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Gateway 2nd Edition b2 Plus SB Unit 4

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VOCABULARY Biology and scientific research 2 SPEAKING Work with a partner and read the article
headline opposite. What information do you
1a Match these words with the definitions below.
expect to read in the article?

chromosome (​ n) • ​contract (a disease) (v)

3 Read the article quickly, ignoring the gaps. How
​enzyme (n) • ​genetic engineering (n)
would you summarise the main points?
​genetically modified (adj) • ​parasite (n)
​prevalent (adj) • ​resistant (adj) • ​species (n)
transmit (a disease) (v) 4 Read the article again. Six paragraphs have been
removed. Choose from the paragraphs A–F the
one which fits each gap (1–6).
1 to pass a disease from one person to another
2 a plant or animal group whose members all have
similar general features 
3 a plant or animal that lives in or on another type of In reading activities where you complete a text with
animal and feeds on it paragraphs, begin with the paragraphs that you find
4 not harmed or affected by something easiest and are sure about. Cross these out so that
you have fewer options for the more difficult gaps.
5 very common in a particular place or among a
particular group ➤ EXAM SUCCESS page 150
6 the practice or science of adding genes to a living
thing 5 Find the following in the article. Explain who or
7 to become infected with a disease what they are and why they are significant.
8 a structure that exists in cells, often as one of a pair
I-Ppol  • ​Dr Nikolai Windbichler  • ​627,000  • ​GMEP
9 a natural chemical produced by animal and plant cells  ​$12 billion  • ​Pirbright Institute
10 a plant or animal that has had its genetic structure
1b Complete the sentences with words from 1. Make
Think! Then compare ideas with your class.
a change to the verb or noun where necessary.
■ Do you believe that humans have the right to
1 Females have two X . Males have one eliminate species from the planet?
X and one Y.
■ What possible consequences can you see, both
2 Some people think that food could positive and negative, of this type of experiment?
reduce world hunger.
3 Animals infected with the virus can the
7 Guess the meaning of the underlined words from
disease to humans.
the context. Then use your dictionary to check.
4 Bacteria can become to antibiotics.
5 He was healthy until he pneumonia. 8 SPEAKING What about you?
6 has made it possible to grow plants in 1 Are mosquitoes a problem where you live? What are
places they don’t normally grow. the best ways to get rid of them?
7 break down the food we eat so that it 2 Would you like to work in scientific research? Why/
can be converted into energy. Why not?
8 such as fleas are common in cats 3 What other examples of genetic engineering in
and dogs. plants and animals can you think of?
9 The number of plant and animal at risk 4 What are the benefits and dangers of these?
of extinction is growing.
10 Malaria is still in many countries.

44 Unit 4

Gateway B2+ 2E SB_BOOK_6p.indb 44 19/10/2015 09:30

1   In order to eliminate the female mosquitoes, scientists

MODIFYING created a DNA-cutting enzyme called I-PpoI, which they inserted

into a sample of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. In normal

reproduction, the ratio of the X chromosome, which produces
female offspring, and the Y chromosome, which produces
males, is roughly equal. The enzyme used by the researchers
cut the DNA of the X chromosome so that almost none could
Genetically modified mosquitoes be produced. As a result, the offspring of the genetically-modified
mosquitoes was almost exclusively male.
could help to eradicate malaria These genetically modified mosquitoes were then put into five cages
containing general mosquito populations. In four of the five cages, the entire
population was eliminated within six generations. The scientists hope that if they
Mosquitoes have been
do the same thing with mosquitoes in the wild, the malaria-carrying mosquito
genetically modified so they population will ultimately die out within a few generations.
only give birth to males in a
new technique that scientists 2   This is the first time that scientists have been able to manipulate the
hope could help to wipe out ratios of male and female mosquito populations. The researchers believe the work
malaria. paves the way for a pioneering approach to controlling malaria, which continues
to threaten the lives of half of the global population.
Scientists from Imperial College
London have tested a new 3   According to the latest estimates by the World Health
genetic method that changes Organization, over 3.4 billion people are at risk of contracting
the ratio of male to female the disease and an estimated 627,000 die each year. Children
Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, under the age of five are particularly vulnerable, with one
the main transmitters of the child dying every 60 seconds.
malaria parasite, so that the
4   Increased prevention and control measures in
female mosquitoes which bite recent years have reduced global mortality rates by 42
and pass the disease to humans per cent, but the disease persists, especially in high-risk
are no longer produced. regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Mosquitoes have become
increasingly resistant to insecticides and the malaria
parasite has become resistant to drugs.

5   It’s likely that mosquito populations would rebound

after a few years, so the genetically engineered mosquitoes would need to be
reintroduced into the wild regularly in order to control them. Nevertheless,
scientists are hopeful that the approach could be used to fight all types of
mosquito, including the species that transmit dengue fever, which is prevalent in
over a hundred countries.

