Camel Manual

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Thank you for purchasing Camel. To get the

most out of your new plugin suite, please read
this user manual carefully.

1.1 Overview Camel Channel-strip B-2882

Camel is a plugin suite incarnating two iconic

British brands that have earned a reputation as
industry leaders for their innovation and tech-
nological achievements. Camel includes four
plugins replicating the best hardware units as Camel EQ B-785
manufactured by these renowned companies.

2. Camel

2.1 About The Suite

The Camel suite consists of: Camel Comp B-656

• Camel Channel-strip B-2882 (two switch-

able 4-Band Equalizers with High-pass and
Low-pass Filters, two switchable Compressors
and a Limiter and sixteen Line Preamp emula-
Camel Pre B-1441

• Camel EQ B-785 (two switchable 4-Band

Equalizers with High-pass and Low-pass Fil-
ters, sixteen Line and sixteen Mic Preamp em-
ulations, plus four ‘custom’ preamps).

• Camel Comp B-656 (three switchable Com-

pressors and two Limiter, plus two preamp em-

• Camel Pre B-1441 (sixteen Line Preamps,

sixteen Mic Preamps and 4 Custom Preamps
for a total of thirty-six preamp emulations).
2.2 This buffer varies in size for each plug-in and
helps reduce the CPU and system load of
Product Download your computer significantly. For this reason we
recommend that you use a ZL instance when
and authorization tracking. Basically both plug-in instances are
identical but the current Acqua engine can
work either with or without an audio buffer.
The idea behind a ZL instance is to give you
When you purchase a product from our web the option to run an Acqua Effect with minimal
shop, the registration is automatic. Your new- latency, which is useful for tracking or direct
ly purchased product can be downloaded via monitoring.
Aquarius, our dedicated free app for macOS
and Windows. For more details please vis-
it our website. Make sure Aquarius is always
updated to the latest version available. If you
experience any issues during the authorization
of your products uninstall the plug-in(s) and
then re-install them using the latest version of


Modern computers are powerful enough to

run many plug-ins at once. However our tech-
nology requires more resources than algo-
rithm-based software so we recommend op-
timizing your system to work with high CPU
loads and low audio latency.

2.4 What is a
“ZL” Plug-In

Acustica plug-ins come in two versions: ZL

(zero latency) and a regular version. While the
ZL version does not introduce any latency to
your system, the standard version does.
3. Operation 3.1 Equalizer section

With the Camel suite, you get a Filter section • Model A is derived from a vintage British
(Highpass - Lowpass), two equalizers (A - B), EQ/Pre module with balanced Mic/Line inputs
five dynamic processors, (COMP1=compres- (featuring Lundahl balanced transformers),
sor model A – COMP2= compressor model B, Variable High/Low pass filters plus a four-band
LIM=limiter model A, plus two extra emulations parametric EQ. The high and low shelving fil-
in the Camel Comp - B-656 called: SUPER- ters can be switched to peak, and vice versa.
COMP= compressor model A with different Likewise, the two mid bands (low and high)
ratios compared to COMP1 derived from a have a switchable Q from Narrow to Broad and
compressor included in the Jade plugin suite vice versa.
and finally the SUPERLIM=limiter derived from
the limiter included in the Jade plugin suite) • Model B is based on a rare, discrete-com-
and a total of thirty-six Preamps (sixteen LINE ponent Class A console, introduced in 1973
Preamps, sixteen MIC Preamps and 4 CUST by one of the most famous recording facilities
Preamps). in the UK (in the Soho District), which shortly
afterward officially formed as a manufacturing
NOTE: company.
In the CAMEL EQ and CAMEL PRE standalone
plugins you can use all thirty-six switchable This specific console spent its early life in Lon-
preamplifiers, while in the Channel-strip ver- don, and played a critical role in the recording of
sion you only have sixteen Line preamplifiers legendary albums such as Queen’s “A Night at
available. the Opera” and David Bowie’s “Diamond Dogs”.

In the following sections (3.1-3.3), you will learn With the invaluable help of producer and sound
how the various standalone plugins work. engineer Antonio Aki Chindamo (co-founder of
To simplify things and avoid repetition, we will Auditoria Records – Recording Studio in Italy),
not discuss the Camel Channel-strip plugin (B- we managed to get our hands on this beau-
2882), which already includes all the sections ty and sampled the 16 line preamps, 16 mic
and controls of the standalone plugins (except preamps plus the stereo output preamplifier
for the preamp section, which only contains 16 of the console (included in the CUST preamp
line preamps). module of the plugin) as well as the whole EQ
module and its high-pass filter.
The next three sections are divided as follows:

• EQUALIZER SECTION: explains the models

included in Camel B-785 and its controls.

