SPC Student DATA PRIVACY CONSENT FORM-updated 05-11-2021
SPC Student DATA PRIVACY CONSENT FORM-updated 05-11-2021
SPC Student DATA PRIVACY CONSENT FORM-updated 05-11-2021
San Pedro College values the privacy and security of personal data entrusted by its stakeholders
(e.g. students, alumni, other partners) for legitimate purposes. We aim to comply with the Data
Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) and cooperate fully with the National Privacy Commission (NPC).
We respect your privacy with extreme importance. SPC is committed to meeting both your
personal privacy, which is very important to us, and guaranteeing that our honest and valid
interests as an educational institution and our ability to fully and effectively carry out our
responsibilities as such are met.
In this Form, the terms, “personal data” and “information” are used interchangeably. When we
speak of “personal data”, the term includes the concepts of personal information, sensitive
personal information, and privileged information. The first two are typically used to distinctively
identify you. For their exact definitions, you may refer to the text of the DPA
A. Collection of Information
We collect your personal data that include those you provide us during your application for
admission, information we obtain or generate upon enrolment and during the course of your
stay with us.
Upon your application for admission, we collect information about your personal
circumstances and contact information such as –but not limited to; full name, mailing
address, contact number, email address, social media account name, birthdate, blood
type, previous schools attended, academic performance, disciplinary record, medical
record, etc.
2. Information we acquire or generate upon enrolment and during the course of your stay
with us
Upon enrollment and during your stay with us, we collect information on your academic
or curricular accomplishments, the subjects you enroll in and academic performance,
attendance record, medical record, etc. We will also collect information for and in
relation to co-curricular matters, such as outreach activities, as well as extra-curricular
activities, such as membership in student organizations, leadership positions and
participation and attendance in seminars, competitions and programs. We will also
collect information in connection with any disciplinary incident, including the violations
that you may be involved in.
B. Access to Information
Your personal information is accessed and used by SPC, specifically the Admissions and Alumni
Office, Community Engagement and Extension Services (CEES), Finance Department, Guidance,
Counseling and Testing Center (GCTC), Health and Wellness Center, Office of the Registrar,
Office of Student Affairs (OSA), Scholarship Office and the other personnel who have legitimate
interest in it for the purpose of carrying out their mandated duties.
We use and share your information as permitted or required by law to pursue our valid
interests as an educational institution, including a variety of academic, administrative,
historical, and statistical purposes.
We shall implement reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical, and technical security
measures for the protection of personal data which we collected.
The security measures shall aim to maintain the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of
personal data and are intended for the protection of personal data against any accidental or
unlawful destruction, alteration, and disclosure, as well as against any other unlawful
We only permit your data to be accessed or processed by our authorized personnel who hold
such information under strict confidentiality. We strictly control access to information to just
anyone who like to know/obtain such information without justifiable ground.
Any data security incident or breach that comes to the knowledge of SPC will be recorded and
reported as required by law. SPC will take all necessary and reasonable steps to address such
incident or breach and mitigate any negative effect of such incident or breach. If there is strong
suspicion that an incident affects your personal information, SPC will immediately notify you of
such incident.
Your personal data must be kept until the designated time period has ended. Each
Administrative/Academic department has responsibility to periodically assess which records in
their department have reached their retention period and should be destroyed or disposed
properly through a secure and confidential means.
After successfully completing your degree program at SPC and you are already alumni, your
personal information remains confidential.
Our employees shall operate and hold personal data under strict confidentiality.
Right to Privacy
As provided by the Act, you may object to the processing of your personal data, request to
access your personal information, and/or have it corrected, erased, or blocked on reasonable
grounds. For the details of your rights as a data subject, you can get in touch with our Data
Privacy Officer at contact details below or at National Privacy Commission at
https://privacy.gov.ph/. SPC will consider your request and reserves the right to deal with the
matter in accordance with the law.
Contact Information
If you have further questions or concerns regarding your privacy rights, this Consent Form or
any matter regarding the Data Privacy Act of 2012, you may contact our Data Protection Officer
through the following details:
The Data Protection Officer Tel. No.: +6382 221 0257 local 1312 or Email Address:
I have read this form, understood its contents and consent to the processing of my personal
data. I understand that my consent does not preclude the existence of other criteria for legal
processing of personal data, and does not waive any of my rights under the Data Privacy Act of
2012 and other applicable laws.