6   According to Britain’s Pirbright Institute, mosquitoes are not a keystone

species in their ecosystems. While mosquitoes can act as pollinators as well as a
food source for other animals, their absence would only be a temporary setback
until another species filled the niche.
The question remains, however, whether humans have the right to eliminate
entire species in this way. Eradicating mosquitoes may have positive benefits in
reducing disease levels, but only time will tell if this experiment will have any
lasting effects on humankind.

Concerns have been raised What’s more, sub-Saharan Africa Dr Nikolai Windbichler, a lead
A about the possible effect of
eliminating mosquitoes on
C loses about $12 billion in economic
productivity due to malaria infections.
E researcher from the Department
of Life Sciences at Imperial College
local ecosystems. After all, Eradicating the disease would have London, said: ‘What is most promising
mosquitoes have been on the real implications for the quality of life about our results is that they are self-
planet for about 100 million of people in those areas. Doctors and sustaining. Once modified mosquitoes
years and they represent hospitals would be able to address other are introduced, males will start to
3,500 species worldwide. health concerns and the environment produce mainly sons, and their sons
Would we miss them if they would benefit from not having to will do the same, so essentially the
disappeared? use insecticides. mosquitoes carry out the work for us.’

As research professor Female mosquitoes use human blood During the 1950s and 1960s,
B Andrea Crisanti from
Imperial College London
D to acquire the nutrients they need to
create eggs. A female mosquito can
F the Global Malaria Eradication
Programme (GMEP) was successful
said: ‘Malaria is debilitating lay about 200 eggs at a time and up to in eliminating the disease from
and often fatal and we 3,000 eggs during her lifetime. About several parts of the world. If their
need to find new ways of half of the offspring will be daughters, efforts had continued, they would
tackling it. We think our many of which will live long enough have been able to eradicate malaria
innovative approach is a to produce the same number of completely, but a lack of funds
huge step forward.’ offspring themselves. For people living halted progress.
in tropical and subtropical areas, these
females present a very real threat.

Unit 4 45

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Grammar in context

Conditionals Other conditional structures

1 Look at the sentences and answer the 4 Look at the sentences. Check that you
questions. understand how and why we use the words in
a The scientists hope that if they do the same
bold in these sentences.
thing with mosquitoes in the wild, the malaria- a Supposing/Suppose mosquitoes die out, would
carrying mosquito population will die out. that affect ecosystems?
b Would we miss them if they disappeared? b Provided that/Providing that/As long as they
c If a person lives in an area with these introduce genetically modified mosquitoes into
mosquitoes, they are at risk of contracting the wild, the mosquitoes won’t come back.
malaria. c Unless scientists take action against malaria,
d If their efforts had continued, they would have people will continue to contract the disease.
been able to eradicate the disease. d Scientists won’t confirm that the experiment will
work in the wild in case they are wrong.
1 How do we make zero, first, second and third
e If only/I wish they had a vaccine. It would solve a
lot of problems.
2 Why do we use each one?
f I wish/If only they had eliminated the disease.
3 What type of conditional is each sentence a–d?

5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
the verbs given. word given. Do not change the word given. You
1 If the press hadn’t found out about this story, it must use between three and six words, including
(not appear) in the newspapers.
the word given.

2 If research (be) useful, people want to 1 I’ll help you, but only if you promise to pay
close attention. THAT
know about it.
I’ll help you pay close attention.
3 If they (not be) scientists, they
wouldn’t know how to carry out these experiments. 2 If they fail, they may lose all their funding.  UNLESS
all their funding.
4 If they repeat the experiment, they
(get) the same results next time. 3 What a pity that we didn’t see each other! WISH

5 If the experiment (not be) successful, each other.

they wouldn’t have published the results. 4 If we can stop the situation, would it not
be worth doing? SUPPOSE
6 If they achieve their aim, it (help) a lot
, would it not be worth doing?
of people.
5 I’ll be right here waiting for you because you
7 If they did experiments on some types of animal, it
might need me. CASE
(be) illegal.
I’ll be right here waiting for you .
8 If it (not be) for past pioneers, their
6 We’ll publish your research but only if you
research wouldn’t have been possible.
have evidence of your findings. LONG
We’ll publish your research evidence
3 Rewrite these sentences using conditionals.
of your findings.
1 My brother must get good marks because he wants
to study medicine next year. EXAM SUCCESS
If my brother gets good marks, he …
In transformation activities, check that you have not
2 I didn’t know you were at home last night. I wanted
changed the meaning from the original sentence or
to call you for help with my homework.
changed the form of the word given.
3 You must water plants as without water, they die.
➤ EXAM SUCCESS page 150
4 It’s a pity scientists don’t have more funding. They
need it to do more research.
6 SPEAKING Complete the sentences with your own
5 I’m glad I read this article. I hadn’t heard about this
ideas. Then discuss your ideas in pairs.
breakthrough before.
1 If I pass all my exams with outstanding marks, …
6 I think you like sci-fi so you’ll enjoy this film.
2 If I could have any job in the world, …
7 People tend to believe stories that they read in the
newspapers. 3 If I’d had more time last weekend, …
8 I’m not a scientist because I don’t want to do 4 If I were a politician, …
research on animals.