• COMPRESSOR SECTION: explains the mod-

els included in Camel B-656 and its controls.

• PREAMPS SECTION: explains the models in-

cluded in Camel B-1441 and its controls.

You will find a brief explanation of the Camel

B-2882 Channel-strip in Chapter 3.4.
Camel Eq B-785 / A mode


1 - Input Trim: A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input and output gain stag-
es with an inverse law. The control sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB, and it is used to
adjust the internal level of the plug-in. Note that this is different from a standard input gain control
and always ensures that whatever gain change is introduced at the input, the output level is au-
tomatically compensated so that there is no perceived change in volume. Note: when the preamp
stage is bypassed, the ‘Input Trim’ mode has no effect.
2 – OFF: bypasses (Led on) the Low-Pass filter, High Frequency and High-Mid Frequency bands
of the plugin.
3 - HF band - Gain: approx -16 to +16 dB.
4 - HMF band - Gain: approx -16 to +16 dB.
5 - Input Meters (L-R): they display the input levels (L-R) entering the plug-in. Range IN (L-R):
-40dB to +10dB.
6 - Output Meters (L-R): they display the output levels (L-R) entering the plug-in. Range OUT
(L-R): -40dB to +10dB.
7- Activation button (Model A): activates (Led On) the EQ Model A (LP filter andHF-HMF
8- Low-Pass Frequency range (Model A): from 2.8. to 30 kHz: first knob step (OFF) bypass-
es the filter.
9- HF band range: from 1 to 16 kHz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
10- HMF band range: from 0.5 to 7.2 kHz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
11- PRE selector: This stepped control allows you to select from the different preamps accord-
ing to the selected BANK (LINE-MIC-CUST). First knob step (OFF) bypasses the preamp section.
12- Activation button (Model B): activates (Led On) the EQ Model B (HF-HMF bands).
13- HF Q: modifies the response of HF frequency band. It toggles between Shelf (off) and Bell
14- HMF bandwidth: modifies the bandwidth of HMF frequency band. It toggles between
Broad and Narrow.
15- Preamp model display: This display, below the preamp selector shows the selected
preamp model according to the selected BANK (LINE-MIC-CUST). If the preamps section is by-
passed, the display shows OFF.
16-17-18 LINE-MIC-CUST buttons: In the Camel suite the preamplifier emulations are divid-
ed into 3 different and mutually exclusive BANKS.
Each of them includes different types of preamps with their own frequency response and har-
monic content (Line preamp; Mic preamp; Cust preamp). To select a bank simply press the cor-
responding button: LINE or MIC or CUST.
19 – OFF: bypasses (Led on) the High-Pass filter, Low Frequency and Low-Mid Frequency bands
of the plugin.
20 - LMF band – Gain: approx -16 to +16 dB.
21 - LF band - Gain: approx -16 to +16 dB.
22 – Output: This knob is an output gain control ranging from -24dB to +24dB.
23 - Activation button (Model A): activates (Led On) the EQ Model A (LF-LMF bands).
24 - LMF band range: from 150 to 2.3k Hz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
25 - LF band range: from 28 to 430 Hz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
26 - High-Pass Frequency range (Model A): from 18 to 330 Hz: first knob step (OFF) by-
passes the filter.
27- Activation button (Model B): activates (Led On) the EQ Model B (LF-LMF bands).
28- LMF bandwidth: modifies the bandwidth of LMF frequency band. It toggles between Broad
and Narrow.
29- LF Q: modifies the response of LF frequency band. It toggles between Shelf (off) and Bell
Camel Eq B-785 / B mode


