A Review On Energy Efficient Clustering Protocols of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network

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ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613

ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

A Review on Energy Efficient Clustering

Protocols of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor
Santosh Vishnu Purkar (Research Scholar) 1, Dr. R.S.Deshpande (Research Guide)2
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University
M.C.O.E.R.C Nashik, Eklahare (M.S), India
S.C.S.C.O.E.Ahmednagar, Nepti (M.S)

Abstract— Today is the era of information technology, collect the information and use it for required
application with technology support. Sensor nodes operating remotely are the popular approach for
today’s researcher for collecting real time information. But, facing difficulty due to constraints of energy
resource for long life monitoring. So there is high need to have energy efficient communication scheme
for the betterment of sensor network communication. Clustering protocol is the best option in designing
routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Though we have option of heterogeneity,
Clustering approach enhances the energy efficiency of WSN by systematically sharing the load and hence
prolongs the lifetime of the network. Most of the researchers achieve energy efficient approach in WSN,
by adding different level high energy nodes and use clustering approach to prolong the lifetime of WSN.
There are lots of efforts put in reality by researchers for the development of energy efficient schemes with
WSN. This paper explored the contribution of different clustering scheme reported in published
literature in the three sections as Clustering algorithm basic and its different attributes, suggested Cluster
head selection criteria, literature survey and the identified gaps found in published material. The main
aim of this paper is to present basic considered in designing clustering algorithm and metrics available
for validation.

Keyword- Clustering basics, Node degree, Performance measures, Query

The main aim of WSN is to be a witness and become the reporter for the events of the physical world [44]. Over
the last two decade WSNs Popularity has been increased tremendously in several applications like scientific,
industrial and social domain to explore events [4, 45]. All these applications use static placement of sensor
nodes. For example in Scientific domain by putting nodes at appropriate places at top of mountain, at Glaciers
field, at suitable point in city and at water dam bottom side[8,45], it is possible to predict the accurate forecast
[43]. In industrial domain we can use sensor nodes in electrical machine for monitoring the status of armature,
and other parts of electrical motor [38, 43]. Sensor nodes can be used, in power plant monitoring. In
approximately all cases, sensor nodes have to be dependent on their limited powered battery and processing
power resource, and after deployment are usually unattended from sensing regions [52]. In social domain WSN
can be used for environmental monitoring, some of the times in wildfires monitoring [40,50]. In Military
applications sensor network is used as in target tracking, battlefield surveillance, and container monitoring are
some of the dynamic node applications from WSN [8, 15, 20, 36, 60]. Sensing the events and routing the
recorded valuable data for longer life is found to be extremely important and challenging.
The above said applications demands energy efficient schemes for WSN [23], so that available energy of WSN
is use systematically and network can serve for longer life. Solution for above point is, data traffic at run time
must be evenly distributed over available sensor node. Network reliability must be maintain during event
monitoring. For the entire above requirement, clustering is the best solution [3, 5, 44]. In clustering
heterogeneous WSN (HWSN) sensing work is almost handle by small energy capable node and data from all
sensor is collected and forwarded towards sink is done by high energy nodes, other than their regular work
(named as cluster head in clustered scenario) [49,52]. With clustering approach in real time scenario different
parameters are explored like stability period, throughput, propagation delay and reliable data delivery. Hence

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2514

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

lifetime of the network get prolong. Currently about 50 % of the researcher are interested in energy efficient
method to prolong the life time of wireless sensor network and 50 % of those are working on different schemes
like aggregation, security and different sink arrangement etc. [47]. In latest reported public material shows that
clustering is an efficient scheme for hierarchical network routing, balancing the load of traffic, enhancing the
stability period and hence prolonging the network lifetime [1,16,60,47] . Clustering is a scheme through which
sensor network is divided into groups with central controller for each usually called as Cluster head (CH) with
responsibility as to be update and live all the time and maintain intra-connectivity as well as inter connectivity
with sink or base station [42,46] . Clustering reduces the overall energy consumption between networks with the
expense of small communication effort.
There are basically two approach of clustering as probabilistic, non-probabilistic. Non probabilistic approach
further support for bio-inspired schemes of clustering. Clustering schemes can also be grouped as centralized
and distributed approach [28, 45, 62]. This paper is an attempt from our side to highlight the recent development
in clustering HWSN based on different criteria as algorithmic strategy, metrics considered, software used other
than merits, demerits and number of energy level of nodes. The rest of the paper is organized as basics of
HWSN and objectives of HWSN, clustering basics and objectives of clustering, cluster head selection criteria,
performance measures of clustering WSN, Data transfer approach in clustered WSN, observations from our side
in the form of findings from reviewed literature and summary followed by literature survey and finally there is


We are presented some basics for clustering Heterogenous WSN, brief about heterogeneous WSN and then
clustering are explained with this section.