46 Unit 4

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Developing vocabulary Aa Bb

Compound nouns and adjectives

1 Match the compound nouns 1–8 with their meanings a–h.

1 outlook a beginning, start
2 drawback b result (e.g. of a process, meeting, activity)
3 outcome c reduction in something (e.g. the amount of money to spend)
4 feedback d strong action that someone in authority takes to stop a particular activity
5 outset e sudden start of war, disease, violence, etc.
6 outbreak f disadvantage
7 cutback g idea of what a situation will be like in the future/your general attitude to things
8 crackdown h comments about how well or badly someone is doing something, intended to help
them to do it better

2 Match 1–8 and a–h. Are the words compound 4 Complete the compound nouns and adjectives in the
nouns or compound adjectives? Are they news article.
written as one word, one word with a
hyphen (-) or two words? Use your dictionary
if necessary.
1 genetically a time
2 set b wide
3 high c through
4 life d while
5 world e modified
6 break f back
7 off g risk
8 worth h spring

3 Complete the sentences with compound nouns THE END OF

from 1.
1 I began reading this book yesterday and from
the I knew I was going to love it. Scientists at a biotechnology company have made a
(a) b in producing (b) g olive
2 They discussed whether they should continue
flies and are seeking permission to release them in Spain.
with their research and the of the If the plan goes ahead, male flies will first be sterilised
meeting was that they should. in a laboratory and then they will be released into the
3 Organisations which protect animal rights have environment where they will mate with wild olive females.
Their (c) o will be infertile, and the flies will
made sure that there has been a
eventually die out.
on using animals in experiments.
Although olive flies currently destroy whole harvests of
4 Scientists had to work hard to find a cure when olives, from the (d) o , the proposal has
there was a sudden of a deadly met with criticism. The main (e) d , critics
new type of flu. say, is that the bodies of the flies could remain in the
olives. No-one knows the effect of eating these olives
5 Because of the economic recession there was a
over a (f) l . While the experiment may be
in the amount of money spent on (g) w for farmers, for consumers it is a
research and development. (h) h strategy.
6 I think you and I have the same The organisation Friends of the Earth has called for a
(i) c on such experiments. Meanwhile, the
on life.
company is still waiting for the (j) o of their
7 The from potential customers permission request.
about the product was generally positive.
8 There are both benefits and to
genetic engineering when it comes to food.

Unit 4 47

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Gateway to life skills: Critical thinking

Reading articles CRITICALLY

■ To question how scientific facts are causation [n]: Correlation does not mean causation; in other
interpreted in news articles words just because there is a correlation between two things, it
■ To identify what to look for in science doesn’t mean that one causes the other. corroborate [v]: You
articles to decide how reliable they are need to corroborate information by looking at other research

to see if it reaches the same conclusions. conclusive [adj]:
To critique an article
Just because there is some evidence, it doesn’t mean that the
results of the research are conclusive.

1 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Look at the table. What does it 2 READING Read the article and answer
show? What conclusions can you draw from this information? these questions.
1 Who collected the data in the table
and why?
2 What conclusion did he draw from
the information?
CHOCOLATE CONSUMPTION 3 How does he explain the anomaly?

AND NOBEL LAUREATES 4 What else supports his conclusions?


Sweden Switerland

Nobel Laureates per 10 Million Population


make you

United Kingdom

15 Ireland Germany
The Netherlands United States

10 Belgium

I f you’ve ever worried about eating too
much chocolate, good news is at hand.
According to recent research, chocolate may
5 Australia
actually make you more intelligent!
Portugal Poland
A cardiologist at Columbia University, Franz
Greece Spain
Messerli, decided to look into the possibility
0 Japan
China Brazil of a link between chocolate and intelligence
after he had read studies stating that cocoa
was beneficial for health. One study had
0 5 10 15 found a connection between the consumption
Chocolate Consumption (kg/yr/capita) of cocoa and improved mental function in
elderly patients. Another found that animals
such as rats and even snails live longer and
have better cognitive function when they eat
Messerli decided to test his theory by
comparing the number of Nobel Prize winners
in a country, in proportion to the population
of that country, with the nation’s chocolate
consumption. And the results of his study
were significant.


Gateway B2+ 2E SB_BOOK_6p.indb 48 19/10/2015 09:30

3 SPEAKING Work in a small group. Discuss these
1 Do you agree with the conclusions in the article?
Why/Why not?
2 What aspects of the article suggest that it is
3 Is there anything that makes you question the

4 LISTENING 12 A science journalist is

discussing the article. Watch the video
or listen. Do they mention any of the
points you talked about in 3?

5 LISTENING 12 Watch or listen again. Make

notes about what the science journalist says
about the things to consider when reading a
science article.
■ the news outlet
■ the source and quotes
■ the references to scientific research

■ the context and purpose

■ correlation and causation

6 Look at the article again. Find further

examples to support the points made by
the science journalist in 5.