1 - Input Trim: A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input and output gain
stages with an inverse law. The control sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB, and it is
used to adjust the internal level of the plug-in. Note that this is different from a standard in-
put gain control and always ensures that whatever gain change is introduced at the input, the
output level is automatically compensated so that there is no perceived change in volume.
NOTE: when the preamp stage is bypassed, the ‘Input Trim’ mode has no effect.
2 – OFF: bypasses (Led on) the Low-Pass filter, High Frequency and High-Mid Frequency bands
of the plugin.
3 - HF band - Gain: approx -19 to +19 dB.
4 - MF2 band - Gain: approx -15 to +15 dB.
5 - Input Meters (L-R): they display the input levels (L-R) entering the plug-in. Range IN (L-R):
-40dB to +10dB.
6 - Output Meters (L-R): they display the output levels (L-R) entering the plug-in. Range OUT
(L-R): -40dB to +10dB.
7- Activation button (Model A): activates (Led On) the EQ Model A (HF-HMF bands).
NOTE: the original unit from which model B is derived does not have a Low-pass filter, so it was
decided to include the filter derived from model A.
8- Low-Pass Frequency range (Model A): from 2.8 to 30 kHz: first knob step (OFF) bypass-
es the filter.
NOTE: the original unit from which model B is derived does not have a Low-pass filter, so it was
decided to include the filter derived from model A.
9 - HF band range (Model B): 8, 10 kHz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
10- MF2 band range: from 1.4 to 7 kHz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
11- PRE selector: This stepped control allows you to select from the different preamps s ac-
cording to the selected BANK (LINE-MIC-CUST). The first knob step (OFF) bypasses the preamp
12- Activation button (Model B): activates (Led On) the EQ Model B (HF-HMF bands)
13- Preamp model display: This display, below the preamp selector shows the selected
preamp model according to the selected BANK (LINE-MIC-CUST). If the preamps section is by-
passed, the display shows OFF.
18 - MF1 band – Gain: approx -15 to +15 dB.
19 - LF band – Gain: approx -19 to +19 dB.
20 – Output: This knob is an output gain control ranging from -24dB to +24dB.
21 - Activation button (Model A): activates (Led On) the EQ Model A (LF-LMF bands).
22- MF1 band range: from 1.4 to 7k Hz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
23- LF band range: 60,120 Hz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
24 - High-Pass Frequency range (Model B): 50 Hz (fixed); first knob step (OFF) bypasses
the filter.
25- Activation button (Model B): activates (Led On) the EQ Model B (LF-LMF bands).

The Camel standalone plugin (Camel Comp -

B-656) is equipped with five dynamics pro-

‘Comp1’ and ‘Lim’ both derive from the same

vintage British VCA broadcast compressor/lim-
iter unit, and works wonders on the mix bus.
This dynamics processor shares the same
brand name as Camel EQ A model (B-785) and
Strip version (B-2882) and can be historically
traced back to the same period as the equaliz-
er was built in.

‘SuperComp’ derive from the same com-

pressor model of COMP1 but is characterized
by different ratios curves (from Jade Acqua pl-
ugin compressor emulation)

‘SuperLim’ is derived from Jade’s limiter em-

ulation and it’s the perfect tool for fast, snappy
and transient-chopping action.

‘Comp2’ is sampled from a classic British FET

compressor from the late ‘70s and ‘80s, and is
characterized by a very aggressive and punchy

Great on drums and rock guitars, this is proba-

bly the fattest and warmest compressor plugin
in the Acustica family.
This dynamics processor shares the same
brand name as the Camel EQ B model in the
Camel EQ (B-785) and Strip version (B-2882)
and is historically traceable to the same con-
struction period as the equalizer.

Please note: Comp1, Comp2, SuperComp, Lim

and SuperLim cannot be used in series, but are
independent from each other.

