Extension of Mandatory Health Insurance To Informal Sector Workers in Togo
Extension of Mandatory Health Insurance To Informal Sector Workers in Togo
Extension of Mandatory Health Insurance To Informal Sector Workers in Togo
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Extension of mandatory health insurance to informal
sector workers in Togo
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Djahini-Afawoubo and Atake Health Economics Review (2018):
Background: About 90.4% of Togolese workers operate in the informal sector and account for between 20 and
30% of Togo’s Gross Domestic Product. Despite their importance in the Togolese economy, informal sector workers
(ISW) do not have a health insurance scheme. This paper aims to estimate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) of ISW in
order to have access to Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI), and to analyze the main determinants of WTP.
Methods: This study used data from the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) project implemented in
2015 by the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP). It focusses on 4,296 ISW (2,374 in urban areas and 1,922 in rural
areas, respectively). The contingent valuation method was used to determine the WTP for the MHI while the Tobit
model is used to analyze its determinants.
Results and discussion: Findings indicate that about 92% of ISW agreed to have access to MHI, like for formal
sector workers. Overall, ISW are willing to pay 2,569 FCFA (USD 4.7) per month. ISW in the poorest quintiles are
willing to allocate a higher proportion of their income (15%) to the premium than the richest quintiles (2.5%).
Generally, women are more interested in MHI than men, although men are willing to pay higher premiums (3,168.9
FCFA or USD 5.8) than women (2,077 FCFA or USD 3.8). Women’s lower WTP can be explained by their low levels
of education and income, and a lack of employment opportunities compared to men. The gender of the head of
the household, the size of the household and the education and income levels are the main determinants of WTP.
Conclusion: We conclude that it is possible to extend MHI to ISW as long as their premiums are subsidized. The
annual subsidy is estimated at 4.1% of the state current general budget or 96% of the health sector budget. In
setting the premium, policy makers should take into account the MHI benefits package, subsidies from the
government, and information about the WTP. It is important to emphasize that resource mobilization and
management, as well as health services delivery, would be effective only in a context of improved governance.
Keywords: Informal sector worker, Health insurance, Contingent valuation, Willingness-to-pay, Togo
© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Djahini-Afawoubo and Atake Health Economics Review (2018): Page 2 of 13
incomes which make it difficult to pay for health care in or without permanent employment significantly decreased
advance [10]. The existing prepayment systems, including WTP. As for Atake and Agbodji [12], they analyzed the
government financing in least developed countries, ISW’s willingness to pay for social protection in Togo. Their
exclude informal sector workers either because of inad- results reveal that 90.9% of Togolese ISW are willing to join
equate resources or because they are too weak to afford social protection services. They also found that income and
the insurance premiums [10, 11]. This problem is particu- education were the main determinants of WTP for social
larly crucial in Togo, a Sub-Saharan African country protection.
ranked among the least developed countries. The present paper differs from Atake and Agbodji [12]
The analysis of the determinants of the ISW’s willing- for at least two reasons. First, Atake and Agbodji [12]
ness to pay for Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI) is a analyzed the WTP for a social protection scheme. Un-
major concern in the case of Togo for at least two rea- fortunately, the Togolese social protection scheme in-
sons. First, a significant proportion of the Togolese cludes only benefits available to households with
workforce (90.4%) works in the informal sector [12]. children, pensions, workplace accidents and occupa-
Secondly, the utilization of health care services is very tional diseases. Consequently, health insurance has been
limited in Togo because of the high out-of-pocket pay- neglected. The second difference is methodological.
ments [13]. Despite their importance in the Togolese Atake and Agbodji [12] used a logit model to analyze
economy, ISW do not have health insurance. In order the determinants of ISWs’ willingness to pay for social
for a greater number of workers to benefit from health protection in Togo. However, in their analysis, it was im-
insurance, a MHI scheme was instituted by Law n° portant to consider the censored nature of the
2011–003 of 18 February 2011. The scheme’s main ob- dependent variable since some individuals may not be
jective is to provide better financial access to quality willing to pay. Under these circumstances, a Tobit model
healthcare for its beneficiaries. Currently, ISW are ex- would be more appropriate.