Work in groups of three. You are going to
read a science article and critique it.
When the two factors were compared – chocolate
consumption and the number of Nobel prize winners – Follow this plan:
was a very strong correlation. Switzerland, which has
highest consumption of chocolate per capita, has also
1 Choose one of the articles on page 162–3 or
produced the highest number of Nobel Laureates. Meanw find one of your own.
bottom of the table in both chocol ate
China appeared at the 2 Identify the different points discussed in 5.
consumption and the number of prize winners.
The evidence suggests a clear relationship between chocol 3 Decide together whether you think the
found has a “P value” of
and intelligence. The correlation conclusions in the article are reliable or not
0.0001, which means there is a less than one-in-10,00 and make a list of reasons why.
chance of getting results like these if there is no relation
betwee n the two. 4 Prepare and present your conclusions to
Sweden does not fit the pattern, producing a large another group. Give reasons to defend
number of Nobel laureates while eating much your opinion.
less chocolate. However, Messerli explains
this anomaly by pointing out that Sweden is
responsible for donating and evaluating the prize,
so it’s possible that there is a national bias. Another
theory is that Swedes may have a higher sensitivity to
and a lower level of consumption would therefore be needed
to produce the same effect on their intelligence.
Though it hasn’t yet been proven that it is chocolate that
causes the increased intelligence, it is clear from other
can be
research that chocolate, and especially dark chocolate,
benefic ial for your health, particu larly for the brain and the
heart. It is known to have a high level of antioxidants,
lower choles terol levels and improv e blood pressu re. And
other studies have shown that eating chocol ate can reduce
the chances of stroke.

So perhaps we should all eat

more chocolate?


Gateway B2+ 2E SB_BOOK_6p.indb 49 19/10/2015 09:30

Listening Flipped classroom: watch the grammar
presentation video.

1 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Discuss

these questions.
1 What animals do you know are in danger of
2 What animals have already become extinct?
3 Why did this happen?

2 LISTENING 13 Listen to a podcast about bringing

animals back from extinction and choose the best
1 What does Professor Rogers think about the cloning
of dinosaurs?
a  No suitable DNA samples exist because
dinosaurs froze too fast.
b  It’s difficult because you need to have organic
c  You can only clone animals using DNA samples. Mixed conditionals
2 What is the experiment at Harvard Medical School?
a To create elephants that are hairy and woolly. 4 Look at the sentences and answer the
b To insert DNA from a woolly mammoth into an questions.
elephant. a If a dinosaur had been frozen quickly, and had
c To engineer elephants so that they don’t stayed at that temperature, then you’d have
become extinct. DNA samples.
3 What is the main reason given for bringing back b If we hadn’t caused destruction in these areas,
woolly mammoths? we wouldn’t need to recreate species now.
a They could graze on grass in Arctic regions. c If we did more to protect endangered species,
b Their weight would help to strengthen the ice. these animals wouldn’t have become extinct.
c To reduce the escape of carbon gases into the
atmosphere. 1 What is the form of these conditional sentences?
4 How are scientists trying to bring back the 2 Which sentence(s) describe an imaginary past
passenger pigeon? and its present consequence?
a They’re engineering another species of pigeon. 3 Which sentence(s) describe an imaginary present
b They’re inserting cells into museum specimens. situation and its past consequence?
c  They’re using pigeons from the forests of the

5 Why does the professor support de-extinction?

a Humans have made a lot of mistakes in the past. 5 Choose the correct alternative.
b Animals are becoming extinct at an alarming 1 If I could bring any animal back from extinction, I’d
rate. choose/have chosen the dinosaur.
c It can help to restore natural habitats.
2 If I’d slept more last night, I wouldn’t be/have been
6 Which of the following does the professor believe? so tired now.
a It isn’t important to spend money on saving
3 I’d go/have gone out last night if I hadn’t had so
endangered species.
much homework.
b The technology can be used for de-extinction
and saving endangered species. 4 If I had eaten breakfast, I wouldn’t feel/have felt
c Bringing back animals from extinction is the hungry now.
priority. 5 I wouldn’t know this city so well if I didn’t live/hadn’t
lived here all my life.
3 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Discuss these 6 I’d speak/have spoken perfect English if I’d been
questions. born in an English-speaking country.
1 If it were possible to bring any animal back from 7 If I’d finished all my homework last night, I’d be/
extinction, which would you choose? Why? have been able to go out later.
2 What are the best ways of saving endangered 8 I’d let you borrow my mobile if I didn’t lose/hadn’t
species? lost it.
3 In your opinion, is it better to focus on saving
endangered species or bring animals back from 6 SPEAKING If you could go back in time, what three
extinction? Why? things would you change about the world? How
would the world be different now?

