Assignment #2 Solution

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Department of Petroleum Engineering

College of Engineering and Applied Science

University of Wyoming
Well Test Analysis
PETE 4225
Fall 2020
Assignment #2

Date posted: September 11th , 2020 Due date: September 30th , 2020

Problem 1:

Estimate formation permeability and skin factor from the drawdown test data given the following
formation and fluid properties: t pwf t pwf
Flow rate = 525 STBD, (hr) (psi) (hr) (psi)
0 6009.00 0.55824 3835.59
Formation thickness = 13 ft,
0.01670 5867.82 0.64614 3727.20
Formation volume factor = 1.103 bbl/STB, 0.01933 5845.93 0.74788 3630.08
Porosity = 0.195, 0.02237 5819.44 0.86564 3538.77
0.02590 5792.50 1.00194 3465.23
Total compressibility = 1.98510-6 psi-1 ,
0.02997 5765.01 1.15970 3411.56
Oil viscosity = 5.513 cp, 0.03469 5720.90 1.34230 3361.60
0.04016 5688.36 1.55366 3318.80
Wellbore radius = 0.285 ft.
0.04648 5642.92 1.79829 3289.38
0.05380 5587.43 2.08144 3263.02
0.06227 5521.66 2.40918 3231.28
0.07207 5459.70 2.78852 3216.27
0.08342 5389.75 3.22758 3200.34
0.09655 5306.48 3.73579 3175.40
0.11176 5211.11 4.32401 3162.30
0.12935 5117.79 5.00485 3139.30
0.14972 5009.74 5.79289 3133.46
0.17330 4886.13 6.70502 3114.87
0.20058 4769.13 7.76076 3092.78
0.23217 4635.16 8.98274 3081.99
0.26872 4501.08 10.3971 3062.07
0.31103 4365.16 12.0342 3047.29
0.36001 4219.70 13.9291 3037.98
0.41669 4089.84 16.1223 3018.85
0.48230 3960.16 18.6608 3002.85

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Plot the flowing bottomhole pressure as a function of time on a semi-log paper. The slope, m, of
the resulting straight line can be used to calculate permeability, k,

∆p (psia)

End of wellbore storage

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
∆t (hours)



Pressure (psia)


3000 p 1 hour =3300 psia



0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Time (hours)

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162 .6qBo 162 .6qB 162 .6525 5.513 1.103 
m k    153 .577 mD
kh mh 260 13 
 p  p1hr   k  
S  1.151 i  log    3.23 
 
 crw 
 m 
 6009  3300  153 .577  
 1.151  log  6 2 
 3.23   5.412
 260  0.195  5.513  1.985  10  0.285  

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Problem 2:

Estimate formation permeability, skin factor, and average reservoir pressure from the buildup
test data given the following formation and fluid properties:

Flow rate = 2500 STBD,

Production time = 21.6 hours,
Flowing wellbore pressure = 2989.39 psia,
Formation thickness = 23 ft,
Porosity = 21 %,
Wellbore radius = 0.401 ft,
Formation volume factor = l.21 bbl/STB,
Total compressibility = 8.72 10-6 psi-1 ,
Oil viscosity = 0.92 cp.

shut in time(hour) pws(psia) shut in time(hour) pws(psia)

0.02 3156.31 9.0931 5883.39
0.05 3384.61 9.8372 5889.33
0.1 3715.46 10.5994 5894.81
0.15 3994.55 11.38 5899.87
0.25 4431.29 12.1796 5904.58
0.3477 4740.8 12.9986 5908.96
0.5 5068.25 13.8374 5913.06
0.65 5273.46 14.6966 5916.9
0.8798 5461.4 15.5766 5920.51
1.4249 5650.05 16.4779 5923.91
1.9831 5722.05 17.4011 5927.11
2.5548 5760.09 18.3466 5930.14
3.1404 5785.22 19.3151 5933.01
3.7403 5804.13 20.3071 5935.73
4.3546 5819.42 21.3231 5938.31
4.9839 5832.31 22.3637 5940.76
5.6284 5843.45 23.4296 5943.1
6.2885 5853.25 24.5213 5945.33
6.9647 5861.97 25.6395 5947.46
7.6572 5869.81 26.4 5948.82
8.3665 5876.91

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From the Horner plot we have

6250 pi=6009 psia

6000 m = -227.1 psi/cycle
p1hr= 5709 psia
Pressure (psia)

1 10 100 1000 10000

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End of wellbore storage
∆P (psia)


0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Dt (hours)

162 .6qBo 162 .6qBo 162 .62500 0.92 1.21

m  227 .1  k    86 .634 mD
kh hm 23 227 .1
 p1hr   p wf Dt  0   k  
S  1.151  log  
2 
 3 . 23 
  
 m  crw  
 t p  Dt  21 .6  1
    22 .6  p1hr   5709 psia
 Dt  1
We have pwf Dt  0   2989 .39 psia

 5709  2989 .39  86 .634  

S  1.151  log  6 2 
 3.23   7.712
 227 .1  0.21  0.92  8.72  10  0.401  

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Problem 3:

A well is produced at 85 STBD for 78 hours. The rate is then decreased to 55 STBD for 24
hours. Estimate formation permeability, skin factor, and initial pressure from the two-rate test
data given the following formation and fluid properties:

Flowing wellbore pressure before the rate is decreased to the second rate, pwfl = 1740 psia,

Formation thickness = 33 ft, Time pwf

(hour) (psia)
Formation volume factor = 1.212 bbl/STB, 0.13 1796.62
Porosity = 0.215, 0.17 1813.75
0.22 1825.15
Total compressibility = 7.98510-6 psi-1 ,
0.27 1830.19
Oil viscosity = 4.875 cp, 0.32 1833.79
Wellbore radius = 0.390 ft. 0.42 1837.51
0.51 1839.37
0.61 1841.00
0.74 1842.51
0.89 1843.96
1.08 1845.37
1.57 1848.11
2.09 1850.08
3.06 1852.62
4.06 1854.44
5.40 1856.18
5.94 1856.75
7.19 1857.84
7.91 1858.37
9.57 1859.40
10.52 1859.89
15.52 1861.75
19.52 1862.70
24.00 1863.46

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  t p1  Dt '   q2  
A Cartesian plot of pwf vs. log      log Dt ' gives the slope,
  Dt '   q1  


Pressure (psia)

1840 p 1 hour =1844 psia





1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40

162 .6q1Bo
m  50
162 .6q1Bo 162 .6  85  4.875  1.212
k   49 .492 mD
mh 50  33
 q  p1hr  p wf 1    
S  1.151 1    log  k   3.23
 q1  q 2    c r 2 
  m 1hr  t w  
 85  1844  1740   49 .492  
S  1.151    log  6 2 
 3.23   1.765
 85  55  50 1hr  0.215  4.875  7.985  10  0.390  

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  k  
pi  pwf (Dt '  0)  m log    3.23  0.869S 
2 
  ct rw  
  49.492  
 1740  50 log  6 2 
 3.23  (0.869  1.765)  
  0.215  4.875  7.985  10  0.390  
pi  2034.683 psi

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