cluded from this health insurance scheme. As a result, it
covers only 4% of the Togolese population [14]. In order Overview of the social protection system and the health
to extend the MHI to ISW, it is necessary to determine insurance scheme in Togo
their WTP for a health insurance premium and to iden- The social protection scheme in Togo is offered by the Na-
tify the determinants of their WTP. Indeed, if the pre- tional Social Security Fund (CNSS) and the National Pen-
mium amount is higher than what ISW are willing to sions Fund (CRT). Private sector workers depend on the
pay, they would be disadvantaged and a real problem of CNSS while civil servants depend on the CRT. The benefits
social justice would arise. The identification of the deter- cover only three domains namely: households with chil-
minants of informal sector workers’ willingness-to-pay dren, pensions (invalidity, old age, death and the survivors),
for health insurance could help policymakers in setting workplace accidents and occupational diseases. The law on
the premium. The objective of this paper is to examine the social security code in Togo was adopted by the Na-
the determinants of ISWs’ willingness to pay for MHI as tional Assembly in 2011 (Law n° 2011–006 enacted on 21
is the case for formal sector workers in Togo. The paper February 2011). This law theoretically extends social pro-
aims specifically to estimate the ISWs’ willingness to pay tection to ISW. However, it is yet to be applied by the
for MHI, and to analyze the main determinants of the CNSS. As a result, ISW are still deprived of social security
WTP. protection. The implementation of the MHI offered by the
Several studies have analyzed the determinants of WTP National Health Insurance Institute (INAM) in 2012 has
for health insurance [12, 15–18]. Donfouet et al. [16] investi- not been favorable to ISW. In 2012, INAM covered ap-
gated the determinants of WTP for a community-based pre- proximately 300,000 people for a population of more than
payment healthcare scheme in rural Cameroon using a 6,000,000 individuals. Its mission is to provide coverage of
contingent valuation method. They found that age, religion, risks related to illness, non-professional accidents and
knowledge of community-based health insurance, awareness motherhood to its main beneficiaries who are workers of
of usual practice in rural areas, involvement in association public administrations, and their legal beneficiaries: civil
and disposable income are key determinants of WTP. Dong servants, magistrates, military and paramilitary forces, con-
et al. [17] and Onwujekwe et al. [18] found that WTP is in- tract staff working with parastatals and local government
fluenced by household characteristics, such as location, officials. It also includes members of the institutions of the
household size and age composition. However, very few Republic during their term in office. In order to meet the
studies have focused on the specific case of ISW [18, 19]. requirements of universal health insurance, INAM plans to
Bärnighausen et al. [15] analyzed ISWs’ willingness to pay extend its services in the coming years to ISW and vulner-
for a health insurance scheme in China. They found that in- able population. In this regard, it is important to set up a
come and past expenditures on healthcare had a positive ef- healthcare financing mechanism that will allow ISW to be
fect on WTP. They also found that being male, a migrant, involved in the health insurance program.
Djahini-Afawoubo and Atake Health Economics Review (2018): Page 3 of 13
willingness or unwillingness to participate in the defined to be equal to the latent variable whenever the
mandatory health insurance scheme and the maximum latent variable is above zero and zero otherwise.
amount they are willing to pay (WTP).
Generally, the WTP of a household head depends on 0
his own characteristics, the characteristics of his/her X h β þ ξh if Lh ≻0
Yh ¼ ð3Þ
household and the availability of health services. In the 0 if Lh ≤ 0
light of previous studies [9, 15, 21], WTP is expected to
increase with age [22], income, and education [23]. The Tobit model makes it possible to value the param-
Other variables such as household composition (mea- eters β and σ2 from the observations of Yh and Xh. Since
sured by the number of adults aged over 60 and the the total amount of WTP Yh can be either positive or
number of children aged under five), marital status of zero, the likelihood function can be expressed as follows:
the household head, sex of the household head, as well
Y 0 Y " 0
X hβ φ Y h −X h β =σ
as distance to the nearest health facility are also in- L β; σ =Y ; X ¼
cluded. This last variable is introduced to take into ac- Y h ¼0
σ Y h >0
count the availability of health facilities. Thus, WTP is ð4Þ
expected to decrease proportionally to the increase in
distance to the closest health facility. The general model Where Ф and φ represent the distribution function
is as follows: and the density function respectively.