A. Heterogeneous WSN (HWSN)

WSN’s are of two kinds homogeneous and heterogeneous [22]. In homogeneous WSN, all nodes have same
capabilities as processing, energy level (in the form of battery) battery source and link bandwidth etc. But, in
reality once sensor network start for event monitoring and updating it no longer being a homogeneous network.
As energy level available with sensor nodes is not same. Hence it becomes heterogeneous WSN. Hence,
Heterogeneous WSN is the suitable sensor network for real time event monitoring [46]. As the WSN which
consist different capabilities like processing, energy level and link bandwidth etc. But, node with different
energy level is the best option for heterogeneous WSN. As different capabilities like processing and link
bandwidth demand energy backup [1, 23, 29, 42, 48, 53]. Objectives of adding heterogeneous nodes in WSN are
listed as follows.

1) Increase the data transmission speed: Due to high capability of processing, energy level and link
bandwidth improves data manipulation speed and with high energy level, data can be transmitted at long
distance than simple sensor node or normal node. With high link bandwidth no waiting period or data with high
rate transfer is achieved [1, 23].

2) Enhance the lifetime and network throughput: As high energy node available which compensate for high
processing power and high link bandwidth reduce the burden of packet transfer. With high energy node stability
of the network get enhance, on the cost of high initial energy in the network [1, 23].

3) Enhance the reliability of data communication: As with high energy level, high link bandwidth and with
high processing capability makes manipulation more precise and with less effort data can be transferred to base
station or sink [1, 23].
4) Enhance coverage within network: With high energy node, connectivity in the network get elongated. It
also support for high scalability in the network [1].
B. Clustering basics
“To group the same capability or same functionality related physical elements”, and assign or arrange for the
specific task, for the required outcome is termed as cluster [2, 28]. Some of the main objectives of clustering
scheme are listed as follows.
1) Systematic Load sharing among the nodes is possible: As there is CH selection or election, then TDMA
frame from the CH towards sensor nodes. Every node send collected information in allotted time slot [1, 2, 45 ].

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2515

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

2) Node failure can be identified: With acknowledgment received from cluster member CM to CH after
advertisement. TDMA frame is formed only with replied nodes not with all the available. At the start of every
cluster cycle this process is repeated [1, 2].
3) Reduce the intra message in the network: Without clustering every node have to participate in completion
of data transfer to sink. On the contrary with single hop or multi-hop communication need to adapt for data
transfer. Also chain based approach is possible for without clustered environment for data transmission but, if
any intermediate node of chain failure results in loss of valuable data [1, 2].
C. Clustering process
WSN can be reactive or proactive, but the clustering process having some stages [12, 13, 18]. These stages
are common in all kind of clustering scheme, as selection of cluster head, cluster setup phase and steady state
phase. First there is the cluster head (CH), which is one of the node from the available network nodes. Which
can be fixed or selected based on some strategy, which is totally controlled by algorithm working over the
network. Selected cluster head intimated by sink or by the sensor nodes working in the network. Once CH is
selected or elected then it intimates to all other nodes can be called as cluster members, which is in coverage of
communication radius. Intimation is all the way through advertising its identifiers like its id, energy level
available, its closeness with base station or all other cluster member and cluster member reply to CH by
updating appropriate information in routing table such as receiving signal strength, hop count, relative distance
with CH etc. This is cluster setup phase. With the reception of reply, CH design time schedule as TDMA frame
(Time division multiple access frame) as per the number of cluster member and send it over coverage span.
CSMA/CA is the collision avoidance scheme most probably used. Here after all the members send their
respective collected data to CH only in pre-decided time slot. The time span after issuing TDMA frame to all
node reply (all member reply) on their respective time slot, is called cluster cycle. This completes the steady
state phase of cluster process [1, 2].
There are some of the cluster head selection criteria’s, which are explored as follows.
D. CH selection criteria
Clustered network mainly have three entities as cluster head (CH), sensor node (SN) and base station (BS).
Main control entity is CH, for selecting CH we listed different attributes from the reviewed literature is as
1) Initial energy: In this scheme the nodes which have higher energy (battery source) is selected as CH. For
example advance nodes or super nodes can be CH [1, 20, 23].
2) Residual energy: Nodes with higher remaining energy compared with all other nodes from the coverage
zone is selected as CH [1, 11, 16, 23, 25, 31, 34].
3) Random or probabilistic: Any node can be CH in this criteria without considering its capability, position
and its relative distance etc. Such as random number generated by sensor nodes and whose number is less as
compared to other is selected as CH [6, 18, 38, 49, 50].
4) Distance from sink: The node whose distance from the all other cluster member is small with respect to
sink node can be selected as CH. Some of the time other criteria is also added for CH selection as node having
greater connectivity with all others and distance is also less compared with others is selected as CH [10,14,15,
5) Energy consumption rate: The node whose energy depletion rate is lower compared with other nodes from
the coverage zone is selected as CH. Some of the time other parameter is also added with energy required for
current round by the selected CH [16, 21, 22, 41].
6) Ratio of parameters: Ratio of residual energy to average energy of the network, ratio of initial energy to
residual energy and distance to CM with respect distance sink are the different options for selecting CH in
current round [1,8,10,11,14-16,20,23-25,31,35,39,42,44].
7) Node degree: Node with strongest connectivity with all the cluster member is selected as CH. Node who
receive maximum level Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) , so that packet can be received from cluster
member is CH for the round [11].
8) Hybrid approach: Cluster head selection criteria in which more than one parameter considered for CH
selection. Means node with higher energy available and small distance with sink, initial energy and remaining
node energy with average energy of the network. There can be criteria as epoch period with remaining energy,
Node with low hop count towards sink and better connectivity selected as CH [19,27,29,30-33,36,37,43,44,46-