50 Unit 4

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Developing speaking

Talking about statistics T H E S TAT E O F P U B L I C AT T I T U D E S TO


1 Look at the charts and graphs. Which:
1 is a bar chart?
2 is a pie chart? A PERCEPTIONS OF JOBS IN ENGINEERING Jobs in engineering
3 is a table? AND SCIENCE AMONG 16-24-YEAR-OLDS are interesting
100 Jobs in science are
4 is a line graph? interesting
5 show statistics which total 100 per cent? 75 79%
73% 71%
6 shows a change or trend over a period of time? 64% 67%
50 61%
7 shows a non-diagrammatic comparison of statistics?
8 shows a diagrammatic comparison of statistics?
2 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Find words in the
Speaking bank to talk about each chart or graph PERCEPTIONS OF SCIENTISTS OVER TIME B
in 1. Check that you understand all the words. % strongly agree that scientists make a valuable contribution to society
% strongly agree that in general scientists want to
make life better for the average person

Useful words and expressions to talk about 50% 38 46

statistics 27 26
Numbers and proportions 25%
■ a half/third/quarter/fifth/sixth, etc. 12 13
■ one in two/three/five/ten, etc.
2000 2005 2008 2011 2014

■ 5/10/15 per cent

■ the majority/minority PECENTAGE OF

■ just under/over
■ approximately/roughly THE MATHS AND Yes
■ twice/three/four/five times as many/big as
■ slightly/considerably more/fewer USEFUL IN DAILY Don’t know

■ a large/small/considerable number/proportion of
(+ countable noun)
■ a large/small/considerable amount/quantity of

(+ uncountable noun)
■ the (second/third/fourth) largest/biggest/highest
Adults 16+ 16-24-year-olds
■ in comparison with
TV news 42% 34%
Trends Other TV programmes 26% 17%
■ rise/increase/grow/double/treble/rocket Print newspapers 23% 11%
■ fall/decrease/drop/decline/half/plunge/plummet Online newspapers or news websites 15% 24%
■ stay the same/change little/level off/stabilise Family, friends and colleagues 12% 13%
Other websites 9% 10%
■ fluctuate
Radio programmes 15% 11%
■ reach a high/low
Magazines 7% 6%
■ slow(ly)/gradual(ly)/slight(ly), steady (steadily)
Social networks 6% 21%
(adj/adv) Books 6% 10%
■ significant(ly)/sharp(ly)/dramatic(ally) (adj/adv)


3 Write a short description of each chart or graph partner. Turn to page 164 and take it in turns
in 1. Think carefully about which tense(s) you need to talk about the statistics and your reactions
to use in each case. to them. Use words and expressions from the
Speaking bank.
4 SPEAKING Work with a partner. What do you think
about the information in the charts and graphs? EXAM SUCCESS
Do you find it surprising, shocking, predictable,
etc.? Why? In stimulus-based discussions, talk about the most
important statistics; don’t explain every single fact.
Remember to give personal reactions to the statistics,
5 LISTENING 14 Listen to four students talking about
the charts and graphs in 1. Are the speakers’ giving reasons to justify and explain your opinion.
descriptions and reactions similar to yours? ➤ EXAM SUCCESS page 150

Unit 4 51

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Developing writing
A for - and - against essay

1 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Read the beginning of a science article and discuss
what you think the different reactions to the news have been.

Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-

Madison have artificially created a life-
threatening flu virus. The virus resembles
the 1918 Spanish flu strain that was
responsible for the deaths of around 50
million worldwide. Until the controversial
experiment, the virus had been extinct.
Scientists say that their research will help
them to understand more about the health
risks posed by viruses in the future.
Not surprisingly, this news has been met
with strong, and widely different, reactions.
Some people …

2 Look at this essay task. What exactly do you

need to write? Work with a partner and write a Recent news that an extinct flu virus has been
paragraph plan. reconstructed at a laboratory in the US has given
rise to a fierce debate between those who think that
Write about the following topic: experiments such as this are necessary to protect
Some people think that artificially creating viruses people and those who believe it puts the global
is acceptable because it could help to save lives in population in danger.
the future. Others think that it could have terrible Some scientists claim that recreating viruses is essential
consequences and put more lives in danger. so that governments can prepare for possible outbreaks
of disease in the future. To take the example of the flu
First discuss both these views and then give your
virus, they say the research will enable scientists to
own opinion.
develop a vaccine that could save thousands of lives.
Give reasons for your answer and include any Moreover, if the right precautions are taken, there should
relevant examples from your own knowledge. be no threat to the general public.
On the other hand, there are people who argue that it is
3 Read the essay on the right and answer these impossible to know the full repercussions of creating a
questions. genetically-engineered virus. Despite the fact that the
research is carried out in a secure laboratory, there is
1 Does the essay do what the task asks for?
always the risk that the virus could escape or there is
2 Is the organisation similar to your ideas in 2? an accidental infection, which, in turn, could lead to a
3 Do you agree with the writer’s opinion? pandemic. A further criticism of these experiments is
Why/Why not? that there is no threat at present, and if the disease were
to re-occur, scientists would be able to react quickly to
4a Put these headings in the correct place (1–6) in deal with it. Last but not least, some people believe that
the Writing bank. the scientists who do these experiments are motivated
by ambition and that there is no benefit to public health.
■ Adding arguments To sum up, this is a complex issue, but one that we
■ Concluding cannot simply ignore. My own view is that it can be
■ Expressing consequences highly dangerous to play with nature unless we know
■ Making contrasts the full consequences of what we are doing. Recreating
■ Expressing your and other people’s opinions viruses may solve future problems, but it is vital that

measures are taken to ensure that the research is
Introducing and sequencing arguments
carefully controlled and that these viruses do not
escape, which could have catastrophic results for our
planet as a whole.

