Networking Concepts
Networking Concepts
Networking Concepts
LEARNING IN THIS Networkingdevices
and its Components NetworkingTerminology
Computer Network
Advantages of Networking Protocols
Types of Networks
such as:
different types of networks,
we come across
In our daily life,
o Network of roads, railway lines, canals,
Communication network of telephone system that
etc. It is unbelievable to
think life without
without networking phone, No No radio, No television,
Imagine life
. .
with Computer C.
Computer B Printer
Figure 1.1:AComputer Network
ne computers in a network can communicate with each other as well as work independently. Each computer the
network is called a Node. One of these nodes acts as a Sender that transmits the information to other no0es "
network known as Receivers. These computers are linked with each otherthrough some medium, suc a a
Sender Receiver
Figure 1.2: Computer Network as a Data Communication System
A network reduces
the need copies of all documents. Sharing
for hard twork
or any other
reduces the need to share hard copies of reports
eliminates or greatly
to instantly deliver soft copies from one computer to the other computer.
Networking provides a facility
throughout the world.
Data can be transmitted from one location to another by using wires or without the use of wires.
Ethernet Cables
An Ethernet cable is one of the most popular form of network cable used in wired networks.
This cable resembles a phone cable, but is larger than the phone cable and has eight wires.
Ethernet cables connect various devices such as PCs, routers, and switches within a local area
network. The advantage of these cables is that they have less power consumption, but the
drawback with these cables is that the computer requires an Ethernet adapter card on the
motherboard to connect the Ethernet cable. These cables also have their limitations, both in
the distance that they can stretch without losing signal quality and their durability. Figure 1.3: Ethernet
There are mainly two types of Ethernet cable:
Crossover cable: It is basically designed for connecting two computers without a hub or router.
Straight-through cable: This type of cable has got both its ends identical to each other. It is used to connecta
computer to a router or a switch.
Coaxial Cables
A Coaxial cable is used in the transmission of video, communication signals, and audio. It is
mainly used by the cable television industry to connect TVs to a cable TV service. However
this cable can also be used in networks and has
high bandwidth and greater transmissioln
capacity. A Coaxial cable consists of central copper wire surrounded by insulation and thend
Figure 1.4: Coaxial Cable shield of braided wire.
Bluetooth is a communication technology that uses low power radio waves to connect
electronic devices wirelessly. It allows users to talk and share information like voice, music,
and videos. It establishes
other network devices. lt is
use. This
technology eliminates the use of cables and adapters. The presence of Bluetooth
indicates that the device is enabled with Bluetooth.
Infrared Technologyy
Infrared technology is a short range communication technology that covers approximately
Switches contain many ports to connect
different network segments. They are similar
when a network contains a large number of
to hubs, but offer greater performance.
devices, switches are needed instead of hubs to maintain the speed of the
communication between devices. Unlike, hub, a switch is aware of the addresses
assigned to each of its ports and sends the incoming data it receives only to the
A Router is a communication device that is used to connect two different networks, Such
as two LANs, or a LAN and a WAN. It plays a vital role in controlling the traffic and keeping
the network efficient. It chooses the best route for the data packets to be transmitted at
the receiver's end. Figure 1.15: Router
A Gateway is a network point that acts to another network using different
as an entrance
protocols thereby giving us freedom and convenience to enjoy online activities. It allows us to
carry out various online activities, such as sending e-mail, browsing through web pages,
Duying things online, and more. It is a shared connection between a local area network and a
Figure 1.16: Gateway larger system, i.e., WAN. It basically works as the messenger agent that takes data from one
ystem, interprets it, and transfers it to another system. Itis also called packet converter.
A Bridge is a repeater with add-on functionality
of filtering content by
addresses of the reading the Bridge
and the destination. It is used to
interconnect two LANs
working on the same protocol and provide communication between them. It
prevents unnecessary traffic from entering the network and reduces
Figure 1.17: Bridge
The Internet is a
global wide area network that connects computer systems across the
world. It provides a
information and communication facilities. It consists of variety of
interconnected networks which
standardized communication protocols. communicate via
Intranet refers to Internet
a computer network within an
ISPs providing Internet service in India are BSNL, Airtel, Reliance, Sify, etc.
WEBSITE Telephone Line
Web Device
or entrance.
In the context
Apps Conventionally, aportal m e a n s a gateway to a wide
as a gateway
can be defined
of the World Wide Web, a portal
search engines,
range of Internet services, such as e-mails,
but with a huge
Portal e-commerce, etc. A
web portal is also a website,
Portal breadth of offerings. However, unlike
a website, it
does not contain
sources in a unified way like Yahoo, MSN, etc.