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2516

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Clustering performance can be evaluated with reference to some of the listed performance measures of
clustered WSN
E. Performance measures of Clustering WSN
Mostly considered performance parameter by the researchers is as follows.
1) Stability period: The time interval between start of network (very first message triggered in the network) to
very first node death is termed as stability period. Because it is the interval over which all the nodes from the
network are working against energy exertion without sacrifice [1,6,7,15,18,19,22,24,25,27,29,32,34,47,56,64].
2) Lifetime period: It is the second important matric parameter found in almost all the published literature for
energy efficient sensor network, other than stability period. The time span after the start of network to death of
last available node from the network, is termed as lifetime of WSN [1,6,7,10,15,16,19,22-24,27-
3) Throughput of the network: Number of messages transacted over the network towards base station per
cluster cycle or cluster round is termed as throughput [1,11,13,17,18,21-24,26,27,29,30-35,37,41,42,45,46-
4) Number of cluster heads per round: Number of clusters formed over a cluster cycle is recorded in the form
of number of CH per round. This value must be optimum [10, 14, 15-17, 23, 36, 39, 41, 59, 61, 64].
5) Energy consumption per round: Energy spent by the cluster and hence WSN per round is termed as energy
consumption per round. This factor gives us an information of available energy over the network and tentative
lifetime of the network possible. If energy required for one round is known then approximate lifetime of
network can be calculated [6,7,11-15,22,25,26,30-36,38,39,42,45,46,48,52,59,63].
6) Number of alive or dead node: Number of nodes alive or dead per cluster cycle is one of the important
parameter of performance measures. This parameter gives us idea of tentative death of all nodes and hence
lifetime can be predicted [1,6,10-14,17,18,21-23,24,26,29-38,39,42,46,47, 50,56,58,59,61,63,64].
F. Data transfer approach in clustered WSN
Data collection from WSN is possible through three different ways, with reference to base station. In
heterogeneous network there can be possibility of mix types of nodes instead of same sensing parameter. By the
help of query, time and threshold base approach it is possible to collect the information for required sensing
1) Query based: In query based approach the query of administrator is placed from BS over the network
towards CH. CH in response forwards the said query for searching information over a network. The sensor node
send the collected information to CH as a response. Only matched data will be send by all respective CH to BS.
But, while collected data is being send by sensor nodes at the same time there energy level information is also
conveyed to respective CH [12, 13, 57].
2) Time threshold: In this time frame sent by selected cluster head to member and collect the data from those
entire member. Transfer the aggregated data after collection followed by CH selection. In this scheme all CH are
tightly synchronized with each other [13, 16, 34].
3) Threshold based: In case of threshold value based scheme information collected by sensor nodes is
monitored an update till the threshold is reached. Once threshold is achieved then the collected data will be sent
to CH. Same platform followed by CH, it collect the data from all the cluster member till the threshold of its
own is reached from aggregated value before sending towards BS [12, 18].


