both this The major acids in aged urine were (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)
Flavour Fragr. J. 2013, 28, 200–211 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
M. Troccaz et al.
Figure 3. Chemical structures of relevant steroids analysed in fermented urine. For clarity, the absolute stereochemistry of all centres is not drawn. For
a-androstenol the absolute configuration was (2R,5R,7S,15R)-2,15-dimethyltetracyclo[,7.011,15]heptadec-13-en-5-ol. This is consistent with all
steroids, unless otherwise specified
Figure 4. The chromatogram corresponds to urine extracted with organic solvent, which was subsequently concentrated (200) and injected on
GC-MS (total ion current). Authentic samples were mixed at the same concentration (0.2 mg/l) and injected. The ratio between 44 and 46 was 9/1,
206 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2013, 28, 200–211
Bacteria and odorants in human male urine
Using a GC-MS triple quadrupole in single reaction mode, URI 3, URI 11 and URI 12) and Enterococcus faecalis V583 (99.9%
we detected androstenone 50 and androstadienone 51 only in similarities with URI 2, URI 27 and URI 30) (Table 2).
fermented urine and in the urine fermented with the bacteria Of the isolates, Escherichia sp. and Enterococcus sp. are facultative
mix. The sample injected corresponded to urine concentrated anaerobic bacteria and responsible for UTI when present in high
200 times. From the peak surface, in comparison with the concentrations,[19,23,24] whereas the others are gastrointestinal
authentic sample injected at 0.2 mg/l, we estimated the concen- commensal microflora. The two Enterobacteriaceae, E. fergusonii
tration of a-androstenol at 0.17 mg/l in this sample, which is (closely related to E. coli) and E. aerogenes, are part of the faecal
consistent with the results displayed in Table 2. Androstenone (or thermotolerant) coliforms;[47,48] S. agalactiae (also known
50 and androstadienone 51 are in the range of micrograms as Group B streptococcus) and E. faecalis are known as faecal
per litre (ppb). streptococci. They are present in human faeces at densities of
105–107 CFU/g[48] and are known to spread to the vagina.[49]
Isolated Citrobacter species are not urine specific, but can be found
almost everywhere in soil, water and wastewater. M. morganii
Bacterial Identification in Human Urine
(known as Proteus morganii) has been isolated both in the environ-
A total of 870 CFU/ml aerobic bacteria and 80 CFU/ml strict ment and in the intestinal tract of humans. Morganella was the
anaerobic bacteria were isolated from freshly collected urine only urease-positive bacteria that we isolated.[50,51] However, we
pools. As expected, this number is inferior to 10 000 CFU/ml, as cannot confirm that urease-negative bacteria do not have any
is typical for samples from healthy donors.[27] A minor portion urease activity, but rather only low urease activity in certain
of the aerobic bacteria were identified as aerobic Gram-negative circumstances.[20] The strictly anaerobic bacteria isolated, Dialister
bacilli (10 CFU/ml), and the remaining portion as aerobic Gram- spp. and Actinobaculum spp., did not produce any malodours.
positive cocci (860 CFU/ml) isolated on CNA (colistin and nalidixic No Bacteroides spp. were isolated from our urine samples and we
acid) agar plates. did not look specifically for Lactobacillus spp. and Clostridium
The Gram-negative bacilli belonged to the Enterobacteriaceae spp. Headington and Beyerlein[52] have reported that opportuni-
family, and included Escherichia, Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, ties to isolate bacteroides were higher in women than in men. This
Serratia, Citrobacter and Morganella species. Urine-isolated may reflect the greater risk for contamination of the distal urethra
Gram-positive cocci were catalase negative and identified as in women by genital or faecal flora compared with men.[52–54]
Streptococcus or Enterococcus species.[46] Neither eukaryotic
microorganisms nor Micrococcus spp. were isolated in our urine
Urine Incubation with Malodour-generating Bacteria
samples. Only two genera of anaerobic strains could be isolated
under anaerobic conditions (but not under aerobic incubation) Two hundred millilitres of freshly collected and sterilized urine
on Schaedler agar containing sheep blood. They were identified was incubated with each previously isolated facultative anaerobic
by 16S rDNA sequencing as Dialister microaerophilus DSM 19965 malodour-generating bacterial isolate, the two strictly anaerobic
(100% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with bacterial isolate isolates (D. microaerophilus and A. schaalii) and the commercial
URI 46) and Actinobaculum schaalii CCUG 27420 (97.7% similarity Micrococcus luteus CIP 103664 species for 3 days at 37 C (Table 2).
