Beyond A Veiled Existence Clarifications To The Rules: After Twilight Productions Presents
Beyond A Veiled Existence Clarifications To The Rules: After Twilight Productions Presents
Beyond A Veiled Existence Clarifications To The Rules: After Twilight Productions Presents
Tzimisce: Szlachta (2-point merit) - If you chose for Carrion Comfort - You must feed from animals
that feed on dead animals, such as
this to be a Hell Hound, you would build it as if it
Buzzards/Vultures, Crows, Coyotes, Hedgehogs,
were an Animal Retainer per that section in Vol. 2.
Opossums. Maggots and Worms would be
acceptable, but we can’t quantify that into
Ventrue: Paragon (3-point merit) - The Retainer mechanics. Cannot take the Herd Background.
from this merit gains a few Backgrounds as well, May use Animalism or Animal Succulence to feed.
which is unusual for Retainers. This specific
retainer can use any normal actions afforded to it Species Speech - Must be more specific than
by those backgrounds (Like Influences). If this “Canines” but less specific than “Gray Wolf”, so
retainer dies, it is gone for 4 games and then you you could say “Dogs” or “Wolves”, for example.
have a new one, which you can feel free to pick
new backgrounds and specialties for. Stone Scarecrow - This would affect Mortals Only
and have no effect on enlightened mortals, like
Baali: Infernal Heritage (1-point merit) - When you Ghouls, Kinfolk, Fae Blooded, Mages, etc.
purchase this Merit, you must define what Infernal
Power you have and change your path from Feeding:
Humanity to Evil Revelations.
Feeding at game requires 15 minutes out of game
for every 2 points of blood. If you have Efficient
Assamites: Thaumaturgically Gifted (1-point merit) Digestion, then it’s 15 minutes for every 4 points of
- The Thaumaturgy Paths are considered In-Clan blood.
cost, out-of-clan for all other purposes.
You can use Herd to conduct this feeding, then you
Toreador: Volgirre: Old Habits (3-point merit) - gain your level of Herd after 5 minutes out of
You are permitted to purchase a path using the game, double that if you have Efficient Digestion.
Sabbat cost for part of the 3 points of this merit.
Feeding in Downtime requires either the use of
Tzimisce: Vozhd (3-point merit) - If you have the Herd or the expenditure of a Downtime action.
Szlachta Merit, you can add the bonus Szlachta
attribute to your Vozhd for free. If there are circumstances that make feeding more
difficult, then your dots in Herd reduce that
Beast Traits, Degradation Challenges, and Path of Death & the Giovanni/Cappadocians 2
Humanity/Path Loss: Soul
Beast Traits are accumulated during a game night. Path of Ecstasy Followers of Set 2
For every sin the character performs, there are
Beast Traits that they gain equal to the level of
sin. A player may make a Degradation Challenge
to reduce this number by 1 for each sin committed. Path of Evil Baali 2
Also, we will be retroactively awarding Beast
Traits, allowing Degradation Challenges to reduce, Path of the Feral Gangrel 2
and losing dots of Humanity/Path if called for. Heart
We will not be using the “Path Adherent” merit Path of the Hive Baali 2
and it is not listed below either.
Hardware Traits:
• Accurate
• Antique
• Ammo Capacity I
• Ammo Capacity II
• Artisan
• Automatic
• Concealable
• Fast
• Long Range
• Masterwork
• Quick Draw
• Rapid Reload
Merit XP equal to merit rating