Tumangan Ma. Estela Leonor Angela P As1m1
Tumangan Ma. Estela Leonor Angela P As1m1
Tumangan Ma. Estela Leonor Angela P As1m1
CE – 2 / 2019152008
CE122-2 – A26 (1Q2122)
Transportation in Metro Manila
The heavily congested traffic of Metro Manila made me question the effectiveness
of the transportation agencies that supposedly focus on maintaining and making the traffic
in Metro Manila better. Even before the pandemic, the traffic in Metro Manila continues to
be one of the main problems in the metropolis. All I can say about it is that the transport
agencies lack the urban and transport planning. The agencies also lack the determination
and initiative to improve the traffic in the metropolis, evidence of such is the setbacks that
the route rationalization plans met. Moreover, the agencies overlap with each other
causing discordance among the transport law authority and they also lack the technical
competence. Apart from that, 84% of the people in Metro Manila prefers to have a
personal car rather than to commute. This data was collected in 2017 and it is estimated
to cover 5 years in the event that it was collected. Available data from 2011 to 2018 from
the Chamber of Automobile Manufacturers of the Philippines Incorporated (CAMPI)
showed that car sales shot up by 28.9% in 2015 from 90,287 sold units in 2014. Lastly,
the traffic volume exceeds the road capacity. According to the ADB, congestion happens
when the capacity of the transportation network cannot meet the travel demand at a
particular time. In Metro Manila, there are 5 circumferential roads and 10 radial roads that
serve as major thoroughfares. JICA said that each major road is operating at or more
than the carrying capacity to respond to traffic demand. Simply put, there are more
vehicles on the roads than the roads can handle to meet demand, affecting the people's
need to get to their destinations. The transport system also makes operators compete for
passengers. Since public utility jeeps (PUJs) and buses (PUBs) are paid on a commission
basis, this leads to erratic behavior on the roads and the inefficient use of road space, the
World Bank said way back in 2014.
Naturally, transportation planning will greatly help to improve the traffic anywhere
in the world due to the main goal of defining future policies, goals, investments, and spatial
planning designs to prepare for future needs to move people and goods to destinations.
With transportation planning, the civilians will be safer in the road, it will also improve the
security of an area as well as reduce the level of noise caused by the traffic. Moreover, it
will minimize the greenhouse gases in the environment, improve the air quality, improve
transport economic efficiency for transport providers and business users. There’s also
none other than transport engineers that can do all these planning for the betterment of
an area’s transportation. Therefore, as a future engineer, it is I who will solve the problems
in the economy and figure out a plan to solve it as well as to improve the traffic in the
area. Some transportation engineers specialize. For example, traffic engineers plan new
roads or traffic patterns, while railroad engineers plan for high-speed rail service. Some
engineers develop entire transportation systems, including roads, subways, commuter
trains, and buses. Engineers also supervise the construction or repair of transportation
systems. Municipal, county, or state officials hire engineers to develop new transportation
systems or to find alternative routes to relieve congestion on existing highways.
Sometimes the engineers draw up plans for new multilane highways to be built in places
where only local roads exist. In other cities they may decide whether buses or trains can
best provide commuter service.
As for the effect of the pandemic in our transportation, below is the charted image
of aggregated travel behavior across Asia and the Pacific region. National-level data from
Apple and Google datasets are combined to develop regional trends. These overall trends
indicate a steep decrease in trips across different modes and land use patterns—retail
and recreation, essential shopping (groceries and pharmacies), leisure (parks), public
transit stations, and workplaces—from March 2020 and into the first half of April 2020.
This is matched by a proportionate increase in time spent at places of residence. A similar
trend is seen in the relative volume of users’ requests for directions for driving, walking,
and public transit. A rapid reduction is observed across transit stations and transit use.
Toward the end of April to early May 2020, demand gradually recovered across different
trip purposes and travel modes. This coincides with an easing of travel restrictions across
several Asian countries.
As of 10 June 2020, 26% of ADB members had recommended the closing of urban public
transit systems and asked people to stay at home and 19% had a legal requirement to
close urban public transit systems. About 56% of economies allowed urban public transit
systems to continue operating with social distancing guidelines. The number of
restrictions on urban public transit across ADB members peaked between mid-April and
mid-May 2020 and has since gradually declined (refer to the image below). On 10 June
2020, 19% still required the closure of urban public transit.