Figure 1.20: Web
stored on a web server. It is a digital page which may contain text, hyperlink,
Aweb page is written using HTMLand is
tables, etc. Each web page
is identified by a unique web address called Uniform Resource
videos, audios, images,
the website.
ln data communication, a link is a line or channel that connects two devices. Data is transmitted between the
this channel.
connected devices through
A hunerlink is an image, audio, video, graphics, or text that connects one web page to another web page, or to
another section within the same page.
Domain Name is a
unique name
given to each website
resource or
connected to the Internet. Domain names
are easier to
than IP addresses since remember
name has
strong correlation with the
website. For example, the domain
name for Google search and for engine, is
Wikipedia, it is The Domain es
Name gOV
System (DNS) is the system in which domain names are
e live in a
world where millions of people across the globe speak
be able to
communicate worldwide, if there are no hundreds of different
machines process data. These 'standards' governing the
way we communicate
languages. We would never
standards are nothing but sets of rules and the way our
which are followed
Similarly, there are certain rules which by everyone.
determine how data should be
presented on the screen, and so on. These sets of transferred over
rules are called
Protocols. networks, compressed,
Likewise, there are many other
need of protocols is to protocols, each one governing the way a
standardize the processes and certain
about the most common ways of technology works.
Hence, the basic
protocols and their unique features.
communicating over computer network.
Let learn us
Computers with KIPS 14
TCP/IP FactFlle
TCP/IP was developed
TCP/IP (Transmission Control in 1978, and driven by
Protocol/lnternet Protocol) is a Robert Elliot Kahn and
another until they reach their destination. TCP/IP is a combination of two separate been
Suit, which has
protocols: designed by
the Internet Engineering
TCP or Transfer Control protocol is used for a reliable and foolproof data transmission Task Force (IETF).
Over the network. It is responsible for dividing the data into packets at the sender's side
IP or Internet Protocol provides a sequence number to each of these packets so that they
reach their destination in correct order. Also, it handles the addressing of each
Let's Know More
packet so that it is delivered to the correct destination. Hypertext Transfer
Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
is the secure version of
determines how different forms of information HTTP, the protocol over
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
which data is sent
other multimedia files) get transferred to your screen
(text, images, sound, video, and between your browser
also defines what actions web servers and browsers
over the Internet. This protocol and the website that your
commands. are connected to. Here all
should take in response to various
communications between
For example, when a user enters the URL for any web page in the address bar of the browser and the website
are encrypted
command to the server requesting it to open the specified web
browser, it sends an HTTP
Request Message
Fact File
Response Message
HTTP Clients
(Web Browser) HTTP Server (Web Server)
Figure 1.23: Working of HTTP
The File Transter
ETP ar File TransferProtocol isstandard Internet Protocol.
It is one of the
Protocol (FTP) was
aciest Ways to exchange files between two or more simplest and originally designed by
computers on the Internet, using
Abhay Bhushan and
published in 1971
TP Client and FTP server download sortware/programs
software. FTP uses lnternet's TCP/IP protocols to to
Computer trom other sources. The source can be a web server or a remote host over the Internet.
You can use FTP either using a GUI based FTP Software or via MS.n
prompt. Nowadays, Internet browsers inbuilt feature to
have an
file or content
Data connection is
initiated from the FTP requeststo other servers. To access any using FTP
Server side user needs to log in on to the FTP server by providing his/her credentis
ONTERNET The FTP software allows the user to drag and drop the file between th
Control connection is
remote and local host. Some of the files are always available free for
initiated from the public use/download. Such files can easily be accessed using the
Cient side ne
anonymous FTP.
Figure 1.24:
Working of the FTP
SMTP Message Message
SMTP (Simple
Mail Transfer
Protocol) is the most common Sending o Mail Queue SMTP Server
protocol used for sending e-mails between two or more servers.
It is
generally used to send messages
from a mail client to a mail Internet
server. The
messages are then retrieved by thee-mail client.
Mail Queue
>POP3 Server Receiving PC
Message Messagge
Messages and
ma cally
Email server stored locally
Messages and mputer. Figure 1.25: Working of SMTP
mailboxes are
stored centraly OR
Once a along with POP
message is
so you can view
hem downloaded to
n your IMAP Cnhecking your Checkin9 your your computer
t cannot be
emai with IMAP email with POP
o u n t oetais. viewed from
IMAP (Internet Message Access
Protocol) the two most Protocol)
UCL Central Filestore
Office and POP (Post
Learning Kins 1