More info in Chapter 5.2


1 - Input Trim: A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input and output gain
stages with an inverse law. The control sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB, and it is
used to adjust the internal level of the plug-in. Note that this is different from a standard in-
put gain control and always ensures that whatever gain change is introduced at the input, the
output level is automatically compensated so that there is no perceived change in volume.
NOTE: when the preamp stage is bypassed, the ‘Input Trim’ mode has no effect.
2 - Gain reduction meter: the Gain Reduction meter measures the gain reduction level ap-
plied by the compressor. The meters indicate ‘0’ in the absence of an input signal or any gain
reduction. If the signal exceeds the compression threshold or limit level, the amount of gain re-
duction is displayed. The meter consists of a LED part and a sliding analog part, both of which
indicate the same measured value.
3 – Output: This knob is an output gain control ranging from -24dB to +24dB.
4 - Input Meter: this VU meter displays the input level entering the plug-in. Range IN: -40dB
to +0dB.
5 - Preamps selector: This stepped control allows you to select from two preamps. The first
model is the preamp emulation of COMP1; The second is the emulation of COMP2. The first knob
step bypasses the preamp stage.
6 - Ratio: This knob sets the compression ratio according to the selected compressor model.
-COMP1 ratio: Available values range from 1.5:1 to 100:1.
-LIM: In LIM mode the ratio knob disappears from the GUI as there is only one mode available.
-COMP2: 2:1,3:1,5:1
-SUPERCOMP: 5:1, 10:1, 25:1
-In LIM_and SUPERLIM mode the ratio knob disappears from the GUI as there is only one mode
available. Graphs in the Chapter 5.2
7 - Output Meter: this VU meter displays the output level of the plug-in. Range OUT: -40dB to
8 – Attack: the attack time control of the compressors.
NOTE: The attack knob is continuous, so intermediate times, compared to the attack
times sampled from the original compressor are the result of interpolation by our engine.
-COMP1: from 1 to 5ms.
-COMP2: 1ms, 5ms, 15ms, 30ms, 35ms, 45ms, 50ms.
-LIM: from 1 to 5ms.
-SUPERCOMP:from 1 to 5ms.
-SUPERLIM: from 1 to 5ms.
9 – Threshold: sets the threshold of the compressor (range: -64 dB to + 0 dB).
10 – Release: release time control of the compressors.
NOTE: The release knob is continuous, so intermediate times, compared to the release times
sampled from the original compressor are the result of interpolation by our engine.
-COMP1: 0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 3s.
-COMP2: 50, 60, 70, 120, 175, 200, 250, 300 ms
-LIM: 0.1, 0.4, 3s.
-SUPERCOMP: 0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 3s.
-SUPERLIM: 0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 3s.
11 - Filter: This control sets the cut frequency of a very gentle 1-pole high-pass filter inserted
in the side-chain path. Generally, the higher the frequency, the smaller the amount of gain re-
duction, since less of the low frequencies will be affecting the Compressor action. The leftmost
position (labelled 0) of this knob bypasses the filter.
12 – SHmod: this alters the shape of the attack envelope, allowing you to fine-tune the attack
behavior in order to adapt it to any audio source. Position 2 gives the original attack time of the
modeled compressor. Position 1 gives the fastest setting. Going from 1 down to 0, a further look-
ahead function is enabled. The global range of the look-ahead zone goes from 0 to 4 millisec-
onds. Values above 2 will slow down the attack time.
13 - Make Up: It sets the output gain compensation of the compressor, in order to match the
level of the compressed signal with the original. Make-up gain range: from 0 dB to +24 dB.
14 - Comp selector: This stepped control allows you to select from five different dynamic pro-
cessors: COMP1-COMP2-SUPERCOMP-LIM-SUPERLIM. The first knob step bypasses the com-
pressor section.
15 - Mix: This controls the proportion between the original (dry) and ‘effected’ (wet) signals.
In other words, it determines the balance between the compressed and uncompressed signal.
Range: 0% to 100%.
3.3 Preamps section
MIC: 1-16: 16 Mic channels (Mic input to out-
put). The frequency response of each preamp
is derived from 16 different Mic channels of the
same desk.
Camel’s preamp section is based on a collec-
tion of various hardware units for a total of 36 CUST: This bank includes 4 different preamp
different mic and line preamps to choose from. emulations. We use the term ‘CUSTOM’ to
You can sequentially or randomly strip many identify this bank which includes different
preamps across your tracks to immediately types of preamp emulations.
hear their summing effect.
As you will see, Camel Pre (B-1441) is very easy 1: Preamp emulation of EQ B;
to use. Three switchable BANKS are available 2: MIC IN (1-2) to OUT L-R (Stereo preamp);
to you: 3: Preamp emulation of COMP2 (Stereo
LINE: 1-16: 16 line channels (line input to out- 4: Preamp emulation of COMP1/LIM (Stereo
put). The frequency response of each preamp preamp);
is derived from 16 different Line channels of
the same console we sampled EQ model B NOTE:
from. Built with Discrete class A components, -The Camel EQ B-785 (as the Camel PRE
plus input and output transformers, its sound is B-1441) is equipped with all the preamp
smooth and warm, colored, and creamy. BANKS: LINE, MIC and CUSTOM. For a total of
36 switchable preamplifier emulations.
Please note: The harmonic content of each - Camel Channel-strip B-2882 is equipped
preamp is derived from a single sampled chan- with only one LINE bank, for a total of 16
nel. switchable preamplifier emulations.

