Beyond A Veiled Existence Clarifications To The Rules: After Twilight Productions Presents

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After Twilight Productions Presents:

Beyond a Veiled Existence

Clarifications to the Rules
THIS DOCUMENT IS MEANT TO CLARIFY Teaching and Learning Disciplines:
THAT WE ARE LOOKING TO HAVE FOR • Drink 1 point of Blood per Discipline (only for
OUR GAME. the first level).
• Spend 1 Downtime per Discipline being
Clans & Bloodlines: learned. 2 Downtimes if it is a clan-specific
Gangrel: Anda – Clan Weakness note – To better Discipline.
resolve the Anda weakness, it will work as o If you are learning multiple levels of
follows: the same Discipline in one downtime
cycle, you only need to spend 1
At the beginning of each game, the player will downtime action, 2 if clan-specific.
throw a simple test, if they win, they will start • Spend XP.
with their full blood (half if they didn’t put in a Teacher:
feed action or have Herd). If they tie, they will • Spend 1 Willpower for every level being
start down 1 point of blood. If they lose, they will taught.
start down 4 points of blood. • Spent Willpower takes 2 games per dot to
Starting Disciplines – Each character starts with Learning Necromancy and/or Thaumaturgy:
dots in their in-clan disciplines. At character For a character to learn Necromancy or
creation, players may assign common out of clan Thaumaturgy, they must either be of a
disciplines (Animalism, Auspex, Celerity, clan/bloodline where this power is in-clan, or
Dominate, Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence, & they must have a Merit that allows them to learn
Presence), up to level 3, to the character at it.
normal out of clan xp cost. You may not
purchase rare disciplines (Clan-Specific) with xp Abyss Mysticism – This is not a Discipline as
at character creation. much as it is Rituals, and you must purchase
levels in order, you cannot skip levels. These are
The level restriction also applies to purchasing purchased as Rituals at the same cost as
levels of Additional In-Clan Disciplines that are Thaumaturgy or Necromancy Rituals of the same
granted through merits, you may only buy them level.
to level 3 with initial creation XP.
Necromancy: The Path of Soul Bonding – Dark
You can only teach your In-Clan Disciplines. Vessel – Vessel must be able to accommodate the
This process of learning is only required for Out wraith. Hence “about the size of your fist”, so
of Clan disciplines. Taking additional levels of something like a snow globe, a rock, but not very
In-Clan disciplines does not require anything but small items like toothpicks and beads. The ST
XP expenditure. has discretion as to what is acceptable.


Visceratika – Scry the Hearthstone – This power will Awareness: This skill allows a test to notice that a
work on all free-standing structures (buildings) that supernatural power has been used in your
have a door. The material of the building is not presence or line of sight, regardless of success or
important. The power works for 3 floors (immediate failure. This includes Discipline use, Rituals, and
floor, floor above, floor below). Further uses of the Merits that Require Blood to activate their effects.
power will be required on the other floors to get Obvious effects don’t require an Awareness
more information. Exceptionally large, single-floor challenge. You must have the knowledge of the
buildings, like warehouses, may require additional power (either by having the power or Lore) to
uses to cover. know what the power was. Regarding Rituals, you
can be given a challenge when the effects of the
Rituals: ritual activate in your presence. Occult is required
No changes. All Rituals are permitted, but the STs to know about Rituals, though Lore will be
reserve the right to make a call that may modify the required to know which specific ritual.
ritual depending on surrounding circumstances.
Crafts: You may create a number of items equal to
Techniques: half, rounded down, of your rating in this skill. If
Animal Succulence – This technique acts as Herd you have Level 5 Crafts, the items you create
equal to your dots in Animalism in addition to what automatically get the Masterwork quality for free.
is written for this technique. This is to better reflect
“You do not need to spend a downtime action to feed, Backgrounds:
so long as you feed on animal blood”
We are adjusting the Generation information
Skills: slightly.
Certain skills require specializations, as follows:
• Academics (1 per dot) This chart should help:
• Crafts (1 per instance) Title Generation Blood Bloo Attribute
• Drive (1st dot is Cars, each additional dot is Pool d/Tu Bonus
another vehicle type) rn
• Linguistics (1 per dot) Neonate 13th – 11th 10 1 1
• Lore (1 per dot)
Ancilla 10th – 9th 15 2 2
• Performance (1 per instance)
• Science (1 per instance) Pretender 8th 20 3 3
Some Skills grant additional Downtime Actions or Master 7th 25 4 4
have special uses in Downtime: Elder
• Computers (may Cancel or Observe another DTA. Luminary 6th 30 5 5
May be used as a regular DTA) Elder
• Crafts (may spend 2 downtime actions to increase
your Resources by 1)
• Medicine (may use a DTA to determine a
character’s supernatural type (if any) from
studying blood, hair, skin, or remains (including
• Performance (may spend 2 downtime actions to
increase your Fame by 1)
• Science (1 additional downtime action, can only do
something relating to field of study)
• Security (may spend 1 downtime action to apply
Security spec to someone’s Haven for 1 year)


