Finals Intro To World Religions 1st Sem

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Department of Education

Region VI- Western Visayas

Division of Antique
Bitadton National High School
Bitadton, Culasi, Antique
SHS Final Examination in Grade 11-Introduction to World Religions and
Belief System
First Semester
Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the best answer from the choices given below. Write only
the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.
Multiple Choice:
1. Teaching of Elders is known as .
a. Theravada b. Zen c. Vajrayana d. Mahayana
2. Their collection of sacred writings are called .
a. bhikkus b. Pali c. Pali Canon d. Vinaya
3. The Buddha’s rules of discipline for the monks and nuns.
a. Vinaya Pitaka c. Abhiddhamma Pitaka
b. Sutta Pitaka d. None of these
4. Theravada Buddhism has no of rituals and practices to help in the journey to becoming enlightened
and to bring good things upon oneself and upon others.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of these
5. In Theravada Buddhist, ordination to monkhood is open to women. This statement is .
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of these
6. Who is the founder of Buddhism?
a. Sidharta Gautama c. Siddharta Gautama
b. Sidharta Buddha d. Gautama Buddha
7. The stories used for teaching that tell of the Buddha's previous lives are called
a. arhats c. prajnas
b. stupas d. jatakas
8. Which one of the following is NOT one of the Three Refuges?
a. the Buddha c. the sangha
b. the Dharma d. the prajna
9. For how long did the Buddha teach after he discovered nirvana?
a. about forty years c. about sixty years
b. about ten years d. about five years
10. the “four passing sights” did NOT include
a. a sick man c. a dead man
b. a hungry child d. an old man
11. The religious ideal as set forth in the Lotus Sutra is the
a. arhat c. prajna
b. bodhisattva d. householder
12. How long did the Buddha remain under the bodhi tree experiencing nirvana?
a. four weeks c. seven days
b. seven weeks d. three days
13. Today the majority of Buddhists are
a. Mahayanists c. tantrics
b. Theravadins d. Vajrayanists
14. The new institution that the Buddha created in India was the
a. arhat c. sangha
b. dharma d. stupa
15. The first two main divisions of Buddhism were
a. Mahayana and Vajrayana c. Theravada and Vajrayana
b. Theravada and Mahayana d. Mahayana and tantra
16. According to Buddhist doctrine, a human being is a continuously changing, interdependent
relationship between how many skandhas (aggregates)?
a. two b. three c. five d. twelve
17. Theravadins and Mahayanists can be compared to
a. literalists and liberals c. the Vatican and gnostics
b. ulamas and Sufis d. all of the above
18. The root meaning of the term “Buddha” comes from
a. Siddhartha's past lives c. having superhuman abilities
b. overcoming temptation d. “waking up” to reality
19. You would find masters giving their disciples koans to solve in which form of Buddhism?
a. Pure Land c. the Thunderbolt Vehicle
b. Theravada d. Zen
20. The Bodhidharma is the religious ideal as set forth in which form of Buddhism?
a. Zen c. tantra
b. Theravada d. none of the above
21. The most active and effective organizations in adapting Buddhist teachings and practices to the
world today have been
a. the traditional sanghas c. Buddhist-ruled nations
b. those led by laypersons d. none have been effective
22. Siddhartha was born into the
a. merchant caste c. warrior caste
b. brahmin caste d. untouchable caste
23. Some Buddhists responded to colonial-era challenges by
a. converting to Christianity
b. engaging in dialogue with science and Christianity
c. sermonizing in public
d. all of the above
24. The most common reason Buddhists wish to earn merit is
a. it makes them better meditators c. to not become a hungry ghost
b. to be reborn in heaven d. to join their ancestors
25. The amazing global diffusion of Buddhism after World War II was because Westerners were drawn to
a. social activism c. yoga positions
b. meditation techniques d. monastic communities
26. The name most associated with “engaged Buddhism” is
a. Thich Nhat Hanh c. Ram Dass
b. Siddhartha Gautama d. King Ashoka
27. This religion believes in the doctrines of samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and
reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect).
a. Theravada Buddhism c. Hinduism
b. Mahayana Buddhism d. Confucianism
28. It stresses spirituality, the enlightenment of the individual, self-discipline, the importance or pure
thought and deed, the importance of the monastic life and the strict observance of the ancient Vinaya
code. It has distinct roles for monks and lay people, emphasizes that each individual is responsible.
a. Theravada Buddhism c. Hinduism
b. Mahayana Buddhism d. Confucianism
29. It is at the center of all discussions of morality and ethics in the Mahayana, along with the idea of
selfless compassion (karuna).
a. Karma b. Kama c. Samsara d. Veda
30. Mahayana, Theravada and Hinduism recommend that one should work not on building shoes but
with strong soles. This statement is .
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of these
31. According to Hinduism, the meaning (purpose) of life is four-fold: to achieve Dharma, Artha, Kama,
and .
a. Moksha b. Veda c. Samsara d. Mokshi
32. It believes that salvation is accessible to all those who have faith and regard their religion as a way of
life that can be embraced by any one.
a. Theravada Buddhism c. Hinduism
b. Mahayana Buddhism d. Confucianism
33. means to "blow out".