According to research effort taken by researcher for the development of best possible routing protocol
through clustering scheme based on probability strategy. But, they have their target application or network
architecture. On the other side there can be different options possible, one of the option other than
probability strategy is combining different parameter for clustering or through non-probabilistic approach
reducing energy consumption in the WSN. Which indirectly enhance the lifetime of network.
A. Clustering schemes of Homogeneous WSN
Towards this work many researcher contribute and propose energy efficient scheme for homogeneous and
for heterogeneous WSN [23]. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol (LEACH) proposed in
[6, 7, 8] is the protocol more suitable in the environment over which role of CH is rotated after each cluster
cycle. So, that load balancing and hence energy efficiency in WSN can be achieved. CH selection is based

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2517

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

on random number, in this every sensor node generates random number and if the generated number is less
than the threshold given in [6] is elected as CH for current round. CH send advertise message to sensor
nodes of his coverage. Cluster member reply to advertised message by sending acknowledgement. After
receiving acknowledgement CH prepare a schedule of TDMA frame and publish over the network (Cluster
section of his control) every node send the collected data within their allotted time slot. Time span between
transfer of TDMA frame from CH to again data collected frame to CH and aggregated data to base station is
termed as Cluster cycle or cluster round. LEACH protocol is suitable for homogeneous WSN not for
heterogeneous WSN. As LEACH select the CH based on random number without considering the available
energy or relative distance etc. hence selected CH is less faithful than expected. To resolve the issue of
LEACH, A hybrid energy efficient distributed (HEED) clustering approach for ad hoc sensor networks
(HEED) protocol from [10] which undertake residual energy of the node for the selection of CH and relative
distance with respect to BS. This protocol us slight faithful CH than LEACH, but having less emphasis on
node connectivity and available energy within the network or energy consumption rate of selected node.
PEGASIS protocol proposed in [9] is one of the different direction for energy efficient WSN, in the form of
chain based data communication to BS. With this study many of the researchers are trying to encompass
different parameter for the best choice of CH selection and with multihop scheme [51].
B. Clustering Schemes of Heterogeneous WSN
As in real time WSN, no network found to be homogeneous for long time. Heterogeneous WSN (HWSN) is
the popular network architecture for real time sensing environment. Researchers of Heterogeneous WSN
protocol are motivated from the basics of homogeneous WSN protocol like [6, 7, 9, 10], so that energy
consumption per cluster cycle is to be reduced as much possible. To enhance the energy efficiency and
indirectly enhance the stability period of WSN, hence prolong the lifetime of WSN. By rotating the role of
cluster head and threshold will be set for the selection of CH, on the same base as LEACH. Very first
heterogeneous WSN protocol proposed in [17] is with two type nodes as normal and advanced node. A CH
selection criterion for this protocol is based on remaining energy with nodes and not on the network energy.
It means selection of CH not taken into account global information of the network. This protocol introduces
high energy node, hence stability of the network get enhanced and it prolong the lifetime of WSN. Demerits
of this scheme is identified as there is always high energy node get selected as CH, hence there is always
punishment to advance node. Researchers contribute towards this approach for better stability and better
remaining energy and hence to prolong the lifetime of the network in the form of [18, 24, 25]. Enhanced
Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering (EDEEC) protocol mentioned in [26] is three level node
heterogeneous WSN, in this added node termed as super node. Main aim of this scheme is to increase the
heterogeneity and improve stability period, hence lifetime of the network by using the base of [24] or
indirectly with the base of [6]. CH selection follows the base of probability with the ratio of remaining
energy to average energy of the network. Controlling the epoch period also contribute for enhancing stability
period and lifetime of the network in [29]. Some of the other detailed contribution from the researchers for
different schemes is organized as follows in Table I. Presents comparison details of contribution for different
algorithms proposed by the researchers. Table I mainly focused on Methodology used for algorithm in the
form of summary, Design approach of clustering (DA), Importance of protocol (IP), Design matrices used
for protocol (DM), merits (M) and demerits (dm) followed by heterogeneity level of nodes (LN) and the
tools (TL) mentioned if any used by researchers.