Certain backgrounds require more info once • Location
purchased: • Luxury
• Off the Grid
• Allies (must define a group per dot of Allies.) • Occult
• Alternate ID (Just needs to be defined as to what • Profitable
the alt id is. Work with the Storyteller) • Refuge
• Contacts (must define one individual per dot.
• Security
General terms like “Bethany, the wealthy
• Size
• Sprawling
• Haven (you gain 1 specialty per dot.)
• Herd (must be defined, like “kinky club-goers”) • Staff
• Influences (purchase either Elite or Underworld • Sturdy
(or both) and both categories can go to 5 dots • Venue
each. Then define what each dot is a • Workshop
specialization in.)
• Retainers (multiple instances can be purchased at Merits:
varying dot levels. Each instance is a person that
does things for you. They have skill specialties Bloodlines can get merits of their Parent Clan,
and if a ghoul or vampire, can have 1 discipline as unless expressly forbidden. Aside from
one of her specialties.) Bloodline Merit, you cannot have more than 1
clan-specific merit per cost, unless stated
Some Backgrounds give you additional Downtime otherwise.
The Following Merits count as Powers for the
• Influences: A person may take a number of
actions equal to the number of dots in a given purpose of Awareness:
category, and up to that level for each action. • Burning Wrath (Brujah, 2 Point Merit)
More about Influences later in this document. • Walk the Abyss (Lasombra, 3 Point Merit)
• Retainers: Each retainer can perform complex • Spiritual Armor (Salubri, 2 Point Merit)
tasks for the character, usually things that the
vampire cannot do themselves. If the retainer The following Merits and Flaws are considered
has any skills that provide downtimes, they do Infernal for the purposes of Blessed item trait.
not get the benefit of using those downtimes (like
Computers, for example). Having them does not mean your character is
an Infernal, with exception:
• Infernal Heritage (Baali, 1 Point Merit)
You can choose from the following Haven Qualities • Infernal Power (General, 3 Point Merit)
from the Stock Locations list. Shared havens cannot • Path of Evil Revelations (Morality, 3 Point
have a combined rating of more than 5, not Merit)
including any free qualities. • Beacon of the Unholy (General, 3 Point
• Cutting Edge Flaw)
• Dead Zone • Repelled by Religion (General, 3 Point Flaw)
• Distracting
• Fancy
• Firewall
• Guards
• Historic
• Lowdown and Dirty
• Hole in the Wall
• Isolated
• Laboratory
• Library


Merits: Tzimisce: Koldun: Kupala’s Bounty (1-point merit) -
The additional paths of Thaumaturgy can be
Assamites: Bloodline: Sorcerer (4-point merit) - learned without a teacher and is purchased at in-
The Thaumaturgy Path Lure of Flames is clan cost but is considered out-of-clan for all other
considered In-clan for all purposes, the additional purposes.
path is only In-Clan in cost, out-of-clan for all
Baali: Infernal Acolyte (1-point merit) - Through
other purposes.
this merit, it can enable you to have 2 Clan-
Specific Disciplines. For example, if I chose
Followers of Set: Personal Cult (1-point merit) - Gangrel as my original clan, I could drop
You must define what your cult is and where your Animalism and pick up Daimoinon, which would
Temple is at and may be further defined through give me Daimoinon, Fortitude, & Protean as my In-
the Stock Location system. Clan Disciplines. See the ST if you have any
questions on how this works.
Giovanni: Ghostly Retainer (3 Point Merit) - This
is a Level 5 Wraith Stock NPC. Some tasks cannot Bloodline: Anda (Gangrel) (2-Point Merit) – See
be performed by a wraith retainer, but they should notes above under that Bloodline.
be able to perform most tasks. See page 500 in
MET VtM for more details on Wraiths. Flaws:

