Manual At1500cv
Manual At1500cv
Manual At1500cv
Notes 14. Power Lines—An outside antenna sys- technician to restore the product to its normal
tem should not be located in the vicinity of operation.
overhead power lines, other electric light or e. If the product has been dropped or the
1. An SWR of 1:1 is best, but an power circuits, where it can fall into such cabinet has been damaged.
SWR as high as 2:1 may be acceptable. power lines or circuits. When installing an f. When the product exhibits a distinct change
Check your transmitter/amplifier man- outside antenna system, extreme care should in performance—this indicates a need for
be taken to keep from touching such power service.
ual for details. lines or circuits as contact with them may be 19. Replacement Parts—when replacement
fatal. parts are required, be sure the service techni-
2. If you cannot get an acceptable 15. Overloading—Do not overload wall out- cian has used replacement parts specified by
lets and extension cords as this can result in a the manufacturer or have the same character-
SWR, lengthen or shorten your an- risk of fire or electric shock. istics as the original parts. Unauthorized sub-
tenna and/or feedlines and retune. 16. Object and Liquid Entry—Never push stitutes may result in fire, electric shock or
objects of any kind into this product through other hazards.
3. If you get low SWR readings at openings as they may touch dangerous volt- 20. Safety Checks—Upon completion of any
age points or short-out parts that could result service or repairs to this product, ask the
more than one setting, use the setting in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of service technician to perform safety checks to
that gives: any kind on the product. determine that the product is in proper operat-
17. Servicing—Do not attempt to service this ing condition.
product yourself as opening or removing 21. Outdoor Antenna Grounding—Before
- highest FORWARD power reading covers may expose you to dangerous voltage attempting to install this product, be sure the
- lowest REFLECTED power reading or other hazards. Refer all servicing to quali- antenna or cable system is grounded so as to
- uses the largest capacitance (highest fied service personnel. provide some protection against voltage
18. Damage Requiring Service—Unplug this surges and built-up static charges.
number) on the INPUT and AN- product from the wall outlet and refer servicing a. Use No.10 AWG copper, No.8AWG alumi-
TENNA controls. to qualified service personnel under the fol- num, No.17AWB copper-clad steel or bronze
lowing conditions: wire or larger, as ground wire.
4. Once every 4-6 months clean the a. When the power-supply cord or plug is b. Secure antenna lead-in and ground wires to
damaged. house with stand-off insulators spaced from 4
roller coil with 70% isopropyl alcohol b. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have feet to 6 feet apart.
and a clean cotton cloth. Do not trans- fallen into the product. c. Mount antenna discharge unit as close as
fer any of the conducting grease on the c. If the product has been exposed to rain or possible to where lead-in enters house.
water. d. A driven rod may be used as the grounding
rod that guides the roller wheel as this d. If the product does not operate normally by electrode where other types of electrode
will contaminate the windings on the following the operating instructions. Adjust systems do not exist. Refer to the National
roller coil body. only those controls that are covered by the Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA 70-1990 for infor-
operating instructions. An improper adjust- mation.
ment may result in damage and will often e. Use jumper wire not smaller than No.6
5. Any time a new or different antenna require extensive work by a qualified AWG copper or equivalent, when a separate
is connected, it is necessary to repeat antenna grounding electrode is used.
the tuning procedure for each antenna.
Before Operating
END FED WIRE post connector Unpacking Connect coax cable(s) from
for output to a single-wire antenna
Carefully remove the AT1500CV your antenna to COAX 1 or
COAX 2 coaxial connector for
(do not connect to BALANCED output to Antenna Two.
from the shipping carton and COAX 2 connectors on the rear
OUTPUT). Ground post must be
connected to a good RF ground. COAX 1 coaxial connector for inspect it for signs of damage. If panel. These connectors are
output to Antenna One. any damage is apparent, notify either direct from the transmitter
BALANCED OUTPUT two the transportation carrier or or through the tuned circuit de-
nylon High Voltage post RF INPUT coaxial con- dealer immediately. We recom- pending on the setting of the
connectors for output to RF nector for input from mend keeping the packing DIRECT/TUNED mode switch
balanced wire fed antennas. transmitter or amplifier. carton for moving, storing or on the front panel.
Place copper strap jumper
reshipping the tuner to us for For a balanced feed antenna
between lower post and
END FED WIRE post to use repair if required. connect a balanced feed line to
balanced output. Location the upper white Nylon66TM BAL-
ANCED OUTPUT post (back
Select a location for the panel) and connect a jumper to
AT1500CV that allows the con- the lower white Nylon66TM BAL-
nectors to be free from any pos- ANCED OUTPUT post.
sible contact during operation
If using a single wire antenna,
and with unrestricted air flow for connect it to the lower post with
cooling. out installing a jumper.
Installation Procedures
Connect a dummy load to the
GROUND post/wing nut
Connect a coax cable from your BYPASS connector using a
type ground connector. 12 VDC INPUT (2.1 mm plug) for transmitter to the RF INPUT coax cable. This lets you select
supplied 12VDC ac adapter at connector on the rear panel. the dummy load from the
500mA to power the meter lamp Keep the cable as short as pos- DIRECT/TUNED mode switch.
BYPASS coaxial connector for and fan. Note: there is a ferrite sible. If you use a linear ampli- Any antenna that does not re-
output to dummy load or third TOROIDAL core on the end of the fier, connect your transmitter to quire the use of an antenna
coax output. Bypasses tuner, but adapter connector to minimize the
the linear amplifier input and the tuner may be connected to the
meter circuits are on if AC adap- ingress of RF into the active circuits
tor is connected to jack located in the tuner. linear amplifier output to the BYPASS connector, if desired.
on rear panel. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE AT1500CV. Do not use more
than 1200 watts average
(single tone) through the
315pf 315pf