Descriptive statistics
ð1Þ Table 1 shows some socio-demographic characteristics of
Togolese ISW households. The data indicates that overall,
with WTP, the willingness to pay; AGE, the age of the ISW aged 15 to 35 represent 48.4%. The following category
household head; GENDER, the sex of the household is aged 35 to 60 (45.1%). People over 60 years of age repre-
head; EDU, the educational level of the household head; sent only 6.4%. Most households had between 2 and 4 per-
COMP, the household composition; MAT, the marital sons (56.9%). Nearly 70% of ISW are married, compared to
status of the household head; INCOME, the income 16% who are single. We also note that there are more
level; DIST, the distance to the nearest health facility, widows than widowers. This result can be explained by two
RESIDENCE, the location of residence. phenomena, namely higher male mortality and the age gap
Because some individuals may not be willing to pay at first marriage. According to data from Togo’s National
for pre-financing healthcare, our dependent variable Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic
(WTP for MHI) is a censored variable. Under these cir- Studies (INSEED) [26], women’s life expectancy at birth is
cumstances, the use of the ordinary least squares 64.2 years compared to 56.4 years for men [27]. Similarly,
method is inappropriate because it leads to biased and women marry earlier than men; the age at first marriage for
inconsistent estimates [24]. A limited dependent variable men is 25.0 years compared to 19.7 years for women [27].
model is therefore more appropriate. For this reason, the Concerning education, the results show that most Togo-
Tobit model [25] is chosen. The econometric model of lese ISW (36%) have no educational level. 26.4% have pri-
willingness-to-pay for the MHI is then: mary school education, 34.5% secondary school education
and only 3.1% have university education. Furthermore,
Lh ¼ X h β þ ξh ð2Þ Table 1 shows that 45.8% of women have no educational
level compared to 21.9% of men. There are some
where Lh is a latent variable close to the maximum gender-based disparities. The results show also that as the
premium that a household head h is willing to pay. We level of education rises, the gap between men and women
assume that Lh linearly depends on Xh -the household increases. These disparities can be explained by the in-
head’s characteristics and the characteristics of his/her equalities of retention between girls and boys in the school
household as well as the availability of health facilities system. The low retention of girls can be explained by
(distance to the nearest health facility as described early pregnancies that increase their dropout rate com-
above) - via a parameters vector β;ξh is a normally dis- pared to boys. In addition, some customary practices pre-
tributed error term (with average equal to zero and a dispose girls to domestic work, which can increase their
constant variance σ2) to capture random influences on rate of failure and dropout compared to boys. The same
this relationship. customary practices explain the fact that girls most often
Let us suppose that Yh is the total premium that an in- drop out of school to be economically active in order to
dividual h is willing to pay. Yh (the observed variable) is help the household when the need arises.
Djahini-Afawoubo and Atake Health Economics Review (2018): Page 5 of 13
As shown in the Table 4, outside the poorest quintile quintiles). These proportions are 51.4%; 41.8%; 39.7%;
where the proportion of women not interested in MHI 38.8% and 36.8% respectively for men. As one moves to-
(14.1%) is higher than that of men (6.7%), women are wards the higher WTP brackets, the proportion of men
more interested in MHI than men, regardless of the in- tends to increase and that of women to decrease, meaning
come quintile considered. Similarly, a higher proportion that the number of men willing to pay grows higher than
of women are willing to pay less than the premium of a that of women in almost all income quintiles. This finding
formal sector worker earning the SMIG, regardless of the confirms that women are generally more interested in
income quintile (61.5%; 61.0%; 43.3%; 51.2% and 48.8% re- MHI than men but that men are willing to pay higher pre-
spectively, from the poorest quintiles to the richest miums than women regardless of income levels.
Djahini-Afawoubo and Atake Health Economics Review (2018): Page 7 of 13
The analysis of WTP distribution by educational level household, and distance to the nearest health facility
(Table 5) shows that 90% of Togolese ISW with no level of have no significant effect on WTP.
education are interested in health insurance, compared to The comparison of results by gender indicates that for
94% of those with primary level education; and 93.8% of female-headed households, income is the only variable
those with university level education. that significantly explains WTP; household size is signifi-
cant only at a 10% threshold. On the other hand, for
Determinants of willingness to pay male-headed households, apart from income, education
Table 6 summarizes the results of the Tobit model. Col- and household size have a significant and positive effect
umn (1) shows the results of the whole sample; then an on WTP. There are also some differences depending on
analysis by gender of the head of the household is pre- location. In urban areas, the sex of the household head
sented in columns (2) and (3); finally, columns (4) and has a negative and significant effect on WTP, and no sig-
(5) summaries the results by location of residence. At a nificant effect in rural areas. Similarly, in urban areas, in-
5% level, Table 6 (column (1)) reveals that the sex of the come, age, number of people over 60 years of age, and
household head, the household size, education, income education have a positive and significant effect on WTP.