with bacterial isolate URI 73). Sterile urine samples incubated for 3 days under identical condi-
Upon incubation of urine samples, bacterial counts increased tions were used as negative controls (blank) in all repetitions.
rapidly for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative species and Because of many variations in DNA sequence within one species,
reached a maximum concentration of 8.5 log CFU/ml after we decided not to average the analytical results on the same
1 day of incubation at 37 C and after 4 days of incubation at species, but rather on the same isolates.[4]
room temperature. No Enterobacteriaceae survived after 5 days At the end of the incubation time, the mixture was extracted
at 37 C. with a solvent containing an internal standard to estimate the
Gram stain, shape, colour identification, urease and oxidase/ concentration of selected compounds. Standard deviations were
catalase tests were performed on 73 urine isolates. After incuba- indicated when four repetitions had been carried out with the
tion at 37 C of all 73 isolates in fresh sterile urine samples, 13 same isolate (Table 2). The compounds 6, 9a, 9b, 24, 26, 34,
were found to generate an intense and repulsive urinary odour. 43 and 44 were selected on the basis of their relevant odour
These strains were further sub-cultured on selective media and the ease of monitoring their chromatographic abundance.
[ChromoID CPS, CNA agar, ASAP, REBECCA and urea agar When the urine was incubated with isolated bacteria, it
(for Enterobacteriaceae only)] before identification by API gallery was possible to observe some trends based on the selected
and 16S DNA sequencing. compounds (Table 2). Phenol 6 and indole 24 were generated
Of the 13 malodour-generating isolates, seven different species in the presence of C. koseri, E. fergusonii and mainly M. morganii.
were identified, five of which were found to be Gram-negative The p-cresol 9a was significantly produced by E. fergusonii, and
and two to be Gram-positive bacteria. Identification of the guaiacol 9b was formed in the presence of C. koseri and E. fergusonii.
Gram-negative isolates by 16S rDNA sequencing revealed the Menthol 43 and a-androstenol 44 were observed when urine was
presence of Escherichia fergusonii ATCC 35469 (99.8% 16S rRNA incubated with S. agalactiae and E. fergusonii. Their precursor could
gene sequence similarity with URI A sequence; 99.7% 16S rRNA be glucuronide as described previously for 44.[55] 4-Vinylguaiacol
gene sequence similarity with Escherichia coli ATCC 11775), 26 was present after incubation with E. faecalis, S. agalactiae,
Enterobacter aerogenes JCM 1235 (99.9% similarity with URI B), E. fergusonii and the two anaerobes. Vanilone 34 was always
Citrobacter freundii DSM 30039/C. brackii CD 08058 (99.7% similar- present in all tested samples. The commercial strain, M. luteus,
ity with URI D), Morganella morganii CIP A231 (99.8% similarity did not produce any malodour in our experiments.