Tzimisce: Szlachta (2-point merit) - If you chose for Carrion Comfort - You must feed from animals
that feed on dead animals, such as
this to be a Hell Hound, you would build it as if it
Buzzards/Vultures, Crows, Coyotes, Hedgehogs,
were an Animal Retainer per that section in Vol. 2.
Opossums. Maggots and Worms would be
acceptable, but we can’t quantify that into
Ventrue: Paragon (3-point merit) - The Retainer mechanics. Cannot take the Herd Background.
from this merit gains a few Backgrounds as well, May use Animalism or Animal Succulence to feed.
which is unusual for Retainers. This specific
retainer can use any normal actions afforded to it Species Speech - Must be more specific than
by those backgrounds (Like Influences). If this “Canines” but less specific than “Gray Wolf”, so
retainer dies, it is gone for 4 games and then you you could say “Dogs” or “Wolves”, for example.
have a new one, which you can feel free to pick
new backgrounds and specialties for. Stone Scarecrow - This would affect Mortals Only
and have no effect on enlightened mortals, like
Baali: Infernal Heritage (1-point merit) - When you Ghouls, Kinfolk, Fae Blooded, Mages, etc.
purchase this Merit, you must define what Infernal
Power you have and change your path from Feeding:
Humanity to Evil Revelations.
Feeding at game requires 15 minutes out of game
for every 2 points of blood. If you have Efficient
Assamites: Thaumaturgically Gifted (1-point merit) Digestion, then it’s 15 minutes for every 4 points of
- The Thaumaturgy Paths are considered In-Clan blood.
cost, out-of-clan for all other purposes.
You can use Herd to conduct this feeding, then you
Toreador: Volgirre: Old Habits (3-point merit) - gain your level of Herd after 5 minutes out of
You are permitted to purchase a path using the game, double that if you have Efficient Digestion.
Sabbat cost for part of the 3 points of this merit.
Feeding in Downtime requires either the use of
Tzimisce: Vozhd (3-point merit) - If you have the Herd or the expenditure of a Downtime action.
Szlachta Merit, you can add the bonus Szlachta
attribute to your Vozhd for free. If there are circumstances that make feeding more
difficult, then your dots in Herd reduce that


Diablerie: Path Clan Adj.
You cannot gain Generation from Stock NPCs. If
the NPC has a full-fledged Character Sheet, then
Path of Blood Assamites 2
you get all benefits and detriments from diablerie
of it.

Beast Traits, Degradation Challenges, and Path of Death & the Giovanni/Cappadocians 2
Humanity/Path Loss: Soul

Beast Traits are accumulated during a game night. Path of Ecstasy Followers of Set 2
For every sin the character performs, there are
Beast Traits that they gain equal to the level of
sin. A player may make a Degradation Challenge
to reduce this number by 1 for each sin committed. Path of Evil Baali 2
Also, we will be retroactively awarding Beast
Traits, allowing Degradation Challenges to reduce, Path of the Feral Gangrel 2
and losing dots of Humanity/Path if called for. Heart

Beast Traits, Degradation Challenges, and

Humanity/Path Loss: (cont’d) Path of Heaven Salubri (Healer) 2

The only set circumstance that calls for a

character to lose Humanity/Path is if you gain 5 Path of Tzimisce 2
Beast Traits in one night. Also, an ST may decide Metamorphosis
that an act was particularly heinous or if you have
performed the same sin over and over and strip
Path of Night Lasombra 2
the offender of a point of Humanity/Path.

Beast Traits gained during a game go away the

next day, so they aren't permanent, but losses of Path of Paradox Ravnos 2
Humanity/Path are, but can be restored through
Roleplay and XP.
Path of Scorched True Brujah 2
Morality Paths:
Morality Paths cost 3 Merit Points, however, some
Clans have a path inherent to their clan, so they Path of Typhon-Set Vipers 2
will get that path at a reduced cost. Here is a
quick chart to help with that. Keep in mind that
being on a path is heretical to the Camarilla. The Path of Entelechy Brujah 2
IA only view the paths not specific to the members
clans as heretical.

We will not be using the “Path Adherent” merit Path of the Hive Baali 2
and it is not listed below either.


The Camarilla: For each dot in either category, you get 1 Action in
that Category up to the dot level. For example, if I
PCs that are Camarilla will be able to ascend the have level 5 Elite, then I would get 5 Elite actions
hierarchy within, but only to the rank of Seneschal. up to Level 5 each.
Prince and higher ranks shall NPCs only.
There are 2 different types of Influence actions,
Status: Targeted and General.
Status will not cross sect lines.
Targeted Actions require a number of actions spent
Elysium: (regardless of level) on performing the task.
The Elysium has been pre-established as a Stock Targeted actions will be done in the following order
Location under the control of the Current Prince. of resolution: Defenses, Attacks, Blocks, Boosts.
You may interact with it like any other Stock
Location. Attack – Spend 2 Actions to reduce a person’s
Influence by 1. Categories cannot cross. For
Independent Alliance: example, I spend 2 Elite Actions to attack Character
The IA is comprised mainly of Giovanni and X. Character X will be down 1 level of Elite and
Followers of Set, but lately the Lasombra that were loses 1 Elite Action as well (generally the highest-
in the Camarilla and the Ravnos have joined the level action, especially if it exceeds his new level).
fray as well. They also take in independent Caitiff Influence Level reductions last for 2 games.
and give them shelter and a place to feed. The
Giovanni Don and Setite Hierophant shall always Defend – Spend 1 Action to block 1 Attack.
be an NPC and no PC can attain those Ranks. Spending 1 Defend action defends against all
incoming attacks, so if multiple attackers are
Downtime Actions: attacking you, then you reduce each attack by 1.