52 Unit 4

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4b Add the underlined words and expressions in the 6 Read the beginning of another science article.
essay in 2 to the relevant sections of the Writing bank. Think of advantages and disadvantages of
manipulating the weather.

Useful expressions in for-and-against essays Rain, rain,

1 4 go away
■ First and foremost, ■ Therefore, come again
■ Secondly, ■ and so another day
■ Lastly, ■ as a result
■  ■ as a consequence According to Chinese scientists, for them the
words to this children’s rhyme are not just wishful
2 ■ consequently
thinking. They say that they have the ability to
■ Furthermore, 5 control the weather. In November 2009, there
■  ■ In my opinion, was an unusual fall of snow. China claims that it
■ What is more, ■ Personally, I believe prompted the snow by firing 186 chemical rockets
■ that into clouds passing over Beijing. They did this
In addition,
to help stop the long drought the city had been
■ not only … but also ■ 
suffering. But scientists are worried that if each
■ a further advantage of ■ As far as I’m country unilaterally decides to use geo-engineering
■  concerned to manipulate the weather, the global repercussions
3 ■  could be catastrophic and global-warming could get

worse, not better. Scientists at …
■ On the one hand, It is said that …
■  ■ 
■ In contrast, 6 7 SPEAKING Discuss your ideas in 6 as a whole
■ ■ In conclusion, class. Do most people think that controlling
in spite of (+ noun/

the weather would be a good thing or a
gerund/the fact that …) All in all
bad thing?
■  ■ 
■ However,/ 8 Look at the essay task. Work with a partner
Nevertheless, and use the ideas in 6 and 7 to write a
■ conversely paragraph plan for the essay.
■ by way of contrast
Write about the following topic:
Some people think that having scientists
manipulate the weather could be beneficial for
VOCABULARY Causes, reasons and results the planet. Others think that the consequences
5 Choose the correct alternative. In some cases, both could be very worrying.
alternatives are possible. Check that you know what Discuss both these views and then give your
all the alternatives mean. own opinion.
1 The news has given rise/risen to a fierce debate. Give reasons for your answer and include any
2 People are afraid of some scientific research since/as relevant examples from your own knowledge.
they don’t know what effects it might have.
9 PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Write your essay for
3 There is always a risk of accidental infection which could,
the task in 8. Use words and expressions from
on its way/in turn, lead to a general pandemic.
the Writing bank and the vocabulary section
4 We still cannot know the full repercussions/all the on this page, and advice from Exam success.
negative consequences of artificially creating viruses.
5 The second/side effects of some vaccines are still
6 We must be careful because playing with nature could EXAM SUCCESS
have disastrous/catastrophic results. Read the task very carefully to see if you should
7 The research could bring about/lead to changes in the be giving your own opinion of a particular
way governments prepare. question, arguments on both sides of the
8 The news about the experiment sparked off/stemmed question, or a mixture of both. The way that you
from a lot of criticism. organise your essay in each case will be different,
and you will be evaluated according to how well
9 I believe the research will prompt the government
you have completed the task.
change/to change the law.
10 Some experiments are risky due to/owing to the lack of ➤ EXAM SUCCESS page 150
proper precautions.

Unit 4 53

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Language checkpoint: Unit 4
Grammar reference
For zero conditional, first conditional and second conditional, see page 166

Third conditional
If + past perfect, … would/wouldn’t have + past We use the third conditional to talk about imaginary or
participle impossible situations in the past and their consequences.
If I had studied, I would have passed the exam. The situations are impossible because we cannot change
them now that they have happened.

Mixed conditionals
FORM If I liked that group I would have gone to see them in
If + past simple, … would/wouldn’t have + past concert.
participle Or they can describe an imaginary past situation and its
If + past perfect, … would/wouldn’t + infinitive present consequence.
If I had had breakfast, I wouldn’t be hungry now.
Mixed conditionals are a mixture of the second and third
conditional. They can describe an imaginary present
situation and its past consequence.

Other conditional structures

unless = if … not, except if If it were to/should/happened to rain tomorrow, what

We won’t be able to swim unless the swimming pool would we do?
is open. I wish/If only + the past = talking about imaginary
as long as, provided/providing (that) = if, only if situations in the present. It expresses wishes for things to
We’ll be able to swim as long as/provided the swimming be different in the present.
pool is open. I wish I was on the beach right now.
in case = because, maybe I wish/If only + past perfect = talking about past
We’ll take our swimsuits in case the swimming pool situations that we would have liked to be different. It
is open. expresses regrets.
supposing/suppose = imagine … If only I hadn’t spent all my money last weekend.
Supposing he came to eat tonight, would we have enough I wish/If only with would/wouldn’t + infinitive = talking
food? about somebody’s habitual behaviour that we want to
criticise and change.
should/were to/happened to = when something is less
probable My dad smokes. I wish he wouldn’t do it.