with URI 31, URI 20 and URI 62) and Citrobacter koseri LMG 5519 The incubation with M. morganii produced the strongest
(99.4% similarity with URI 6). Gram-positive bacteria were identi- sulfury, amine type of odour, and the pH rose to 9.0–9.5 due to
fied as Streptococcus agalactiae JCM 5671 (100% similarities with urease activity.[20] The analysis of highly volatile compounds
Flavour Fragr. J. 2013, 28, 200–211 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Table 2. Comparison of quantitative and qualitative analysis of selected volatile compounds using an internal standard obtained with sterile urine incubated with various bacteria
Species identification Bacterial pHb VOCs in Mean concentration of VOCs in urine samples (mg/l)
isolate SPME
Phenol, 6 p-Cresol, 9a Guaiacol, 9b Menthol, 43 Indole, 24 4-Vinylguaiacol, 26 Vanilone, 34 a-Androstenol, 44
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Blank 6.0 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.10 0.07 0.10 0.06 0.00 0.00
Enterococcus faecalis URI 2 6.0 C2H6S2 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.18 0.06 0.07 0.02 0.00 0.00
URI 27 6.0 C2H6S2 0.02 — 0.06 — 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.02 — 0.22 — 0.09 — 0.00 —
URI 30 6.0 C2H6S2 0.02 — 0.05 — 0.01 — 0.00 — 0.02 — 0.18 — 0.06 — 0.00 —
Citrobacter koseri URI 6 7.0 C2H6S2 0.60 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.18 0.27 0.04 0.06 3.65 1.75 0.15 0.07 0.12 0.06 0.00 0.00
Streptococcus agalactiae URI 11 6.0 C2H6S2 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.18 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.15 0.05
URI 3 6.0 C2H6S2 0.02 — 0.02 — 0.00 — 0.06 — 0.01 — 0.14 — 0.06 — 0.09 —
URI 12 6.0 C2H6S2 0.02 — 0.04 — 0.00 — 0.04 — 0.01 — 0.27 — 0.09 — 0.03 —
Morganella morganii URI 62 9.5 (CH3)3 N; 7.55 0.70 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 4.26 1.26 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00
C2H6S; C2H6S2
URI 20 9.0 (CH3)3 N; 5.18 — 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — 2.91 — 0.03 — 0.03 — 0.00 —
C2H6S; C2H6S2
URI 31 9.0 (CH3)3 N; 5.90 — 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — 4.87 — 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 —
C2H6S; C2H6S2
Escherichia fergusonii URI A 7.0 C2H6S2 0.29 0.15 2.09 0.18 0.13 0.04 0.55 0.16 2.01 1.56 0.25 0.23 0.12 0.05 0.08 0.07
The compounds were obtained from fresh urine, sterile urine incubated for 3 days at 37 C (= blank), and urine incubated with the mix of six bacteria (URI 2, URI 6, URI 11, URI 62,
a-Androstenol, 44
sible for the amine smell. The sulfury odour was mainly due
to dimethyl disulfide, which was present in most of the
incubated samples.
Urine Fermentation with a Mixture of Bacteria (Bacteria Mix)
Following those results, the five malodour-generating bacteria,
Vanilone, 34
E. faecalis, C. koseri, S. agalactiae, M. morganii and E. fergusonii,
were mixed, added at a concentration of 1 1011 CFU/ml to
from the aged urine (Table 3).
All odorants isolated from a single bacterial incubation were
present after incubation with a bacterial mixture. The concentra-
4-Vinylguaiacol, 26
tions of the volatiles were either similar or increased compared
with the aged urine (Figure 5). The pH increased to 9 0.5 after
incubation, but the chemical profile corresponded to what we
would expect from incubations with individual bacteria
(Table 2).
Bacterial counts were carried out on urine incubated with a
bacterial mixture over time. Immediately after inoculation,
Indole, 24
concentrations of E. fergusonii, E. faecalis, C. koseri, S. agalactiae
and M. morganii were confirmed to be 1 1011 CFU/ml of
urine as defined. After 3 days of incubation at 37 C, no Entero-
bacteriacea were detected. Only E. faecalis survived under
NA, not analysed; ND, not detected; SPME, solid-phase micro-extraction; VOCs, volatile organic compounds.
those conditions. Table 3. Qualitative (SPME) and quantitative analysis (organic extraction) of selected volatile compoundsa
Menthol, 43
Unpleasant odours in urine basically occur in two ways:
malodorous compounds are already present in freshly collected
Guaiacol, 9b
urine (e.g. diet-dependent odours such as asparagus-like
odours),[1,2,56] or they develop over time, produced by bacterial
HCl (which leads to the formation of many chlorinated deriva-
tives).[58] In the present study, some impact odorant compounds,
Phenol, 6
volatiles were detected only in the cold trap, which means that
they were formed and then lost by evaporation. A clear trend
was also that 6, 9a, 24, 43 and 44 were not present or less likely
formed in boiled urine compared to aged or fermented urine
C2H6S; C2H6S2
C2H6S; C2H6S2
was sweet and syrupy and quite different from the odours that
may be encountered in a bathroom or in public toilets.