1 - Input Meter: this meter displays the input level of the plug-in. Range OUT: -50dB to +0dB.
2 – Line Preamp selector: This stepped control allows you to select from 16 different Line
preamps. The crown around the selection knob shows the preamp models available for each
bank. To select a specific preamp, simply position the knob at the label of the desired preamplifier
(the corresponding box will turn red).
3 – Custom Preamps selector: This stepped control allows you to select from 4 different
Custom preamps. NOTE: We use the term ‘CUSTOM’ to identify this bank which is made up of
different types of preamp emulations. The crown around the selection knob shows the preamp
models available for each bank. To select a specific preamp, simply position the knob at the label
of the desired preamplifier (the corresponding box will turn red).
4 – Mic Preamps selector: This stepped control allows you to select from 16 different Mic
preamps. The crown around the selection knob shows the preamp models available for each
bank. To select a specific preamp, simply position the knob at the label of the desired preamplifier
(the corresponding box will turn red).
5 - Output Meter: this meter displays the input level of the plug-in. Range OUT: -50dB to +0dB.
6 - Input Trim: A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input and output gain
stages with an inverse law. The control sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB, and it is used to
adjust the internal level of the plug-in. Note that this is different from a standard input gain con-
trol and always ensures that whatever gain change is introduced at the input, the output level is
automatically compensated so that there is no perceived change in volume.
7 – Output: This knob is an output gain control ranging from -24dB to +24dB.
8 – OFF: bypasses (Led on) the Preamp.
9-10-11 LINE-MIC-CST buttons: In the Camel suite the preamplifier emulations are divided
into 3 different and mutually exclusive BANKS. Each of them includes different types of preamps
with their own frequency response and harmonic content (Line preamp emulations; Mic preamp
emulations; Cust preamp emulations). To select a bank simply press the corresponding button:


1 – OFF: bypasses (Led on) the Low-Pass filter, High Frequency and High-Mid Frequency bands
of the plugin.
2- Activation button (Model A): activates (Led On) the EQ Model A (LP filter andHF-HMF
3- Activation button (Model B): activates (Led On) the EQ Model B (LP filter and HF-HMF
4- Low-Pass Frequency range (Model A): from 2.8. to 30 kHz: first knob step (OFF) bypass-
es the filter.
5 - HF band - Gain: approx -16 to +16 dB.
6- HF Q: modifies the response of HF frequency band. It toggles between Shelf and Bell.
7- HF band range: from 1 to 16 kHz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
8 - HMF band - Gain: approx -16 to +16 dB.
9- HMF bandwidth: modifies the bandwidth of HMF frequency band. It toggles between Broad
and Narrow.
10- HMF band range: from 0.5 to 7.2 kHz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
11 – OFF: bypasses (Led on) the High-Pass filter, Low Frequency and Low-Mid Frequency bands
of the plugin.
12- Activation button (Model A): activates (Led On) the EQ Model A (HP filter and LF-LMF
13- Activation button (Model B): activates (Led On) the EQ Model B (HP filter and LF-LMF bands).
14 - LMF band – Gain: approx -16 to +16 dB.
15- HMF bandwidth: modifies the bandwidth of LMF frequency band. It toggles between Broad
and Narrow
16 - LMF band range: from 150 to 2.3k Hz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
17- LF band - Gain: approx -16 to +16 dB.
18- HF Q: modifies the response of HF frequency band. It toggles between Shelf and Bell.
19 - LF band range: from 28 to 430 Hz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
20 - High-Pass Frequency range (Model A): from 18 to 330 Hz: first knob step (OFF) by-
passes the filter.
21 - Input Meters (L-R): they display the input levels (L-R) entering the plug-in. Range IN (L-R):
-40dB to +10dB.
22 - Output Meters (L-R): they display the output levels (L-R) entering the plug-in. Range OUT
(L-R): -40dB to +10dB.
23 – Line Preamps selector: This stepped control allows you to select from 16 different Line
preamps. The crown around the selection knob shows the preamp models available for each
bank. To select a specific preamp, simply position the knob at the label of the desired preamplifier
(the corresponding box will turn red).
24 - Input Trim: A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input and output gain
stages with an inverse law. The control sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB, and it is used to
adjust the internal level of the plug-in. Note that this is different from a standard input gain con-
trol and always ensures that whatever gain change is introduced at the input, the output level is
automatically compensated so that there is no perceived change in volume.
25 – Output: This knob is an output gain control ranging from -24dB to +24dB.
26 – Compressor Input Trim: A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input and
output gain stages with an inverse law. The control sets the input level of the compressor/limiter
from -24dB to +24dB, and it is used to adjust the internal level of the plug-in. Note that this is
different from a standard input gain control and always ensures that whatever gain change is in-
troduced at the input, the output level is automatically compensated so that there is no perceived
change in volume.
27 - Ratio: This knob sets the compression ratio according to the selected compressor model.
-COMP1 ratio: Available values range from 1.5:1 to 100:1.
-LIM: In LIM mode the ratio knob disappears from the GUI as there is only one mode available.
-COMP2: 2:1,3:1,5:1
Graphs in Chapter 5.2
NOTE: (SUPERCOMP and SUPERLIM emulations aren’t included in the Channel-strip version).
28 – Attack: the attack time control of the compressors.
NOTE: The attack knob is continuous, so intermediate times, compared to the attack
times sampled from the original compressor are the result of interpolation by our engine.
-COMP1: from 1 to 5ms.
-COMP2: 1ms, 5ms, 15ms, 30ms, 35ms, 45ms, 50ms.
-LIM: from 1 to 5ms.
29 – Threshold: sets the threshold of the compressor (range: -64 dB to + 0 dB).
30 – Release: release time control of the compressors.
NOTE: The release knob is continuous, so intermediate times, compared to the release times
sampled from the original compressor are the result of interpolation by our engine.