Patrolling: Block – Spend 1 action and specify what you are

Patrolling will now have only 1 of 2 effects in Blocking, and it becomes 1 action more difficult to
Downtime. Either you increase the difficulty to perform that task. You can Block Gossip & Insider
feed in a given area or you are looking for Trading/Word on the Street but only as it pertains
interlopers. If you are doing the later, then to your past actions or the past actions of another
challenges may need to be done. You can specify character that you specify.
the type of interlopers you are looking for as well.
For example, I am looking or any mortals in my Boost – Spend a number of actions equal to the
domain, then describe what you will do, if anything, level of the person you are boosting to boost by 1.
should you find any. Example: If Joey has Elite 5 and you want to boost
it to 6, then you would spend 5 actions to do so. 6
Influences: to 7 would be 6 actions, etc. Expenditures are
cumulative, so to go from 5 to 10 would cost a
There are 2 categories of Influences, Elite and whopping 35 actions.
Underworld. Elite deals mainly with the legal side
of things, whereas Underworld deals with the
illegal side of things. Unless the level specifically
says, Elite cannot be used to perform Illegal Acts,
and Underworld cannot be used to perform Legal


Specialties: Ammunition Traits:
• Accurate
To simplify things, we are using only the following • Armor Piercing
specialties: • Brutal
• Cold Iron
• Church • Deadly
• Incendiary Ammunition
• Finance
• Knock-back
• First Responders
• Silver Ammunition
• Government Agency • Spread
• Health • Staking
• High Society • Strange Composition
• Industry
• Legal New Item Qualities:
• Media
• Non-Profit Organizations Blessed/Sacred: Blessed/Sacred does 1
• Occult additional damage against persons who have
• Organized Crime Infernal Merits or Flaws, as outlined earlier in
• Police that section, or are Infernal, like Baali or
• Politics Demons. Even if someone has multiple of
• Street these Merits or Flaws, they still only take just 1
additional damage. For an item to be
• Transportation
Blessed/Sacred, it must have been used in
• University
religious ceremony for more than 10 years, or it
must be a specific and unique holy item from
If you have a question about what specialty you the myths of that religion.
want or what category it fits into, contact your
Storyteller. Trapped: The item has a booby trap on it, or
is a booby trap for an item that this item is
Items: attached to. Whomever grabs the trapped item
All Items get 2 qualities, Merits and other that isn’t the creator (or someone they have
circumstances can grant additional qualities. created it for) must make a successful opposed
challenge to avoid the trap. The attribute and
Ranged Weapons: skill is based on the trap. It will either be
Physical + Dodge or Mental + Investigation
Ranged Weapons will have the traits divided into versus either Mental + Security or Mental +
Hardware and Ammo traits. A Player may take Occult, again, depending on the type of trap.
either 2 Hardware Traits, or 1 Hardware and 1
Ammo trait. Ammo Traits can be swapped with a
standard action, Hardware traits take the full 10
minutes as per the book.

Hardware Traits:
• Accurate
• Antique
• Ammo Capacity I
• Ammo Capacity II
• Artisan
• Automatic
• Concealable
• Fast
• Long Range
• Masterwork
• Quick Draw
• Rapid Reload


Stock Locations: The Following Optional Rules will not be used:

Stock Locations are buildings that characters can Advanced Feeding

own and control. Ownership of stock locations are Blood Resonance
documented by staff and by the player. You can own
up to five, +1 for each dot of Retainers Background.

To obtain a stock location, you first decide on what

you want. Is it a pre-existing business or a new one?
Then determine if you want standard, prestigious, or
iconic. Then decide on the level you are wanting as
well. The Player will inform the ST as to what
building they want, and we will work together to
design it.

There are 3 Types of stock locations: Standard,

Prestigious, and Iconic. Iconic locations are
exceptionally difficult to obtain, whereas Standard
and Prestigious are much easier. The Quest system
will be used for this.