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2518

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Comparison table of proposed algorithms
Sr. Ref.
no. no.
1 [55] Cluster head selection Bio-inspired, Network life time, Suitable cluster head Intra-cluster and Inter- 1 -
based on routing path to Hybrid approach residual energy selection, enhanced cluster message are
prolong the network life (A-star Algorithm) life time increased. Hence latency,
routing table also
Summary: This is a novel approach of cluster head selection to enhance life time and longevity of cluster with the consideration of week node count and total distance value
for cluster head selection. Routing table include residual energy, is consider for synthesized path to transfer data packet.
2 [56] Optimal no.of cluster Random approach Stability period, High stability, each Intra-cluster message, 2 -
head for round and (Semi- sensing period round balance energy more Processing load
enhance stability and Centralized) utilization
Summary: It follows the architecture of Mechanism of LEACH, But with slight change for selection of cluster head this algorithm considers the death toll and the residual
energy of all the member and intimate it to BS. Then decision is taken on minimum value from t or k. Hence improve the stability period of network.
3 [57] Energy efficient routing Hybrid random Better packet delivery Average energy Other node may have 1 -
approach ratio, utilization is less, valuable data, latency
energy consumption, improving reliability improved, scalability in
E to E delay/round of data forwarding, Heterogeneous WSN not
improve packet consider
delivery ratio.
Summary: This algorithm works on the principle of LEACH with slight addition as by using residual energy available for routing path. CH selection based on spatial density
so that energy consumption is minimum. Concentration degree of SN's and their residual energy for optimal cluster head election can work for election Weight.
4 [58] Better clustering and Probabilistic No.of alive Transmission load of Control overhead effect is 2 MATLAB
reduce Energy approach and nodes/round, dead other nodes is nullify, initial energy
consumption centralized scheme nodes/round, packet reduced. No initial drainage for ON/OFF
delivery ration, no.of energy drainage in switching
cluster/round scheme.
Summary: In order acquire better clustering, we partition the network in four quadrants to achieve better coverage, optimum position of CH also defined. More over
transmission load of other sending nodes is also reduced. In conventional leach cluster are arbitrary in size and some of the cluster member are away from the head. Selection
of cluster is based on RSSI received of advertisement. And CH inform schedule to sensor node.
5 [28] EDDEEC: Non-probabilistic Stability, lifetime, Dynamic selection of Non-balanced clustering, 3 MATLAB
(Three node model ) approach packet delivery ratio CH re-election increased
Cluster head selection overhead
probability and hence
Enhance life time
Summary: It is a three level node energy approach and Cluster head selection is based on probability, also on residual energy available, and average energy of the network.
This scheme uses the concept of Tabs for cluster head selection. Hence give more optimal number of clusters to be formed to provide enhanced stability and life time.
6 [59] To reduce the intra- Non-probabilistic Stability, residual Balance Energy Less importance is given 1 OMNET++
cluster energy and better approach energy/round (life consumption and to Intra-cluster, inter-
coverage from CH time) prolong the survival cluster messages. This
time of the network. impose more processing
load , scalability increase
energy consumption

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2519

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Summary: To enhance stability and life time, energy utilization in cluster working must be managed systematically. In this scheme author focused on stable data transfer and
cluster formation with the consideration of node degree, relative distance and residual energy and optimal routing predictive path for energy saving. Hence extend the life of
7 [60] To reduce Probabilistic Packet delivery and Avoids data collision Transmission of power 2 MATLAB
communication traffic on approach life time and fast message value and link correlation
BS delivery, hence (factor) coefficient
prolong the life time increase the power
Summary: In this paper author focused on bottleneck zone at BS. To overcome this network coding with coefficient is used and link correlation is used for best possible
cluster head. Single hop communication is found to be used in entire network.CH to BS communication assumed to be multi-hop so network coding is used. Hence this
scheme overcome the occurrence of collision, redundant data which affect the lifetime of network.
8 [29] To enhance stability and Non-probabilistic Residual energy, More energy Intra-cluster messages 4 MATLAB
improve the life time of approach packet delivery ratio efficient, hence impose more Processing
the network and Lifetime extend the stability load
period and lifetime
Summary: BEENESH choose different epoch for different node with respect to their remaining energy. With the mechanism of these kind not only efficiently reduce the
energy consumption of the network, but also balance the load on the network. Hence extend the stability period and prolong the lifetime of the network.
9 [52] To reduce Random Residual energy and High stability and Intra and inter-cluster 2 NETBEANS
communication energy in probabilistic life time balance energy messages are higher IDE 7.0
the network utilization
Summary: Firefly and Simulated annealing is an hybrid approach for cluster set up and communication is set in which BS computes no.of cluster head based o residual
energy (generally ~5%)and update this to all nodes. Then in the cluster formation TDMA schedule is published from head along with residual energy. At the end of each
round energy information is sent to BS for next round decisions. Inside cluster relative distance is consider for chaining and hop distance also. Hence it results better
utilization of cluster.
10 [17] To prolong the stability Probabilistic Stability and life time Reduce energy Advance nodes get 2 MATLAB
and prolong lifetime approach consumption, more punished all the way
chance to generate
optimum CH, more
stabilize protocol
Summary: SEP (Stable Election Protocol) assumes that in real-life network behave after certain round as heterogenite. This protocol offer higher priority to Initial energy for
cluster head selection (i.e. advanced nodes) instead of global energy of the network. Hence it gives the more stable network by reducing the energy consumption in the form
of electing advance nodes as CH. CH election probabilities are weighted by the initial energy of a node relative to other nodes from the network.
11 [24] To reduce energy Probabilistic Stability and life Avoid the global In this protocol penalty is 2 MATLAB
consumption and prolong Approach time, no. of alive knowledge of energy always for advanced
the lifetime of network nodes/ round and from the network at nodes, in the condition
throughput every election round. when their energy
Performs better in deplete and in the range of
multi-level HWSN the normal nodes.
Summary: DEEC is a distributed energy efficient clustering algorithm for heterogeneous WSN. In this cluster heads are selected based on probability using the ratio between
residual energy of each node and the average energy of the network. So the node with higher residual energy has the more chance to become CH. With the use of varying
epoch strategy, distribute the load over the network. Hence prolong the lifetime specially the stability period as compared to SEP and LEACH.
12 [25] To balance the energy Probabilistic Stability, residual DDEEC is Still there is penalty for 2 MATLAB
consumption inside the Approach energy/round, no.of advantageous than advanced nodes, cluster
network by selecting CH alive nodes/round DEEC in terms of heads consume more
over all the network stability period. It is energy
due to hybridization
of DEEC and the