0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 3s.
60, 70, 120, 175, 200, 250, 300 ms
0.1, 0.4, 3s.

31 - Filter: This control sets the cut frequency of a very gentle 1-pole high-pass filter inserted
in the side-chain path. Generally, the higher the frequency, the smaller the amount of gain re-
duction, since less of the low frequencies will be affecting the Compressor action. The leftmost
position (labelled 0) of this knob bypasses the filter.
32 – SHmod: this alters the shape of the attack envelope, allowing you to fine-tune the attack
behavior in order to adapt it to any audio source. Position 2 gives the original attack time of the
modeled compressor. Position 1 gives the fastest setting. Going from 1 down to 0, a further look-
ahead function is enabled. The global range of the look-ahead zone goes from 0 to 4 millisec-
onds. Values above 2 will slow down the attack time.
33 - Make Up: It sets the output gain compensation of the compressor, in order to match the
level of the compressed signal with the original. Make-up gain range: from 0 dB to +24 dB.
34 - Comp selector: This stepped control allows you to select from five different dynamic pro-
cessors: COMP1-COMP2-SUPERCOMP-LIM-SUPERLIM. The first knob step bypasses the com-
pressor section.
35 - Mix: This controls the proportion between the original (dry) and ‘effected’ (wet) signals.
In other words, it determines the balance between the compressed and uncompressed signal.
Range: 0% to 100%.
36 - Gain reduction meter: the Gain Reduction meter measures the gain reduction level ap-
plied by the compressor. The meters indicate ‘0’ in the absence of an input signal or any gain
reduction. If the signal exceeds the compression threshold or limit level, the amount of gain re-
duction is displayed.