a. Nirvana b. Theravada c. Moksha d. Samsara
34. Its texts present diverse and conflicting views on the position of women, ranging from feminine
leadership as the highest goddess, to limiting her role to an obedient daughter, housewife and mother.
a. Theravada Buddhism c. Hinduism
b. Mahayana Buddhism d. Confucianism
35. He was born in the state of Lu (northern China), lived from 551 to 479 B.C. He was a brilliant teacher,
viewing education not merely as the accumulation of knowledge but as a means of self-transformation.
His legacy was a system of thought emphasizing education, proper, behavior, and loyalty. His effect on
Chinese culture was immense.
a. Confucius c. Lao Tzu
b. Buddha d. None of these
36. The following are the five basic relationship EXCEPT
a. King to subject c. Husband and Wife
b. Father to Son d. Friend to enemy
37. It refers to closeness between parent and child
a. King to subject c. Husband and Wife
b. Father to Son d. Friend to enemy
38. It refers to righteousness of the king to his subject.
a. King to subject c. Husband and Wife
b. Father to Son d. Friend to enemy
39. Being a filial son meant complete obedience to one’s parents during their lifetime and-as they grew
older-taking the best possible care for them.
a. Filial piety in the family c. Filial piety in the society
b. Filial piety in the community d. Both a and c
40. In the society proper conduct of the government shaped the improvement of one society. And it has
to be done into a piece fully society and the moral standard of it, is to give more over cultural essence in
the one society.
a. Filial piety in the family c. Filial piety in the society
b. Filial piety in the community d. Both a and c
41. Parents gave life to children, gave them food and clothes, an education etc. For all things that
children receive for parents, children have an internal obligation towards them.
a. Filial piety in the family c. Filial piety in the society
b. Filial piety in the community d. Both a and c
42. This symbol represents .
a. Taoism c. Hinduism
b. Confucianism d. Buddhism
43. He is the founder of Taoism.
a. Confucius c. Lao Tzu
b. Buddha d. None of these
44. is the origin of all beings whose essence is nothing”
a. Tao b. Human c. Zen d. Veda
45. It stands for the principle that is both the source and the design of development of all that exists.
a. Tao b. Human c. Zen d. Veda
46. The core beliefs of Taoism are the following EXCEPT:
a. Respect for Nature: live in harmony with nature rather than try to control it.
b. Governments are unnatural and are the cause of many problem.
c. Accept conflict and strife.
d. The Yin/Yang(symbol of Taoism)represents a balance between opposing forces in nature e.g.
dark/light, male/female.
47. The following are examples of acts showing love and respect of the nature and the environment
a. Tree planting c. Avoid burning plastic
b. Costal clean up d. Mixed of NON BIODEGRADABLE and BIODEGRADABLE
48. Taoism’s most sacred text, is believed to have been written by Laozi.
a. Tao Te Ching c. Tao To Ching
b. Tao Te Chung d. Tao Lo Ching
49. The true man is he who has never become separated from the Great Oneness. This was the passage
of .
a. Theravada Buddhism c. Taoism
b. Mahayana Buddhism d. Confucianism
50. This symbol represents .
a. Shintoism b. Confucianism c. Hinduism d. Buddhism
51. It is one of the oldest religions being the third oldest religion in the world and is the most popular
religion in Japan along with Buddhism.
a. Shintoism b. Confucianism c. Hinduism d. Buddhism
52. They are believed to control nature.
a. Karma b. Kami c. Sharma d. Kali
53. The four “affirmations ” – guide Shinto practices EXCEPT:
a. Traditional and Family c. Physical Cleanliness
b. Love for nature d. Matsura
54. Taoism is significant in China and Shinto is influential in .
a. Japan c. Korea
b. India d. Brunei
55. Followers of Shinto take baths, wash their hands and rinse out their mouths regularly.
a. Traditional and Family c. Physical Cleanliness
b. Love for nature d. Matsura
56. This consists of thirteen sects which were founded by individuals and each has its own doctrines and
a. Kyoha b.Jinja c. Minzoku d. Koshitsu
57. This is the largest Shinto group and the original form of the religion.
a. Kyoha b.Jinja c. Minzoku d. Koshitsu
58. Why is it important for Japanese people to worship gods?
a. This is important because consequently, the purpose of most Shinto rituals is to keep away
evil spirits by purification, prayers and offerings to the kami.
b. This is important because consequently, the purpose of most Shinto rituals is to let the evil
spirits by vanished by prayers and offerings to the karmi.
c. This is important because consequently, the purpose of most Shinto rituals is to come the evil
spirits by purification, prayers and offerings to the kaarmi.
d. All of these.
59. in the Shinto religion of Japan, a “god of fire ”.
a. Kagu-tsuchi b. Kagu-tsucho c. Kaga-tsuchi d. Kagu-tsoche
60. They are the god and goddess who created the Japanese islands out of chaos, a state of disorder or
a. Izanago and Izanami c. Izanagi and Izanamo
b. Izanagi and Izanami d. Izachagi and Izanami


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Answer Key:

1.A 26.A 51.A

2.C 27.C 52.B

3.A 28.A 53.D

4.B 29.A 54.A

5.B 30.B 55.C

6.C 31.A 56.A

7.D 32.B 57.B

8.D 33.A 58.A

9.A 34.C 59.A

10.B 35.A 60.B

11.B 36.D

12.B 37.B

13.A 38.A

14.C 39.A

15.B 40.C

16.C 41.B

17.D 42.A

18.D 43.C

19.D 44.A

20.A 45.A

21.B 46.C

22.C 47.D

23.D 48.A

24.B 49.C

25.A 50.A


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