and square income are the main determinants of the On the other hand, only income and household size
ISWs’ willingness to pay for health insurance. The re- have a significant effect on WTP in rural areas.
sults indicate a negative correlation between sex (female)
and WTP. We also found that when the household size Discussion
is larger, the household head is willing to pay a higher Our results show that men are willing to pay more than
premium. Otherwise, variables such as age, location, women and corroborate those of Dong et al. [28] who
marital status of the head of household, number of chil- showed that in Burkina Faso (country bordering Togo),
dren in the household, number of persons over 60 in the men were willing to pay a high amount for access to
Table 5 Willingness to pay according to the level of education of the household head
WTP in US Dollars Educational level
None (%) Primary (%) Secondary (%) University (%)
Not interested 10.0 6.0 5.8 6.2
Less than 2.2 55.6 45.4 40.9 37.5
2.2–3.8 16.6 24.6 22.6 18.7
3.8–7.6 5.9 10.4 9.1 4.2
7.6–19.1 11.3 12.0 20.7 33.3
More than 19.1 0.6 1.5 0.9 0.0
Average WTP (in US dollars) 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.2
community insurance compared to women. Atake and cope more easily with important health care expenditures
Agbodji [12], Onwujekwe et al. [18] as well as Bärnigh- without encountering financial difficulties. He then con-
ausen et al. [15] also arrived at the same conclusion. A siders that his household is less vulnerable to health care
possible explanation for this might be that women are expenditures and becomes more unwilling to pay. In other
poorer and more vulnerable than men in the informal words, he substitutes the consumption of other goods such
sector. Indeed, Agbodji et al. [29], Djahini-Afawoubo as foodstuff for the consumption of health insurance.
[30], and Noglo [31] have shown that in Togo, women One of the most interesting results is that heads of
are more vulnerable and more affected by multidimen- households with a higher education are willing to pay a
sional poverty than men. Our results show that women higher premium compared to those with other levels of
in Togo have a low level of education, fewer job opportun- education. We found that primary and middle school
ities, less income, etc. compared to men. All these factors education have no significant effect on WTP. Bärnighau-
could explain the difference in willingness to pay between sen et al. [15] also found that an educational level above
men and women. It is therefore important to take gender middle school positively and significantly influences
into account in extending mandatory health insurance, in WTP. From the Togolese context, we can deduce the ex-
order to ensure that in poor households, women’s lack of ac- istence of an educational disparity in the WTP for health
cess to resources and inequitable decision-making power insurance. Hence, the more educated people are better
does not hinder their participation in MHI. Our findings informed or better able to process the available informa-
suggest that, in extending the MHI project to the informal tion on accessibility to health insurance and its conse-
sector workers, it is also necessary to consider the possibility quences in terms of financial protection. There is
of providing highly subsidized or free health insurance for therefore a need to adopt a communications strategy to
women, as a way of limiting the impoverishment of mitigate the effect of education on health insurance.
female-headed households. As Table 6 shows, the larger the household size, the
Another finding of our study is that income, square in- more willing a household head is to pay a higher pre-
come, education and household size are the main determi- mium amount. These results contradict those of De
nants of ISWs’ willingness to pay for health insurance. Allegri et al. [32] who found that household size was an
Income has a positive effect on WTP. This result corrobo- obstacle to community health insurance coverage in
rates our expectations. The demand theory predicts a Burkina Faso, citing the financial burden that health in-
positive elasticity income for most goods (except inferior surance would create for all household members. The
goods). Previous studies have also found a similar result same is true of the conclusions reached by Jehu-Appiah
[15, 21, 32]. The sign of square income being negative sug- et al. [33] to the effect that large households in Ghana
gests that the relation between income and WTP is not lin- were less likely to be enrolled in a health insurance
ear. For low income levels, WTP increases as income scheme. The positive effect of household size on WTP
increases. But once a certain threshold is reached, when in- in Togo can be explained by the vulnerability of informal
come increases, the household heads reduce the maximum employment. Most people working in the informal sec-
premium amount they are willing to pay for health insur- tor are also the most vulnerable [34]. Thus, given the ir-
ance. It is therefore likely that for incomes below the regular nature of their income, large households in the
threshold, the household head considers that his household informal sector would be the most vulnerable to health
is more vulnerable to health care expenditures. In this re- expenditures [12, 35]. Access to health insurance would
gard, health insurance is valued and the household head reduce catastrophic health expenditures in these types of
agrees to pay a higher amount. On the other hand, when households, improve health status and increase the
the income is above the threshold, the household head can productivity of their members [34].
