RLT-Guideline 02: Explosion Protection Requirements For Air Handling Units
RLT-Guideline 02: Explosion Protection Requirements For Air Handling Units
RLT-Guideline 02: Explosion Protection Requirements For Air Handling Units
ATEX- Directive 2014/34/EU
and DIN EN ISO 80079
This Guideline should provide a basis for the application of the Directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX Directive) for central air handling units (AHUs).
In principle, it should be noted that the ATEX Directive is applicable only for devices that promote a potentially explosive atmosphere or
are installed in an explosive atmosphere.
The following statements are based on the text of the ATEX Directive and on the standards mentioned. Conclusions and product-
specific interpretations are the result of a discussion in the technical committee of the Manufacturers Association.
This Guideline reflects the accepted rules of technology at the time of creation.
This RLT-Guideline can be downloaded free of charge from the homepage of the Herstellerverband Raumlufttechnische Geräte e. V.
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
National rules:
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
▪ For installation of actuators in potentially explosive ▪ Metallic parts of attenuators shall be included in the potential
atmospheres (inside or outside), the actuator must be suitable compensatory measure.
for the corresponding zone, comply with the requirement of ▪ Non-conductive surface parts are subject to the surface
the corresponding category and have a corresponding proof of restrictions specified in EN 80079-36 or must be designed so
conformity. they are not chargeable or conductive.
▪ For potentially explosive atmosphere zone 2 on the inside of
the AHU and mounted on the outside of the AHU standard 4.9. Humidifier unit
actuators may be used, if it is guaranteed that the enclosure
leakage under normal conditions of use does not allow a ▪ Metallic parts of air heaters shall be included in the
potentially explosive atmosphere to be carried over to the potential compensatory measure.
outside. ▪ Non-conductive parts such as droplet separators, rectifiers,
▪ When the outside is a potentially explosive atmosphere zone 2 evaporation bodies, etc. are subject to the surface restrictions
and installation is internally, standard actuators may also be specified in EN 80079-36, or must be designed so they are not
used. chargeable or conductive.
▪ Electrical components, such as pumps, valves, etc. must have
4.5. Filter unit a suitable proof of conformity for the corresponding zone.
▪ Steam humidifiers and steam generators without adequate
▪ Filters may not be dangerously electrostatically charged by the
proof of conformity are to be avoided due to the increased
required air flow. In one zone only filters may be used for which
temperatures and the possibility of electrical sparks.
a test report or a component certification is available as
specified in Directive 2014/34/EU and use is permitted in the
corresponding zone and gas group. The filter is properly 4.10. Fan unit
installed and electrostatically earthed. ▪ The fan must be fitted with appropriate identification. A
▪ In the documentation / operating instructions for the unit, the corresponding proof of conformity for use / the conveyance of
manufacturer must indicate that only filter media approved for hazardous atmospheres of zone 1 thus EX II 2G or zone 2 with
the respective application may be used. EX II 3G. To do this, the temperature class must be specified,
e.g. T3 = maximum 200°C surface temperature.
▪ Usually, the fan in EX-version is designed to run at only 80%
4.6. Heat recovery unit
of its maximum speed in order to reduce the vibration
▪ With heat recovery units it is important to ensure that all problems and the mechanical load on the wheel.
conductive metal parts are included in the equipotential
bonding measure.
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
▪ To avoid the risk of ignition, fans are usually supplied with an ▪ Inverters are direct control and regulating units. If the Inverter
inlet nozzle, which offers an optimized material combination, is mounted outside a zone and controls a motor within a zone,
in order to minimize the risk of a sliding contact being a the manufacturer must confirm that the Inverter is fail-safe and
source of ignition. in case of incidents does not exceed the planned speed. Too
high frequency (= speed) can result in damage to the fan /
▪ EX-protected fans shall be protected against objects falling or
motor and thus to the formation of an active ignition source.
being sucked into them as specified in EN 14986. If the
function is required, upstream components, such as heat ▪ Non-metallic pipes up to 3 cm diameter can be processed in
exchangers, can be considered as intake protection. the EX zones 1 and 2, gas group IIB. For gas group IIC the
diameter is 2 cm. Larger pipes for cable routing shall be made
▪ In general, directly driven fans have advantages with EX-
of metal, that is conductive and grounded. The length of the
protection, because there is no need for belts which may be a
cable routing plays no role at all.
source of ignition. In the case of belt-driven fans there are
higher risks from the belt itself, because slipping can produce ▪ Cables and wires must comply with the requirements of
raised ignition temperatures, and thus, is a potential ignition Section 9 of EN 60079-14. They must be suitable for the
source in itself. If, nevertheless a belt-driven fan is used, the specified temperature and the intended purpose. In the event
fan belt must be electrically conductive, in order to avoid a of an aggressive atmosphere, special wires and cables shall be
static charge. used, for example, oil or fuel-resistant cables.