1 – OFF: bypasses (Led on) the Low-Pass filter, High Frequency and High-Mid Frequency bands
of the plugin.
2- Activation button (Model A): activates (Led On) the EQ Model A (LP filter and HF-HMF
3- Activation button (Model B): activates (Led On) the EQ Model B (LP filter and HF-MF2
4- Low-Pass Frequency range (Model A): from 2.8 to 30 kHz: first knob step (OFF) bypass-
es the filter.
5 - HF band - Gain: approx -19 to +19 dB.
6 - HF band range (Model B): 8, 10 kHz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
7 – MF2 band - Gain: approx -15 to +15 dB.
8 – MF2 band range: from 1.4 to 7 kHz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
9 – MF1 band – Gain: approx -15 to +15 dB.
10 – MF1band range: from 1.4 to 7 k Hz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
11 - LF band – Gain: approx -19 to +19 dB.
12- LF band range: 60,120 Hz; first knob step (OFF) bypasses the band.
13 - High-Pass Frequency range (Model B): 50 Hz (fixed); first knob step (OFF) bypasses
the filter.
11 – OFF: bypasses (Led on) the High-Pass filter, Low Frequency and Low-Mid Frequency bands
of the plugin.
12- Activation button (Model A): activates (Led On) the EQ Model A (HP filter and LF-LMF
13- Activation button (Model B): activates (Led On) the EQ Model B (HP filter and LF-MF1
14 - Input Meters (L-R): they display the input levels (L-R) entering the plug-in. Range IN (L-R):
-40dB to +10dB.
15 - Output Meters (L-R): they display the output levels (L-R) entering the plug-in. Range OUT
(L-R): -40dB to +10dB.
16 – Line Preamps selector: This stepped control allows you to select from 16 different Line
preamps. The crown around the selection knob shows the preamp models available for each
bank. To select a specific preamp, simply position the knob at the label of the desired preamplifier
(the corresponding box will turn red).
17 - Input Trim: A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input and output gain
stages with an inverse law. The control sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB, and it is used to
adjust the internal level of the plug-in. Note that this is different from a standard input gain con-
trol and always ensures that whatever gain change is introduced at the input, the output level is
automatically compensated so that there is no perceived change in volume.
18 – Output: This knob is an output gain control ranging from -24dB to +24dB.
19 – Compressor Input Trim: A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input and
output gain stages with an inverse law. The control sets the input level of the compressor/limiter
from -24dB to +24dB, and it is used to adjust the internal level of the plug-in. Note that this is
different from a standard input gain control and always ensures that whatever gain change is in-
troduced at the input, the output level is automatically compensated so that there is no perceived
change in volume.
20 - Ratio: This knob sets the compression ratio according to the selected compressor model.
-COMP1 ratio: Available values range from 1.5:1 to 100:1.
-LIM: In LIM mode the ratio knob disappears from the GUI as there is only one mode available.
-COMP2: 2:1,3:1,5:1
Graphs in the Chapter 5.2
NOTE: (SUPERCOMP and SUPERLIM emulations aren’t included in the Channel-strip version).
21 – Attack: the attack time control of the compressors.
NOTE: The attack knob is continuous, so intermediate times, compared to the attack
times sampled from the original compressor are the result of interpolation by our engine.
-COMP1: from 1 to 5ms.
-COMP2: 1ms, 5ms, 15ms, 30ms, 35ms, 45ms, 50ms.
-LIM: from 1 to 5ms.
22 – Threshold: sets the threshold of the compressor (range: -64 dB to + 0 dB).
23 – Release: release time control of the compressors.
NOTE: The release knob is continuous, so intermediate times, compared to the release times
actually sampled from the original compressor is the result of interpolation by our engine.
-COMP1: 0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 3s.
-COMP2: 60, 70, 120, 175, 200, 250, 300 ms
-LIM: 0.1, 0.4, 3s.
24 - Filter: This control sets the cut frequency of a very gentle 1-pole high-pass filter inserted
in the side-chain path. Generally, the higher the frequency, the smaller the amount of gain re-
duction, since less of the low frequencies will be affecting the Compressor action. The leftmost
position (labelled 0) of this knob bypasses the filter.
25 – SHmod: this alters the shape of the attack envelope, allowing you to fine-tune the attack
behavior in order to adapt it to any audio source. Position 2 gives the original attack time of the
modeled compressor. Position 1 gives the fastest setting. Going from 1 down to 0, a further look-
ahead function is enabled. The global range of the look-ahead zone goes from 0 to 4 millisec-
onds. Values above 2 will slow down the attack time.
26 - Make Up: It sets the output gain compensation of the compressor, in order to match the
level of the compressed signal with the original. Make-up gain range: from 0 dB to +24 dB.
27 - Comp selector: This stepped control allows you to select from five different dynamic pro-
cessors: COMP1-COMP2-SUPERCOMP-LIM-SUPERLIM. The first knob step bypasses the com-
pressor section.
28 - Mix: This controls the proportion between the original (dry) and ‘effected’ (wet) signals.
In other words, it determines the balance between the compressed and uncompressed signal.
Range: 0% to 100%.
29 - Gain reduction meter: the Gain Reduction meter measures the gain reduction level
applied by the compressor. The meters indicate ‘0’ in the absence of an input signal or any gain
reduction. If the signal exceeds the compression threshold or limit level, the amount of gain re-
duction is displayed.
4. Contents
The content included in this manual such as
graphics, icons, images, is the exclusive prop-
erty of Acusticaudio s.r.l. Or its content suppli-
ers, and is protected by international copyright
laws. The information contained on our web-
4.1 site may not be downloaded, modified, distrib-
Technical uted, uploaded, or otherwise used without the
express written consent of Acusticaudio S.r.l.