Once the Type and Level has been determined,

determine what Qualities it has from this list:

For Standard and Prestigious:

For Iconic and Supernatural:

Pretty much the same process for setting up an

Elysium or Spazio Creativo, though much harder.

Of course, like with any other downtimes, you can

get other PC's to help you.

To obtain Supernatural Qualities, you need to have

good reason to have it and explain how. Some may
be inherent to the location, some might not.

The Quest system will be used to obtain Stock


Any Public Location will need special permission to

be purchased, Federal Government locations are
uncontrollable locations.


New XP Chart (only change is cost to Skills for Ancilla)

Generation Item Cost

Attribute 3 XP Each
In-Clan Discipline New Level x 3 XP
Regain Lost Humanity 10 XP Each

Merit XP equal to merit rating

Ritual: Necromancy, Thaumaturgy, Abyss

Mysticism Level of Ritual to be purchased x2
Background New Level x1
Neonate Skill New Level x1
Out-of-Clan Discipline New Level x 4 XP
Technique 12 XP Each
Background New Level x2
Ancilla Skill New Level x1
Out-of-Clan Discipline New Level x 4 XP
Technique 12 XP Each
Background New Level x2
Skill New Level x2
Out-of-Clan Discipline New Level x 4 XP
Technique 20 XP each
Pretender Elder
18 XP (limit one total, whether in-clan
In-Clan Elder Power or out-of-clan)

24 XP (limit one total, whether in-clan

Out-of-Clan Elder Power or out-of-clan)
Background New Level x2
Master Elder Skill New Level x2
Out-of-Clan Discipline New Level x 4 XP
In-Clan Elder Power 18 XP
Out-of-Clan Elder Power 24 XP
Background New Level x2
Luminary Elder Skill New Level x2
Out-of-Clan Discipline New Level x 5 XP
In-Clan Elder Power 18 XP
Out-of-Clan Elder Power 30 XP


Standardization of Entries into Yorick: Noting Status in Yorick:

XP: When you select your Status trait in Yorick, please

When entering your XP into Yorick, some of these add the following notes to it:
entries will be automatic as you buy new things.
Other times, you will make manual entries into Who/When/Where/Why
your XP Log. When doing so, please use this
standard format. Who gave you the Status
When did they give it to you (date)
Descriptions: Where did they give it to you (doesn’t need to be
Attendance: Attendance – Month Year overly specific)
Background/Questionnaire: Background Why did they give it to out (short, few word
Additional: summary)
DTA – Month Year
Costuming – Month Year If Positional, then just list the Position and when
Good RP – Month Year attained.
Mentoring – Month Year
Retainers/Stock NPCs: Courteous (Prince Beaumont/6-19-
Sometimes you will have to make a Stock NPC, be 21/Elysium/For hosting a Symbel)
it for a Retainer background or from something
that grants you a Stock NPC. This format should Enforcer (Scourge Position/6-19-21)
be used and placed in the section “Extended Print
Text” if you want it printed on your sheet,
otherwise, place in “Notes”. Refer to page 490 in
New Clarifications (7/12/2021):
MET VtM, or 116 in MET VtM Vol 2 Part 1
Challenge Types:
In Mass Combat, a person can only be attacked by
1 Social, 1 Mental, AND up to 2 Physical attacks.
Stock NPC Rating:
Under “Mixed Challenges” it talks about if a power
forces you to defend with a different attribute than
Blood: # as O, spent at 1/turn
the attacking making the Challenge that of the
Effective Health: # as O
Defender in regard to those “attack slots”.
If you have a power that allows you to substitute
Ghouled Animal
one attribute for another (like Displacement Aura,
Rockheart, Death Perfected, and others), then you
Stock NPC Rating:
use the Attacker’s attribute to determine the
Animal Qualities:
“attack slot” that it uses, as those power merely
allow substitution and do not change the attack
Blood: # as O, spent at 1/turn
Effective Health: # as O


Change Log:
The following items have changed in this document:
• Initial Release (5/01/2021)
• Revision A (5/21/2021)
• Minor revisions
• Cleaned up grammar and spelling errors
• Revision B (7/12/2021)
• Clarified Attack Types and changes of Attributes from powers. (Page 13)
• Revision C (7/29/2021)
• Changed to new Printer-Friendly template
• Revision D (8/10/2021)
• Added new Item Trait (Trapped)
• Corrected Stock Locations section (Info was missing)

© 2021 After Twilight Productions

Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of
Paradox Interactive AB and are used with permission. All
rights reserved. For more information, please visit


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