▪ The European standard EN 14986 specifies the structural ▪ In the case of electrical components within a zone, cable glands
requirements for fans of group II G (the explosion groups IIA, and plugs shall be used with the appropriate proof of
IIB and hydrogen) categories 1, 2 and 3 and Group II D conformity.
categories 2 and 3 for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. ▪ If no intrinsically safe circuit exists, all cables of an AHU should
be taken together to the control panel. A separation from
4.11. Electrical components other cables and systems is not necessary either in the supply
or in the control panel.
▪ All electrical components should be chosen in accordance with
▪ During the installation of intrinsically safe circuits, special
the target zone, the temperature class and the medium used
requirements need to be complied with (see, for example, EN
(gas group). Only equipment with the appropriate marking
60079-14). The principle of intrinsic safety is based on the fact
must be used. Here attention must be paid to the
that a hazardous environment cannot be ignited if the safe
documentation (CE manufacturer's declaration, etc.). Electrical
limiting energy values in the power circuit are not exceeded,
equipment without effective protection measures are a
even if there is an open circuit, short circuit or earth of the
possible ignition source, due to electrically generated sparks
electric circuit. Intrinsically safe circuits must be marked by blue
and potentially hot surfaces. This applies, for example, for
lines or equivalent and can be combined in the control panel. In
motors, switches, screwed joints, lamps, etc.
systems with intrinsically safe circuits for the Ex zones 1 or 2,
▪ Motors that cannot be controlled must be designed with the intrinsically safe equipment and parts of associated
"increased safety (EX e)” as specified in EN 60079-14. electrical equipment must at least comply with category "ib"
▪ Controllable motors must be designed with a suitable type of specified in EN 60079-11.
protection (e.g. EX d pressure tight encapsulation, EX e - ▪ Cables and wires, which contain intrinsically safe circuits, must
increased security or EX nA - Non-sparking [Cat 3]). The direct be marked to show they are part of an intrinsically safe circuit.
temperature monitoring must be done by an external motor If coatings or wrappings are marked by a colour, the colour
protection (e.g. PTC resistor) with the appropriate proof of light blue must be used. Where intrinsically safe circuits were
conformity or motor, inverter and protective equipment all marked by the use of light blue jacketed cables and wires, light
tested together. blue jacketed cables and wires must not be used for other
The appropriate protection of motors in EX areas must be purposes or used in a manner or at a point, which could lead
observed. For this purpose, appropriate overload relays or to confusion or have a negative effect on the marking of
sufficiently reliable temperature sensors must be installed. In intrinsically safe circuits. If all intrinsically safe or non-
the case of variable-speed motors, the monitoring devices must intrinsically safe cables and wires are reinforced, metal coated
be adjusted to the significantly extended work area. In the EX or screened, then the marking of intrinsically safe cables and
area certified Ex-d-motors are selected for the operation of the wires, as well as a separate laying, is not required.
motor on the Inverter allowing the motor to be combined with
any Inverter. The necessary monitoring is carried out with PTC
thermistors in the winding and a certified tripping device. The
certification of motors in other types of ignition protection is
narrower and more complicated; since it must be ensured that
the peculiarities of different inverters have no effect on the
temperature behaviour of the motors. In general, the motors
for the ignition protection types EX e and EX nA motor and
inverter are certified only as a unit, which makes a change
more difficult or ruled it out completely.
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
10 Sound attenuator Electrostatic charge Cover the absorption surface with perforated sheet metal or a
common knitted metal (integration into the protective conductor system).
11 Lightning strike Ignition spark / charge If there is a roof central intake the default is to install a suitable
rare lightning protection system (particularly in the case of an
outdoor installation).