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2520

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

balance selection of
Summary: Developed Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering (DDEEC) algorithm select the CH based on residual energy. DDEEC adopts the base of DEEC, to select the
cluster heads. After CH selection procedure and round completion, when advanced node become normal node at one point selection of advance and normal node is of equal
possibility and hence life time and stability is enhance.
13 [35] To increase the stability Probabilistic Remaining energy, High assurance for Need to calculate average >3 MATLAB
of the network by Approach throughput and no.of node having higher energy of the network for
enhancing energy alive nodes/ round energy become CH CH selection, which
efficiency consume more energy
Summary: This threshold distributed energy efficient clustering (TDEEC) algorithm modifies the scheme of cluster head selection as with normal procedure of LEACH.
TDEEC also use the basis as DEEC, ratio of residual energy to average energy and with the value of optimum no.of cluster heads required and compromise between this is
selected for further work. Hence prolong the lifetime of network.
14 [61] To Enhance stability by Non-probabilistic Instability period, Better and reliable Less importance given to 3 MATLAB
reducing control approach packet delivery/ communication, control messages, increase
messages round, network more stable network the load over a network,
lifetime and stability which required high
processing energy
Summary: In this algorithm BS is responsible for CH selection (based on residual energy, average energy and relative distance between nodes and BS).In this nodes
contributed for their respective region information communication, This protocol is validate only with selected protocol.
15 [62] To select best location of Random approach No.of clusters and It select best location It adapts centralized 1 -
CH for improving energy energy consumption/ of CH, non-uniform mechanism for
efficiency round cluster formation management and network
initialization messages
have less importance
Summary: This scheme select best possible CH such that energy consumption get reduced. CH to BS communication is direct. In case of multiple cluster there is formation
of shortest path towards sink and joined to form chain, with the help of single cluster head in the center of cluster algorithm. This scheme consider the boundary condition and
density of nodes available in the cluster zone.
16 [63] To enhance the lifetime Non-probabilistic, Lifetime (energy It gives best cluster, Intra-cluster messages are 1 NS-2
of sensor network by Hybrid approach consumption and reduce intra cluster high
reducing energy time) energy
Summary: Proposed protocol minimize the possibility first dead nodes and the energy consumption, hence extend the network lifetime. In this, each node in order to
calculate the node weight sends a message to BS. For CH selection the proposed protocol uses a hybrid scheme of residual energy, distance between nodes and BS, Weight-
node. It means cluster head selected must dissipate minimum energy with mechanism of cluster radius, which reduce network load. The node which has high Pch value than
neighbour’s get elected as CH. CH send only meaningful information from the collected information.
17 [64] To design Energy Non-probabilistic Lifetime, stability, Balanced clustering Extra control messages or 2 MATLAB
efficient scheme and take no.of CH over round scheme and obtain overhead
full advantage of and throughput optimum number of
heterogeneity CH to enhance
energy efficiency of
the network
Summary: This is balanced and energy-efficient clustering an improved version of DEEC. It control the threshold for selecting CH with coverage radius to achieve balanced
clustering.CH selection is again on the basis of residual energy. Cluster formation is based on DEEC strategy and the distance parameter between CH and cluster member.