Table 6 Result of the Tobit model
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Variables All Male Female Urban Rural
Willingness to pay for MHI (WTP)
Age −14.1 −48.7 21.3 175.6** −88.8
(53.5) (112.2) (47.8) (88.8) (71.4)
Age2 −0.1 0.2 −0.3 −2.7** 0.9
(0.6) (1.3) (0.5) (1.1) (0.8)
Rural area − 227.2 − 205.0 −46.6
(282.2) (528.2) (273.2)
Education Primary 55.7 136.6 121.7 430.9 − 444.6
(298.6) (610.2) (271.2) (402.5) (445.5)
Secondary 423.1 821.0 77.1 596.1 344.6
Djahini-Afawoubo and Atake Health Economics Review (2018):
Our results also reveal that over 92% of ISW would As a result they are not eligible for MHI. A strategy that
like to have access to health insurance, like those in the fails to include them in the MHI would be inappropriate,
formal sector do. The advantages of health insurance for universal coverage purpose. Thereof, the state should
would explain this high rate of ISW willingness’ to be in- include them in the MHI and entirely subsidize their
sured [1, 8, 9]. Access to universal health insurance premium.
would enable all household members in the informal Assuming that the state would subsidize the entire
sector to access the health services they need without premium of ISW in the first two quintiles and 50% of
experiencing financial difficulties. Access to health ser- the premium of the rest, the monthly amount that the
vices would also enable ISW, which accounts for about state would need to subsidize can be calculated using
30% of GDP, to be more productive and contribute more the following equation:
actively to family and community life. Our results sug-
gest that one of the best ways to improve the well-being
of the population and growth in Togo would be to ex- X
S¼ Qi Incomei λi ð5Þ
tend mandatory health insurance to the informal sector. i¼1
This proposal is supported by the fact that the lowest
WTP indicated by informal sector workers is close to Where S is the monthly subsidy,Incomei, the updated
the premium of a formal sector worker earning the average income of quintile i, λi, the share of the state
SMIG per month. These results suggest that health in- contribution paid to quintile i, and Qi, the total number
surance for ISW is possible provided the State subsidizes of informal sector households in the quintile i. The an-
the insurance of the formal and informal sector workers nual subsidy can be then estimated by multiplying the
equally. monthly subsidy by 12. Based on eq. (5), the annual sub-
An important issue for policy makers is to know how sidy is estimated at 53,826,018,966 FCFA or 4.1% of the
much the state would need to subsidize the extension of state current general budget and 96% of the health sec-
MHI to ISW. To answer this question, we need informa- tor budget. This implies that the State should increase
tion on income and the total number of informal sector its total allocation towards health sector by 96% in order
households in the total population. to be able to extend MHI to ISW. The budget allocated
According to the National Institute of Statistics and to the health sector currently represents only 4.2% of the
Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED), the State’s overall budget. Even if the state increases the
total population of Togo in 2018 is estimated at health sector budget by 96%, it will not be able to re-
7,352,000 inhabitants or about 1,564,255 households. spect the Abuja recommendation that requires each Af-
Knowing that the ISW represent 90.4% of the Togo- rican State to allocate at least 15% of their budget to
lese population, the ISW population can be estimated health sector. Summarizing, the MHI can be extended
at 1,414,087 households. to ISW provided the state subsidizes the MHI by 4.1% of
ISW’s average income has been updated using the its current budget.
Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) price However, it’s important to emphasize the difficulty of
index. Since the average income can be sensitive to ex- Government to have reliable information on ISW in-
treme values, the ISW are grouped into income quintile come. Given that the state should fully cover the contri-
to minimize this effect. Table 7 presents the updated bution of ISW with a monthly income below the SMIG,
average income and average WTP per quintile as well as this can lead to free riding problem since some ISW
the share of each quintile in the total ISW households. would be encouraged to declare income below the SMIG
According to Table 7, ISW in the first two quintiles in order to be entirely covered by the state. This involves
(41.8%) earn a monthly income lower than the SMIG. designing differentiated health service packages according
to the amount of each ISW’s premium, so that the higher sector workers would not jeopardize the viability of
the premium, the greater the number of health services MHI. However, for the sake of equity, the State should
included in the package. Such a measure would provide subsidize formal and informal sector workers equally to
an incentive for high-income ISW to contribute signifi- avoid creating double standards within the health insur-
cantly and thus guarantee the sustainability of the system. ance scheme. Currently, an employee’s premium to MHI
amounts to 7% of their gross salary. The employee con-
Limitations of the study tributes 3.5% of his salary and the Government pays the
This study has some limitations. The data used to meas- other half. In the case of ISW, the Government should
ure the various indicators was declared by the respondents therefore adopt the same subsidy policy by paying half
themselves and cannot be verified using other administra- the premium of each worker.