12 Electric air heater Resistance heating Electric air heaters can only be used if you have an appropriate
(increased temp., etc.) ATEX approval and all the prescribed monitoring functions are
Very rare present.
13 Droplet separator Static charge Using plastic plates is forbidden or using conductive plastic plates
rare and integration into device potential;
Use of metal plates; pay attention to speed limit.
14 Canvas support Static charge Use forbidden or appropriate STS conductive with proof / certificate
common Use of MPS nozzles.
15 Plastics in the zone Static charge Minimize use, for example, no empty plastic pipes or conductive
common plastics and inclusion in device bonding.
16 Belt-driven fans Static charge; electrical Minimize use, e.g. directly-driven fans.
isolation between motor
and fan
17 Dusts Explosion hazard, degree of Use of filters in accordance with quality class (min. fine dust filter) in
dispersion the presence of explosive dusts.
18 Steam humidifier High temperature Avoid use or permitted only if manufacturers can present a marking
rare of the corresponding class.
19 Filter Static charge Use of EX protection filters with a surface resistivity of < 109 Ω and
common metallic frame, which is connected with the protective conductor
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
6. Marking
AHUs with a special explosion protection may only be used in the declared category. The marking is located on the fan chamber of the AHU.
This distinguishes the marking required between the inside (conveyed atmosphere) and outside (installation area).
Table 2: Temperature classes for gases Table 3: Gas groups for gases
Temperature Maximum surface Notes Gas group Notes
class temperature
T (x) II(y)
T1 450°C IIA Commonly the case
T2 300°C IIB Rare
T3 200°C The common class IIC With gas measuring
T4 135°C High effort equipment
T5 100°C Practically insignificant
T6 85°C Practically insignificant
Table 4: Temperature classes and explosion groups (EN 60079-0) for gases
Temperature class T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Max. surface 450 300 200 135 100 85
temperature [°C] 2)
Group IIA Acetone ammonia cyclohexanon Gasoline acetaldehyde
benzene acetic-acid- diesel fuels
acetic acid anhydride aviation fuels
ethane n-butane heating fuels
ethyl acetate n-butyl alcohol n-hexane
carbon monoxide
methyl chloride
1) Air inlet temperature fan / motor max 60°C; ambient temperature up to 40°C
2) Values already contain a safety distance to the lowest ignition temperature of the explosive atmosphere
Use of AHUs is only possible in conjunction with other measures, e.g. special explosion-protected equipment, as well as gas
measuring equipment.
Use of AHUs of appropriate design possible.
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
A warning message should be placed on the device, for example, this might read:
"The device can promote a potentially explosive atmosphere. Must only be opened by qualified staff with appropriate work equipment!”.
7. Conformity declaration
In accordance with Directive 2014/34/EU, the assessment of the risk of explosion shall be done by the manufacturer of the AHU based on
a risk analysis. The manufacturer may, in addition, get a notified body to check the conformity of a representative sample by a conformity
In this procedure for category 2 (AHU group II) a conformity test is done and after a positive conclusion a certificate issued in accordance
with Annex VIII. The manufacturer commits to build his product exactly according to the audited and certified documents.
Alternatively, the manufacturer can also ensure compliance with the directive by an internal control of production as specified in Annex VIII
(see Figure 1). In addition, the entire manufacturer's documentation must be filed with a notified body. In addition to the filing, the
notified body will produce a test certificate.
RLT-Guideline 02 – Explosion protection requirements for AHUs
8. Summary
An AHU alone cannot ensure the full and necessary explosion protection. The protection concept must always take into account the
entire plant and further circumstances.
The overall responsibility for the correct assembly, proper use, servicing and repair always lies with the system builder and operator of the
complete plant.
According to Directive 2014/34/EU Explosion protected AHUs must be marked. The minimum requirements of the marking are set out in
Annex II, Section 1.0.5 of the EU Directive. The product must only be used in accordance with the specified EX-marking inside and outside
in accordance with the instructions in the operating and maintenance instructions.
Herstellerverband Raumlufttechnische Geräte e. V.
Danziger Straße 20
D–74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7142 / 78889940
Fax: +49 (0)7142 / 78889949
E-Mail: info@rlt-geraete.de
Internet: www.rlt-geraete.de