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2521

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

18 [65] Reducing the energy Non-probabilistic Lifetime, energy Avoid energy Level-2 CH Node may 1 MATLAB
consumption and prolong consumption, data consumption of have burden, and deplete
the lifetime of the packet delivery hierarchical cluster energy at fast rate , Extra
network by collecting control messages or
information in overhead
Summary: Double Cluster Based -LEACH propose a CH selection based on residual energy of node, distance from node to base station and neighbour nodes, Node energy
parameter is main factor, Node density for CH selection, Level one for fusion and send it to level two for forwarding to sink.
19 [77] Energy efficient scheme , Non-probabilistic Lifetime, average Balanced clustering, Greater number of internal 1 NCTUNs 6.0
distribute load and heavy delay, maximum avoid redundant data, control heads consume
data traffic and energy transmission distance reduce the more energy
consumption evenly and data redundancy, communication
energy consumption energy
Summary: ANCF (Active node cluster formation),Active node sensing algorithm, Active node routing algorithm: is responsible for appointing CH near Sink and event,
Hello packet and distance calculation , Active node selection for CH following parameter up-keeping energy, distance to the neighbour’s, Density, Maximum distance,
Angle. And also CH selection follow probability rule, Multihop routing spanning tree algorithm.
20 [66] To enhance the lifetime Non-probabilistic Lifetime, energy Effective cluster head This scheme have large 3 MATLAB
of heterogeneous network consumption, data selection and epoch no.of control overheads
packet delivery is modified for
balance energy
efficient clustering,
hence results in
increase lifetime
Summary: It use the basis of DEEC, Node with high energy becomes CH more times than normal nodes. CH is selected based on residual energy. Epoch is modified by the
(Energy for round divide by Average energy of the network). This enhance the lifetime than DEEC.
21 [76] To design and develop Non-probabilistic Average residual Distribution of Need update at the end of 1 event-driven
energy efficient protocol energy, stability and cluster head is each round simulator
to create distributed Lifetime over network uniform written in
clusters Java
Summary: CH are selected based on residual energy, their distance to other SN and residual energy of other SN and CH close to each other. CH are Distributed over the
network properly such that minimum distance between each other is maintained, so reduce the inter cluster messages. Reduce the communication distance between sensor
nodes and BS through CH. This MDBECHAN assure that CHs are not concentrated at particular zone.
22 [68] To reduce energy Non-probabilistic Lifetime, energy Avoid CH at Less chance that every 1 MATLAB
consumption of SN to consumption, data boundary side, time CH is found at the
communicate with CH packet delivery and reduce the energy central position other than
energy consumed Vs consumption in the first round
data packet received at network
Summary: CH are selected based on residual energy and it is to be at the central position of cluster .The node with minimum value of energy will be TCH for next round and
the node with highest RE is CH for next round, also have the provisioning of sleep period. BS is at the outside the network.
23 [48] Reduce the intra-cluster Probabilistic Node death rate Forcefully CH is at It may results in 2 MATLAB
communication the center of the unbalanced clustering and
cluster position-Best after stability there is
scenario, hence faster death rate
enhance the stability

Summary: This paper focused on different position selection for CH (Normally heterogenite nodes), as random worst and best position. Random position does not guarantee
for reduce energy consumption for data communication in WSN. Worst position is at the border of network, which enhance energy dissipation in the network. So, best

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2522

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

position is at the center of cluster or at the network. Center position of CH gives better performance measures than other two positions.
24 [70] This approach Non-probabilistic Lifetime and total Multihop CH selection is based on 1 MATLAB
ameliorates the network system energy Vs communication in random number
lifespan and minimizes Round clustered routing to
the energy consumption prolong the lifetime
of sensor node
Summary: In this approach, network use the minimum transmission energy algorithm to form a cluster with shortest path between nodes down to CH. Multihop
communication between CM to CH is possible. This scheme selects CH based on LEACH strategy.
25 [73] Shortest path finding with Probabilistic Lifetime, Remaining Multihop Calculation and energy 1 NS2
energy management (Dynamic source energy and throughput communication to consumption and traffic
routing) prolong the usage of overload increase on node
available energy death
Summary: Source nodes send packet like flooding and with the acceptance of reply from target. Find shortest path towards BS. Check energy level continuously. The route
which have higher energy level, is selected as best routing path for communication.
26 [72] Forming a cluster based Non-probabilistic Lifetime, total Due to unequal This scheme consume 1 MATLAB
on connectivity and remaining energy, clustering there is more energy. If any node
energy level such that total number of CH enhanced lifetime of dead then there must be
maximum node degree is Vs maximum hops network provision of every time
achieved and prolong the and lifetime Vs hop connectivity and energy
lifetime count, lifetime Vs level calculations
number of nodes
Summary: Connectivity aware and energy information is also added, Maximum connectivity less number of CH. This paper is based on revised version of Kachirski et al.
with power connectivity index, this scheme carry power level information other than connectivity index.
27 [74] Selecting best possible Non-probabilistic Lifetime, energy total High energy nodes Calculations from crisp 3 -
cluster head by the (Fuzzy logic) energy consumption with density and number to values are
addition of heterogeneity and throughput, distance is the best higher due to three
nodes. Hence it enhances throughput Vs no.of strategy for CH attribute
the lifetime and sensors, traffic load selection.
throughput Vs sensor nodes and
aggregate delay Vs
no.of nodes
Summary: CH Selection is based on Residual energy, Node density and Distance to the CH and BS (BS is at the center) with Fuzzy Logic. This scheme input the parameter
to fuzzy logic as power, Node density and distance, system generate 27 different combination for best possible CH selection. Better CH selection but internal processing is
28 [67] Identify the congested Probabilistic Lifetime Lifetime of the In this no assurance of CH 1 NS2
node path (Avoid Congestion network is prolonged is at the center of cluster
in path) with the strategy of
best energy path
Summary: This protocol is designed for multihop network. Selection of CH is based on energy associated to transfer information towards BS, available residual energy and
node location of node. This scheme use minimum energy path for transferring data packet to BS.