9.0 (CH3)3 N;
Table 3). The most notable differences from boiled urine were
the presence of methional 2, phenol 6, p-cresol 9a, indole 24
and a-androstenol 44 (Table 3). Volatile compounds, such as
Bacteria mix
Flavour Fragr. J. 2013, 28, 200–211 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
M. Troccaz et al.
Figure 5. Comparison of GC-MS traces of a total extract of aged urine (incubated for 5 days outdoors, temperature not controlled) and an extract
of urine incubated with a mixture of six selected bacteria (incubation at 37 C). The blank was a fresh sterile urine sample incubated at 37 C in a
closed flask
for stale urine odour. The relative abundance of 44 compared to 50 3 days at 37 C.[60] Faecal streptococci (Enterococci) are consid-
after incubation with the bacteria mix is displayed in Figure 4. ered more resistant than Enterobacteriaceae at a higher pH and
The bacteria selected were E. faecalis (URI 2), C. koseri (URI 6), S. nitrogen content. Urine composition may certainly influence pH,
agalactiae (URI 11), M. morganii (URI 62) and E. fergusonii (URI A) bacterial composition and urine odours. Incubation of freshly
because they generate key impact odorants such as dimethyl collected urine revealed that the maximum concentration of total
sulfide and trimethylamine: 6, 9a, 24, 44 (Table 2). Proteus bacterial counts was reached after 4 days at room temperature
mirabilis, E. faecalis, E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae had already (20–25 C) and after 1 day at 37 C. Indeed, most of the volatile
been reported to generate malodours after incubation in compounds were generated during the first hours of incubation.
urine, despite the lack of clear analyses of the volatiles.[58] Two The selective evaporation of most volatile compounds and the
Enterobacteriaceae, E. fergusonii and the urease-positive M. chemical reactions can influence the change in odour over time.
morganii, were selected for their generation of malodour. The We did not look at bacteria and odour generated in women,
smell of urine fermented with E. fergusonii was associated but we expect a similar odour profile in healthy subjects, except
mainly with 6, 9a and 24. The highest pH (9.5) was obtained during menstruation when large changes in substrates, pH and
with M. morganii and the smell was the result of the formation bacterial ratios may occur. Here, the donors were only men for
of trimethylamine and volatile sulfur compounds. M. morganii simplicity in sampling and to avoid questioning women about
is known for its high urease activity.[19,51] S. agalactiae was particu- their menstrual cycles.
larly interesting for producing a-androstenol 44 and menthol 43. GC-MS-O analyses also have some limitations; the NIF% gives
Previous analytical work confirmed that E. coli (closely related to a good idea of the impact molecules, but it represents only part
E. fergusonii) generates high levels of methanol, formaldehyde, of the information (Figure 1). However, the advantage of this
hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, methyl technique is that the focus is only on smelling compounds and
mercaptan, trimethylamine and indole.[59,60] Proteus vulgaris the GC-O traces are nicely reproducible.
isolated in UTIs (urease positive, tryptophanase positive), but not
in healthy individuals, was also reported to produce high levels Acknowledgements
of trimethylamine and indole.[6,61] Citrobacter species were de-
scribed as having differences in their ability to convert tryptophan We are grateful to Dr Eric Frerot for analytical support with the
to indole 24 through differences in tryptophanase activities.[62] MS-triple Quad, Dr Monica Bandera and Dr Laurent Wünsche
for critical discussions and for reviewing the manuscript, and
The incubation of urine with the mix of these five selected
Dr Isabelle Cayeux for sensory analysis and critical discussions.
bacteria was representative of the smell of aged urine; Figure 5
and Table 3 display the similarities.
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