Support Acustica Audio is a trademark of Acusticaudio


Technical support is exclusively provided via

our dedicated Freshdesk platform. Please con-
sult our website to learn more.

and Bug Report
Acustica Audio is constantly improving its
products and adding new features.
On-going issues, bugs and rare crashes can
still be possible. If you are experiencing is-
sues with your product, please head over to
our website and visit the dedicated knowledge
base section. Many answers have already
been answered and ready-to-use solutions
can be found there.

Copyrights and
All names, product names, logos and brands
displayed on this document are the property
of their respective owners.
Equalizer mode A - HF band curves Equalizer mode A - HMF band curves
5.1 EQ Graphs
5. Graphs
Equalizer mode A - LMF band curves Equalizer mode A - LF band curves
Equalizer mode A - Filters
Equalizer mode B - HF band curves Equalizer mode B - MF band curves
Equalizer mode B - LF band curves Equalizer mode B - HP filter
Comp1 Ratios Comp2 Ratios Limiter Ratios
5.2 Comp Graphs
6. AI Presets

Camel includes AI (Artificial Intelligence) Pre-
sets. By clicking on the ‘Preset’ drop down
menu on the left hand side of Camel B-785 EQ
you can select a preset from the displayed list.
Learn more about the included presets in the
‘AI Preset list and credits’ below. Our AI Presets
are based on a large amount of data ‘sampled’
from real - life mixing sessions by renowned
engineers. Any AI Preset will assess the audio
being fed into the plug-in and then, based on
the data stored in its memory , will automati-
cally modify the EQ settings, emulating what
the referenced engineer would have done in
the same situation. Here’s how you can get the
best results: • loop a short section of audio that
you think is most significant for the AI evalu-
ation. The analyzed time frame is quite short
(only a couple of seconds) so different points
in the audio will obviously produce different re-
sults; • click the preset you would like to use; •
sit back and watch as the eq settings change.
This brand new technology works very well on
individual tracks and groups, where as results
on the masterbus may vary. Don’t be afraid to
Preset List

01 - Amiel Reuven
Grammy®-winning Mixer Reuven Amiel is an eclectic and versatile Mixing Engineer/ Producer/
Sound Designer. He has worked with Israeli/Scottish underground Rock Band Mushroom Sym-
phony, PVRIS, Cadaver Exquisito, Canadian electronic band NOIA, Prime Ministers, Ricardo Arjo-
na, Shaila Durcal, and received a Latin Grammy® for his mixing work for Felipe Pelaez.

02 - Marco Vannucci
Marco Vannucci is the founder of Spitfire Mastering Studio. He has worked with many interna-
tional artists from the USA, UK, as well as international record labels such as Universal USA, Sony
USA, Sony ATV, Ultra Music, Ultraviolet, Artist First and more.

03 - Matthias Fleischmann
Matthias Fleischmann, works as recording, mixing and mastering engineer for folk, blues, jazz,
rock, classical, and experimental electronic music. He is also a distributor and product specialist
for Fuchs Audio Technology guitar amplifiers, high-end recording microphones and studio gear.

04 - Oleg Yorshoff
Oleg “Yorshoff” Yershov is a mixing and mastering engineer, pro audio journalist and respected
audio mentor and educator from Ukraine. Former classical piano player, and heavy metal vocalist,
Oleg now focuses on studio work producing different genres ranging from synth-pop and indie to
EDM, Black Metal and Hip-Hop. Oleg is also editor for Future Music Russia magazine.

05 - Mark Linett
Mark Linett is a famous record producer and audio engineer who has done significant work with
The Beach Boys, Brian Wilson, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jane’s Addiction, Los Lobos, Rickie Lee
Jones and Randy Newman. His honors include three Grammy®️ Awards.

06 - Alex Trecarichi
Alex Trecarichi is one of Italy’s most sought-after producers. He has worked with a plethora of
artists including Paola Turci, Federica Carta, Cristina D’Avena, Ghemon, Elodie, Loredana Bertè,
Nek, Max Pezzali, Francesco Renga, The Kolors.

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