Operation Liftboat One

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Lift Boat Operations


3. Determining vessel class: “water depth, pad penetration
depth, required air gap & leg length Loss”
4. Illustration
5. Deck cargo during transit, deck cargo not allowed in transit
6. Illustration
7. Soil conditions & pre-load times
8. Sea conditions required for normal positioning & departing
9. Sea conditions required for confined space positioning and
10. Mob/De-Mob. Running times
11. Base maps
12. Mesotech Sonar Positioning
13. Obstacles that will impede positioning, if not foreseen
14. Illustration
15. Illustration
16. Illustration
17. Crane swinging restrictions & affect of minimum radiuses:
18. Illustration
19. Distribution of weight
20. Excessive deck loading
21. Deck point loading & washing off weldments
22. 12/24 hour operations
23. Fuel, Potable Water & Food Consumption
Determining Vessel Class

When attempting to minimize cost with minimal support,

it is critical to evaluate job location thoroughly.
a. Water Depth
b. Height of Service Deck, i.e. “Sub-Cellar Deck, Cellar Deck,
Main Deck”, where scope of work is to be performed.
c. “Potential Pad Penetration”. Oversight on potential Pad
Penetration has caused more grief for project managers than
any other single factor. As little as 10’ of penetration due to
low density soil conditions, will drastically affect the ability to
complete the scope of work.
d. As a result of the Jacking Tower Height, there is always leg
a. 145’ Class -14’
b. 175’ Class -13’
Necessary water depth, pad penetration & air gap to perform
scope of work

145’ Class Lift Boat

14’ Leg Length Loss as a

result of Jacking Tower Height.

Main Deck @ +26’ Elevation


18’ Air Gap

Water Line

Mud Line @ -90’

Pad with 10’ of Penetration


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