tive sources. We furthermore used income as an indicator Our results shown that the annual subsidy is estimated
to understand households’ living standards. However, it at 53,826,018,966 FCFA or 4.1% of the State’s current gen-
may have been more appropriate to use household con- eral budget or 96% of the health sector budget. This im-
sumption expenditure given that it is more difficult to plies that the State should increase the budget allocated to
measure the income of the self-employed, particularly the the health sector by 96% in order to be able to extend
ISW, and that the respondents were most often reluctant MHI to ISW. With regard to tax revenues, the estimated
to disclose their income. On the other hand, due to lack annual subsidy represents about 8.1%. In the context of
of information on household consumption expenditure, poverty and scarcity of resources, Togolese Government
we had to use income as an indicator of the standard of should develop resource mobilization strategies to fund
living. Lastly, WTP must not be considered as an insur- the extension of the MHI to the ISW. For this purpose,
ance premium as it is only an indication of the respon- Government could study the possibility to increase taxes
dents’ willingness to pay for a given benefits package. on products such as tobacco, alcohol, airline tickets, finan-
cial transactions, etc. Some Asian countries such as the
Conclusion Philippines and India have successfully funded their uni-
The main objective of this paper was to assess the will- versal health insurance system with high taxes on tobacco
ingness of ISW to pay for MHI, and to analyze the deter- and alcohol [36, 37]. Moreover, Government could plead
minants of WTP. We were thus able to analyze how for donors funding. It is important to emphasize that re-
MHI can be extended to ISW. We found that the exten- source mobilization and management, as well as health
sion of MHI to ISW is possible in Togo. It is clear from services delivery, would be effective only in a context of
our findings that about 92% of ISW wish to be enrolled improved governance. [38]
in MHI, like those in the formal sector. On average, Furthermore, the design of differentiated health service
ISW are willing to pay 2569 FCFA (USD 4.7), which is packages appear very important because it would pro-
higher than the premium of a formal sector worker who vide an incentive for high-income ISW to contribute sig-
earns twice the SMIG. 47.2% of ISW are willing to pay nificantly and thus guarantee the sustainability of the
an amount that is less than or equal to the premium of system.
an ISW earning the SMIG, while 45.4% are willing to There is also a need to adopt a communications strat-
pay a higher amount. Over 16% are willing to pay over egy to mitigate the effect of low level education on
three times as much as an employee earning the SMIG. health insurance. With this regard, communication on
Men are willing to pay on average a higher premium ISWs’ access to MHI and its advantages should be done
than women. Similarly, urban residents are willing to in local language or mother tongue. Such a program
pay on average a higher amount than rural residents. could involve every ISW. All awareness raising tools and
The determinants of WTP were identified as: sex of the manuals should be translated into the local languages.
household head, household size, education and income.
A number of economic policy recommendations emerged CBMS: Community-Based Monitoring System; CNSS: National Social Security
from our study, namely. Fund; CRT: Pension Fund of Togo; DFID: Department for International
It is possible to extend health insurance to ISW, since Development; GDP: Gross Domestic Product; IDRC: International
Development Research Center; INAM: National Institute of Health Insurance;
over 92% are in favor of it, and since an ISW earns on ISW: Informal Sector Workers; MHI: Mandatory Health Insurance;
average 59,726 FCFA (USD 108.59), which is 1.7 times OLS: Ordinary Least Squares; PEP: Partnership for Economic Policy;
the amount required to be enrolled in the MHI. Given SMIG: guaranteed minimum wage; UK Aid: United Kingdom Aid;
WTP: Willingness to Pay
that one must earn a salary that is at least equal to the
SMIG in order to be enrolled in the MHI and that, on Acknowledgements
average, ISW agree to pay an amount that is higher than The authors would like to acknowledge the Community-Based Monitoring
System program of the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP), the Department
the premium of a formal sector employee who earns for International Development (DFID) and the International Development
twice the SMIG, the extension of MHI to informal Research Centre (IDRC)-Canada.
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