For compound nouns and adjectives, biology and scientific research and causes, reasons and results, see wordlist
page 138.

54 Unit 4

Gateway B2+ 2E SB_BOOK_6p.indb 54 19/10/2015 09:30

Grammar revision

Conditionals  / 7 points Other conditional structures / 6 points

1 Complete the conditional sentences with the 2 Complete the sentences with these words.
correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 If he had come to school yesterday, he case  • ​long  • ​only  • ​providing  • ​supposing  • ​unless
(do) the exam.
2 If I (be) better at sport, I’d play more. 1 I’ll lend you my laptop as as you
promise to return it.
3 If I (not see) you tonight, I’ll see you
tomorrow. 2 I bought a spare pen in this one ran
out of ink.
4 If my sister gets a cold, I usually
(catch) it, too. 3 you won the money, how would you
spend it?
5 If it’s warm this afternoon, I (walk)
home. 4 If I could remember his name!
6 If I (see) him yesterday, I’d have 5 that the weather stays fine, we’ll
given him the message. have dinner outside.
7 If he had a part-time job, he 6 you have a passport, they won’t let
(not be able) to do all his homework. you into the US.

Mixed conditionals / 7 points

3 Write conditional sentences for the situations below, using the words given.
1 I’m annoyed today because you didn’t help me. 4 I don’t know any French so I couldn’t translate it.
If you  . If I  .
2 We couldn’t go out last night because we have an 5 He didn’t take his medication. That’s why he’s sick.
exam today. If he  .
If we  . 6 They didn’t let us in because we aren’t old enough.
3 I’m afraid of heights so I didn’t go to the top. If we  .
If I  . 7 She isn’t happy now because she didn’t get the job.
If she  .

Vocabulary revision

1 Complete the compound nouns or adjectives. 3 Complete the sentences with the
correct form of these words.
1 More than 50 people have been arrested in a
crack on organised crime. contract (v) • ​parasites • ​prevalent 
2 Doctors are worried because there are going to be resistant • ​species • ​transmit
cut in health spending.
3 In the feed meeting, they’re going to tell me 1 Sleep disorders may be more
how I can improve my presentations. than previously thought.

4 Right from the start of the journey, from the very 2 Some of birds are dying
out , I knew it would be special. out because of the use of insecticides.

5 Raising money for charity is so worth . 3 People who have the virus
can now be treated successfully.
6 It took years of research before they made a break .
4 Scientists are concerned that the disease
7 Nuclear power has some obvious draw .
could be by air.
8 I doubt if they’ll cure malaria during my life .
5 Some natural remedies, such as garlic,
can remove from the body.
CAUSES, REASONS AND RESULTS / 6 points 6 Infections that have become
2 Write a definition or explanation for these words. to drugs could cost lives.
1 spark off 3 prompt 5 in turn
2 as 4 due to 6 stem from

Total: / 40 points Unit 4 55

Gateway B2+ 2E SB_BOOK_6p.indb 55 19/10/2015 09:30

Gateway to exams: Units 3–4

1 You are going to read an article about a book. Six ➤ TIP FOR READING EXAMS
paragraphs have been removed from the article.
Choose from the paragraphs A–F the one which In paragraph completion activities, remember …
fits each gap (1–6). When you think you have finished, read through
the complete text and see if the meaning is logical.

Check pronouns and linking words and look for
ideas repeated from one paragraph to the next by

using synonyms.
➤ EXAM SUCCESS page 150

H e was the archetypal genius. A painter. A scientist. An

inventor. An engineer. Leonardo Da Vinci was perhaps the
most diversely-talented man that ever lived. In Leonardo’s Brain,
best-selling author Leonard Shlain attempts to apply modern
4 For Shlain, creativity is a combination of
courage and inventiveness. While it is
impossible to say what work Leonardo would
have done if he had attended university, Shlain
neuroscience to understand the workings of one of history’s most argues that it was precisely this lack of education
innovative brains. that allowed Leonardo to free his mind from
restraints. He had what has been described as ‘the

gift of ignorance’, which allowed him to ask new
questions and look at the world in a fresh way.

Yet he also excelled as a painter,
and composed music and
sang as well. Leonardo Da Vinci Shlain explains that the left
stands out in history for hemisphere, the side of the brain
his talents in the associated with critical thinking,
fields of both art is usually dominant in humans. Meanwhile,
and science. the right side of the brain, the side which

processes information without rules and is
usually associated with artistic talents, has
According to Shlain, Leonardo was, in less influence. For true creativity, both sides
many ways, an outsider. To begin of the brain are necessary, and there must
with, he was a pacifist, and he was a strict be a free connection, or exchange of ideas
vegetarian at a time when eating meat was a between the two sides of the brain.
symbol of wealth and power. In fact, he had such an

extraordinary empathy for animals that he would stop
to buy caged birds when he saw them in shops and set
them free. The question then is, did Leonardo’s

brain represent a jump to the future of
humankind? Supposing we were able to engage both
sides of the brain equally, would that lead to more
What’s more, he used to
creativity and innovative thinking? Shlain is optimistic.
write with his left hand. For
He claims that Leonardo’s brain suggests what is
Shlain, this penmanship suggests
possible for the future of our species.
that the two hemispheres of
Leonardo’s brain were connected in
an extraordinary way.