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2523

ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613
ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024 Santosh Vishnu Purkar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)


As selecting the CH at center offers best connectivity in the network, but this scheme have less assurance that
CH is always at the center of cluster. Sending routing schedule over a network with available residual energy
and decision based on the same is taken for CH selection. But, this is time consuming and energy consuming
process. Such messaging also increases internal messages over a network. A euclidean distance criterion is less
faithful than, selecting CH based on energy available. Every time for new round initiation messages transacted
over the network are proportional to number of parameter and number of calculations with number of nodes
available in the network. Most of the literature assumes that internal messages processing energy is negligible.
Assuming CH statically and centrally controlled approach of clustering offers less reliable cluster scheme. Most
of the researcher used random deployment for sensor node placement; this is one of the causes for less stable
network than uniformly deployed network.


It is identified that, precise the selection of CH better the clustering connectivity or node degree and hence
better the performance measures of clustered WSN. Hence at the end of this study, we found that SEP and its
variants consider the residual energy as main parameter for probability ratio calculation. Which contribute all
the way for better stability, hence enhances the throughput of the SEP and its variants. On the other side DEEC
and its variants are totally targeting for heterogeneity and average energy available within the network, results in
life time enhancement. There are some variants of LEACH and HEED offers better result compared to the
original LEACH and HEED protocol in terms of adding node distance and heterogeneity of nodes. Other
important parameter from the present literature is node degree, available energy on routing path, spanning tree
basis and some of the Bio-inspired base like Bee colony and mechanical base of firefly-simulated annealing also
add weightage to select best possible routing mechanism with clustering. PEGASIS basis of chain based data
transaction is also used in intra-cluster communication and single hop or multihop communication can be used
for CH to BS communication. According to some of the authors selected CH must be at center gives best node
Connectivity, and better coverage results in best clustering. Hence results in more stability and prolonged
lifetime of WSN. Researcher also target for distance between different CH positions, which also contribute in
lifetime enhancement of the network. So, there is high need to design a clustering scheme which having the
provision of identifying best possible cluster by keeping internal messages as low as possible other than
valuable data message. If there is any death of node then there must be provision to trigger the cluster head and
base station. Other option for the energy efficient clustering scheme is to check node available in cluster must
have minimum energy for communication.

With the complete survey of reported literature here it is identified that most of the researchers still follow a
random deployment strategy with modified probability weight function and with the threshold comparison
decision is taken for cluster head. So there is high need to have intelligent scheme based on automata or neural
network such that nodes clustering and head selection is executed based on real time or run time value.
Hence there is high need to design and develop clustering algorithm of Non-probabilistic approach type for
balancing the clusters, and must result optimal number of cluster in the network such that network survival time
get improved. Hence, indirectly stability of the network get enhances. If life of the network is extending, then it
indirectly contributes for packet delivery ratio to BS and hence throughput enhances.

The author would like to thanks Prof. Dr. G.K.Kharate and Dr. V.H. Patil from Matoshri College of Engineering
and Research Centre, for their continuous support for our research work and valuable suggestion and
constructive comments to improve the quality of research work.
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Santosh Vishnu Purkar received the B.E (Electronics engineering) from S.S.V.P.S.College of engineering
Dhule (North Maharashtra University) and M.Tech. (Electronics and Telecommunication) from V.J.T.I,
Mumbai in Maharashtra (India) in 1998 and 2009, respectively. He is currently pursuing Ph.D. under the
guidence of Dr. R.S.Deshpande at M.C.O.E.R C., Nashik Eklahare, Odha. His research interest includes
Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless Communication and Computer Networks.

R.S.Deshpande is currently working as Principal at Shri. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj College of Engineering
Nepti, Ahmednagar (M.S). His areas of research are ATM System, Wireless and adhoc networks and signal
processing. He contributes for different national and international journals. He received his Ph.D. from Rajiv
Gandhi Technological University on the topic “ATM Congestion Control Mechanisms” in the year 2009. He is
renowned academician and having an experience of more than 25 years.

DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903342 Vol 9 No 3 Jun-Jul 2017 2527

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