A Da Vinci’s childhood was also unusual

and significant in his brain
development. Born to a single mother,
C Shlain argues that Leonardo, who is best known for
painting the eternally mysterious Mona Lisa, had an
exceptional scientific mind. He created visionary anatomical
E More importantly though, his lack of
formal education and attentive parenting
meant that he was never forced to write with his
Leonardo grew up in the countryside and did drawings long before medical anatomy existed, made right hand, which was the practice during the
not have the privilege of a formal education. observations of bird flight in greater detail than any Middle Ages. For Shlain, this turned out to be
Because his mother was unmarried, he was previous scientist, and mastered engineering, architecture crucial in the anatomy of Leonardo’s genius.
not eligible to attend the schools of the day.
and mathematics. In fact, many of his designs for inventions
He didn’t learn Latin or Greek, without which it were spectacularly ahead of his time and if they had He was also the only individual in recorded
was almost impossible to find out about the actually been built, might have revolutionised the history of history who is known to write comfortably
world. Instead, he had to rely on his own technology. backwards, a feat known as ‘mirror writing’.
experience. Instead of writing from left to right, as is the norm

B Using information pieced together

from Leonardo’s notebooks and various
D Shlain believes that Leonardo’s left-handedness and
his mirror writing were indications that he had a
non-dominant brain, and that there was an exceptional
in all European languages, Leonardo chose to
write from right to left. He would also switch
sometimes in the middle of a sentence, writing
biographical resources, Shlain sets out to communication between the two hemispheres. As a result, some words in one direction and others in the
explain the reasons for Da Vinci’s ability to Da Vinci was able to access different ways of thinking, and opposite direction. Whichever way he wrote, the
make connections between the two combine an extraordinary understanding of science with an fluency of his writing was the same.
disciplines, and for his unparalleled creativity. ability to communicate that understanding through art.

56 Units 3–4

Gateway B2+ 2E SB_BOOK_6p.indb 56 19/10/2015 09:31

Speaking Writing
When giving presentations, remember … For guidance on writing reviews, see page 150.
Don’t let mistakes stop you from speaking. Correct ➤ EXAM SUCCESS page 150
your own mistakes if possible, or start the sentence
again, but don’t stop completely. Don’t worry
excessively about vocabulary either. When you don’t 5 Write your review for the task below.
know a word, explain it or use a simpler word.
You see this announcement in an English language
➤ EXAM SUCCESS page 149 magazine.
Book reviews wanted!
2 Read the extract about Leonardo Da Vinci’s Have you read a book in which the main character
legacy. Which do you think was his most impressed you?
Write a review of the book explaining what the character
influential design?
did and why he/she impressed you.

Leonardo’s legacy
Tell us whether or not you would recommend the book.
The best reviews will be published in this magazine.

Use of English
A lthough Leonardo Da Vinci is best known for his great works of art,
he was also an inspired inventor. He sketched the first so-called
flying machine 400 years before one was actually made, and designed a ➤ TIP FOR USE OF ENGLISH
diving suit that would allow humans to breathe under water. Ironically,
given his loathing of war, he also pioneered a number of instruments In sentence transformations, remember …
of warfare. These included an armoured vehicle and a machine gun. Think about the meaning and possible uses of
Perhaps his most extraordinary vision was for a robot which could move the word given. Think also about its grammatical
its arms and mouth. function and whether it always or usually goes with
There’s no doubt that Leonardo’s legacy was significant and without another word or tense.
him, the world would be a different place today. ➤ EXAM SUCCESS page 150

6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a

similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and six words, including
the word given.
1 In primary school they would make
us learn poetry by heart. FORCE
In primary school, they poetry by heart.
2 Scientific research isn’t dangerous if
there are strict regulations. PROVIDED
Scientific research isn’t dangerous .
3 Unfortunately, we never studied
anatomy at school.  WISH
I at school.
4 We were tired, but we worked until late. KEPT
3 Look at this topic and prepare a presentation. We even though we were tired.
Inventions throughout history have improved our 5 In spite of the fact that I didn’t
lives in many ways, but there are some things that like the book, I finished it.  MANAGE
should never have been invented. In spite of the fact that I didn’t like the book,
Do you agree? Why/Why not? .
6 If it were possible to travel back in time, what time
4 Give your presentation to the class. would you visit? SUPPOSING
, what time would you visit?
7 They’ve been investigating this
branch of science for a while. RESEARCH
They’ve been this branch of science for
a while.
8 He didn’t pass his exams, so he can’t find a job.ABLE
If he had passed his exams, he a job.

Units 3–4 57

Gateway B2+ 2E SB_BOOK_6p.indb 57 19/10/2015 09:31

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